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Original story by: AzumiTheFlirt
"Young master, I am so glad I could help you see reason," the maid cooed in his ear. Her hand on his shoulder guided him toward the stairs. "I have watched over you since we were both young. It broke my heart to see you associating with such a savage girl. She belongs in a zoo, young master, certainly not in your arms." She guided him up the steps, lifting her modest skirt with her other hand. "I... it is my fault as well, young master. A boy of your age has such passions. It is the way of a white man to desire the bettering of others." As they reached the upper floor, she gently leaned his head against her bosom. "She exposed so much of her dark flesh to you, attacking your base instincts. Oh, there is no need to be embarrassed, young master. I know your motives were pure. You only wanted to help her, to show her the love and companionship that only a white man can bestow upon a woman." Her hand lightly stroked his chin. "In time you would have given her the greatest gift of all. A white baby."
Leading him down the hall toward his bedchambers, the maid slid her hand from his shoulder down to his hip. "I should have done this much sooner, young master. I... truthfully, I have longed to hold you close for many years, but I waited because... b-because... I was afraid you would think me a wicked woman. I have always tried to protect you. Do you understand that is what I am trying to do now?" She bit her lip as they stood at the doorway to his chamber. His shy nod was all the answer she needed. "Thank you, young master. I promise, you will not be disappointed." Opening the door, she guided him inside and shut it behind them. The maid took a deep breath, then reached behind her back to loosen her dress. "These urges you feel are quite healthy, young master. A white man's desire is to father children and raise them to greatness. The lesser races think only of rape and pillage."
She let her dress slide down. With a shrug of her shoulders it loosened enough to fall to her waist. The maid tugged her hands from the sleeves and reached out to cradle his head against her bare skin. "I owe your father so very much, young master. My family has served yours for generations, in war and peace. This is an honor for me, so please be bold." Reaching back, she loosened her bra and let her breasts fall free. At first the blonde boy averted his eyes, years of good manners asserting themselves, but she cupped his chin and smiled. "Please look, young master, and touch as well." He raised a hand and nervously groped her breast. "I know she offered you pleasures of the flesh. I offer you not just my flesh, but my spirit, young master." Guiding him to the bed, she kissed the top of his head and sat down. Her fingers unbuttoned his shirt as he grew more familiar with the feeling of her flesh. When she began to slide his suspenders from his shoulders, the young man balked a little and leaned away.
"What is wrong?" she asked curiously. He could not quite meet her gaze. The maid knew her master well. She lightly kissed his forehead, and slid a hand down his front to stroke his groin. "Are you... oh, young master, please do not worry yourself. What lies did those apes tell you?" She lightly nibbled at his ear, her fingers caressing something hard and long in his pants. "Did they mock you, young master? They who should worship at your feet, who should give praise that their forefathers were brought here in chains so they might give productive labor instead of squandering their lives in the barbaric wastelands?" He nodded.
She hugged him close, slipping his suspenders down and loosening his trousers. "Young master, I have seen you bathe. I... I have watched as you stroked yourself, moaning in need as you tried to relieve your passions." His cheeks were scarlet now. She kissed both of them. "I wanted so badly to join you in the bath, to offer you my body for your needs, but I... I lacked the courage. I will not make that mistake again. You are the product of generations of great men who sired children by pleasing women, not by bludgeoning them over the head like a savage." As his trousers fell down to his ankles, she tossed back the sides of his unbuttoned shirt and admired the bulge in his underwear. "I am the one who must measure up to you, not the other way around."
He was so kind. His searching hands loosened her dress and helped her with her shoes, until she was wearing nothing but her panties, stockings, and garters. The maid arched a leg and gestured for him to climb onto the bed with her. He kicked off his shoes and complied, surprising her with a kiss right on the lips. She kissed back hungrily, cradling his head as he positioned himself over her. The last bits of fabric that separated them came off, and she began to admire his manhood with her fingers while aligning him with her entrance. "Thank you, young master." His tip pressed against her, and she moaned. "Y-you could have gone to many other girls, from fine families, b-but... you came home to me. You wanted me to dry your eyes." She kissed him again as he slid inside. Her legs twitched and her nails dug into his bare back. "Don't be afraid. You can never hurt me, young master, and I would bear any pain for you."
Biting his lip, he thrust deeper inside, drew back out, and thrust again. When his tip felt resistance he eased back, but she wrapped her legs around his waist and nodded. The maid tried to stifle her cry of pain when he broke through. A tear trickled down her cheek, but she hugged him close and did not let him pull away. "For you, young master," she murmured in his ear as he licked the tear from her skin. "I would rather feel this with you than with any other." After a moment he began to move again. There was still some pain, but it soon faded to pleasure. She was hot, wet, and willing. He felt engulfed by her kisses and her walls. Before long they were moving as one. The two had known each other for many, many years, but now their bare skin was sliding together and their sweat was mixing, each felt like they were finally meeting the other's true self. Her tongue slipped into his mouth, as she had heard those foreign strumpets would do to their men, and his curled around it.
The maid was accustomed to much labor around the manor, and the young master was quite the athlete. Their lovemaking was as vigorous as she had hoped. He thrust deep, driving into her deepest parts, and she did her best to stir up his needs so he could safely release them. As they reached the height of their bliss together, she whispered in his ear, "Let it all out, young master. Use your maid as your heart desires!" She felt him twitching inside her, a sure sign that he was about to explode if the sundry tabloids could be believed. Yet still he held back, trying desperately to keep this beautiful moment. She kissed his lips. "Young master... I will always be ready for you when you desire me. In your bed, atop your desk, or on a long and droll carriage ride." She saw his eyes fill with lust. "Seed me now, young master, and I am yours forever!"
That was the tender touch he needed. She squeezed him tight with her legs, stroking his back while her walls milked out spurt after spurt of seed. His hips pressed her down into the bed as he thrust for all he was worth. The maid let her head fall back on the pillow and surrendered to the pleasure, but her legs stayed firmly around his waist to make sure he could not pull out. Spent, they cuddled together atop the mussed sheets and listened to the birds outside the window. She kissed the top of his blonde head and smiled. His fingers searched across the bed, finding her hand and squeezing it gently.
A happy tear trickled down her cheek. She had saved her young master from the unloving arms of a savage. Perhaps she would never be his wife, but she would always be his first. And maybe... just maybe, he would give her the greatest gift a white man could bestow upon a woman.