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There she was, precisely on time: all he'd had to do was wait for her to stray from the pack and now he had the perfect opportunity to claim Candy.
The girls had been partying hard in his room for the majority of the evening and now both Mabel and Grenda had gone to sleep, but Candy, for whatever reason, never seemed to sleep at all.
He'd been observing her sleeping habits - or rather, apparent lack thereof – for the last couple of weeks; on all the occasions she'd slept over, Candy would go downstairs shortly after the others fell asleep and make the occasional bumping sound, but generally, she stayed quiet.
Whatever she did down there was beyond him, but ever since he'd become host to a “spirit of romantic impulses” he'd become eager to know.
Stan's chair offered the perfect place to sit and wait.
Slowly, and with the lightest of footfalls, Candy appeared at the bottom of the stairs and turned around to go to the living room whilst running her hand along the wall.
She had come down sans glasses. Perfect.
Her vision was limited to a few metres normally, without her glasses she may as well be blind: if he was going to strike, then now would be a great opportunity.
Reaching into her pyjama pocket, she pulled out - of all things - a USB cable and lifted her shirt to reveal her belly button, into which she put one end of the cable and then proceeded to fumble her way into the darkness from the relative light of the landing.
She had a USB bellybutton? Cool.
The voice in his head came strong now, “do it” he heard, “she's practically blind: you'll be two inches away from her before she realises you're there, then you can just use the snare kiss and all your problems are behind you. Funtimes guaranteed.”
Candy walked across the living room and even went over to his seat, but didn't manage to see him until she plugged the other end of the USB into a charger that he'd never noticed before and sat back against the wall.
As she had been plugging in, he had silently got up and positioned himself a short distance away from her, so that once she got to a resting position, he could strike easily.
The moment she plugged in, she seemed to relax and sighed lightheartedly as she slumped into her little seated position, whereupon Dipper made his move.
The snare kiss was by far the most powerful weapon in his arsenal: with just a kiss, he could simultaneously calm and excite his victim, readying them for the next part of his attack in seconds.
She turned to see him and he lurched forward, locking lips with her in an instant and, after a second or two of struggling, Candy opened her lips and let his tongue go wandering in.
He took his time with her, savouring the way she went from fear to bliss in seconds, tasting her tongue and running his hands over her body, before finally breaking it off, leaving her quivering in her seated position, with him in perfect position for phase two.
The voice in his head came back now, stronger than before “good...” it said, with a husky tone “she's yours now, the key to her soul lies between her legs, extract it however you please.”
“Ooooh, Dipper” Candy whispered to him, in utter bliss from the kiss, panting a little as in an instant, she submitted herself entirely to him.
The kiss would probably wear off in about ten minutes, if his earlier experiments with Mabel were anything to go by, so if he wanted to take her soul, then he needed to keep her in a state of pleasure.
He gave her a wry smile as he reached beneath her nightie, held her hips and relished the feel of her warm, bare skin, rubbing and massaging away at her hips, before he grabbed at her nightgown and pulled it up nice and slowly. Candy just giggled in response.
He leaned in and gave her another lengthy kiss, just to make sure she was deep under his spell before he went to work, slowly pulling it off until she was naked, save for a cute little pair of panties that just said “HTTP 403”.
It just felt like courtesy to take his own top off for this now, and Candy reached out to touch his body, tracing what he could only assume were Korean characters on his chest, before giggling again and whispering “you're so manly, Dipper.”
Hastily now, Dipper pulled off his shorts and peeled back her little white briefs as she spread her legs gently for him.
Nice and gently, he took his penis, now harder than diamonds, and rested it gently against the opening of her vagina and kissed her while the voice in his head egged him on.
This was it, the first soul; the spirit was going nuts, as if the very sight of her body was some kind of catnip “that's it, take her, take her spirit. She'll be yours soon.”
Slowly, he forced his penis in, holding her tight and stifling her little cries and whimpers of pain with his tongue whilst he felt the most magnificent warmth wrapping his shaft in a cocoon of pleasure and thick, slimy liquids.
Now, in the background, he could hear the voice sighing contentedly “oooh, my, oh she does taste delicious; finish the job, boy” it commanded, sounding now like it was taking some kind of a drug.
The kiss would have heightened her sensitivity and with the soul capture initiated, she wouldn't be causing any trouble. Now he could just sit back and enjoy the ride.
He started moving his hips slowly, as not to cause her any further discomfort (he was taking her soul, it didn't mean  he shouldn't at least be courteous) and gripped her hard.
The heightening charm appeared to be working: the already new and overwhelming feelings rising inside her mixed with her artificially enhanced nerves, making every single thrust, slide and rub more potent than it could ever be from any other individual.
Good lord it felt magnificent. With every little thrust, she loosened up and as she did so, the gliding sensation of the head of his penis against her innards was utterly intoxicating, like his entire body was tensing up and relaxing in time with her movements.
Every now and then, as he kept a nice, steady, gentle rhythm, he heard candy make little whining sounds; her eyes were glassy, as if she were asleep or on a high.
Of course, nobody would hear her noises, the noise cancellation spell he'd cast in preparation for this when Mabel and the girls went to sleep had seen to that.
Now, as much for his own sake as hers, Dipper went faster and harder, thrusting his penis deep inside her
Now, as much for his own sake as hers, Dipper went faster and harder, thrusting his penis deep inside her and feeling the onset of some kind of madness, a drive to continue stronger than any urge he'd ever experienced before.
Candy gripped him and buried her head into his shoulder as she came closer and closer to orgasm, her hips now moving in time with him, her fingernails digging hard into his back.
Now consumed with lust, Dipper thrust as hard as he could, feeling the pressure build up inside him, knowing that he couldn't keep going like this for much longer, but as he did so, Candy began screaming.
Arching her back and grinding herself against him, grasping at every available part of his body and screaming inbetween gasps for breath, even pulling at his hair, Candy felt pleasure the likes of which she couldn't comprehend.
As she felt Dipper reach his climax, she felt fluid just seep out of her vagina to accommodate him, so than now his meat just glided around inside her, until with a grunt and a long moan, Dipper thrust like a pneumatic drill and the  sudden rush of his hot semen inside her gave her a rush on top of the ecstasy she was already experiencing, to the point that, in one wondrous moment, she made a scream so high pitched that not even she could hear it, before passing out in Dipper's arms and having him collapse on top of her exhausted.
It took her a full two minutes to regain consciousness, but when she did, she merely gazed up into Dipper's eyes and whispered, hoarsely “I'm yours.”