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Full name: Han Kyuhyun
Full name: Roberto García
Preferred name: Kyuhyun
Preferred name: Robbie
Nickname: Kay // Hyunnie // Kyu
Nickname: Rob // Bertie (he hates it)
Face claim: Yedam (Treasure)
Face claim: Brandon Arreaga
Backup face claim: Ha Yoonbin
Backup face claim: Edwin Honoret
Gender + pronouns: Male + he/him
Gender + pronouns: Male + He/him
Age: korean = 20 + international = 19
Nationality: South Korean
Nationality: Mexican-American
Ethnicity: Korean
Ethnicity: Mexican
Sexuality: Bisexual
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Love interest: Yes please
Love interest: Yes please!
(1) Realist = He sees the world for how it is instead of how he wants it to be. He understands that looking at the world in an idealistic or optimistic way can be damaging, especially if you are ignorantly optimistic. He sees being a realist as a healthy balance between optimism and pessimism though some people tend to see him as more of a pessimist.
(1) Mood maker - he just exudes positive energy. He knows how to bring up the mood or the energy anywhere he is. He is someone that can easily cheer people up and when he is being his energetic self, you can't help but want to join in or at least crack a laugh. It is very noticeable when he is down because the whole group is usually very quiet and boring. He is definitely what you would call the life of the party.
(2) Blunt = Kyuhyun doesn't always feel the need to sugarcoat things and finds it easier just to outright say it. Some of the things he says may come across as rude or harsh although he may not necessarily mean for it to. Something he hates is when people feel sorry for themselves, especially when it is because of something trivial and he usually voices his annoyance with the person.
(2) Cheerful - this man has the most contagious smile on the planet and he can't help but show it all the time. He is generally quite a positive and uplifting type of person and he enjoys making other people happy.
(3) Quick-witted = He is very quick on his feet and can easily get himself out of situations using his words. He is quite intelligent and can catch on to stuff really quickly, he has a good intuition. He is able to make rational and quick decisions even whilst under pressure.
(3) Sarcastic - he may be sweet and kind but he also has quite a sharp tongue and also has witty remarks or comebacks to say. People knows that he doesn't mean it and he is just messing about but if you ask him a stupid question then best believe you are getting a sarcastic answer.
(4) Intimidating = People who don't really know him or have never really spoken to him tend to feel uncomfortable and uneasy around him. He is someone who hates small talk and would rather just get straight to the task at hand, this tends to make people more shy around him, not wanting to get on his bad side when really he is just not much of a talker. He is also brutally honest, something that most people do not like.
(4) Silly - Santiago is someone who is very goofy and foolish and doesn't always take himself or life to seriously. He is someone who you can easily laugh at or laugh with. He can sometimes be seen making weird faces or blank stares.
(5) Closed off = Kyuhyun doesn't like sharing his thoughts or feelings with people. It is as simple as that. He especially hates it when people try and pry into his life even when he has told them to stop. He goes through enough stress at home and so he wants to just escape from it and not relive it.
(5) Dirty minded - he loves making dirty or suggestive jokes. He is very open and carefree and will freely make sexual jokes or say innuendos. He is known for saying the most random and dirty things. He is generally quite uncensored.
(6) Affectionate - Robbie is quite an affectionate person and doesn't shy away from showing affection to people as long as they are comfortable with it.
Background: Kyuhyun was born and raised in Changwon, South Korea an only child. He was raised by his father as his mother left he and his dad alone to remarry. Kyuhyun's father was always very strict on him, wanting him to grow up to work in one of the prestigious occupations (doctor, lawyer, etc etc). Kyuhyun from a young age knew that he didn't want to be a lawyer or doctor. He always enjoyed acting and music and singing. He knew he wanted to do something on the more creative side of things. He loved watching musicals and he often wrote song lyrics in a notebook that he keeps hidden away. If his father were to find out that he wanted to pursue a creative career path, he would probably be disowned. So essentially Kyuhyun is studying hard for something he really doesn't enjoy. He wants to tell his father but he knows that it would probably ruin his relationship with his father. He is basically leading a double life and he hates it.
Background: Robbie was born in Merida, Mexico but was raised in Atlanta, Georgia, America. He grew up with his mum and older sister, Ximena. He had never met his father though he has seen pictures of him. He doesn't really have any interest in meeting because he doesn't want to associate himself with a man who would leave a pregnant woman on her own to fend for herself. Despite being the youngest in the house, he tries to do as much as possible and look after everyone. This is because his mother's health is not the greatest and so she is often ill. He wants to let his sister focus on her work and school and so that is another reason why he does it. Due to having all of this responsibility though, he is often stressed and that is why he loves destressing with games or a party.
Suffers from: --
Likes: Writing song lyrics. Musicals. Movies. Volleyball. Singing. Playing instruments. Chess. Acting. Apple juice. Smoking weed.
Suffers from: Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Dislikes: Liars. Lying to his father. Stereotyping. Bigotry. Judgemental people. Cats. 
Likes: Games. Skateboarding. Partying. Drinking. Fashion. Snakes. Streaming on Twitch. Reggaetón music. Nightlife. 
Hobbies: Playing the piano, saxophone and bass guitar. Writing song lyrics. Watching musicals. Playing chess. Acting.
Dislikes: Ignorance. Racism. Messiness. Mornings. Being bored. Reading.
Hobbies: Gaming. Streaming on Twitch. 
Dream / goal in life: Being a songwriter or a stage actor
Dream / goal in life: To live comfortably and with little worry.
1 He has been playing the piano, saxophone and bass guitar since he was 13 years old.
2 Smoking weed helps Kyuhyun relax when he is particularly stressed out.
1 He enjoys going out at night. He just loves nightlife and how cool it looks and he finds that all the most interesting things happen during the night. He has witnessed some crazy and unexplainable events whilst out and about during the night time.
3 Due to his sinusitis, he often has a blocked nose and sniffs often. He also often gets really bad headaches.
2 He streams on gaming videos on twitch where he plays Minecraft (his favourite), Valorant, Rust, Call of duty. He rarely plays Among us unless his friends want him to play. He also likes to just listen to music and just talk about random stuff.
4 He often talks in his sleep.
3 He really wants to start a podcast where he talks about anything and everything. He loves telling stories and sharing things about his life.
5 His favourite sport is Volleyball and he is really good at it as he has been playing since he was 15 years old.
4 His favourite subjects in school were History and Psychology. He also loved doing Spanish because he had a crush on his teacher.
5 He loves the game mafia and the Werewolf variation. He also loves playing Uno. He generally really likes card games.
Social media name: @hankyuhyun
Chat name: Kyu
Social media name: robgarcia
Chat name: robbie!
Thoughts on Kai?: They have never really had a chance to speak to each other and so for this reason, Kyuhyun is indifferent about Kai. Kyuhyun is not someone who warms up to people easily.
Character label: Cold, closed off and reserved.
Thoughts on Kai?: They have spoken quite a few times and although Robbie's personality can be a bit overpowering, he does like him. He wants to talk to him more and find out if they have more stuff in common, he generally just loves making friends.
Theme song: Acceptance speech - Epik High, B.I
Character label: Social Butterfly
Quotes: "I genuinely could not care less." // "I don't like you, I just tolerate you. There is a difference." // "Don't you ever just mind your own business and leave me alone." // "Why are you here?"
Theme song: Hot Potato - N.Flying // New Face - PSY // Left & Right - Seventeen // Danza Kuduro - Don Omar
Password: My favourite food is anything with pasta.
Quotes: "I will literally destroy on Minecraft PVP no joke." // "I think stupid is contagious, bro" // "Are we about to kiss right now, oh say less" // "Next time we play Mafia, I am going to kill you."
Tags: @JUNEBABY- @DRYCARR0T @asthenelle @-Ghost-Flower-
Password: Chinese Food is top class.