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GOOMBA marches onto the battlefield!
Up+B: Paragoomba - Goomba sprouts wings and starts ascending upwards at a moderate pace. This can be steered left or right at the same speed it ascends, and the player can press B while it's active to terminate the move in a forward diving attack that damages enemies on contact. The dive is done in an inverted arc, rather than going straight diagonally down-forward.
Neutral B: Headbonk - This is a charge move. If the move is used at anything other than a full charge, Goomba leaps up-forwards until a certain point, when it turns upside down and crashes straight down, head first, damaging enemies on contact. The charge time determines the exact distance. If the player finishes charging it, Goomba puts on a spiked helmet and stores the charge. The helmet allows Goomba to do tiny amounts of damage by jumping at enemies from below, and to enemies who fall on Goomba. If B is pressed again with the charge stored, Goomba will perform an extra-powerful headbonk, leaping the maximum distance (or until he passes over an enemy). The extra-strength headbonk acts as a meteor smash, and removes the helmet.
Side+B: Micro-Goomba - Goomba leans forward and a micro-goomba jumps up-forward off of him. Micro-goombas bounce along the ground, changing directions when they hit a wall, and will temporarily cling to enemies they hit, causing them to become slower and heavier. About 20% of the time, a pile-driver micro-goomba will come out instead, which moves the same way as regular ones, but does modest damage and flinches the enemy on hit, before becoming a regular micro-goomba. Three micro-goombas can be active at a time, though only two can cling to a given enemy.
Side+B: Micro-Goomba - Goomba leans forward and agmicro-goomba jumps up-forward off of him. Micro-Goombas bounce along the ground, changing directions when they hit a wall, and will temporarily cling to enemies they hit, causing them to become slower and heavier. About 20% of the time, a pile-driver micro-goomba will come out instead, which moves the same way as regular ones, but does modest damage and flinches the enemy on hit, before becoming a regular micro-goomba. Three micro-goombas can be active at a time, though only two can cling to a given enemy. Micro-Goombas that are still traveling perish when attacked, and projectiles will go right through them; pile-driver micro-goombas who are still traveling will completely ignore one hit, but become a regular micro-goomba in doing so, as it shatters their block.
Down+B: Hyper Charge - Goomba charges up for a few seconds, surrounded by a green energy wave, until he turns green. While green, the next attack Goomba either does or is hit by will do extra damage and knockback, and be accompanied by a green energy explosion, which consumes the charge.
Down+B: Hyper Charge - Goomba charges up for a few seconds, surrounded by a green energy wave, until he turns glowing green. While green, the next attack Goomba either does or is hit by will do extra damage and knockback, and be accompanied by a green energy explosion, which consumes the charge.
Final Smash: Kuribo's Shoe - A Kuribo's Shoe falls from above onto Goomba, opening-first. Goomba then flips himself and the shoe over so the shoe is upright and he is upside-down, and begins hopping forward automatically in large jumps. Enemies who are stomped by this take lots of damage and are thrown back significantly. The player can press A during a jump to immediately stomp down, or press B to charge up a stomp that takes a moment to do, but creates a large energy wave on impact that also damages enemies, and keeps them helpless long enough for a normal stomp to hit them.
Final Smash: Kuribo's Shoe - A Kuribo's Shoe falls from above onto Goomba, opening-first. Goomba then flips himself and the shoe over so the shoe is upright and he is upside-down, and begins hopping forward automatically in large jumps. Enemies who are stomped by this take lots of damage and are thrown back significantly. The player can press A during a jump to immediately stomp down, or press B to charge up a stomp that takes a moment to do, but creates a large energy wave on impact that also damages enemies, and keeps them helpless long enough for a normal stomp to hit them.
Goomba is a hit-and-run character who looks more vulnerable than he really is. He is small, but heavy, and Hyper Charge's lowered defense can be used as bait by skilled players. Headbonk and Paragoomba's glide attack let him get into or out of combat at just the right time, and Micro-Goomba makes it that much easier for him to escape pursuers, or get up close to the enemies trying to stay at a distance.
His extra colors are based on: Goombette, Goomama, Goompa, Goompapa, Red Goomba, Blue Goomba, Goomba King, and Rhinestone Goomba.