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The beginning of the end
How I lost my virginity to an HIV infested horse cock
So this is a story about me, Ed and that horse everyone knows. So it all started one day when Ed called me on my cellphone. “Do you want to mow some lawns with me” he asked. “Why the fuck would I do that you shit” I asked. I sat down in front of my PC and looked at the screen. I quickly gasped as I realized that I forgot to turn the fucking PC on and there was nothing on the fucking screen. So I bent over and turned my PC on. Ed still on the phone processing what I told him I don’t even know why he hasn’t hung up yet. So the PC boots up and Ed finally decides to make a comeback. “I raped your dog!” he yells, honestly I wasn’t surprised he has always been that way. He never has a good comeback he only mows my lawn, but hey we are fuck buddies so who gives a fuck right? As I chatted with Ed my PC finally booted up and that amazing sound when the PC boots up is played “DAAA DING MOTHERFUCKER KILL YOURSELF DUUNNG”. I always liked that sound it was always my favorite sound. I don’t know if it was just that good or was it because I am a complete loner and have absolutely no human interaction and just play video games all day. Well that doesn’t matter does it, so I open discord and Ed has sent me a link. I open the link and there was an amazing horse on the news that is said to be the best racing horse of all time. It instantly made me interested but more interesting was that giant horse cock. So I texted Ed on discord “Hey fam what’s up with the horse?” he responded with “I saw it on the news everyone knows this horse it is like a world champion in horse racing”. I take a deep breath as I try to remove my boner with no luck. The horse just looked too amazing so large and fast. So I opened up Google and searched where the horse is racing next. I quickly found the location of the horse’s next race and asked Ed if he wanted to go with me. “No” he replied. I was very sad so I did my best to convince him. “I heard they have a really big, wet, long lawn” I said as he begins typing. My heart is racing and I am hoping he would say those magic words. Finally he stops typing and I see the message “Alright I got my lawnmower ready let’s do this shit”. I was really happy and was so excited that I couldn’t sleep the next day.
So the next day arrives and we are getting ready to leave for the horse race. I packed everything I needed, clothes, spray, a dildo, food, water, a condom and a lawnmower. And so we set out on a journey to the ends of the world or Asia I really don’t care what you call it and begun the drive. We drove for hours and hours only to realize we can’t get to Asia with a fucking car so we took a boat. It took us a couple of days to get there as we happily traveled to Asia with our small boat that was hardly standing Ed’s fat ass. We discussed many things and played many card games. As we finally arrive to North Korea where we were taking as sex slaves because Ed didn’t know how to use a map. After escaping North Korea we found a big boat and “borrowed” it because stealing is illegal. So we took the boat and sailed to Japan where the horse race was being held and as we arrive in Japan we get happy, excited, horny and angry. So we find a room to rest for the big day.
Skipping 2 days of doing jack shit the race begins. We were there in crowd as the horses raced, it was exciting to see as they ran and ran with their cocks wiggling left and right so amazingly. They looked fabulous and majestic, I was excited, too excited. My dick became hard and people became uncomfortable as they see my majestic dick rise higher and higher. I couldn’t resist I whip the sucker out and rub one out, all while Ed was mowing the lawn in the arena while security was chasing him but his lawn mowing skills were just too amazing for him to be caught. Someone calls security on me and they come, as they approaching me I stand up and start running down to the arena all while cumming. Cum hits their face allowing me to jump into the arena. I jump on Ed’s lawnmower(the small one not the one you drive) and we speed off into the sun set. Truly one of the best experiences I had ever gotten in my life. We return back home with our small boat and we say “Goodbye” to each other. The next day Ed contacts me on discord saying “Hey I just got the best idea”. “What is it?” I ask him. “Why don’t we try fucking that amazing horse?” he asked. I was truly amazed he would ever say that because he only like lawns and dudes so it came as a shock to me. “Let’s do it!” I said getting excited, Ed told me that the horse is coming to our town for display in 2 days. So we started planning how we could sneak into the show and fuck the horse without getting noticed and we planned for 2 days.
Finally the day has arrived and the horse came to the town just as Ed said, they were keeping him in a barn that was built especially for the horse. Seems they installed the best security they had a bell on the door. We were not prepared for such high security so we did what any normal person trying to fuck a horse would and climbed through the window. But it didn’t go as planned, security spotted us and we had to think quickly. Ed pushes me through the window and pulls out his lawnmower and starts mowing the lawn as security chases him. He sacrificed himself for my sake so I had to make it count. I walk around the bar and spot the horse in all it’s glory. It was majestic, beautiful and still had a big cock. I pull my pants down and bend over, I try to get the horse to come to me with snacks as it slowly approaches I get extremely hard. The horse inserts it’s giant cock into my ass as I scream with all my might. It keeps trusting and trusting it feels so good, until it finally cums. But security heard and I had to run for it. I pull up my pants quickly and my ass is still sticky as fuck. I run through the window and keep running and running until I get home. All I see is a missed message from Ed “Did ya cock the horse?”. “Yes” I replied as I was feeling very happy. The next day I go to the doctor because I wasn’t feeling well and the doctor told me I got infected with HIV from getting butt fucked by a horse. “Is there anything that can be done?” I asked the doctor in fear and he slowly replied “No”. So I went home thinking what will happen to me. And once I get home I tell Ed what has happened, out of sadness or selfishness he asks “Should I mow your lawn?”. I was sad and angry “NO!” I yelled and Ed was terrified I could hear it in his voice he wanted to cry. I didn’t know what to do as my world was ending, I wanted to do one last thing before my world would end. So I located other racing horses and infected them out of pure rage. My body was getting weaker and weaker, Ed was crying as he has seen what I have become. I couldn’t stop anymore so I locked myself in a room and shoved the key up my ass. I remember my final moments when I was writing this story and then