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1.change heatran to air balloon tran for ground type leads with stealth rock
2. change victini thunder to thunderbolt 
3. POSSIBLY change rotom w willowisp to thunder wave since charizard x and y threaten team
4.POSSIBLY energy ball victini to shadow ball since marowak greatly threatens team
5. to note: tapu koko threatens team, since can volt switch out of bulu to wear it down or 2hko it will thunderbolt after rocks. be wary of it.
6.POSSIBLY change heatran toxic to earth power since it is a lead, and typically won't last too long. also hits marowak and others.
7.MAKE SURE YOUR ROTOM AND SCIZOR ARE HEALTHY, they are mvps and without them many mons destroy your team. including buzzwole (which avoid 2hko from zen headbutt band due to grassy terrain and leech life on bulky variants)