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Name:  Andrew Richards
Age: 20
Appearance: 6ft1, very lanky, brown hair that reaches down to neck, ginger, freckled. Brown eyes which progress to red, orange, yellow and then glow white when activating his power. This happens over less than a second. 
He wears a modified version of Medjed's suit when going out in costume, a bodysuit fitting his size, and lacking the googles to enable him to shoot. The top of the blanket is also fixed in place (sewn to the new part of the costume) to keep him from blasting it by accident while flying. The blanket is also smaller and more of a cape/open at the front. 
Appearance: 6ft1, very lanky, brown hair that reaches down to neck, ginger, freckled. Brown eyes which progress to red, orange, yellow and then glow white when activating his power. This happens over less than a second. He wears a modified version of Medjed's suit when going out in costume, a bodysuit fitting his size, and lacking the googles to enable him to shoot. The top of the blanket is also fixed in place (sewn to the new part of the costume) to keep him from blasting it by accident while flying. The blanket is also smaller and more of a cape/open at the front. 
Andrew keeps a lot about himself hidden. His backstory
Andrew was a simple man. Born in the wrong part of town, meddled with the wrong kind of people, and ended up being used by various gangs for menial labor.  Everyone needs to do the literal heavy lifting, and it more often than not won't be the capes as they are busy with other matters. His parents died at a relatively early stage in his life, and he ended up living with his elder brother, who was probably the biggest cause of his gang meddling.
Elder brother ended up dead too, after one too many unfortunate encounters. Andrew ended up working for a nasty unpowered gangster, who answered to some of the bigger gangs out there, although in his region he was relatively well known. After his first failure, he was brought to meet the boss, atop a tall building, right behind Charon's little establishment. Shot in both eyes, and then flung over. 
Cathrine found the body, in bad shape, and used her powers for the first time (intentionally that is), on him. However, Andrew refused to share the details of his death, no matter how grateful he was, leading to a lack of useful information that Cathrine could have used to understand her powers better. After he got used to his abilities which involved two subversions of his death (flying, in opposition to being thrown off a building, and shooting lasers from the eyes, in opposition to being shot in the eyes). 
His personality took a huge turn as well. Andrew was once a loud man of biting sarcasm. He liked  putting on the 'mean' act as a means of simply jesting around. After his death, he got a good shake, and became far more silent. He speaks little, and takes long periods to think. It also made him more caring, and after Cathrine properly earned his trust over a number of weeks, he begun acting more caring towards her as well.
Even then, he can come off as detached, uninterested or unmotivated, a cover up for a highly observant mind, that is always working. 
Can shoot small lasers from the eyes (two in total, one from each). They can be fired as discontinued, smaller lasers, or a single pair of hot rays. The laser-ray attack however, is tiring and cannot be kept up for long. Using it more than three to five times in the span of a single battle would exhaust Andrew's eyes. Using it more than five times, might bring about damage to his eyes. 
HOWEVER... He can get around that, due to the fact he has high grade regeneration, granted to him by Cathrine. While it takes time to get the eyes back, he can definitely keep his game up for longer than would be normally possible with just his base power. On top of that, he can fly as well.