View difference between Paste ID: 2yTvebPF and MnRhVn6t
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In the new patch of posts there isn't "b-loaded" class by default, even if it's the same avatar that was already loaded in previous patch. If first Ajax response is like <code><span class="b_lazy" data-src="/images/image1.jpg"></span></code> and second response is the same <code><span class="b_lazy" data-src="/images/image1.jpg"></span></code> then in the second response it will handle data-src, because there isn't loaded class yet. It may be that this is uncorrectable problem and we just have to live with this.
In the new patch of posts there isn't "b-loaded" class by default, even if it's the same avatar that was already loaded in previous patch. If first Ajax response is like <span class="b_lazy" data-src="/images/image1.jpg"></span> and second response is the same <span class="b_lazy" data-src="/images/image1.jpg"></span> then in the second response it will handle data-src, because there isn't loaded class yet. It may be that this is uncorrectable problem and we just have to live with this.