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Sanchez Chronicles has always been a difficult series to discuss in detail: it’s like the Fantasy ‘Star Wars’ in that it throws a little bit of everything together into one huge blender and creates something completely new from the results. I mean, the Sanchezes have elements of assassins, mafia, royalty, superheroes, and actual deities all rolled into one...who also travel between universes. And that’s before we go OFF THE DAMN RAILS with the Extended Family and the other branches and crap! [Then again, Jesus—Magic-Samurai-Cowboys in a space fairy tale—must’ve seemed like the most outrageous idea, even for the lates 70’s; heinsight]
Sanchez Chronicles has always been a difficult series to discuss in detail: it’s like the Fantasy ‘Star Wars’ in that it throws a little bit of everything together into one huge blender and creates something completely new from the results. I mean, the Sanchezes have elements of assassins, mafia, royalty, superheroes, and actual deities all rolled into one...who also travel between universes. And that’s before we go OFF THE DAMN RAILS with the Extended Family and the other branches and crap! [Then again, Jesus—Magic-Samurai-Cowboys in a space fairy tale—must’ve seemed like the most outrageous idea, even for the lates 70’s; hindsight]
If I were to break down Sanchez Chronicles, it's a Seinen Okusekai Battle manga [translating that as "adult manga relating to fighting across multiple dimensions"], with elements of dark fantasy, crime drama, and a complex magic system [if we assume that something like Lord of the Rings is a Soft Magic system with 1, and Fullmetal Alchemist is a Hard Magic system 10, with Avatar's Bending mechanics being somewhere in the middle at 5, the Sanchez Emblem's Majesty mechanics would likely clock in somewhere around 3.5]. 
If I were to break down Sanchez Chronicles, it's a Seinen Okusekai Battle manga [translating that as "adult manga relating to fighting across multiple dimensions"], with elements of dark fantasy, crime drama, and a complex magic system [if we assume that something like Lord of the Rings is a Soft Magic system with 1, and Fullmetal Alchemist is a Hard Magic system 10, with Avatar's Bending mechanics being somewhere in the middle at 5, the Sanchez Emblem's Majesty mechanics would likely clock in somewhere around 4]. 
The series' biggest focuses being on how the cosmology of the greater universe is constructed, the interactions between the characters' personal stories, and the nuances of the Sanchez Clan's hierarchy. The Sanchezes are a family, but they're also a tightly-knit, regulated organization with their own systems, and rules, and important details that have kept them running stronger and stronger for over a millennium.
The series' biggest focuses being on how the cosmology of the greater universe is constructed, the interactions between the characters' personal stories, and the nuances of the Sanchez Clan's hierarchy. The Sanchezes are a family, but they're also a tightly-knit, regulated organization with their own systems, and rules, and important details that have kept them running stronger and stronger for over a millennium. The point of the series is that the Sanchezes (as a collective group, the entire Sanchez Clan) are *never* identified as the good guys for what they do; individual members might have their own ideals, their own goals, their own motives, but they all ultimately want to keep innocent people safe and explore the vast reaches of All Known Existence unopposed. 
The point of the series is that the Sanchezes (as a collective group, the entire Sanchez Clan) are *never* identified as the good guys for what they do; individual members might have their own ideals, their own goals, their own motives, but they all ultimately want to keep innocent people safe and explore the vast reaches of All Known Existence unopposed.
I have more information, but this is just the basic overview of the series itself.