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Character Name: Dom Don Colm
Character Age: 27.4
[ ] Applying for Rank
[ ] Applying for Rare
[x] Applying for Skill
Desired Rank/Rare/Skill: stand level 5, The World (was told lvl 5 was when stands can get abilities, so The World or Gold Experience, either fits)
Desired Rank/Rare/Skill: Circulation Stance
*Dom Don Colm sighed as she saw the female stand once more, she was fine with this though, she was strong enough to handle such an event happening, she was just really concerned about the aftermath, she was undeniable in her strength, being of a power tier above others, power was a major factor. Just she may not have the best of both worlds like how she saw so far, she had her power that allowed her to do better but she was starting to think that may not be enough, so she had to be confident, it was a small step in going back to normal. Assuming she lived past this battle.
Dom Don Colm hummed as she examined herself..she was in a very experimental mood today, a good one as well, as she got to see her daughter again, and have them meet her little brother, it was a good day for her
"Tch..never stay down on first try..tch, but this is fine, we can still win this battle of attrition, just need to stop pulling punches" 
"Hmm..what to do..i never attempted to try out my full extent of my power, or experiment before..i wonder what my limits are..and i'll make sure to do that, Serenia"
She said, starting to fight with actual (intent to injure) the girl if she could, it wasn't going to be pleasent but it was a necessary thing for them to do. 
She said as she charged into her final, then into her Tungsten, form, just to get a grasp for her full power in those forms..then unleashing the entity that stood beside her, her Stand that she named "Clocks", she regetted naming it that because she listened to a song from earth that seemed fitting for it's look, but not so much now.
"..I do hope i don't go too far, this is a fight to save her from herself after all"* | Dom Don Colm huffed as she remained standing, she didn't say anything that she'd normally say, just turning to look at the others still standing, she was a tank that could wall off blasts easily, so of course she'd be fine. 
"Hmm..quite the power..lets see if i can go further than this"
"Well..big red demon came, won, but left us a present in the form of this girls anger..that's all that needs to be said" 
She said, clutching her fists and powering herself even further beyond than her current power, until she reached a threshold that she cannot get past.
She said softly, very unlike her, as she normally spoke differently to most, with more energy and enthusiasm unlike right was because her walls came down when she fucked everything up in the battle with the red demon.|
" there is a damn limit to my new powers..i'll have to try and work on that" |
*Dom Don Colm grunted as she was defeated, now that..was not something that can happen again, not after that, she may have made the biggest of fuck ups earlier, but she was absolutely determined to set her record streight by making up for it, she needed to live past this. She was regaining a will to live once more through out this fight, as she fought she regained her resolve to fight, a need to fight, a will to live, she needed to assert herself as a powerhouse as her race was entitled to being, she summoned her stand, it was weird but it did the job. The blasts from the girl did nothing to her so she could walk right though them safely, she just wished they used blasts more as she was fine with tanking them. 
Dom Don Colm huffed softly as she proceeded to transform into her final form..she wanted to grade her power one last time before she went into the heat of battle, she needed to be sure that she herself can competently hold her own..she lost so much due to her not being able to completely win battles, but now..she was sure.
"We cannot lose again..i've been figuring how to best approach this and i think i have it figured" 
"Need to gauge my full power..i'm not backstabbing anyone anymore..not after earlier..i need to see if i can work on my ability to use ki to augment my power further than i can currently"
She said as she got into her dragon stance, getting ready to fight once more. 
She said as she tranformed into her tungsten form and continued to power up from there, using her strongest abilities that allowed her to go further than she could get currently, adopting an experimental stance that allowed her to circulate her ki more efficiantly through her body. |
"Hope you all know how to approach this fight..we need to be" 