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Name: Zau Kra
Key: Hotdogblooper47
Skill or Tier S: Stand
Skill or Tier S: Super Berserk (Found out about the 1bp bug with Super Berserk, so Stand Ability (Magician's Red) and/or stand tier up, or anything that equates to that of Super Berserk)
Reasoning: Zau kra is in a desperate situation, they've been managing to barely evade defeat now, but as they managed to get their enemy to a point of a second defeat, they've been feeling satisfaction, as if they finally won, this is their first fight with a proper enemy, not with friendly resident that offered to brawl with them, they are in a weaker state than they were going into the fighting, yet the enemy keeps getting up, causing them to lose hope that they can survive to the end, but despite the odds, they intend to continue fighting.
Reasoning: Zau fought her best against the Oracles Subordinate, but her best wasn't enough, and is beginning to feel tired of being tossed around like a bag of apples, not doing enough to impact a fight, and due to the frequent treatment of being tossed around, they were showing signs of other powers at play, not her stand's power, but from within, and that power was her own destructive potential expanding
Moment: Zau Kra grunted as they got kicked away like they were some small ball, backflipping onto her front as she careened into the demons/darklings(?) ally, if it weren't for their chitin plated crest, could have added to the pain she felt from the beating from the Oracle, they swore they could almost hear them taunting and see their expression.
Moment: Zau kra's excited and cheerful demeanor vanished as they heard the darklings battle cry, they felt all of their hope just..fade, as if in that moment, the power that risen from the darkling just brought the end of all times, and potentially, the end of her life, before they'd even snuff it out, they lived for so long, all of that time spent in isolation, away from civilization, just to come out of it, spend a few days, wandering around, lost, and eventually find civilization, where she made friends and allies.
It had been a long time since she felt this feeling, being almost useless in the fight, they couldn't really believe that this was happening again, she thought her improvements were beginning to show, but it hadn't happened what-so-ever, all it proved was that everyone else was improving in bigger strides than she had.
But all of that felt like it could be so quickly lost now, she had strong allies present sure, but this man..his power seemed endlessly rising, each time they were defeated, as if, even when you are the strongest, or one of the strongest, there is always someone stronger, and this was just that, someone stronger.
As she picked herself up she re-ignited her stand, feeling the fires of anger course around their stand, showing what they felt and burning the snow around them with the intense heat.
Their arm, still raised from the wooping earlier flopped to the ground, her eyes flickered, the hope in them, gone as they sensed how far their power increased, increasing how much faith she lost in her allies.
"..Every damn time i stride to better myself..everyone around me always does time..i..I!, WILL, DO, BETTER THAN THEM!, NO MORE WILL I BE THE ONE TO MAKE THEM BLEED!!"
" are you..still alive and kicking..after all of that.."
They gradually raised their voice, growing more if something was wrong with their psyche, following up with a maniacle laugh, was she angry?, was something amusing to her?, whatever reason, they laughed..until they stopped, and raised their tentacles and pointed them towards him, her eyes and the crystal gems on her crest glowed a bright purple as power coursed around them, it wasn't her stands power, she wasn't feeling a strong enough emotional pressure, because it was a conflicted emotion, between anger and madness.