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[2020-02-01 23:15] *[user]Galen Striker[/user] had settled into a relaxed mindset as he ate in the cafeteria. One hand was busy drawing food into his mouth, the other still held that odd looking egg, turning it over in his hands and just..... thinking about it... His mind was in a couple of other places at the moment as well but those were things that could be dealt with later on and so that egg (and his food) had the earthling's attention for the time being...
[2020-02-01 23:36] [user]Shroom[/user]: "Oooh omelet time? Or is that one of 'em HokiWoki things? We gunna have a YokiPoki omelet?!" Shroom was suddenly leaning over Galen's shoulder, peering at that egg. The Death God was very well known for his confiscation of foods from others, pink tongue poking from the side of his mouth with ruby eyes looming in hunger. This is why he often stalked the cafeteria!
[2020-02-01 23:40] *[user]Galen Striker[/user] responded by promptly stabbing a piece of ham with his fork and lifting it up toward the death god's face in response with a bit of a chuckle. "Neither... Have this instead..." The piece of ham was promptly wiggled. Galen returned his gaze to the egg a few moments later before explaining. "It's an egg that Demigra handed me. I'm supposed to focus on a specific weapon type and it will hatch from the egg... something that I have to think hard on, think clearly on, and must be absolutely sure of it..." He then tucked the egg away into a pocket for safe keeping and turned his attention fully toward Shroom. "The problem is that anytime I've felt like I needed a weapon... I simply used whatever I had on hand... be it a chair, bottle, broomstick... that sort of thing. I'm more of an improviser when it comes to weapons..."
[2020-02-01 23:45] [user]Shroom[/user]: Galen offered food. Shroom nomphed. He had zero qualms with leaning his tall, hunched form over even more and chomping down, yanking head up and sliding that piece of meat free of its captivity of prongs. He chewed. He listened. "..Tastes kinda like the Demon Boar Clan.."
Really, it was as if he was just there to eat Galen's food. Even as far as pointing to the plate, then just opening his mouth. Very expectant. But a pause! "Huh.. giftin' ya'll weapons like Demon Gods, eh?... I might be able to help with that.." Mouth open. Insert food for more Death Godly wisdom. 
[2020-02-01 23:46] *[user]Galen Striker[/user] glanced back up at the mention of that, and another piece of food was speared and lifted up to Shroom's mouth, this time it was a piece of cheese. Galen didn't seem to mind. "What do you have in mind? From what Demigra was implying, these weapons will be created with divine magic in order to help us fight the dark empire..." 
[00:04] [user]Shroom[/user]: Cheese.. he knew what cheese was, kinda. "Oh.. aged solidified moldy bovine udder squirts.." [b]Nomph![/b]
He's had worse, he's had better. But what he had most of all, were thoughts. Shroom very well knew Galen's fighting style, pupil-lacking eyes lofting upwards in thought. "You're like me kinda.. Need a weapon that resonates with ya and the need at the time. Able to be utilized and one with your form in the heat of a moment or frost of eternity. You game to hit some trainin' grounds? I can take ya to my spot, to show ya what I mean. I thiiiiink I got some idea of what you might work best with and what might work best with you."
[00:09] *[user]Galen Striker[/user] gave a nod. "My thoughts exactly... I suspect that whatever weapon is summoned from this egg is a permanent deal... and so far my mind is only thinking of weapons that are more "normal" in scope..." At the mention of heading to training grounds, he takes one final bite of his own food and then places the remainder in a to-go box, handing it to Shroom. "Lead the way..." The earthing rose up without hesitation and prepared to head off to Shroom's spot, curious as to what he had planned.... Something to break his current thought cycle, and help him think outside of the box for a proper weapon would be helpful....
[00:31] [user]Shroom[/user]: The to-go box did not seem exactly edible.. and he's had edible and non-edible. This would be something to conquest about later in his journey of various food types beyond the Demon Realm nomphs. The main issue of such was.. [i]he did actually miss the Demon Realm nomphs[/i].. That box was tossed up, only to be devoured into a small [b]BZZT[/b] of a crimson flash. Food to go is food gone somewhere...
"Ain't nothin' wrong with normal. But uh.. it's a real yanno.. inclusive but exclusive word there. One normal is 'nother's exotic. Define normal, man." Out beyond The Watch. Then flight, off towards that lone fragment of black vines and dread, feelings of terror and darkness with blossoming sharp-toothed blooms of crimson and violet. Only for a moment did his hand reach forth, to set grip to Galen's shoulder as he [sub]presumably[/sub] followed. It was enough to get him through that specially tuned barrier.
There was a ship landed there, clearly marked and belonging to the Dark Empire but that symbol was drawn over slightly with an outline of some sort of chalky paint-- clearly a simplified skull using the logo as a bit of a base. The whole mass of land itself was a bit of a junglescape and had smaller fragment masses slowly rotating about its own sense of gravity in a pulling orbit. What stood out to the Earthling however was a soulistic touch. Having already faced death and returned, Galen would be drawn towards where Shroom was soon to land... a large square of what looked like glossy, reflective onyx marble. It held a draw, almost an addiction and landing upon it was a touch empowering, but without any real.. power. It was revitalizing. [i]Comforting.[/i]
[00:38] [user]Galen Striker[/user]: "I guess the best definition at the moment is something you would usually see wielded as a weapon but doesn't quite fit the possible scenarios..." Now... Shroom may not have been talking literally... but Galen's off the cuff response was... He flew along with Shroom, and even as they approached the barrier he didn't flinch or shy away. That disconnect, and the resulting control he had over his emotions from what happened that fateful day helped temper any reaction that he had...
Until that onyx marble landing spot was seen. For the most part he had been following Shroom... but once [b]that[/b] was spotted it seemed to draw his attention entirely for a brief moment, followed by a shudder that rolled along his spine once he touched down on it. He glanced around curiously.. "What is this? It feels... I don't know... [b]different[/b] somehow... comforting and empowering at the same time..." His foot tapped gently against the marble, almost as if he were afraid he would break it... How he was curious, both toward what Shroom had intended to show him... and also toward this material and the sensations it provided...
[00:53] [user]Shroom[/user]: "It's called Abyssal Obsidian. It's an Otherworldy mineral often used to create things for ogres to contain souls in or otherwise draw and entrap 'em. In my case, it removes the resonatin' imprint of the ambient environment so it makes it easier to focus on the inner self. It ain't a material for mortals.. demons.. or gods. It's designed to suck out the soul of any who tamper with it. Buuut not the Death God, kekekeke! You've died but furthermore, got brought back by me. Now ya can feel it.. It's called resonation. It has its own imprint that reflects and deflects all others, based on the desired frequency. To anyone else, it's just some slab of rock.. But not me.. not you.. not Squirt. This is where I train her and practice things myself when I need to be open. And here, ya need to be open. I.. almost found the perfect mass of imprint for Squirt." Shroom sounded regretful for a moment before his ruby eyes shot back to Galen. "Now list some things you would use as a weapon, so I got an idea of where to go here. We talkin' scythes? They're aaaactually farmin' tools yanno... Sickles, brooms, bottles.. Or we talkin' you reachin' to the environment, morphin' somethin' to your will and command, vine to rope or whip. C'mon man, gimmie a line here."
[00:58] *[user]Galen Striker[/user] nodded and lifted up at the explanation... Shroom said that this material could suck out the souls of any who tamper with it... and so that meant pushing out the thought of messing with the stuff out of his mind. He already got separated from his soul once... he had little desire to repeat the experience. At Shroom's question he looked back toward him and thought about it. "A lot of my earlier days, when I was training in the art of drunken boxing was most of my time around weapons... I learned quickly how to catch and deflect swords using bar stools for example, or breaking bottles and wielding them as slashing and cutting weapons when neccessary... Not so much grasping something from the environment and molding something into a weapon that wasn't already one. It's more like.... improvising weaponized uses out of things that most wouldn't consider a weapon... If that makes sense..."
[01:10] [user]Shroom[/user]: The Death God's head bobbed along as he listened. "Weapon improvisation.. You'd still got that, but your weapon would best be translated to what's called.. Weapon Transmogrification and Recall. Lemme guess.. You grab a barstool, and suddenly it's a shield, it's a way to parry and deflect a blade, even disarm an opponent or dislocate their arm if they move juuuust right and ya can trap and twist their arm in the legs or rungs?.. But it, or anythin' ya use, immediately becomes some sorta extension of yourself and a replacement for what ya don't got at your disposal, but can see in the uses of what's around ya?" 
Shroom began to pace, to circle Galen in an almost too natural predatory gait, but his attention was on his own hands as fingers flexed. Then he began to pick at those wrappings about his forearms with those black nails of his. 
[01:15] [user]Galen Striker[/user]: "Not just a shield, but also a weapon in and of itself, using it to jab or strike an opponent like a 4 legged staff with really awkward handling... I would pick up something and figure out a good use for it in the heat of the moment... Usually doing so also surprised my opponent and let me get a temporary advantage over them. But yes... essentially that. I moved away from using weapons as I learned more mastery over drunken boxing, and began developing my own style targeting pressure points. I never quite gave it up though, and continued to practice from time to time..." Indeed, Galen could still be found at the Time Patrol Training Grounds every so often sparring with students using a chair in a lesson in unexpected tactics and unusual weaponry.
[01:26] [user]Shroom[/user]: Another nod. Shroom's circling paused, fingers digging out the end of a charcoal wrapping. "Galen... Leave right now if you can't agree to the followin'.. What I'm willin' to show ya.. You ever communicate any of it to 'nother soul, so much as an implication or whisper, even a murmur of ink to parchment or elt someone inside that noggin of yours to look 'round some.. I'll not only be takin' your soul but you'll be findin' out exactly how Abyssal Obsidian gets made.." As his eyes slid up to focus on Galen, the scarlet had all but taken over in ominous glow. "This is a soul vow.. Consider it like.. a contract of sorts I guess.."
[01:29] *[user]Galen Striker[/user] froze a little bit at that.... and a chill ran down his spine as Shroom's conversation took a.... strange turn... He turned to face Shroom fully once he had finished circling and considered it for a few moments, before finally giving a quiet nod. "Very well... You seem to be willing to trust me with it, so I will trust you in return. I shall tell no other, nor write it, and block my mind to the best of my ability to any seeking to read it..."
[01:56] [user]Shroom[/user]: "Good man, Galen.." He slowly took to unwrapping those bindings. Among a myriad of scars present to grayed lavender flesh were two distinct markings, one to each wrist. 死 , the kanji for Death seared as brandings in a twisted mix of physical and magical label. "That egg... I guess might hatch into some sort of anchor for a weapon. See, some do it with ki, but it's just the one thing. Zamasu had his blade from hand. When he took form in monkey body, he went with a scythe. Of course that dude is a god, so it's whatever. Mortals are a bit more limited.. but not so much when they got the power of gods like divine magic, the skills and smarts and the will to pull it off."
He flexed, hunched form giving a sway on steady feet before those symbols flared to life.
Dark prismatic energy rippled and morphed, right fist taking hold to grasp a spiked flail while the left readied a whip with the flick of wrist. "My guess is.. you want it? You can obtain it in a moment of need. If you don't want the weapon itself.. then.." Shroom slammed both hands together, to wield the most almighty versatile weapon of all in a brilliant flash of soulistic flare.
A stool.
With three legs.
"It's what comes to mind, what you need. Anchor weapons manifest forms, but the anchors range.. My guess is.. you'll get some gloves or good ol' spiked knuckles.. Minimalist, right? They'll give ya what ya need, what ya want, but it's your skill and noggin that does the rest. It can throw others off, sure.. but the strength is what ya put into it. You'll need to work on that part first and foremost, a control of your reality in a true extension of you. This will leave you open if you go this route. You'll need to be, until you learn to close that door without lettin' what's 'round ya get to ya or your weapons. It takes a lot to block it out. That sound like a path you might be followin'? Of course, your energy of this sort will be divine... not soulistic. Different properties.. But the manifest is the same while results vary. Same technique and all." He tore the stool in twain, dual wielding two scythes in a twirl of both hands, matching speeds and symmetrical in motion until he yanked them back then went into a cross-cross motion before straightening his arms, tossing them outward.. only to dissipate akin to petals of a flower, which were then called back to both marks, that kanji of Death.
[02:10] *[user]Galen Striker[/user] just seemed to stare, watching with interest as Shroom revealed those markings, seeing what they could do... what the death god could do with them and then glanced down to remove that egg from his pocket and look at it in his hand again... "So... It's possible to have it forge a... you called it an "anchor weapon" right? Using that anchor, It sounds like I can summon the weapon I need at that particular moment, regardless of its shape or form... and change it on the fly as needed to fit the situation" He turned his focus away from the egg and back toward Shroom, working it out in his mind. "But there's drawbacks to doing that... It's no longer a physical weapon at that point correct? It's one forged out of... what I would assume would be a mixture of Ki and Divine energy... or worse, divine energy only. Something I have no experience handling and would have to translate my skills in Ki control to controlling that new form of energy as best as I can and fill in the gaps where needed with new skills and understanding..."
A faint smile crept up on his face at that moment, and then he gave a quiet nod. "You're right by the way... it's exactly what I'm looking for.... I suspect that concentration will be a big part of it... you mentioned it leaving me open, meaning the weapon will probably lose cohesion the instant I lose focus on it until I figure out how to properly block out external factors from messing with that concentration... am I close?"
[02:28] [user]Shroom[/user]: "With practice, yeah... But this is more than some divine manifestation, man. It's a connection to you. That means it's a gateway. It can be used against ya. You can lose focus and lose it, yeah. Real similar to some ki techniques. Focus to get a grip on it here, to create and wield.. Get basics. Set a foundation. I'll spar with ya. But do NOT try to push your limits until ya got a firm base grip, got it?! Divine energy is hefty and it can tear into ya. Can't use that stuff myself.. but I can defend against it. Settle for a few things, get them down, then focus on the mastery of those 'fore you go lookin' to new things. These forms will be divine energy, yeah.. but they will combat Demon God weapons and Demon Realm Crafts. Specific utilities. Good for defendin' a few certain spells too. I can teach ya.. and I think Time Fu would be a real good partner for you here." Shroom hadn't looked up from his wrists, crimson eyes focused as he just stared at those marks before calmly giving them a meticulous one at a time rewrap. 
"Don't treat the divine energy as ki or as energy you can control. You'll be wieldin' a weapon made of the energy. Let it form itself. Let the anchors do it for you. Don't go fightin' for control of it or tryin' to manipulate it. It's one of those things that has to flow. You wield the weapon it gives you, formed from your thoughts of the weapon or the item you need. You wield the weapon, not the energy. Your biggest obstacle in this will be you, yourself tryin' to control it when ya shouldn't. I don't know all the in's and out's, but I know that much... Like I told Specs long ago, I'm tellin' you.. There's plenty of things ya won't understand. That can't be understood, made sense or logic.. Don't fight it or pry it. Hell, you don't even gotta accept it. [i]But you do gotta tolerate it.[/i] In other words.. Don't let yourself hold you back."
[02:39] *[user]Galen Striker[/user] thought he had a good idea of what would be at hand with this anchor weapon business... but Shroom's words caused him to pause for a moment... It was a strange thought, wielding a form of energy that he would have no real control over. That sort of thing seemed to go against everything he had learned and figured out over his (many) years of training... On top of that, using this weapon would also mean opening up a direct connection to himself... that brought a question at that point. "You mentioned this weapon acting like a gateway, or a direct connection to myself. By using it... what exactly will I be leaving myself open to? Are we talking direct damage or effects to my soul or something metaphysical like that? Or more like a backlash of divine energy flowing into me and harming me if I fuck it up?"
What he was specifically thinking of... was what Shroom described long ago when he was first revived... the circumstances of his death, how the magic he had been using allowed him to become infected because he was "open" during that time frame....
As he spoke however, and waited on a response, he held that egg in his hands and relaxed... the weapon was clear in his mind at this point... and his focus on it was clear... It didn't take long for the Egg to begin glowing from within before cracking and suddenly popping open with a little burst of energy that swirled around the earthlings hands... eventually that gathered energy settled on a form and solidified... a pair of fingerless gloves fitted perfectly on his hands. He gave the material a little tug and flexed his fingers a little bit to get used to the feeling....
[02:46] [user]Galen Striker[/user]: how the magic that Shroom had been using allowed him to become infected*
[02:49] [user]Shroom[/user]: "Uh all of the above, 'cept the last one. I think. It'll do that 'til ya learn to close the gateway is all. Also important that way to not go all switchy whichy on your weapons mid-combat too much. Use tact and opportunity to open that door and slam it shut quick. Let's say some big ol' Darkness is headed your way. Ya mess up. Lose concentration, but it already reached that door and ya can't close it. Boom. You get nailed. Specs or Mechiman just fucked ya. Ya didn't have protection. Ya got fucked. Now there's probs somethin' real nasty growin' inside ya just waitin' to burst out. And ya won't know it's even there 'til months from then 'cause they both enjoy the long game." [i][sub]How Shroom says this with a completely straight face is anyone's guess. [/sub][/i]
There was a silent eagerness as that egg took on a glow. Shroom was curious, leaning forward where he stood, watching...
"NAILED IT!" Both hands clapped together as he gave a jump, clearly proud of his guesses and observations. "Can I read a soul or what?! Kekekeke!"
[03:03] [user]Galen Striker[/user]: "I see..." He clenches his hands a little bit more to get a better feel for the gloves on his hands. "So essentially... while I'm figuring out how to use this, it creates a direct gateway to my soul, allowing it to be affected until I can figure out how to shut the door. While the door is open, I can change and alter the weapon as needed giving me maximum versatility but also leaves me [b]very[/b] vulnerable to becoming infected or harmed on a far deeper level that I can ever begin to understand.... Once the door is shut I'm protected from that.... but I'm also stuck with whatever form the weapon is in at the time...."
Galen seemed to be taking the news [sub]and potential danger[/sub] fairly well... mostly with that same detached sense he's had ever since he was revived... kind of like someone on the outside looking in and idly commenting on what is observed. "Hmm.... something simple... something basic... something to set a foundation..." He clenched his fists and pressed the inside of one hand to the other, relaxing... He thought back to what Shroom said about not trying to treat the energy like something he could control... to let the anchors do the work.. Other words were also noted... thought and willpower...
The form of the weapon took shape in his mind, and he willed the anchors to do their job. There was nothing for several moments, and then energy sparked between his pressed together hands. It was definitely [b]not[/b] Ki this time around... As he drew his hands apart from each other, the energy gathered and focused, flowing along the pattern within Galen's mind. After a moment, his hands stopped moving, but the energy continued to extend until it reached a specific point. One hand then let go, and he held the staff of divine energy in one hand as he rested the tip against the ground. It sparked a little bit here and there and his grip tightened before he forced himself to relax. "It's a lot different than using Ki....  I'll give it that..." His speech was a little halted, it was very clear he was struggling internally to avoid trying to take control of the divine energy currently formed next to him and maintain the shape of the staff in his mind on top of it....
[03:27] [user]Shroom[/user]: "Noooot just your soul, man. All of you. Mind, body, soul. 'Til you get a grasp of how to swing the door. Kinda depends on what gets thrown your way. You're only openin' yourself to allow the divine energy to find its resonance with you.. like uh.. Gah, hate tryin' to dumb this down for mortals... It needs to know you to know what you need, like.. how you'll communicate with it. Once it has that grasp, you can put the screen up, protect your soul while swingin' that door. It'll leave your mind open most of all.. that'll be the danger point for ya beyond this platform. I can help ya with the soulistic aspect of bein' one and in-tune with your anchors. But your head.. That's where your skill and willpower comes in, your ability to use some tact and not go all switchyroonie on your weapons." 
A staff. Shroom smirked with a pleased nod, tongue roaming across his lips. "Good, good... Let me explain somethin' man.. Ki is life energy. All things that live, have it. Some can harness it, manipulate it, control it.. Divine energy, is energy ambient from the Heavenly Realm itself. It's somethin' only glimpsed upon by few mortals.. but like all forms of energy, it can be imbued into items through mastery, for those who can't manifest it or control it to use. Divine energy is not yours to control. You're just borrowin' it, 'cause it lets you. But you gotta accept that. And it's really different from Destruction, Creation, Light, Darkness, Soulistic, Ki, Blutz and Magical Aspects tied and accounted to each school of magic, never-mind Space-Time and all that other buzz. You gotta... just accept it, roll with it... It's whatever. There's very few beings and types who end up embraced by certain aspects and schools of energy, and magic in general. That's why there's specialists for those who study, like the wizards of the Heavenly Realms.. The kai who go on to become supreme in their designations.. and 'em who just.. got the short end of the stick and end up manifested to the world with no clue, but plenty of the feels and all the chaos and pain that comes with it."
[03:47] *[user]Galen Striker[/user] nodded a bit as he listened... the idea that it opened up the [b]entirety[/b] of his being made it that much more dangerous.... but at the same time it was that much more of a challenge... "Not mine to control... only borrowing it..." That made more sense at least... At the moment it felt akin to trying to hold a lightning bolt bare handed. "So the anchors just allow me to borrow the divine energy from the heavenly realm... but my mind, or more specifically my willpower and thought shapes it into a weapon that my strength and skill allows me to wield... Once I'm done...." at that his hand opens and he just lets go of the shape of the weapon in his mind, causing the formed staff to disperse suddenly. "Then the energy is returned to where it was drawn from..." 
As he released the staff, he wobbled just for a brief moment before righting himself... The rest of Shroom's explanation was taken in, and the earthling finally shifted to a sitting position. It had been a long day after all, and there was a [b]lot[/b] of new information to take in... "I think I get it... It's a lot to take in..." He managed a little bit of a chuckle at that. "Still... that explanation does answer a lot of questions... and helps me understand a bit more on a few other aspects of things... The few spells I've learned I've only been able to use by anchoring the magic to my Ki... but it sounds like I should be drawing from an outside force to do that rather than an internal one... at least on a very basic level anyway..."
[04:04] [user]Shroom[/user]: "Purdy much, man. But the Heavenly Realm is just the origin. I'd say the true  place it's drawn from is the gloves. Yanno, that's what imbued means. It's not just some gateway itself. The energy is in there, not bein' taken from somewhere else." Shroom shrugged a small bit at Galen's mention of spells and his experiences. 
"Dunno.. I mean to me, it's grippin' to your life energy 'cause you don't have any sort of outside force to power it or otherwise cast it from. Most of us folk have specialized trinkets.." He trailed of slightly, reaching up to tap the sky blue earrings clasped to his ears, another finger tapping that crimson clasp to his cowl. "We also have anchored channels  to help us at times. Our very weapons. Staves with gems, wands.. Mortals don't get the privilege of such things. In many cases, they're part of our very being over time. I mean, mortals use little parchments and manmade kaboobly twinkles and stuff. Crystal balls and even then have to ask permission from the true wielders who rule the domains they're tryin' to tap into and plenty end up payin' the cost since they ain't equipped to handle the magic, as it's not part of the essence of their design. Tappin' in to magic.. It always has a cost. Mortals take it for granted.. but oh man, do they learn the lesson in that final end of ends. I don't mean Otherworld, man.. I mean, what actually happens to their very souls when that big ol' cleanse comes. Tch... Nasty stuff.. Aaaanyway, I should be gettin' off to feed Ghost." He turned, about to take off.. but paused.
"Ah.. rules.. Right now, Pinksqueak, Demidude, Squirt, Pancake, Time Fu and you are the only ones allowed here. Don't try to bring no one else and uh.. don't try and bring somethin' foreign to this space, unless it's edible. For me. Or Squirt. ..or Time Fu. Ya can feed him too. So yeah, use this area, wander 'round if ya want.. Don't get pricked by the thorns and don't get eaten. Don't hurt my wildlife. Or flora. Yeah.. seems 'bout right... Oh yeah, feh.. and noooo goin' in that ship. You touch my mags, I'll know, man."
[04:12] *[user]Galen Striker[/user] managed to push himself back up to his feet. All that information was a lot to process, and that meant time for rest and meditation. A nod was given at the mention of the rules, making a mental note to not cross any of them. "I understand... and thank you Shroom. This has been an eye opening experience. I'm going to go get some rest and just... process. Thank you for your time, and have a good rest of the day." Galen took that opportunity to head off, deciding to spend the night in his room back at the Watch. It was a familiar space that he could relax, sleep, and meditate in to consider everything that had happened today from the fight with not-Time-Fu, to his talk with Pan, to the creation of the gloves and how to make use of them, along with all the information learned afterward... This was going to take a while... the gloves themselves would require a lot of training and practice... but for now... sleep called.