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Key: ShadeXe0n
Name: Plum Villari
Name: Levina Lionheart
Race: Human
Race: Soul Warrior
Age: 26
Age: 35
Rank/Skills/Ic Knowledge Applying For: Visored Mask
Rank/Skills/Ic Knowledge Applying For: Spirit Burst
Rank/Skills/Ic Knowledge Previously Applied For: N/A
Rank/Skills/Ic Knowledge Previously Applied For: Quirk
Intent With Rank/Skills/Knowledge: Roleplay purposes of character going down a use your 'inner demon' path from her being chosen to receive Hollow energy. Negative emotions after the loss of a close person to her drives her further down this path as she wishes for revenge.
Intent With Rank/Skills/Knowledge: Easier time in combat- especially against opponents with a higher BP.
The purple haired Human watches as the evolved Hollow struggles in its battle with the Bount, Michael. She looks on with the rest of the group as they clash and trade blows, some kind of spirit being used to keep the white beast at bay. In the end, the hollow, Ralkivoy, was slain just like the rest of them. However, in its dying breath, Ralkivoy looks over to Plum with an evil grin- in that moment, she felt her body freeze and her toes become numb. This numb feeling quickly spreads up her body until the only thing she was able to feel was her head, she did not want to alarm the others so she kept quiet while this weird feeling took over her entire nervous system. Once the Hollow's soul was finally sucked away by the Bount, Plum returned to normal and let out a sigh in relief. It seems that these aggressive Hollows will no longer bug the town, for now- but what was that weird feeling that she was going through? It felt like gravity multiplied and she could no longer feel her body at all. The Human shakes her head and disregards this as she continued to do her best to aid the others and grow stronger.
Tatsumi Lionheart had been at his max power at this point in his base state but with Levina's current skill she was doing just as well against him. He felt her fighting spirit coming back and that made him feel happy. He was able to build her back up but he couldn't allow her to fall back into the sense of complacency she had before. If she were to ever take possession of One For All or even without his power decided to dawn the mantle of the Symbol of Peace he would give her they keys to his techniques being self taught.
"While I want you to grow in your natural power, I also need to show you some things that I use to survive against far more powerful opponents." Compared to him she seemed to heal faster which could have played an important role for her. "This technique is known as Spirit Burst, or Ki Burst. It comes with a mastery of your own Ki allowing you access to your immediate power going higher than your limits in an instant and then even further."
Anger... Hate... Anguish... Unbridled Rage...
Tatsumi rotated his shoulder as he nodded his head toward her. "Concentration is key too this. It's similar too powering up, but instead of a slow build it is practically immediate." He demonstrated as his body would suddenly explode with ki. "Though once you deactivate it...all that energy built up will immediately cease and you could be left vulnerable.'
She was in tears and punching the interior wall of her home, her right fist colored red and bruised from the abuse. Plum lets out a angered scream before repeating the same motion, slamming her fist into the surface once more before letting out a pained grunt. "Kalla... I need you back..." She mumbled under her breath, still mourning the lost of her loved one. Slowly, she collapses and slumps to the ground while breathing heavily and sniffling through the tears. Soon enough, she felt a dormant energy begin to rise within her but she was so troubled at the moment that she didn't care. The energy was feeding off of her negative emotions and it suddenly came to life once again after being dormant for a few years.
"I need... To kill HIM and avenge you." The female states, growing more angry from thinking about the one who brought the killing blow upon her future husband. This thought was more food towards this energy, making it spike and evolve even further. She begins to get the numb feeling in her body once more while kneeling on the floor of her home. "I just have to... KILL!" This was followed by a distorted laughter, her voice changing to a deeper pitch- it wasn't her voice.
"Michael... I have to kill Michael." Her thoughts were being swayed, Michael wasn't the one who killed Kallabash but it was Escanor. Plum finally realizes that she was saying the wrong name, something was influencing her- her anguish awakened a spirit of vengeance within her. "I didn't say that." She mutters before looking around, a voice in her head replies, "Yes you did... We have to kill HIM right?" This causes her to quickly shake her head. "ESCANOR! Not Michael..." Soon, her vision fades to black.
Those were the words said to her by her husband to guide her towards a technique that could aid her in the battles to come, this was something that would serve to be something she can use to instantly close the gap in power between her and foes, this was something she needed in order to completely cut the time it takes to increase her power to her opponent's level. The brown haired woman stands secluded in her bedroom, looking herself in the mirror. She clutches her fists and spreads her feet shoulder-length, attempting to redirect the flow of her energy towards her muscles.
An orange aura starts to surround her body as her power was going through a slow increase, she was currently going through the normal method of Power Control. 'Ki' wasn't something she was foreign with, she needed to master it in order to attain the power of flight now she needed to unleash it in a burst instead of having it flow gradually through her system, causing her to curse to herself. "Dammit, too slow of an increase..." 
The Human wakes up in a whole different world, a flat plain with another figure standing a few feet from her, back turned. The figure was all white and did not look Human-like at all. "Who the hell...?" She trails off while walking closer to the person, fists clenched incase she needed to fight. The figure turns to reveal itself to be Ralkivoy, "Plum, I've been waiting for you." He speaks, she immediately tenses up and gets into a fighting posture. 
"W-What are you doing here? Where did you take me?!" The questions only cause the Hollow to laugh, "We're inside your mind, I have taken root here before my death, giving you some of my energy... Or Reiatsu as we call it." He begins to walk closer to her, stopping just a few feet away while inspecting her fully. "You've grown well, though you're still weak." 
She thinks about the name of the skill, 'Ki Burst' or 'Spirit Burst'. This requires her to just unleash all of her energy at once in a quick succession, letting all of her power rise up above the surface in an instant. Levina lets her power go back down to its default state, the aura fading away while she takes a deep breath and lose herself deep in thought. Her thoughts guide her towards her family, the amount of children that she sworn to protect- Yuu, Canor, Nariko. Though she will also protect her husband at all costs aswell.
She immediately raises her fists to threaten him, "Stay back! I'll kill you, so you can get out- even if we're inside of me!" Which causes Ralkivoy to laugh even more and explain. "Foolish girl, I AM YOU now." At the same time, he began to go through a transformation, shifting his body to mimic her appearance. It was like looking into a mirror, though the skin was completely white, the hair and clothing were also only white in color and the eyes were colored black with yellow irises. This Hollow version of Plum wore a wide grin on its face. "And I'll happily take this body once I have the strength to do so." With that, the white clone quickly teleports infront of Plum at a blinding speed- Plum's eyes widen as suddenly she is stabbed in the gut with her own blade.
Shortly after, Plum wakes back up in the streets, some sort of mask on her face began to shatter and crumble to pieces on the ground before turning into dust. She felt fatigued, yet at the same time she was scared of this power that was laying in wait within her, waiting for her to be engulfed in negative emotions to feast off of it and take control.
Then, the picture of a pink haired girl with a smile that sends shivers down the spines of many. This sudden appearance causes Levina to suddenly release her power in an uncontrolled burst, causing the interior of the house to shake and wasting her energy until she eventually calmed down.  "Relax Levina... You can get your chance with her soon." Were words she mumbled to herself with a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead, that took quite a bit from her and she needed to rest up for the next day before she collapses from exhaustion.
The next day, she stood in the same place with her hands clenched, focusing on her power and wanting to make it spike to insane levels with just one thought. Her aura forms around her body while her clothes began swaying as if heavy winds was in the room, her hair also being moved while her Ki was being manipulated. She wasn't going to raise her power, just preparing beforehand by getting a feel for her own energy. She sucks in air and thinks about just how much she was out of Shernnie's league, all the times she was downed because of that area of effect- signalling how weak she was in comparison.
Then, she thought about Shernnie stabbing through Tatsumi the same way Grain died- quickly raising her hands and bringing them back down in a flash while her energy is released in one surge, "GAH!" Her power was quickly distributed throughout her system in that instant, like a burst of Ki went through her body. This mean she reached her maximum levels as fast as possible rather than easing her way into it, though it did bring more fatigue to her to maintain this amount of power.
Levina soon lets the orange aura die down along with her power as she falls down to her knees panting lightly from the strain. "Phew..." Now she just needed to practice this more in order to get it mastered for combat use.