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E-Mail SpamBot by BumekApps

a guest
Oct 23rd, 2014
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  1. #include <ButtonConstants.au3>
  2. #include <ComboConstants.au3>
  3. #include <EditConstants.au3>
  4. #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
  5. #include <StaticConstants.au3>
  6. #include <WindowsConstants.au3>
  7. #include <SMTP.au3>
  8. #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
  9. GUICreate("E-Mail Sender by Bumek662", 454, 478, 192, 132)
  10. GUICtrlCreateGroup("Ustawienia Wysylajacego", 8, 0, 225, 121)
  11. $senderEmail = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 72, 24, 153, 24)
  12. GUICtrlCreateLabel("E-Mail:", 16, 24, 57, 24)
  13. GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif")
  14. $senderPw = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 72, 56, 153, 24, $es_Password)
  15. GUICtrlCreateLabel("SMTP:", 16, 88, 55, 24)
  16. GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif")
  17. $Smtp = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 72, 88, 153, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL))
  18. GUICtrlSetData(-1, "|||||")
  19. GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)
  20. GUICtrlCreateLabel("Haslo:", 16, 56, 53, 24)
  21. GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif")
  22. GUICtrlCreateGroup("Ustawienia Odbierającego", 248, 0, 193, 57)
  23. $spamedEmail = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 320, 24, 113, 24)
  24. GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)
  25. GUICtrlCreateLabel("E-Mail:", 256, 24, 57, 24)
  26. GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif")
  27. GUICtrlCreateGroup("Ustawienia Wiadomosci", 8, 128, 433, 297)
  28. GUICtrlCreateLabel("Nadawca:", 202, 144, 65, 20)
  29. $Nadawca = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 16, 176, 417, 24)
  30. GUICtrlCreateLabel("Temat:", 211, 208, 46, 20)
  31. $Temat = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 16, 232, 417, 24)
  32. GUICtrlCreateLabel("Wiadomosc:", 194, 264, 80, 20)
  33. $Message = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 16, 288, 417, 130)
  34. GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)
  35. $Send = GUICtrlCreateButton("Wyslij!", 142, 432, 169, 41)
  36. GUISetState(@SW_SHOW)
  37. #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
  39. While 1
  40. $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
  41. Switch $nMsg
  43. Exit
  44. Case $Send
  45. $Amount = InputBox("Ilosc", "Ile wyslac E-Maili?", "")
  46. For $x = 1 to $Amount
  47. _INetSmtpMailCom(GUICtrlRead($Smtp), GUICtrlRead($Nadawca), GUICtrlRead($senderEmail), GUICtrlRead($spamedEmail), GUICtrlRead($senderEmail), GUICtrlRead($senderPw), GUICtrlRead($Temat), GUICtrlRead($Message))
  48. TrayTip("Wyslano!", "E-Mail " & $x & " zostal wyslany!", 1)
  49. Next
  51. EndSwitch
  52. WEnd
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