
MonMusu Mekton Quest: Episode 15 (100% REAL spider sex!!!)

Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. 8:15 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Previously, on MEKTONNU SPACEU ADVENTUR! Kari had pierced the heavens with her drill, and was thusly returned back to the comfort and safety of her ship of employment with little further difficulty.
  2. 8:17 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: After debriefing your employer, Mr. Silk, on the matters at hand, you went off to find some emotional support with your good friend and coworker Widoia. When last we met the two had just entered Widoia's quarters, in the process of beginning the emotional (and physical~) support.
  3. 8:17 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: 11:19 PM - Mektime: "L-let's try m-m-my room, then... you've b-been in there before. It's not so... embarrasing." Clearing her throat uncertainly, she reluctantly lets you out of her cleavage and skitters slowly towards her room, her face nearing critical blush.
  4. 11:21 PM - Kari: Kari is right there with her on the blushometer. She falls to the ground reluctantly, rubbing her arm nervously as she follows along behind. "Oh... um... r.. right... um... wh-what y-you s-s-said..."
  5. 11:23 PM - Mektime: The two of you make your way to Widoia's room, as she keys you in and closes the door behind you, shakily bolting it shut to ensure there are no interruptions. "S-soooo, um..." she looks around at everywhere but you, rubbing her hands.
  6. 8:18 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Widoia clears her throat, now ringing her wrists out, continuing to avoid eye contact with feverent, blushed glances everywhere but at you.
  7. 8:20 PM - Kari: Kari's relatively inebriated by her embarrassment, but eventually she manages to calm herself enough for at least some stuttered speech. "S... s-so um... yeah... heheh... R-Right...! The massage...! Um... sh... should I lay down? Or... something?" A forced and rather awkward smile is spread across her face, likely looking as odd and strained as she fears.
  8. 8:21 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: "R-right! Just... lay down, on m-m-... m-my bed, and I-I'll... start."
  9. 8:24 PM - Kari: Her blushing twinges brighter still at the mention of Widoia's bed, and even brings her to visibly flinch. "Aheh! Y-Yeah! Right...!" With her hands squeezing one another hard enough to cut off the circulation, she finally pulls them apart to form and release clenched fists as the tingling settles in. Turning towards the bed, her wings buzz nervously, but eventually she manages to inch her way to its side. Crawling along its length, she settles in atop her sizeable chest, propping her head up on her arms and pillows. "O-okay... how's th-this?"
  10. 8:27 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Widoia gulps audiably, her eight eyes fluttering as she attempts to control her blush. "G-good. Would it be b-better to... t-take your shirt..." she swallows again, and you can practically hear the sweat beading up on her forehead as she quietly whispers, "" Her voice rises in pitch, spitting out quickly after. "Or y'know we don't have to do that we can just work like this haha whatever's best!"
  11. 8:31 PM - Kari: Kari tenses up suddenly, expression falling as she tries to process the idea. "Uh...! Well...!" Hovering on the thought for an uncomfortable amount of time, she finally rolls her face into the pillow and chitters out an embarrassed "S-sure". Sitting up with the pillow still firmly attached to her face, she fiddles with the bottom of her shirt for a few minutes before finally relenting. As the pillow falls back down, Kari does everything she can to not look behind her. With both hands now free, she pulls the silky top away, allowing her bare mounds to hang free for but a moment before they are covered by her arm like an impromptu bra. Laying back down, cheeks burning furiously, she rehides her face in the soft folds of her head rest. "O-ok-kay...."
  12. 8:35 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: "A-alright... let me k-know if it hurts, o-okay?" Widoia lets out a short squeak of her own, her long legs clicking quietly towards the bed. Climbing atop carefully, she kneels down over you with such caution the mattress scarcely moves. You hear her take a deep, shaky breath to steady herself, before she moves her hands to your shoulders first. Working her long, chitinous fingers into your own chitin and flesh, she gingerly applies pressure in a circular motion, working over the tops of your shoulders with her fingers and pressuring the back with her palms.
  13. 8:42 PM - Kari: As tense as a tripwire, Kari quivers beneath her friend as she moves over her. "O-okay..." she whipsers out in response. With wings occassionally buzzing, and devoid of some reason, her nervousness threatens to consume her. When Widoia finally takes hold though, Kari finds herself frozen in a moment of time without breath, and then slowly exhales when the circular motions begin. The tingling embarrassment remains, but as Widoia works, all the tension of the moment slowly begins to sink away. It leaves her feeling a little silly, for worrying so much, but the feeling is just too good to care at the moment.
  14. 8:48 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Widoia silently works, moving with a little more courage after taking your exhalation as a good sign. Moving her hands down from your shoulders to the base of your wings. Unsure of how to continue for a moment, she eventually works her hands beneath your wings, prodding tender circles around the areas away from your wings before moving and pressuring and circling around the bases, occasionally giving them a gentle but firm squeeze, gauging your reaction as she proceeds.
  15. 8:53 PM - Kari: Kari's breathing steadies out as Widoia works her magic. She slowly starts to lose herself more to the sensation than her thoughts, sinking further and further into the mattress. When Widoia finds herself at the wings, however, the initial reactions bring her to tense up just a little. The more she prods at the base, and with the pressure from the squeeze, she tenses up much more, letting out an almost pleasured moan from the feeling. As the pressure recedes, she sinks back down once more, and her wings slowly tilt and tip in Widoia's hands between tensions.
  16. 8:57 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Widoia lets out a quiet "Eep!" as your reaction changes to her ministrations around your wings. She pauses again, seeming to think as she slides her hands towards your wings again before stopping, instead moving her hands down towards the middle of your back, still under your wings. As she moves, pressuring you tenderly with her palms, she raises her fingers just enough to brush against the undersides of your wings. Working in large, kneading circles around the middle of your back, she makes a point to reposition her hands by raising and brushing your wings' undersides several times.
  17. 9:02 PM - Kari: She settles in once more as Widoia resumes her work. Her breathing slowly fades back to soft, deep breaths and she exhales waves of tension. Kari's legs shift slowly beneath Widoia, occassionally lifting with curled, chitinous toes. When the gentle brushing of her wings begins, Widoia is met with a deeper inhale, but a relaxed, pleased exhale following it. Kari's wings occassionally lean in for future touches, and she can be heard quietly making relaxed moans each time. "This... is really nice, Widoia~..."
  18. 9:09 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: "O-oh...? I'm happy to hear that... you work so hard, I just thought, y'know, you deserved... a nice treat, maybe..." Widoa responds in a quiet mumble, having at least gotten her nervous stuttering under control thanks to your reassuring sounds and words. Following this, she moves her hands up and down your sides several times before coming to a rest in the small of your back. Rubbing circles in tandem on either side, she works her way around towards your waist before moving back again. Pressuring down a little harder, she pays careful attention to anywhere that draws a particularly pleasant reaction. She continues to brush the undersides and edges of your wings as she works. Then, using her thumbs, she presses carefully into the base of your spine just above your rear.
  19. 9:17 PM - Kari: "Thank you~..." she whispers out to Widoia. There's a smile spread across Kari's face as Widoia moves up and down her sides. It lingers and even tugs at the edges of her mouth the more her friend works. The pressure to her lower back draws tiny, sweet cracking moans of pleasure, letting her forget her woes for a time. Her wings press a little more insistantly for attention the lower Widoia works, and as thumbs press into the little triangle at the bottom of her spine, they spread and buzz happily before slowly returning to their resting point. "You sure know what you're doing... have you done this before, Wids~...?"
  20. 9:27 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: "H-huh?" She seems taken aback, though her hands continue to work almost beyond her control. "Well... I did pick up a few tricks, though I was mostly on the recieving end..." she mutters. "There was this nice little spa on my home planet I'd always go to when I got the chance. I guess I got it from there?" she muses, more to herself. Now coming to the end of your back, she hesitates for a moment before running her hands down to your hips. Giving your hips a gentle squeeze, you can almost hear her face flush as she moves them back up your sides slowly. Coming to a rest above your mid-back, her long fingers accidentally brush against you exposed breasts. Eeping quietly, she withdraws her hands towards your spine on reflex, placing them around the base of your wings once again. Taking a moment to gather herself, she repeats what she did earlier, circling the bases and givng them a few gentle pinches before putting them between her finger and thumb, working up and down slightly with a barely-applied pressure until she hits the part where your wings expand outward and the stem stops.
  21. 9:32 PM - Kari: As Widoia's grip slides over her hips, Kari's blush runs deeper, but she lets it happen all the same. Her breath catches in her throat, and as Widoia eases her way back up, it's all released in a comfortable sigh. The brush across her sensitive breasts, however, draws a quiet gasp, quickly turning to pleasured moans as Widoia scrambles to continue the massage. The gentle pinches and rubs, teasing at the stem of her wings cause little cries and whimpers of the right kind, causing her body to grow warmer as time goes on. "W-Widoia~..." she moans out, happy for the contact.
  22. 9:36 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Her breath catches in her throat as you whimper out her name. With one last loving pinch, she moves her hands to the surface of your wings, taking a moment to really study their surface and find an appropriate place to continue without hurting anything sensitive. Finally deciding to start with the edges, she lifts her hands above the stems on top of your wings, her fingers splayed as she covers as much surface she can. Wrapping a finger around the edge of either wing, she slides along their ends, the rest of her fingers working gently into the membranes and chitin of your wings.
  23. 9:39 PM - Kari: From the moment Widoia splays her fingers out along the surface, Kari has all but melted in her hands. Her pleasure is almost palpable as he breathing deepens further still. Her noises are nowhere near as high pitched, but the longer Widoia works, the less Kari can handle. Moaning out quietly once more, one eye cracks open to peer back at Widoia, and she raises one of her legs to gently caress the spider wherever possible.
  24. 9:44 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: "O-o-oh..." Widoia says, thinking back to what she did in the changing room with this new context in mind. As you caress her, she attempts but fails completely to formulate any logical sentence. Her face is burning red, and you're pretty sure if she gets any more flustered, her eyes will literally spin. Taking a deep breath and steeling herself, Widoia moves her hands from the edges of your wings and continues to work into their surface, closer to their centers.
  25. 9:47 PM - Kari: "W-Widoia~..." she moans out again, needier than before and sans restraint. Kari's hands leave the underside of the pillow, reaching up to the edge of the mattress and clutching at the sheets. Her wings press against Widoia's hands, and after her eye closes for a few needy moans, it opens once more to gaze longingly at her. "Widoia..." she says again. "I want you~..."
  26. 9:48 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: "..." she freezes up, trying to comprehend but utterly failing. "Y-you... w-w-want...?"
  27. 9:49 PM - Kari: Kari nods, rubbing her leg and her wings against Widoia. She might look almost pitiful with how red her face is as she mutters out, "Please~..."
  28. 9:54 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: "I..." she entirely shuts down for a moment, attempting to decipher how she should proceed. With a nervous, shaky breath, she finally nods slowly. "O...Okay." A small smile plays across her face, her breath coming out in ragged puffs now. Considering how to move forwards, she leans further down, bringing her face alongside yours. Her lips quiver uncertainly as she gazes into your eyes.
  29. 9:57 PM - Kari: Kari looks back at her, and her pitifully needy expression turns to a small smile. Rolling over onto her back, wings fanning out slightly to either side, she raises a hand to brush along Widoia's cheek. Gently cupping the spider in her hand, her breath washes over Widoia's lips in hot, ragged waves. The multicoloured pools of her irises swirl and dance as they peer back, and the anticipation is so heavy one might swear it was tangible. "Widoia~..." she moans out once more, gazinging longingly into her eyes.
  30. 10:01 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: "Your eyes are... really beautiful up close." She whispers, unable to speak any louder from both her lack of breath and unwillingness to break the atmosphere. Finally getting the courage, she brings her mouth to yours. Bringing one hand behind your head to support you, she moves her other towards your splayed wing, working over the surface gently with spread fingers as she gives you a clumsy, but no less intense kiss. Her eyes close in unison as she leans in, picking up the nuances of kissing even as the two of you proceed.
  31. 10:05 PM - Kari: A single note of a laugh is all Kari can express at the comment about her eyes. It leaves her with a little smile, lingering right up until her eyes close for the meeting of lips. She moans out quietly as her lover gently teases her wing. Leaning in just a little more, Kari's fingers gently trace and stroke Widoia's cheek and jaw. As Widoia gains confidence, Kari allows her to take the lead, guiding her slowly down until the back of her head touches the pillow. "You're so beautiful~..." she moans into the kiss.
  32. 10:10 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: A small, cheerful giggle is all that she can manage to say. Recollecting the sensation of the kiss, she gingerly touches her lips with two fingers, looking down at you with a smile. "And... so are you~..." sitting up, she towers over you even when kneeling. She looks across your body from your head down to your waist, taking in every little detail and nuance. On her way back up, she stops at your exposed chest, enjoying the sight not of a friend's bare chest, but rather a lover's tender mounds.
  33. 10:14 PM - Kari: Kari lays back, smiling up at Widoia's gesture. Her hands fall away when the spider pulls out of reach, falling to either side of her head. Staring up to her lover with uncertainty, her legs press together, covering what is still covered once more though still embarrassingly revealing of her desire. "Wh-what are you doing...?" she asks, her blush speaking volumes alone. Her large, yet perky mounds hang slightly to either side of her chest, gravity holding them down as they point up to the spider.
  34. 10:15 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: "Just... looking," she mutters, moving her gaze to meet your eyes once more.
  35. 10:17 PM - Kari: "Heh... you can do more than look you know~," she add playfully, a teasing smile forming across her lips. She peers back into Widoia's, before gently sliding her fingers down the center of her chest, arm brushing over top of one mound. "That is... if you'd like to~."
  36. 10:19 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: "Nnh..." she trails off, once more unsure how to continue. Finally, she leans down, pressing her face into your neck and loudly kissing at your collarbone. She moves a hand towards one of your breasts, playfully fondling it as she circles a finger around your exposed nipple.
  37. 10:22 PM - Kari: "A-Aaah~...!" Kari's neck is incredibly sensitive, bringing her to instant bliss as Widoia runs her lips across it. Her hand roams up to the back of her companion's head, running fingers through er hair and gently pushing her closer in. Cracking moans result from her fondling of her soft, supple chest, and she brings a leg up to press against Widoia's side, gently dragging along her top. "Nnh... take your shirt off~..."
  38. 10:25 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Pulling away from your neck with one final, loud kiss, she looks down at you with a slow nod. Crossing her arms either way at the bottom of her shirt, she slowly lifts it upwards. The bottom of her shirt catches on the underside of her sizeable breats for a moment, taking them up with the shirt until it leaves her head, allowing them to fall into place with a pleasant bounce, contained within a rather cute, white lace bra, spiderweb patterns making up the lacing. She looks away, embarrased, despite the smile on her face.
  39. 10:29 PM - Kari: Kari rises up to meet her, catching Widoia in the brief window after her top comes loose. She wraps her arms around spider, hugging her tight and roaming over her exposed flesh. Her lips press against her lover's upper stomach, kissing and nibbling beneath the bra as she makes to fiddle with the back. Pulling the hooks apart, she lets the loose garmet move behind her head, and works her way up between Widoia's sizeable chest to kiss and lick each of them as well as the crevice between.
  40. 10:32 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: "A-ahn~!" Widoia cries out at your sudden, excited actions. Her breathing intensifies as she tilts her head upwards with a moan, and she wraps her arms around your back, eyes closed as she blindly finds your wings. Pressing her fingers with more force and speed than previously, she quickly moves her spread hands across the surface of your wings, prodding into every nook and crevice they come across as they explore.
  41. 10:37 PM - Kari: Kari whimpers softly into Widoia's chest as she finds her wings. Quickly building into a moan, she squirms against the spider's chest and stomach, needily pleasuring her as best she can. With her hands teasing downward, Kari slowly undoes Widoia's skirt, tossing it to the side and uncovering the space between her pedipalps. Her hands quickly roam up bare her companion's bare sides, all the way up to her chest to flick her standing tits her her thumbs and give them a firm grope.
  42. 10:40 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Widoia looses a loud gasp as you flick, muttering, "K-Kari..." as you toss aside her skirt. Moving a hand down from your back to caress your hip, Widoia slides the hand almost beyond her will between your legs. She nimbly undoes your pants, sliding two fingers beneath the cloth. With her other hand, she brings it to your head, running it roughly through your hair and pressing you into her chest as you continue to pleasure her.
  43. 10:44 PM - Kari: "W-Widoi-aaaaah~!" she cries out, unable to contain herself as twin fingers discover her wetness. She teneses up, practically pulling herself up off the mattress to press her body against Widoia's. Moaning against and kissing and licking the spider's body, her hands grip and grope and massage needily. She willingly does everything she can to please her lover, barely able to contain her lust as wings buzz loudly and she chitters sweet nothings all the while.
  44. 10:48 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: "O-oh... K-ah...ari..." Widoia pants loudly. Sliding the rest of her hand beneath your pants, her fingers gingerly explore your loins, prodding around them teasingly for some time before they brush across the surface. Working her fingers, she inserts one, her long finger reaching deep as she wiggles it, pulling it in and out with a slow and careful pace.
  45. 10:51 PM - Kari: Kari's eyelids flutter as she groans out in pleasure as they gently brush across the surface. She clings tight to Widoia, moving a hand down to return the favour only to get caught half-way by the surprisingly long insertion. She latches on even tighter than before after some initial staggering and a shocked gasp. As the digit moves in and out, she continues to moan and gasp in pleasure, inebriated as the juices pour out from her loins to slick the chitinous finger.
  46. 10:56 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Retracting the finger, she slides her hand out of your pants, bringing the finger to her face. She rubs the finger with her thumb, feeling the slickness before she gives it a short lick. She pauses a moment, then with her other hand, pushes you with a surprising amount of force flat against the bed. Shakily, she manages to say, "L-let me... let me t-taste you, Kari."
  47. 10:59 PM - Kari: Kari slowly starts to wind down and catch her breath once the finger leaves her. She shudders and trembles against Widoia's body for a time, and moves to try reaching for Widoia's slit once more. Her exploration is nixxed before it can begin, however, by her being shoved down to the bed. A look of shock crosses her face as she looks up at the normally demure spider girl. When she finally procsses the demand, Kari gives her a shakey nod, and slowly spreads her legs, gently tugging her pants down slightly with her toes.
  48. 11:03 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: With a nervous smile and a shaky exhalation, Widoia brings her face to your groin, pulling your pants down further, past you waist, but leaving the panties on. She runs a finger against this, pressing the cloth inside you with the motion. She then moves her face over your front, kissing the already soaked cloth as her eyes gaze upwards at your face.
  49. 11:06 PM - Kari: "Nnnh... ah... a-ah~..." Kari watches with baited breath for as long as she can manage. At the initial pressing however, her eyes close shut from the twinge of pleasure. They slowly open once more, the heat from her face radiating outward as she looks down with pleading, swirling, colourful eyes. The kiss elicits a tiny moan, and her hands clench tighter and tighter at the sheets. She gives Widoia a nod, silently begging for her to continue.
  50. 11:10 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Widoia returns the nod, pulling aside the cloth with one finger to reveal bare flesh. Brushing her quivering lips across the surface of your slit, she kisses it, keeping her lips pressed against yours. Snaking her tongue out she lets her wet fleshy appendage explore inside you, reaching deeply as she wraps an arm around your waist, pressing her face further into you for more leverage. She works her tongue in large circles inside, moaning and bringing her free hand down to her own crotch to pleasure herself simultaneously.
  51. 11:14 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes clamp shut and her head rolls back from the contact. A rising moan works its way out of her throat as Widoia slides deeper and deeper in. Her crotch rises up to meet the spider's lips, only to be pushed back down and held in place by her firm grip. She squeezes against the sides of Widoia's head as more and more fluids leak out onto her tongue. The moaning coming from Kari is fevered and ragged, her feet brushing along Widoia's back as she draws ever closer to just erupting from the pleasure. "Ah...! A-AH! W-Widoia! Widoia~....!"
  52. 11:20 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Moving her hand from your waist up your back, Widoia finds one of your wings, beginning to finger and tease the stem as she wraps her fingers around it, sliding up and down as before. At the same time, she continuously writhes her tongue inside you, pulling it in and out to stimulate everywhere her lengthy tongue can reach. Letting out a lengthy moan, her face pressed against your flesh and her breathing ragged, she thrashes her own hips around as she fingers herself. You can feel the moist droplets patter against your legs and feet as she stimulates your wing, your loins and her own.
  53. 11:25 PM - Kari: "Ah...! W-Widoia...! L... Let me t-taste you too~...!" Kari begs just before losing herself to the insane levels of pleasure. As her lover cranks up the teasing to 11, she surrenders entirely, moaning and writhing in pleasure from all the stimulation. She loses track of everything going on, only being able to focus on feelings and the moment. Building up more and more, she finds herself on the verge of an explosive climax, doing whatever she can to grind against Widoia.
  54. 11:29 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Sensing your nearness, she withdraws her tongue just long enough to say, "O-once I'm done... o-or you are. Heheh..." Without hesitation, she begins tenderly licking and kissing around again, teasing your clit with her tongue before inserting it wholely into you again. Bringing the hand she was using to pleasure herself to your waist, she begins rubbing your clit in short, quick circles. Her other hand continues to tend to your wing, bringing itself to the surface and moving wildly along as it pressures every position it can, moving up and down the length of the wing.
  55. 11:34 PM - Kari: Kari's brief respite offers her only enough time to nod in supplication to Widoia's wishes. She immediately arches her back once more, getting built back up to the edge of release. Before long, she's unable to take much more, and roughly bucks her hips up into her lover's waiting mouth. Her inner walls clamp down hard on Widoia's slick tongue, trying to hold it deep within as her thighs press hard against her head. She goes completely silent, tensing up for a powerful shudder. Finally, it ripples through her in a tidal wave of pleasure, and a torrent of girlcum splatters out across Widoia's face as she climaxes hard.
  56. 11:37 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Holding in place and continuing to work even as you buck, Widoia rests her head against you as you finally finish. She takes a moment longer to enjoy the sensation before playfully removing her tongue with a wiggle, sitting upright and letting it hang, dripping a mixture of fluids to the bedsheets. A moment later she withdraws the tongue into her mouth, smiling before her throat bulges for a brief time as she swallows.
  57. 11:44 PM - Kari: Finally coming down, Kari stares through a haze up at the ceiling, her chest rising and falling in heavy, sharp motions. She finally releases the bed sheets with one hand to shakily run it through her hair and then turn her gaze town to Widoia. Her eyes lock onto the spider as she withdraws her tongue, eyes widening as she swallows down the last few drops. She lays there, quivering in place and exhausted from the whole ordeal. Her cheeks remain flushed, and she gazes on at Widoia, just trying to process the transformation from demure, super flustereable mouse to lewd, lurid, and assertive partner.
  58. 11:47 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: With the ordeal over, or at least on pause for a moment, Widoia's flush returns tenfold as she slumps against the bedsheets, looking away and shyly rubbing her hands. Unable to look at any part of you, she elects to lay back and look up at the ceiling, her eyes closed as she catches her own breath.
  59. 11:51 PM - Kari: Kari watches with curious awe, only to start laughing as Widoia settles down on the bed beside her. With awkward, fumbling motions, Kari sits up, and crawls over to Widoia's side. Looking down at her much larger partner, Kari smile softly and lovingly. "Now for y ou~," she says in a ragged whisper. Leaning into kiss her partner's stomach, she leaves a tender trail all the way to the base of her pedipalps. With her hands roaming over Widoia's sides, she gently brings them down over her hips and between the obscurring limbs, gently spreading them apart before nuzzling in to flick the spider's clit with her tongue.
  60. 11:56 PM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: She lets out a sudden gasp as you go right to work, her arms reaching behind her to clutch at the bedsheets much as you did. "K-Kari..." she mutters as her pedipalps attempt close in reaction to the sudden stimulus. Instead, she keeps them open, and in fact wraps them gingerly around your neck, not so much holding you in place yet as simply resting there.
  61. 11:59 PM - Kari: The corner's of Kari's lips tug into a smile as she moves in closer, kissing over Widoia's moistened mound. Her lips wrap around their partners, gently sucking as she laps her own tongue between the folds. Ever so carefully, she brings one leg over Widoia's torso, straddling the gorgeous girl as she digs in deeper and deeper with each lick. Finally, she pulls away to tease and suckle on the clit before pushing firmly in and shoving her tongue in as deep as it will go.
  62. Thursday, December 17, 2015
  63. 12:05 AM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: "O-oooh~..." Widoia moans nervously as you begin kissing. By the time you start sucking, she's already starting to huff in an attempt to keep her composure. All sounds from her are reduced to ecstatic moans as you tease her clit until, with the thrust of your tongue, she looses a singular loud shout that trails off slowly. She moves one hand from the sheets to massage and tease her own breast while the other goes onto your head. Her nails dig into your scalp, not enough to break skin, but just enough to be felt as you work at her insides.
  64. 12:09 AM - Kari: Kari's cheeks manage to somehow become even brighter, burning against Widoia's thigh's as she digs in to roughly eat her lover out. The nails pressing into her drive her onward, a little more moisture escaping her weary loins as she grinds her hips into Widoia's body. Her own tits drag across the spider's flesh as she licks and sucks and writhes around inside those sopping wet depths. She moans in delight at the taste and sensation, arms wrapping firmly around her waist to squeeze the spider tight.
  65. 12:18 AM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Widoia's hips buck, pressing into your lips as she moves her hand from her tits to your own wet mound, inserting two of her long fingers into you as you grind against her. "Y-yes... K-Kari, keep... g-going... aaah~." She lets out an extended gasp, the hand on your head practically forcing you deeper into her from pure uncontrolled reaction, her nails biting into you. As you continue to work, grinding against her while she fingers you, her untrained body shudders and, shortly afterwards, her inner walls constrict around your tongue to firmly grip you, as several waves of girlcum wash across your tongue and onto your face. When finished, she goes limp across the bed, panting wildly with her hand still on your head.
  66. 12:22 AM - Kari: Kari tenses up, unprepared for a second assault. Moaning deep into Widoia's loins, her inner walls clamp down around the invading fingers. In the heat of the moment, after plenty of work and affection, the combined feeling of fingers driving into her and Widoia's own climax surging outward bring her to a second, albeit less impressive climax. Juices splatter out across her chest and hand, and after a few more moments of tension, Kari collapses entirely onto Widoia. She lays there, ragged and panting as Widoia's hand holds her in place inadvertently. Even if she wanted to, she's likely too exhausted to move, instead content to lap up whatever juices remain after swallowing down as much as she could. Her hot breath washes over her lover's mound, and as the euphoria of exhaustion settles, in, she builds up to a rising chuckle until she just hugs Widoia as best she can.
  67. 12:25 AM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Still twitching with minor spasms even as you lick at her, Widoia lets out her own short giggle, dropping her head to the mattress with a thump. Her grip on your head lessens into a gentle caress, and she runs her fingers through your hair. "T-that was... wonderful, Kari."
  68. 12:28 AM - Kari: Giggling quietly to herself, Kari pulls her hands from beneath Widoia, gently drawing her hand away to lay a kiss on it. Doing her best to sit up without just falling over, she rolls off to the side, crawling up along her lover's body and laying down to rest her cheek on the spider's shoulder. Cinching her arm tightly around Widoia, under her breasts, Kari's face is plastered with a small, satisfied grin. "You're wonderful, Widoia~..."
  69. 12:31 AM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: "I could say the same about you, Kari~... T-thank you, for a fun evening." She wraps an arm around your own shoulders, hesitating before managing to say, "...maybe, we can do it again sometime?"
  70. 12:35 AM - Kari: Opening her eyes, the spiral of colour stares into Widoia's as she continues to smile. Loosening her grip, Kari scoots a little higher, gently brushing her lover's cheek with the back of her fingers as they move to intwine themselves in her hair. Her lips part as she stares through half-lids into Widoia's own primary pair, only to shut all the way when they meet for a loving kiss. Holding the gentle, tender embrace for just a little bit, she moves in three times, and then pulls away painfully slow. As her eyelids crack open once more, her expression slowly spreads into an open-mouthed smile as she says, "Of course, Widoia... I would love to see you like this again... and much more~..."
  71. 12:38 AM - Mektonnu! Spaceu Adventur!: Widoia's eyes gaze into yours as you move closer, then close as you meet her for a kiss. She leans in, arms around your neck as she tenderly enjoys the sensation and taste of you until you pull away, her arms reluctantly loosening enough to allow you to do so. Still resting her arms on your neck, she tilts her head with a bright smile, her eyes sparkling like starlit rubies. "I'd... I'd be happy to."
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