

Apr 8th, 2018
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  1. So I think
  2. I think we all play this game
  3. the game of who has the highest quality of life
  4. the most productive high quality contentful life
  5. and right now
  6. we have these two competing ideas about this game
  7. how to set up the perfect version of this game
  8. with the least amount of disadvantage
  9. basically how do we make all starting points equal so that the game is unbiased against anyone
  10. so basically capitalism is a version that is unequal
  11. its biased against some groups of people
  12. so those people will always win
  13. whereas everyone else will only sometimes win
  14. in communism it's viewed that like all starting points are equal
  15. so everyone will always win
  16. because there will be a certain threshold that is like once you reach this point you have a contentful life
  17. and basically everyone always reaches that threshold
  18. some people go really far from that threshold but everyone is still past the threshold
  19. everyone wins
  20. its supposedly the most fair version of this game
  21. whereas in capitalism there are some people who know how to abuse the system
  22. only some people
  23. because the game is flawed and they basically found like a hack
  24. its a loophole in the rules
  25. so they can always win and they know they can always win
  26. and dont tell help anyone else do it
  27. then there are people who don't know you can always win
  28. and if they did know they wouldn't know how to do it
  29. so its like they're playing the game naively without knowing anyone cheats
  30. then you have a lot of people who are aware that there is a way to always win
  31. but they dont know how to do the hack
  32. so to them they're playing a game that is designed, from their perspective, to fuck them over
  33. so its an uneven system
  34. but its not so bad of an uneven system so that it cant function
  35. like its still a winnable game
  36. you can still get to that threshold of contentfulness even when you know you're disadvantaged and dont know how to do the hack
  37. so since its still winnable that means like society doesnt completely collapse under capitalism
  38. just fluctuates between almost collapse and almost utopia
  39. but usually landing in between
  40. basically you're fucked
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