

Jan 31st, 2019
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  2. Fragile CactusToday at 12:55 PM
  3. Alright, so I've reread every fucking thing from earlier. I'm very annoyed that this all escalated how it did. I wish it didn't get like that, but what can I do. I'm not gonna make you guys like each other, tolerate each others antics, kiss each others ass for my sake. I wont. Y'all can dislike each other all you want. What I wont tolerate is throwing me into it. Y'all have issues with each other, deal with it on your own time. Don't bring me into no matter if you are my best friend and he is my boyfriend. I'm beyond pissed off by all of this.
  5. As for how Max talked to you, towards the end of that chat it was uncalled for. That is my issue with it. And I wanna smack him in the back of the head for being an ass. He seemed to just be looking out for me, without telling him he was. Its fine, just wish it went down better.
  7. Now, Mercy. I love you to fucking pieces and I appreciate you being up front about everything. And I'm sorry things are said that are uncomfortable. It will not be happening again. I'll be available via PM, discord, messages. Public chats are gonna be off limits cause what's the point if its gonna bug my friends. I'm not trying to lose you to him. I really fucking am not, but for now til' shit cools off that's how I want things. I wont come to public chats or anything, not worth the drama I've gotten the past 2 days. The way you both talked to each other at the end was pretty shitty, if i'm honest. You both suck for that, and i'm not gonna sugar coat it.
  9. Now that I've said what I have. I'm dropping it. I don't want it picked back up again. Ever. Its annoying, pissing me off, and woke me up last night. I'm fucking 22, I am trying to get my life together without the drama of online bullshit. Y'all wanna keep at it, go for it. Don't bring me into it. I'll make sure you both know this as well.
  11. beanToday at 1:17 PM
  12. Honestly this is a very shitty way you’re handling it. He came at me because you couldnt keep what was said here private, and now Im a bad guy? I tried my best to help him so this shit wouldnt happen and Im being seen as this drama queen. I don’t get it. I’m not trying to lose you either, hence why I was trying to give him advice on what to do so we can avoid the Ash situation.
  14. YOU don’t bug me. I dont see where you got that from. All this stemmed from him being inappropriate in chat. Again what do I do if I cant tell you about it? I do agree it’s annoying but he really didn’t need to come at me. And I refuse to be lectured. If we aren’t sugar coating things, honestly I think he is the worst thing that has happened to you in a long time and after everything I have gathered from being in chat, with you, and with him, making these judgements coming from what he himself has shown me, he has shown me he is going to bring you down. He wants everything but doesnt want to work for it. That’s not my business but if I suck for trying to be helpful, he sucks at being a boyfriend. Obviously. This shit didn’t start happening til he came along and now he’s trying to pick and choose who’s good for you and who isn’t. That’s abuse, Kay. Especially if you can’t be around your friends normally because of him. It sucks you’re being hands off about it when he claims everything is because of YOUR feelings and not his. How can you not be involved when he makes everything about you?
  16. I really love you Kay but he’s toxic and I’m not gonna continue forcing myself to think he’s good for you when he’s a piece of shit. You’re grown enough to make your own decisions so anything relating to him, I’ll do us all a favor and shut up about it.
  17. But friendship shouldn’t have limits on it. If you wanna talk to me on IMVU you should be able to. And what’s said between us should be able to be kept between us. I’m really not sure what was so horrible about my concerns that you had to show him, sorry I made you uncomfortable, but regardless he needs to step off his high horse if he thinks IMVU is a game and doesn’t care for respect. Who gives a shit what I think then, right? He was totally unnecessary and I’m not gonna be around him for it. And if I lose you, that’s your call. I tried to get to know him, unlike his claims. I was in chats with you guys alone for fucks sake. I dont know what i could have done better here but im sorry for waking you up.
  19. Fragile CactusToday at 3:40 PM
  20. Im handling it shitty because this is a shitty situation that happened because I didn't tell my boyfriend who the fuck someone was flat out and it got blown the heck up because of her own feelings that could have been avoided had she took the time to tell me what the heck was actually going on with her instead of brushing me off like I wasn't trying to help her. So yea i'm handling it shitty. We all are to be fair. No need for this. I wasn't lecturing you. I was telling you flat out i'm done with it. I sure as hell wasn't telling you to be an asshole about it. I was telling you because I want this to be over with. So I put my foot down. I'm not making any one the bad guy here. I simply said you both SUCK for talking so poorly to each other. Like how is that making you the bad guy? Explain that to me. I didn't call you names, I didn't put you down for telling me anything.
  21. I didn't even throw anyone you care about under the bus in anything I said here. Not once. It's not him telling me to stay away from my friends. He quite literally has no say in that. I need my space right now from you guys this drama is way too much on my sanity especially with stuff i'm trying to handle right now. I however do not agree with all of the 'he's not good for you' 'he wants everything but isn't willing to work for it' yada yada. I don't tell you everything about the situation. He also is not abusive with me in anyway shape or form. He can have an opinion on who he likes around me and who he doesn't. I could care less, its not his choice its mine and mine alone. I'm not asking you force yourself to do anything you don't want to do. You are your own person and I commend you for that. I wouldn't have it any other way. You don't need to be around him to be my friend, nor do you need to like him to stay my friend. As much as I would love for that, it wont happen and i'm okay with that. Also i'm not fussed over you waking me up anymore, I was in the moment cause I had just fallen asleep but its fine now lol. I just want this crap to be over and done with. Anyways We have said out p's and q's. I'm leaving it at that.
  23. beanToday at 4:32 PM
  24. Okay, we can agree to disagree, but that’s fine. And i didnt mean you lecturing i meant him. But that’s beside the point now. I really do hope he proves me wrong though. I really have tried to support yall since day 1.
  26. Fragile CactusToday at 4:41 PM
  27. Yah. Fingers crossed
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