
DAiE Ch. 8 P. 3/??? Ch. X P. 2 - The Declaration

Aug 2nd, 2012
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  1. >"Wait, stop, you don't understand, I'm not a changeling!"
  2. >You are Pinkie Pie.
  3. >And right now, you look in a mixture of disgust and triumph, as the angry mob of ponies carries the fake Pinkie to the center of town.
  4. >The crowd isn't convinced.
  5. >"That's just what a changeling would say!" "After all you bugs have done to us, you think you can show your face around here?!"
  6. >Twilight tries to console you, you're still pretty shaken up about one of those... things taking your form.
  7. >The crowd has the changeling tied up now, and two draft horses hoist her up onto the porch of town hall.
  8. >The mayor, looking frazzled, trots out. "What is all the commotion out here."
  9. >One of the draft horses nods in deference to her. "We found a changeling, Ms. Mayor. May we burn her?"
  11. >"Yeah, burn her, burn her!" The crowd cries out.
  12. >Mayor Mare's eyes widen. "A changeling. That's a very serious accusation. How do you know she's a changeling?"
  13. >"She looks like one!"
  14. >"No I don't!" The fake Pinkie cries out, trying in vain to get out of her bonds.
  15. >"That's.. because she's a changeling!"
  16. >"Yeah, she's a changeling, burn her!"
  17. >The mayor carefully considers this logic. "What makes you think she is a changeling?"
  18. >One excitable pegasus gallops up. "She looks like Pinkie Pie, but Pinkie Pie is right over there!" He points to you.
  19. >"And, and, she turned me into a newt!"
  20. >The mayor raises an eyebrow at Thunderlane. "A newt?"
  21. >There is a brief silence as the pegasus realizes his mistake. "She... turned herself.. into a newt?"
  22. >The crowd accepts the retcon with enthusiasm, cheering once more for the changeling's death.
  23. >The mayor sighs, "Ponies, ponies, there are ways of TELLING if she is a-"
  24. >"STOOOOP!"
  25. >All eyes suddenly focus on an approaching group. Doctor Anonymous, Fluttershy, and... Doctor Anonymous?
  27. >You are Doctor Anonymous 1.
  28. >And right now, you are not scared at all.
  29. >You're more angry, actually.
  30. "What the hell is going on here?"
  31. >"D-doc?" The Pinkie on stage cries, her eyes wide with fear.
  32. "Why is Pinkie tied up?! What is this crowd?! WHY AREN'T YOU GETTING OUT OF MY WAY?!"
  33. >You start to move angrily towards the crowd, but a hand on your shoulder stops you. Doctor Anonymous A, the Anon from this universe, stops you, and you turn to see great concern in his eyes.
  34. >As you look back to the crowd from him, you see they're silently parting to allow one pony through.
  35. >It's Rainbow Dash.
  36. >"I think we're the ones who should be asking the questions, 'Doctor'."
  37. >The cyan pony's eyes are full of anger. But more than that, full of pain, pain you can't even begin to understand the depths of.
  38. >"For instance, why are there two of you?!"
  39. >"He's a changeling too!" One pony cries out from the crowd. The mass of ponies starts to move on you, before your counterpart cries out. "Wait!"
  40. >"They're not changelings!" He cries, holding his hands up and moving to your side. "They're from a parallel universe. They're not here to harm us, they just want to get home!"
  41. >Rainbow scoffs at this, beginning to pace in front of the crowd, watching you like a hungry bird of prey. "A 'parallel universe'? That's the lamest story I've ever heard. Who even comes up with something like that?
  42. >She pauses at the end of her stride. "...maybe another changeling, trying to cover for his kin."
  44. >With that, the crowd moves on both of you. You're strong. Stronger than any p0ny, but not stronger than this many.
  45. >"wait"
  46. >You can barely hear Fluttershy over the din of the crowd as you thrash, trying to get free of the grip of magic and hooves.
  47. >"wait!"
  48. >They've got the Doctor Anon A now too.
  49. >"WAAAAIT!"
  50. >The entire town falls deathly silent, all eyes on Fluttershy.
  51. >"They're.. they're not changelings!"
  52. >Rainbow Dash is across from her now. "Yeah?! How do you know?! How do WE know YOU'RE not a-"
  53. >She's instantly silenced by Fluttershy's glare. No changeling has THAT power.
  54. >Rainbow's speech catches, doubt flooding her face. Doubt, and pain.
  55. >"I just know."
  56. >A single tear falls down Rainbow's face. "You just know?! How can you say that?! How can you take that chance after what they did?!"
  57. >You look to Doctor Anon A, desperately trying to get some semblance of understanding. He simply shakes his head at you.
  58. >"Please, Rainbow, I can't tell you why, I just know they're telling the truth."
  59. >"That's not good enough, Fluttershy! I can't take that chance. I can't! Not after..."
  60. >"Rainbow..." Fluttershy reaches a hoof out towards Rainbow Dash.
  61. >"Not after they killed AJ!"
  63. >You have never heard a louder silence.
  64. >Everyp0ny stares down at the ground, all silently mourning the memory of their town's hero.
  65. >You slip free of the pony's grips. They don't move to stop you. Quietly, you make your way towards Rainbow Dash
  66. >Your thoughts slip back to home. Your new home, in your Ponyville.
  67. >How happy Rainbow Dash is with AJ.
  68. >Their smiling faces, their deep affection.
  69. >You comprehend instantly why Rainbow is so deeply afraid, and angry.
  70. >And you only know one solution.
  71. >You sneak up behind her.
  72. >And pull her into the biggest hug you can.
  73. >"Wh-?!" She cries out, her body going stiff at first, then wildly wriggling as she tries to escape.
  74. >"You're not allowed to hug me! You all of people are not allowed to hug me!"
  75. >She squirms and thrashes in your grip, and you loosen it only enough to allow her to turn and face you.
  76. >"After what you did! After what I did! YOU! ARE! NOT! ALLOWED!" Her hooves thrash wildly at your chest, and you ignore the slight pain. She doesn't have room to swing long enough to do any damage.
  77. >"You're... you're not allowed..."
  78. >With that, the cyan pegasus breaks down in your arms, crying harder into your chest than you've ever seen anyone cry.
  79. >You stroke her technicolor mane gently, allowing her this release.
  80. "I don't know what happened in this universe, Rainbow."
  81. >She looks up at you, her bloodshot eyes still crying as she chokes back a sob.
  82. "But I understand your pain completely."
  84. >"H-.. how can.."
  85. >You place a finger on her lips, silencing her.
  86. "Because I lost somep0ny too."
  87. >The magenta pools that are her eyes stare into yours. Any doubt she had is erased.
  88. "And I blamed myself, just like you do."
  89. >She closes her eyes, another tear falling. You wipe it away, and gently set her down. You turn to Pinkie, this time the crowd of ponies makes a path for you.
  90. "When I came to Ponyville, my Ponvville, I was a different man."
  91. >You start making your way towards the stage, your eyes meeting Pinkie's.
  92. "A cold, calculating man. A man of science, who only knew science, and didn't understand that what he did could hurt somep0ny, if he wasn't careful."
  93. >She bites her lip, her face full of confusion, tears still wet from watching her best friend break down so deeply.
  94. "And I wasn't careful. In my blind quest, I did something terrible. I betrayed that pony. I used her."
  95. >You reach the stairs to the porch of town hall, your gaze still locked on Pinkie.
  96. "Which, the old me wouldn't have cared about. If that pony hadn't taught the new me how to love. How to BE loved. How to... be IN love..."
  97. >Pinkie turns back to you, her own tears now falling freely. The draft horses let her go, stepping away to allow you both your space.
  98. "And now, with all that I've done, I can only hope that... she still loves me."
  99. >With that, Pinkie slips through her bonds like a greased monkey, slamming herself into you and planting her lips onto yours in a deep, passionate kiss.
  101. >And you return it.
  102. >The entire crowd erupts into applause, and you hold onto the pink pony in your arms with all your strength. Her hair poofs back into its fun, curly shape.
  103. >You'll have to remember that trick for later.
  104. >After what seems like hours, you break the kiss, and shake your head, giving her a mock glare.
  105. "You could escape that rope anytime?"
  106. >She smiles, wiping a tear away with a hoof. "Only when it's funny, silly filly."
  107. >You step down from the porch, still carrying Pinkie, you set her down next to you, although you keep one hoof in your hand.
  108. >You look back to see Doctor Anon A, who is holding Fluttershy's hoof similarly. He gives you an approving nod, and then gestures for you to come over.
  109. >The Pinkie from this universe trots up.
  110. >"Wait, wait, you mean in your universe, -I- end up with Doctor Anon!? But... he's so boring, and stuffy, and... well, now that you mention it, he IS pretty cute."
  111. >Fluttershy shoots her a glare, and alternate Pinkie laughs. "Kidding, I'm kidding!"
  113. >Anon A leads you back to his lab, where he starts rummaging through the storage.
  114. >Albert greets you happily, seeing that Pinkie's with you.
  115. >You give him a sad smile.
  116. "Doctor?"
  117. >You call out to your counterpart. He pokes his head up from a box full of rayguns. "Yes?"
  118. "Why... why haven't I seen YOUR Ablert?"
  119. >Albert cocks his head inquisitively, and you both look over to Anon A.
  120. >He's silent, his gaze contemplating something far off.
  121. "...something happened, didn't it?"
  122. >The answer he doesn't give you says it all.
  123. >It takes you a long time of silence before you make your decision.
  124. "Albert... I know I can be difficult. Sometimes I only think you're my friend because I programmed you to be."
  125. "But you ARE my friend. My oldest friend. Which.. is why I'm releasing you from my service."
  126. >Anon A jumps out of the storage. "What?! You can't! I don't-"
  127. "Shoosh. I won't take no for an answer. I've... got an assistant. I think you need one too. And Albert, I think you need a Doctor Anon who can... appreciate you more."
  128. >You smile sadly at him, holding back the tears.
  129. "Which is why I'm telling you to delete the code binding you to me, and to stay here, with Doctor A."
  130. >The little robot looks up at you, still hovering in place. "Uhm.. I already did."
  131. >What.
  132. >He smiles sheepishly. "I... deleted the code that forced me to be your friend. About two weeks after you made me sentient. I could've left any time I wanted, really."
  133. >You shake your head, and pull the little robot into a hug.
  135. "I'll miss you, Albert."
  136. >"I'll miss you too, Doc. Pinka-.. Pinkie better be a good assistant, for your sake."
  137. >You smile.
  138. "Oh, she is, don't worry."
  139. >You look over to Doctor A, whose eyes are glued to the floor.
  140. >"Th... thank you."
  141. "Don't. What were you looking for?"
  142. >He looks up, and hands you a small device.
  143. >You look it over, and see a small pink crystal embedded into its circuity.
  144. "Is... this?"
  145. >"A handheld universal portal generator, yes. With some trial and error, that should be able to get you home."
  146. "We're brilliant, aren't we?"
  147. >He smiles sadly. "Extremely."
  148. >You walk back over to Pinkie, who puts a hoof on your leg, looking up at you, proud, but concerned.
  149. >"Are you sure, Doc?"
  150. "More than sure, Pinkie. Are you ready to go home?"
  151. >She gives you a cheerful grin. "More than ready."
  152. >You start configuring the device. You've got no way of pinpointing your Ponyville's universal coordinates, but you suspect you'll be able to extrapolate after a few tries.
  153. "Goodbye Albert, Doctor, Fluttershy."
  154. >They wave happily to you. Pinkie gives you an unsure glance.
  155. >"Uhm.. are you sure this is going to get us back to our Ponyville, Doc?"
  156. >You can only smile at that.
  157. "Not at all, Pinkie. That's what makes it science."
  158. >"I don't think that, uhm... y'know what, yeah. Let's go with that."
  159. >You smile, pick her up, and pull her into a kiss.
  160. >And with that, you push the button.
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