monotonetimunarchive 2018-01-05 [22:05] - afe0d7c9-f741-482d-9d34-a4cd20dc2f0e.mpeg

Jan 5th, 2018
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  1. [22:05:36] theeyesofsyn92: Oh, the bunny blob is back
  2. [22:05:40] theeyesofsyn92: how nice
  3. [22:05:53] theeyesofsyn92: Bananaburger :)
  4. [22:06:09] norithiel: Puyo'clock! :D
  5. [22:06:10] bananaburger: hello
  6. [22:07:29] metal_gear_launches_nukes: chances for a main channel stream tonight?
  7. [22:07:36] allstar3339: timOh no
  8. [22:08:03] metal_gear_launches_nukes: alrighty~
  9. [22:08:17] tai367307: Anymore random nosebleeds, Tim?
  10. [22:08:31] hunniepun: no mainstreams anymore FeelsBadMan
  11. [22:08:34] kriegerfluff: why is she bullying the poor skeleton who just wanted tea
  12. [22:08:37] thegravybandit: hi emoneyHey
  13. [22:09:24] hunniepun: you banned vo hi yo? you monster
  14. [22:09:36] min_tee: why are you always so mean to green tea skeleman
  15. [22:10:12] negativityxd: alkEcks
  16. [22:10:13] koolman9921: exquisite
  17. [22:10:22] hunniepun: the fuck danThink
  18. [22:10:50] communismfordummies: video games? looks like I'm in the wrong place then
  19. [22:10:58] min_tee: unleash the puyo
  20. [22:11:26] egg1111115: hi
  21. [22:11:58] egg1111115: why does it say you're playing a game
  22. [22:12:10] koolman9921: twitch forces it now
  23. [22:12:46] skygtr350: fashion police timMrBones
  24. [22:12:51] turnsie: did you change it manually? or did it add what you were playing automatically?
  25. [22:12:53] bananaburger: knowing twitch its probably a "feature"
  26. [22:12:54] allstar3339: yep... even though they shouldn't be according to their faq
  27. [22:13:04] t0t0r0s: I always think those sirens are from my place.
  28. [22:13:19] allstar3339: that one sounded like it was near me too this time T0t0r0s
  29. [22:13:40] allstar3339: timOh
  30. [22:13:46] bananaburger: how does that compare to the ketamine?
  31. [22:13:50] skygtr350: timOh no
  32. [22:13:57] t0t0r0s: We'll all go to prison together.
  33. [22:14:47] allstar3339: all i know is it works for me... LUL when nothing else has so meh
  34. [22:15:02] bananaburger: is that also adminstered intravenously?
  35. [22:15:16] allstar3339: i'm having mine by im Bananaburger
  36. [22:15:22] allstar3339: not intravenously
  37. [22:16:09] it_is_fanatic: timClip
  38. [22:16:10] bananaburger: thats through a muscle right?
  39. [22:16:15] allstar3339: yep
  40. [22:16:22] bananaburger: is it painful?
  41. [22:16:36] allstar3339: it'll sting a tiny bit for about 10 seconds
  42. [22:16:54] theeyesofsyn92: Lil' Skellie friend is in thia
  43. [22:16:56] theeyesofsyn92: this*
  44. [22:17:04] allstar3339: but it's not too bad
  45. [22:17:13] it_is_fanatic: SourPls
  46. [22:17:18] theeyesofsyn92: That little skellie is so cute, I'm glad he's in more than one game
  47. [22:17:23] allstar3339: obviously you trip within a minute or two after it's administered so you don't notice LUL
  48. [22:17:45] metal_gear_launches_nukes: Are you talking about ketamine or psilocybine
  49. [22:17:49] shimmerfairy: I don't know a lot about Windows, but Win95 seems a bit early to assume you could do FMV in a video game.
  50. [22:17:51] allstar3339: ketamine
  51. [22:18:15] silversonic: wait does twitch force you to have a game now?
  52. [22:18:18] theeyesofsyn92: This computer used to run Windows Xp home edition
  53. [22:18:19] silversonic: I don't remember this being a thing
  54. [22:18:28] theeyesofsyn92: it no longer does
  55. [22:18:40] culturedpork: I was prescribed amitryptyline for neuropathy, but i'm slightly nervous to start it. any insight @stereotonetim ?
  56. [22:18:53] metal_gear_launches_nukes: oh cause i was wondering why anyone would take psilo by im...
  57. [22:19:03] bananaburger: wait so the ket still gets you high?
  58. [22:19:05] communismfordummies: hold on was the land surfer arla with a bag on head?
  59. [22:19:20] shimmerfairy: Nice communities Tim, are you depressed by chance?
  60. [22:19:32] theaxel11: rip
  61. [22:19:35] it_is_fanatic: lol
  62. [22:19:36] allstar3339: it does for a bit Bananaburger
  63. [22:19:45] culturedpork: get rekt lol
  64. [22:19:46] allstar3339: and you're not allowed to drive afterward
  65. [22:19:46] bananaburger: crazy
  66. [22:19:56] allstar3339: you have to have an uber/driver take you home
  67. [22:20:04] culturedpork: lots of negative side effects
  68. [22:20:08] communismfordummies: I thought being high was illegal
  69. [22:20:32] bananaburger: you can be high if its for a medical reason
  70. [22:20:33] communismfordummies: That's what DARE taught me
  71. [22:20:34] culturedpork: no worries :D
  72. [22:20:36] hunniepun: drugs? pieLurk
  73. [22:20:38] culturedpork: lol
  74. [22:20:58] allstar3339: if it was illegal... then all pain meds would be illegal
  75. [22:21:03] draconianxp: If you catch all the drugs will you be a Drugmaster?
  76. [22:21:06] bananaburger: thats why they give you fenanyl at hospitals
  77. [22:21:36] metal_gear_launches_nukes: well, you'll probably be dead
  78. [22:21:59] draconianxp: Oh, that would be unfortunate.
  79. [22:22:03] bananaburger: oh shit!
  80. [22:22:16] bananaburger: i didnt believe the person who said that yesterday
  81. [22:22:18] allstar3339: but yeah Bananaburger it's an interesting thing... i mean it wouldn't be my first choice tbh.... but considering it's the only thing that's helped my depression it's meh
  82. [22:22:28] it_is_fanatic: "yeh."
  83. [22:22:59] bananaburger: well as long as something works
  84. [22:23:03] allstar3339: exactly
  85. [22:23:08] it_is_fanatic: ohmaigawh
  86. [22:23:40] culturedpork: haha
  87. [22:23:42] it_is_fanatic: danS
  88. [22:23:43] johnkilo3: wow
  89. [22:23:53] bananaburger: starfish are leeches apparently
  90. [22:23:59] deepfreeze2k: bbhFlame
  91. [22:24:01] xkeeper_: muhT
  92. [22:24:41] it_is_fanatic: timOh
  93. [22:24:49] xkeeper_: "I had a thing on my thing"
  94. [22:24:50] hunniepun: frewK
  95. [22:24:55] metal_gear_launches_nukes: have you tried a
  96. [22:25:23] silversonic: Tim.... it's 4pm and you're tired now?
  97. [22:25:25] draconianxp: Things are stuff too you know.
  98. [22:25:26] silversonic: dssLongFace
  99. [22:25:43] communismfordummies: depression means I'm always tired
  100. [22:26:26] it_is_fanatic: are they tho?
  101. [22:26:47] silversonic: dssTaels
  102. [22:26:47] it_is_fanatic: SabaPing
  103. [22:27:05] deepfreeze2k: bbhSpyL SabaPing bbhSpyR
  104. [22:27:07] communismfordummies: tdogTrigger tdogTrigger
  105. [22:27:17] silversonic: old art is a interesting thing
  106. [22:27:30] bananaburger: i like the term finger slot
  107. [22:27:43] silversonic: God damn savage fish
  108. [22:28:00] it_is_fanatic: all clears are for babies
  109. [22:28:15] communismfordummies: this fish is quite the difficulty curve
  110. [22:29:11] bananaburger: so what do the suns do in this?
  111. [22:29:34] communismfordummies: mess up tim's chains
  112. [22:29:39] bananaburger: oh ok
  113. [22:30:52] silversonic: don't be sad
  114. [22:30:56] silversonic: (
  115. [22:31:11] greendolphinst: Being sad is too mainstream
  116. [22:32:15] draconianxp: That's how you use a broom.
  117. [22:32:17] silversonic: Poor Arle
  118. [22:32:22] bumble_beanie: Uhhh, is that meant to be kinky?
  119. [22:32:42] tifakitteh: Steamer, this maniacal maid is manhandling my mildly miffing m'lady
  120. [22:33:08] basssic: i think you get like 3 extra nuisance puyos
  121. [22:33:13] basssic: that's what it looks like anyway
  122. [22:33:52] basssic: usually a 1 chain drops 1 garbage, right? they did a 1 chain after getting an all clear and got 3
  123. [22:33:57] basssic: 4*
  124. [22:34:00] jml_: i thought all clears in this game just gave sun puyos but i didn't see any
  125. [22:34:03] it_is_fanatic: *lips tremble*
  126. [22:35:01] deepfreeze2k: Yeah, the Frog Gatekeeper'd the fuck out of another caster I was watching play the arcade version of this
  127. [22:35:21] deepfreeze2k: There is.
  128. [22:35:50] deepfreeze2k: I dont remember offhand.
  129. [22:35:56] deepfreeze2k: Arcade version came first.
  130. [22:36:12] deepfreeze2k: Ill check quick though
  131. [22:36:19] silversonic: Tim.............
  132. [22:36:39] theeyesofsyn92: Oh, I just got a package
  133. [22:37:14] jml_: that's more than the puyo wiki has lmao
  134. [22:37:28] ruby151chan: nazi puyo mode?
  135. [22:37:34] deepfreeze2k: The intro cutscene's not FMV in arcade.
  136. [22:37:37] jml_: yeah puyo nexus
  137. [22:38:35] deepfreeze2k: I have the rom booted up right now.
  138. [22:39:15] deepfreeze2k: SnowLUL
  139. [22:39:28] deepfreeze2k: oh god
  140. [22:39:29] it_is_fanatic: this was a mistake
  141. [22:39:34] draconianxp: Perfect!
  142. [22:39:36] deepfreeze2k: That's....not supposed to happen
  143. [22:39:53] it_is_fanatic: PUPUYOSN
  144. [22:39:59] draconianxp: This is fine
  145. [22:40:04] murugo: Kaizo Puyo
  146. [22:40:13] tai367307: Still playable.
  147. [22:40:20] theeyesofsyn92: It's the little skelly!
  148. [22:40:26] theeyesofsyn92: He's so cute!
  149. [22:40:26] it_is_fanatic: hit the "FIX GAME" button
  150. [22:40:41] theeyesofsyn92: Little skelly is by far my favorite puyo
  151. [22:40:59] deepfreeze2k: I use MameUI64. I dont have any familiarity with this version.
  152. [22:41:20] diggleshut: HELLLLLLLLLLLO
  153. [22:41:20] basssic: the ones in quick menu are for the game
  154. [22:41:30] basssic: the ones you're looking at now are universal
  155. [22:41:48] turnsie: theyre universal unless you change them from inside the game
  156. [22:41:52] fenrax: hello
  157. [22:41:57] diggleshut: sup
  158. [22:41:57] it_is_fanatic: enable cheats timClip
  159. [22:42:05] diggleshut: my pc disconnected itself some point last night
  160. [22:42:07] diggleshut: just woke up
  161. [22:42:13] fenrax: is it me you're looking for
  162. [22:42:16] theeyesofsyn92: he's so adorable
  163. [22:42:33] deepfreeze2k: oh god
  164. [22:42:34] it_is_fanatic: well
  165. [22:42:40] diggleshut: sure why not :3
  166. [22:42:43] basssic: is something bound to fast forward
  167. [22:42:44] it_is_fanatic: something has gone HORRIBLY wrong
  168. [22:42:46] deepfreeze2k: Looks like speed is set to GO AS FAST AS POSSIBLE
  169. [22:42:49] santanadvxfan: you can play at this rate right?
  170. [22:42:50] kneefoil: Just how fast can we go?
  171. [22:42:51] santanadvxfan: I believe in you
  172. [22:42:56] ahnorex: hmm
  173. [22:42:59] fenrax: I was quoting lionel ritchie
  174. [22:43:00] draconianxp: You've enabled Sonic Mode
  175. [22:43:07] draconianxp: Gotta go fast
  176. [22:43:07] culturedpork: this seems fine.
  177. [22:43:08] fenrax: richie
  178. [22:43:11] slice919: puyo puyo but every time it puyos it gets faster
  179. [22:43:11] diggleshut: ;-;
  180. [22:43:15] deepfreeze2k: TAS Only.
  181. [22:43:23] rynaty: What did I tune into
  182. [22:43:27] bananaburger: Puyo The Grandmaster
  183. [22:43:32] koolman9921: You got this
  184. [22:43:32] min_tee: now this is puyo puyo
  185. [22:43:38] bananaburger: D:
  186. [22:43:40] rynaty: Am I having a seizure?
  187. [22:43:40] shoepert: aA
  188. [22:43:44] draconianxp: It's getting faster....
  189. [22:43:50] draconianxp: It's going to break the sound barrier
  190. [22:43:53] turnsie: id love to hear the hey andy sweetie at this speed
  191. [22:43:56] jml_: check the controller binding for fast forward, maybe it's accidentally being held down
  192. [22:44:03] theeyesofsyn92: That made me a tiny bit nauseous...
  193. [22:44:06] bananaburger: did you hit something when you were trying to skip the beginning screens in the arcade version?
  194. [22:44:09] theeyesofsyn92: I'll be back
  195. [22:44:25] deepfreeze2k: Huzzah!
  196. [22:44:30] it_is_fanatic: Seems Good
  197. [22:45:32] deepfreeze2k: Basketball game oddly enough
  198. [22:45:32] jml_: things are definitely happening right now
  199. [22:45:35] it_is_fanatic: 1 v 1 me kid
  200. [22:45:39] it_is_fanatic: in Government
  201. [22:45:47] basssic: it's a basketball game apparently?!
  202. [22:45:49] turnsie: your punishment for playing outside japan
  203. [22:46:04] theeyesofsyn92: I don't think I like fast forward on things, that was weird, I didn't think that would make me feel so uncomfortable, heh
  204. [22:46:23] kneefoil: I bet the game's fast again
  205. [22:46:26] it_is_fanatic: wait you're not in japan
  206. [22:47:00] it_is_fanatic: FeelsGoodMan
  207. [22:47:00] basssic: try the number keys for coins
  208. [22:47:17] it_is_fanatic: SSUUUUUUUUNN
  209. [22:47:22] bananaburger: p i zz a
  210. [22:47:37] shoepert: (
  211. [22:47:46] allstar3339: timOh no
  212. [22:48:04] turnsie: there's probably a cheat to disable the timers
  213. [22:48:05] ledinf: are there virtual dip switches?
  214. [22:48:06] theeyesofsyn92: if you plan on fast forwarding a bunch, can you give us a heads up if it's not too much trouble so I can tab out a moment :)
  215. [22:48:34] deepfreeze2k: I could check what the dips are
  216. [22:48:57] basssic: f2 is service switches
  217. [22:49:02] basssic: in mame
  218. [22:49:23] deepfreeze2k: Apparently there's only 2 known Dipswitches. The rest are labeled as 'unknown' in MAME
  219. [22:49:31] deepfreeze2k: PDR1 and PDR2 are the only labeled ones.
  220. [22:49:44] deepfreeze2k: Both off by default
  221. [22:49:55] deepfreeze2k: And I have no idea what PDR1 and 2 are
  222. [22:50:23] turnsie: i cherish your streams, tim
  223. [22:50:24] dehumanization: rip
  224. [22:50:33] it_is_fanatic: Search for: Input
  225. [22:50:37] seri__: input
  226. [22:50:47] bananaburger: retroarch needs voice commands
  227. [22:51:13] draconianxp: Siri, search the internet for "My controls are backwards"
  228. [22:51:36] diggleshut: hello tim I hope your day has been full of cheer and good feelings
  229. [22:52:10] turnsie: why not use the quick menu to just change the settings for mame?
  230. [22:53:11] turnsie: with the game running hit F1 (?)
  231. [22:54:51] dehumanization: hard mode
  232. [22:57:07] it_is_fanatic: timClip
  233. [22:58:13] allstar3339: timOh
  234. [22:59:27] dehumanization: you are p2?
  235. [22:59:42] bananaburger: story of my life
  236. [23:00:01] dehumanization: clear them first
  237. [23:00:04] dehumanization: if it binds more than one
  238. [23:00:40] murugo: Call the arcade attendant
  239. [23:00:55] orionsnebula: Did the game resolution just change?
  240. [23:01:00] dehumanization: oh mame also has separate sections for general and the loaded game
  241. [23:01:21] it_is_fanatic: lmfao
  242. [23:02:05] raynor_ex: this seems normal for mame
  243. [23:02:17] firedude847: call dad he might know what to do
  244. [23:02:25] anony54: diggleshit, go listen to vaporwave
  245. [23:02:37] it_is_fanatic: you just want to play Puyo... IN JAPAN*
  246. [23:02:41] luna_moona: VapeNation wave > vaporwave
  247. [23:03:09] shimmerfairy: you selected general controls there
  248. [23:03:29] it_is_fanatic: 1 billion dollars
  249. [23:03:36] theeyesofsyn92: Please don't, it might fall on you
  250. [23:03:52] dehumanization: serenity now
  251. [23:04:14] dehumanization: pretend its brain matter or whatever you do at work
  252. [23:04:22] basssic: nice
  253. [23:04:22] slashiee_: i saw that pallete debug info
  254. [23:04:34] skygtr350: timMrBones
  255. [23:04:44] darkone32: wow tim is really addicted to these games lol
  256. [23:04:45] it_is_fanatic: poggers
  257. [23:05:04] zomgqwert: does the machine have special settings?
  258. [23:05:07] noisecrush: the audio quality is definitely worse
  259. [23:05:18] diggleshut: pla
  260. [23:05:20] diggleshut: pls
  261. [23:05:20] deepfreeze2k: The machine's dipswitch settings are mostly unknown
  262. [23:05:22] noisecrush: but that's life
  263. [23:05:27] diggleshut: VAPORWAV HAS PASSED
  264. [23:05:34] darkone32: am i? i... wasnt aware!
  265. [23:05:40] deepfreeze2k: Yeah, this game's got a few emulation issues. I dont know the game well enough to tell you what.
  266. [23:05:50] deepfreeze2k: hahaa
  267. [23:05:59] raynor_ex: timRIP
  268. [23:06:19] noisecrush: oh... I just got it... skeleton-t.... skeleton-tea.
  269. [23:06:22] noisecrush: oops.
  270. [23:06:47] dehumanization: puyo puyo turbo championship edition
  271. [23:06:57] captainprikol: This stream lacks rainbows and unicorns
  272. [23:07:15] ledinf: it lacks lisa frank zappa
  273. [23:07:27] raynor_ex: dropping an entire puyo planet worth of garbage on your opponent
  274. [23:07:32] noisecrush: mona lisa frank zappa
  275. [23:07:54] noisecrush: there has to be more ways to extend that
  276. [23:08:11] noisecrush: who well known has "mona" as a last name
  277. [23:08:18] ledinf: beats me
  278. [23:08:53] it_is_fanatic: timClip
  279. [23:08:53] fenrax: yeah, everyone knows its all about uh
  280. [23:09:04] 7locrian7: tim have you ever thought of doing keto?
  281. [23:09:06] fenrax: neoclassical retro ska punk now
  282. [23:09:10] 7locrian7: i dont do it but everyone is doing it these days
  283. [23:09:24] 7locrian7: some claim it helps with depression and stuff
  284. [23:09:43] luna_moona: i only listen to neocommunist retro ska punk Kappa
  285. [23:10:00] diggleshut: D:
  287. [23:10:05] diggleshut: omg
  288. [23:10:31] luna_moona: rip SoSnowy
  289. [23:10:57] diggleshut: yes
  290. [23:10:59] diggleshut: RIP
  291. [23:11:06] it_is_fanatic: timClip huge
  292. [23:11:37] raynor_ex: puyo puyo: wallet murderer mode
  293. [23:11:42] anony54: diggle actually lives in siberia
  294. [23:11:43] noisecrush: you could have had an all clear
  295. [23:11:47] diggleshut: D:
  296. [23:11:55] zomgqwert: maybe it's a dip switch setting
  297. [23:11:55] noisecrush: but this is cooler anyway
  298. [23:12:08] apopmachine: destroyed
  299. [23:12:10] noisecrush: ouch
  300. [23:12:21] luna_moona: KappaClaus
  301. [23:13:07] noisecrush: 3 colors is easier for the small minded arcade goers
  302. [23:13:17] basssic: oh mai gah
  303. [23:13:45] gator_8: o-oh
  304. [23:13:52] noisecrush: uh.
  305. [23:13:54] noisecrush: brutal
  306. [23:14:44] dehumanization: see if theres a difficulty setting
  307. [23:15:33] dehumanization: arcade games usually have higher difficulty settings
  308. [23:16:44] mugiwaraboshi: is life worth living with a curry allergy? poor frog
  309. [23:16:44] gameraxel: Hey Tim tpKyawawa
  310. [23:17:05] noisecrush: the old nemesis strikes again
  311. [23:17:13] diggleshut: huh
  312. [23:17:25] diggleshut: did you know that force feedback controllers are rare now not because people dont want them
  313. [23:17:29] diggleshut: but because of a patent troll
  314. [23:18:29] luna_moona: what are force feedback controllers
  315. [23:18:37] cybros31: how do you get a meteor?
  316. [23:18:45] basssic: big chain
  317. [23:18:53] cybros31: ah
  318. [23:18:54] basssic: like 12+ or some shit
  319. [23:19:18] cybros31: child's play😎
  320. [23:19:30] noisecrush: you could do it with a huge counter
  321. [23:20:40] darkone32: ''game is too easy''
  322. [23:22:17] it_is_fanatic: danS
  323. [23:22:25] basssic: now i get it
  324. [23:22:25] diggleshut: like
  325. [23:22:31] diggleshut: so if you're driving you feel the road give back to the wheel
  326. [23:22:33] diggleshut: or flying wind
  327. [23:22:44] theeyesofsyn92: There do seem to be a lot of people who draw Sonic fan art who are also into inflation.
  328. [23:22:50] theeyesofsyn92: it's a little odd
  329. [23:23:08] theeyesofsyn92: Oh. It was a metaphor
  330. [23:23:16] theeyesofsyn92: well my comment still stands
  331. [23:24:38] anony54: diggle doesn't know what driving is like
  332. [23:24:42] anony54: don't trust him
  333. [23:24:53] luna_moona: timOh
  334. [23:24:56] the_penguinking: how can it be the definitive version without hey andy sweetie?
  335. [23:25:53] diggleshut: lol
  336. [23:29:33] deepfreeze2k: Oh huh
  337. [23:29:34] rand___althor: Police don't want you doing that
  338. [23:29:34] basssic: 9
  339. [23:29:36] deepfreeze2k: Didnt realise it had this menu
  340. [23:30:30] deepfreeze2k: wat
  341. [23:30:38] raynor_ex: let's all go to your house and play some puyo on your cabinet
  342. [23:30:39] plasticleg: they're onto you tim,
  343. [23:30:42] dehumanization: link up 2 machines maybe
  344. [23:30:47] fusxfaranto: timOh
  345. [23:30:48] deepfreeze2k: Oh.
  346. [23:30:52] dehumanization: error
  347. [23:31:15] dehumanization: oh there was another page of settings
  348. [23:31:17] deepfreeze2k: Its probably a cart based system, and 4p isnt possible on that cart.
  349. [23:31:20] thepickleman4: you broke it
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