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Ahri miniguide proto

a guest
Sep 19th, 2018
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  1. Skill Order :
  2. Start with a point in Q, then a point in E to protect yourself from early ganks, engages, or to cheese your enemy. Continue with a second point in Q as it is your main trading and waveclear tool, then a point in W.
  4. Afterwards, the maxing order is Q>W>E.
  6. Rune Setup :
  7. Keystone :
  8. Electrocute is your basic keystone for burst, especially Ahri's kit cannot exploit Comet well. Due to W homing on opponents if an auto connects, you only have to hit one skillshot to proc Electrocute, or just another auto if laning against a melee.
  10. First row :
  11. While Ahri can't abuse Sudden Impact a lot compared to Assassins with mobility on a lower CD, she can still make great use of the magic penetration when using her ult to engage or pick off someone. Taste of Blood is also a viable choice. Choose between both to your liking.
  13. Second row :
  14. Eyeball Collection is essentially free AP out of doing what you should ideally be doing : killing people, roaming and snowballing. Ghost Poro is a more vision centered choice that gives you free vision and some AP if "warding" aggressively. Again, choose to your liking.
  16. Third row :
  17. Due to your reliance on Spirit Rush to make big plays, Ultimate Hunter is the rune of choice to have it come back up much faster. You may swap it for Ingenious Hunter if you want to center your build around items like Hextech Protobelt or Twin Shadows.
  19. Secondary Tree :
  20. Ahri can make use of essentially any tree for various purposes but for simplicity's sake only one will be noted here.
  22. Nullifying Orb is good in several AP matchups that want to all-in, giving you extra safety and making it harder for them to snowball. If you have trouble managing Mana early or need to push a lot to keep a roamer in check, you can pick up Manaflow instead.
  24. Transcendance is a great rune in general as it's guaranteed 10% CDR with extra AP from CDR ove 40%, which gives you a lot more freedom in your builds and lets you cap pretty easily. If you feel confident, Absolute Focus is a viable alternate choice as your sustain and "pick and run" playstyle lets you have the AP bonus up often.
  26. Item Builds :
  28. Core Items
  30. Doran's Ring > Lost Chapter > Luden's Echo > Morellonomicon or Lich Bane or Hextech Protobelt
  32. You can purchase additional Doran's Rings or Dark Seals to make your lane phase smoother if you don't back with enough gold for Lost Chapter.
  34. What second item to get?
  36. Morello is an essential item of the common "full penetration" builds and the simplest to use of all three, as it does not require you to think of actives or additional input besides your spell. Just remember Oblivion Orb is where most of its power is concentrated.
  38. Lich Bane is a strong item with every stat Ahri needs, that increases her burst and DPS alike when used properly. However, you need to remember to auto between spells to make the most of it and, into certain teams, it can be dangerous. But it makes you more effective against tankier team.
  40. Hextech Protobelt-01 is a cheap item that gives easy additional burst and engage from its active, but also gives good stats while having a good build path unlike Gunblade. But it's less useful against tankier teams.
  42. Boot choices : Sorcerer's Shoes in general. Magic Penetration is a very strong stat for all Mages and as one of the only sources in the game, it should be your basic pick.
  44. Tabi against heavily auto-attack centered teams, such as Yasuo + ADC + AD Bruiser.
  46. Mercs against CC-stacking teams.
  48. Late Items : Void Staff and Rabadon.
  49. These two items are essential for any mage to pick up sooner or later. Due to natural MR, Void Staff is always good to pick mid-late game, especially if enemies bought any kind of MR resist, and Rabadon's AP multiplicator means you want a few AP items under your belt already before buying it.
  51. Situational Items :
  53. Zhonya / Banshee / Rylai / Spellbinder / Twin Shadows / Mejai's Soulstealer
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