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- >Be anon
- >You get transported to Equestria
- >Pretty fucking cool until you realize that ponies aren't xenophiles
- >Ponies reject you for being a human and an asshole
- >Everything you do gives them a sense of unease
- >Like when someone smiles with their mouth but not their eyes
- >The way the grass doesn't spring back up when you walks
- >The way the doors always creak when you pushes them open
- >How you never breaks into song during celebrations
- >Your touch is warm, yet cold at the same time (magically clammy)
- >Nopony can feel the friendship coming from you
- >They especially didn't like the omnivore part and how you prefer meat to literally anything else the ponies comes up with.
- >You may have been hungry enough to joke about eating a horse
- >Ponies weren't the same after that
- >You live with Twilight for the time being, mostly because ponies want her to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't eat or rape anypony
- >You try to rape Twilight at some point, but fail miserably due to magical countermeasures she put up
- >Most of those you're pretty sure was fucking lethal
- >You and Twilight both kinda hate each other's guts at that point
- >Enter a series of tense moments that slowly escalates into fights without either of you trying to understand one another
- >Twilight eventually had enough of your shit and decides to reform you
- >By turning you into a filly
- >You try chewing out Twilight, but you are a defenseless filly now
- >You are unable to protest against this because she's a fucking princess
- >Twilight actually puts the effort in making a cover story for you and forcibly attempts to adopt you through legal and psychological means.
- >You resist at every single turn she puts you in, misbehaving and trying to sabatoge Purple's reputation to earn your freedom
- >Eventually your attempts at making Twicunt's life a miserable hell has taken it's toll
- >Purple actually reaches the breaking point and cries about why can't you just be a good filly and be happy with your life
- >You protest that you were happy with your life before and that you are a fucking adult and that you aren't a fucking filly
- >Twilight is silent
- >You smile believing that you've won the battle and got Twilight to cave in to your demands
- >Twilight agrees that you aren't a filly and that you're an adult
- >You are overjoyed by this sensation that you're finally going to become human again
- >Twilight goes over to a drawer and says that since you're an adult, you should be able to do adult things
- >Yfw you are puzzled and asked what she means by that
- >Yfw when she pulls out a strap-on
- >Yfw she puts it on
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