
Nice things

Nov 8th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Dr. Ferguson was sitting at her desk, entering the information from her last appointment into the computer to keep her files up to date, while she waited for Hayley and Adam to show up to their appointment.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Adam pulled his truck into the parking lot of the facility, killing the engine and looking over at Hayley in the passenger seat briefly before slipping out and walking around to her side, jerking the door open for her and offering her a hand. "Ready?"-
  3. Tsaaq: "Yeah." She nodded her head. She took his hand and hopped out of his truck. "Soooo, it's getting colder and stuff." Hayley said awkwardly. "Do you think I should come right out and say stuff to Dr. Ferguson or should I ease into it?" She asked with a pout.
  4. Covet: Ferguson closed, put away the files, and went to reach for Adam and Hayley's getting herself set up with her notepad, as she checked the time again.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "I think she might appreciate you being straight forward with her. You'll also get the most out of your session if you get right into the reason you want to talk today." He held onto her hand and walked her to the front of the building, holding the door open for her so she could walk inside and head to Ferguson's office.-
  6. Tsaaq: She pursed her lips and nodded her head. "Right..." She whispered. Hayley held onto his hand tight as she nervously went inside with him. "Thanks." She smiled back at him before going to sit down. "Hello doctor, how're you tonght?" She asked. "I come with some... Unfortunate news. I don't know if my general practictioner or anybody has told you yet." She frowned as she crossed her legs.
  7. Covet: She smiled as Adam and Hayley walked in. She sat up in her chair and greeted them back. "Good evening to you both.."She started then furrowed her brow as she listened to Hayley jump right in, "Oh, I haven't heard anything, at least nothing has been forwarded to me yet. Please, go on."
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Adam followed her into the office and closed the door behind him, taking a seat in one of the comfy chairs across from her. "Evening." He said to her with a small smile, growing quiet when Hayley started to speak because it was hers to tell.-
  9. Tsaaq: "Well..." Hayley trailed off, inhaling deeply. "I recently found out another negative result of being sexually assaulted, violently, I've become infertile." She exhaled with a frown forming on her lips. "Which is bad. I know but, I'm also very young so..." Hayley trailed off, losing her place when trying to think of the brightside of things. "No condoms for me." She tried to say joking before frowning again.
  10. Covet: Ferguson listened to Hayley then made a few notes down on her notebook before she crossed her hands in front of her, "I see, that is unfortunate to hear. How have you been handling this news, aside from the cynical upside of your condom statement?" She asked, watching her closely.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -Adam reached over to lay his hand on top of Hayley's, giving her fingers a squeeze.-
  12. Tsaaq: She inhaled again and shrugged her shoulders. "It sucks because..." She paused. "Well, I think one of my fears was that the last time I was pregnant would be the only time I'd be able to. And it's shitty to hear that it was true." Hayley kept a brave face as she held onto Adam's hand. "I mean. It's not really up to just me anyways, it depends on what my partner wants. And I'm so young I shouldn't even be worried about conceiving right?" She forced a smile.
  13. Covet: "Of course, that makes sense, but I don't think you should discredit your own wants like that either. It's probably best that you found this news out, as young as you are, because it gives you plenty of time to consider your other options. I would like to comment and compliment you on how you're thinking about this rationally." Ferguson added, smiling at the way that Adam was being supportive of her.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "There are so many options for children in the future." He spoke in a calm voice, looking into her face. "And you never know if things will change by the time you're ready to start a family, too. This is just another way that life is asking you to get creative.'-
  15. [1:14:12 AM] 【Amethyst】: She shrugged her shoulders and looked over to Adam and began to chew her lip nervously. "But... Have you thought about-" She shrugged her shoulders again. Apprehensive of the question. "Did you ever see yourself starting a family with me? Before when I thought I wasn't barren like a fucking character at the beginning of a fairy tale?" She inquired with a wary stare.
  16. [1:15:43 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: Ferguson listened to the both of them, turning her head to Adam as Hayley asked the question, letting them have this discussion, without prompting them.
  17. [1:18:15 AM] Stephh -: “Oh. Well...” he instantly got a little nervous and uncomfortable with being on the spot like that. “I️ did want kids when I’m a little older. I️ just... I️ had wanted to adopt.” He paused, looking to Ferguson. “Both my brother and myself are adopted, so it was something I was interested in doing as well.”-
  18. [1:26:00 AM] 【Amethyst】: Hayley nodded her head slowly and turned her body to face him. "With me?" She asked in a quiet and unsure voice. "Or just... Whoever. It didn't really matter?" She shrugged. "I remember you saying it before but I don't know. I did want to have at least one myself... And I know you don't like sex or whatever but I was holding onto hope that maybe one day we'd at least get far enough we're you're comfortable enough with me to at least procreate and now that isn't even a possibility." She looked away her eyes going to the floor.
  19. [1:30:11 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "I want you both to remember that you're still young, so I don't want you two to fret over the small details of this right now. I know that's asking a lot, considering the current predicament and how I'm sure it's at the forefront of your mind." She said to Hayley before looking at them both, "But, there's not a reason you can't have hope. I think the idea of adoption is admirable, as is the idea of holding onto the possibility of having your own, however slim that chance might be." Ferguson said, trying to be comforting.
  20. [1:32:33 AM] Stephh -: -He nodded his head to Ferguson, falling silent for a moment to let her speak. "I guess it's something I haven't put all that much thought into as of this point in my life...'-
  21. [1:35:38 AM] 【Amethyst】: "Of course you haven't you're a guy. I don't even know why I'm asking." She muttered. She went quiet and put her hands in her lap. "I don't feel very young most of the time." She whispered. "The last few years have felt like an eternity. That's why I kept trying to off myself I guess." She began to frown again.
  22. [1:41:22 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "It's a valid question to ask, Hayley. You're at a crossroads here, with limited options. However, Adam's not wrong for not having put thought into it, either. It's just something that you're going to have to communicate to each other, so that you can understand each other." She told them, then directed her attention to Hayley,"Are you feeling like that at all currently?" Ferguson asked her, because that was an important thing to check in on. "Depression can do that to a person. The sense of overwhelming grief and sadness, makes the days seem longer, because we're not enjoying life around us. But you've come far from that Hayley, and You are a fighter, I can see that in you." She told her with a smile.
  23. [1:43:50 AM] Stephh -: "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disappoint you." He spoke solemnly, scratching his fingers into the side of his head. Hearing how she felt, he ducked his head, frowning at his lap.-
  24. [1:49:54 AM] 【Amethyst】: She nodded her head and rubbed her hands against her lap. "I mean... Not lately. Or maybe I have?" She answered Ferguson. "You not thinking about it isn't disappointing me. I just want you to work with me... So know we're on the same page about stuff." She told him gently. "I just don't want to feel like I'm not the only one who's content to just being with him for as long as I can." Hayley looked up. "And I feel like, I think a lot about the future and having babies because I don't really know what else I want for sure... I just know I want to be like how my mom and dad are. Or even like how my brother is with his wife. But everything always seems to go wrong. When all I've really wanted for sure was the love that they have. And maybe a kid I had, or maybe one I adopted. It didn't matter so long as I had the options and I had Adam." She frowned. "And I get sad when he says he doesn't think about that stuff. But that's all I really have..."
  25. [2:01:15 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: Ferguson listened to Hayley then looked at Adam, "Are you hearing her Adam? I understand if it's not something you think about because you have different goals. There's nothing wrong with that, however sometimes women need to hear that they're wants or needs are in consideration as well." She looked to Hayley, "I don't want you to feel like you're never going to have that. I can see that you and Adam care for each other a lot. He's always here being supportive for you, and you're doing your best to be patient with him, Hayley. You need to think about how every love is different, and where it'd be great to have the same thing as someone else, you're not them. You have to be creative in how you love each other, and build that into something unique to yourselves. If that makes sense. Between the two of you, you have a very unconventional love, with some difficulties in place. But it's nothing you can't overcome, or work through."
  26. [2:03:59 AM] Stephh -: "I think it's something we can talk about. It was just at this point in my life, I hadn't given it much thought because I assumed I had plenty of time before that was something I needed to really consider. But we can absolutely talk about it and work out what we both want, together." He reached for her hand again, giving it a reassuring squeeze.-
  27. [2:11:32 AM] 【Amethyst】: Hayley looked over to him and took his hand. She exhaled lightly and smiled a bit. "Well..." She trailed off. "I really would appreciate that. Because I don't want to talk about that with anybody else." She said softly. "I was reading on the internet about asexuality and stuff... And how when they do get into relationships they said it only works if they're really comfortable with the person. So... I want to do whatever it takes to make it so you're not uncomfortable with me." She squeezed his hand in return. "Because that's how important you are to me."
  28. [2:18:15 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "I think that's a very mature approach to this, for both of you." Ferguson stated, then checked the time, "And with that understanding between the two of you, I think we'll leave this session on that point. By all means, you can continue to talk about this between the two of you, in fact I encourage that." She told them, "I'm always ready to schedule you in again, any time you need."
  29. [2:19:21 AM] Stephh -: "Thank you." He said with a smile to Hayley before nodding to Dr. Ferguson. He pushed up to his feet, offering to shake her hand because it was a good session and shes good at this shit. He went to the door, pulling it open for Hayley to step out ahead of him.-
  30. [2:23:02 AM] 【Amethyst】: "I'll be in touch then..." She said with a smile. She waved as she made her way out of the office. "Have a good night doctor." She said before walking out into the hallway. "Thank you." Hayley said before extending her hand to him for hand holding. "How do you feel?" She asked him. "I'm not as sad... I'm still sad. But not as bad. Like it'll be okay"
  31. [2:25:43 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "You both have a good night as well, and get home safe." She told them giving them a wave as they left, then went about getting her things wrapped up for the night so she could go home.
  32. [2:27:09 AM] Stephh -: "I feel okay. But the thing you need to remember is that it really will be okay. We're going to get through this together." He took her hand and laced his fingers with hers, leading her through the building to the exit. "We'll sit down and have dinner one night and have a good talk, okay?" He asked as he held the door open for her.-
  33. [2:29:09 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: [I see a wine and spaghettio night in their future.]
  34. [2:29:35 AM] 【Amethyst】: ((Go away lmao.))
  35. [2:29:39 AM] Stephh -: (YAAAAS)
  36. [2:29:51 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: [XD]
  37. [2:32:23 AM] 【Amethyst】: She smiled at him and squealed a bit as she jumped up and down. "Chicken." She declared before going through the exit. "That sounds like a great plan." She said as she made her way to Adam's truck so they could head back to OCH for sleeps.
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