

Jan 26th, 2016
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  1. 0.1
  2. variables:
  3. {chat} = true
  4. {chat.%player%} = true
  5. {spam.%player%} = true
  6. {cenzura} = true
  7. {slowmode} = true
  8. {emotikony} = true
  9. {chatx::%player%} = 0
  10. {msg.%player%} = 0
  11. {anticapslock} = true
  13. options:
  14. # Wiadomosc przy czyszczeniu chatu.
  15. messageclear: &9Chat zostal wyczyszczony przez &7%player%
  17. # Wiadomosc przy wylaczeniu chatu.
  18. messageoff: &9Chat zostal wylaczony przez &7%player%
  20. # Wiadomosc przy wlaczeniu chatu.
  21. messageon: &9Chat zostal wlaczony przez &7%player%
  23. # Wiadomosc wysylana do gracza podczas kiedy gracz pisze na wylaczonym chacie.
  24. messageoffplayer: &cChat jest aktualnie wylaczony!
  26. # Wiadomosc przy zablokowaniu gracza.
  27. messagelock: &9Gracz &7%player-arg% &9Zostal zablokowany przez &7%player% &9Z powodu: &7%arg 2%
  29. # Wiadomosc przy odblokowaniu gracza.
  30. messageunlock: &9Gracz &7%player-arg% &9Zostal odblokowany przez &7%player%
  32. # Wiadomosc wysylana do gracza podczas kiedy jest zablokowany.
  33. messagelockplayer: &9Jestes zablokowany
  35. # Czas slowmode'a w sekundach
  36. slowmodetime: 3
  38. # Wiadomosc przy wylaczeniu slowmode'a.
  39. messageslowmodeoff: &9Slowmode zostal wylaczony !!
  41. # Wiadomosc przy wlaczeniu slowmode'a.
  42. messageslowmodeon: &9Slowmode zostal wlaczony !!
  44. # Zmiana tekstu kiedy gracz napisze jakąś cenzure.
  45. cenzura: ***
  47. # Wiadomosc przy wylaczeniu cenzury.
  48. Censormessageoff: &9Cenzura zostala wylaczona !!
  50. # Wiadomosc przy wlaczeniu cenzury.
  51. Censormessageon: &9Cenzura zostala wlaczona !!
  53. # Wiadomosc przy wlaczeniu emotikon.
  54. messagebuzkion: &9Emotikony zostal wlaczone !!
  56. # Wiadomosc przy wylaczeniu emotikon.
  57. messagebuzkioff: &9Emotikony zostaly wylaczone !!
  59. # Wiadomosc przy wlaczeniu anticapslock'a.
  60. anticapslockon: &9antiCAPSLOCK zostal wlaczony przez &7%player%
  62. # Wiadomosc przy wylaczeniu anticapslock'a.
  63. anticapslockoff: &9antiCAPSLOCK zostal wylaczony przez &7%player%
  65. # Wyglad prywatnej wiadomosci.
  66. msg: &9[%player% -> %player-arg%]&7 %arg 2%
  69. command /chat [<text>] [<text>] [<player>]:
  70. permission: chat.admin
  71. permission message: &cNie masz uprawnien do tej komendy!
  72. trigger:
  73. if arg 1 is not set:
  74. send "&cWszyskie komendy znajdziesz pod: &9/chat pomoc 1/2"
  75. stop
  76. if arg 1 is "pomoc" or "help":
  77. if arg 2 is "1":
  78. send "&0-----------&7[&aStrona &c1&7/&a2&7]&0-----------"
  79. send "&9/chat wyczysc &7- Czysci chat."
  80. send "&9/chat wylacz &7- Wylacza chat."
  81. send "&9/chat wlacz &7- Wlacza chat."
  82. send "&9/chat zablokuj <powod> <nick> &7- Blokuje gracza."
  83. send "&9/chat odblokuj potwierdzam <nick> &7- Odblokowuje gracza gracza."
  84. send "&9/chat slowmode wlacz &7- Wlacza slowmode'a."
  85. send "&9/chat slowmode wylacz &7- Wylacza slowmode'a."
  86. send "&9/chat info &7- Informacje o skripcie."
  87. send "&9/chat spam <infomacja/spam> &7- Spamuje u wszyskich graczy ta sama wiadomoscia."
  88. send "&9/chat emotikony wlacz &7- Wlacza emotikony."
  89. send "&9/chat emotikony wylacz &7- Wylacza emotikony."
  90. stop
  91. if arg 2 is "2":
  92. send "&0-----------&7[&aStrona &c2&7/&a2&7]&0-----------"
  93. send "&9/cenzura wlacz &7- Wlacza cenzure."
  94. send "&9/cenzura wylacz &7- Wylacza cenzure."
  95. send "&9/cenzura dodaj <cenzura> &7- Dodaje cenzure."
  96. send "&9/cenzura usun <cenzura> &7- Usun z spisu cenzur cenzure."
  97. send "&9/cenzura spis &7- Pokazuje spis cenzur."
  98. send "&9/chat statystyki <nick> &7- Statystyki dot. chatu."
  99. send "&9/chat reload &7- Przeladowywuje skrypt."
  100. send "&9/chat anticapslock wlacz &7- Wlacza antiCAPSLOCK'a."
  101. send "&9/chat anticapslock wylacz &7- Wylacza antiCAPSLOCK'a."
  102. stop
  103. if arg 1 is "wyczysc" or "clear":
  104. loop 100 times:
  105. broadcast " "
  106. broadcast "{@messageclear}"
  107. stop
  108. if arg 1 is "info":
  109. send "&7Informacje:"
  110. send "&7Wersja: &91.2"
  111. send "&7Autor: &9Flotek"
  112. send "&7Link: &9"
  113. stop
  114. if arg 1 is "wylacz" or "off":
  115. if {chat} is true:
  116. set {chat} to false
  117. broadcast "{@messageoff}"
  118. else:
  119. send "&9Chat jest juz wylaczony!"
  120. stop
  121. if arg 1 is "wlacz" or "on":
  122. if {chat} is false:
  123. set {chat} to true
  124. broadcast "{@messageon}"
  125. else:
  126. send "&9Chat jest juz wlaczony!"
  127. stop
  128. if arg 1 is "zablokuj" or "lock":
  129. if arg 2 is set:
  130. if arg 3 is set:
  131. if {chat.%player-arg%} is true:
  132. set {chat.%player-arg%} to false
  133. broadcast "{@messagelock}"
  134. else:
  135. send "&9Ten gracz jest juz zablokowany!"
  136. else:
  137. send "&9Podaj nick gracza!"
  138. else:
  139. send "&9Podaj powod!"
  140. stop
  141. if arg 1 is "odblokuj" or "unlock":
  142. if arg 2 is "potwierdzam" or "confirm":
  143. if arg 3 is set:
  144. if {chat.%player-arg%} is false:
  145. set {chat.%player-arg%} to true
  146. broadcast "{@messageunlock}"
  147. else:
  148. send "&9Ten gracz nie jest zablokowany!"
  149. else:
  150. send "&9Podaj nick gracza!"
  151. stop
  152. if arg 1 is "slowmode":
  153. if arg 2 is "wylacz" or "off":
  154. if {slowmode} is true:
  155. set {slowmode} to false
  156. broadcast "{@messageslowmodeoff}"
  157. else:
  158. send "&9Slowmode jest wylaczony!"
  159. stop
  160. if arg 2 is "wlacz" or "on":
  161. if {slowmode} is false:
  162. set {slowmode} to true
  163. broadcast "{@messageslowmodeon}"
  164. else:
  165. send "&9Slowmode jest wlaczony!"
  166. stop
  167. if arg 1 is "emotikony" or "buzki":
  168. if arg 2 is "wlacz" or "on":
  169. if {emotikony} is false:
  170. set {emotikony} to true
  171. broadcast "{@messagebuzkion}"
  172. else:
  173. send "&9Emotikony sa juz wlaczone!"
  174. stop
  175. if arg 2 is "wylacz" or "off":
  176. if {emotikony} is true:
  177. set {emotikony} to false
  178. broadcast "{@messagebuzkioff}"
  179. else:
  180. send "&9Emotikony sa juz wylaczone!"
  181. stop
  182. if arg 1 is "spam":
  183. if arg 2 is set:
  184. loop 20 times:
  185. broadcast "%colored arg 2%"
  186. broadcast ""
  187. stop
  188. if arg 1 is "statystyki" or "staty":
  189. if arg 2 is player:
  190. send "&6Statystyki gracza %arg 2%"
  191. send "&7Napisane wiadomosci: &9%{chatx::%player%}%"
  192. send "&7Wiadomosci prytawne: &9%{msg.%player%}%"
  193. else:
  194. send "&9Podaj nick gracza."
  195. stop
  196. if arg 1 is "przeladuj" or "reload":
  197. execute player command "sk reload %script%"
  198. stop
  199. if arg 1 is "anticapslock" or "anticl" or "acl":
  200. if arg 2 is "wlacz" or "on":
  201. set {anticapslock} to true
  202. broadcast "{@anticapslockon}"
  203. stop
  204. if arg 2 is "wylacz" or "off":
  205. set {anticapslock} to false
  206. broadcast "{@anticapslockoff}"
  207. stop
  209. command /cenzura [<text>] [<text>]:
  210. permission: chat.admin
  211. permission message: &cNie masz uprawnien do tej komendy!
  212. trigger:
  213. if arg 1 is "wlacz" or "on":
  214. if {cenzura} is false:
  215. set {cenzura} to true
  216. broadcast "{@Censormessageon}"
  217. else:
  218. send "&9Cenzura jest juz wlaczona"
  219. stop
  220. if arg 1 is "wylacz" or "off":
  221. if {cenzura} is true:
  222. set {cenzura} to false
  223. broadcast "{@Censormessageoff}"
  224. else:
  225. send "&9Cenzura jest juz wlaczona"
  226. stop
  227. if arg 1 is "dodaj" or "add":
  228. if arg 2 is set:
  229. if {cenzura.%arg 2%} is not set:
  230. add "%arg 2%" to {censor::*}
  231. set {cenzura.%arg 2%} to "%arg 2%"
  232. send "&9Do cenzury dodales slowo: &7%arg 2%"
  233. else:
  234. send "&9W spisie cenzur juz jest taka cenzura."
  235. else:
  236. send "&9Podaj cenzure!"
  237. stop
  238. if arg 1 is "usun" or "remove" or "delete":
  239. if arg 2 is set:
  240. if {cenzura.%arg 2%} is set:
  241. remove "%arg 2%" from {censor::*}
  242. set {cenzura.%arg 2%} to ""
  243. send "&9Z cenzury usunales slowo: &7%arg 2%"
  244. else:
  245. send "&9W spisie cenzur nie ma takiej cenzury."
  246. else:
  247. send "&9Podaj cenzure!"
  248. stop
  249. if arg 1 is "lista" or "list" or "spis":
  250. if {censor::*} is not set:
  251. send "&cSpis cenzur: &7Brak cenzur."
  252. else:
  253. send "&cSpis cenzur: &7%{censor::*}%"
  254. stop
  256. command /! [<text>]:
  257. aliases: @, chatvip, cv
  258. permission:
  259. permission message: &cNie masz uprawnien do tej komendy!
  260. trigger:
  261. if arg 1 is set:
  262. if player has permission "":
  263. loop all players:
  264. if loop-player have permission "":
  265. broadcast "&aChat VIP -> %player%: &7%arg 1%"
  266. else:
  267. send "&cNie masz uprawnien do tej komendy!"
  268. else:
  269. send "&cPodaj wiadomosc!"
  270. stop
  271. on chat:
  272. if {chat} is false:
  273. if player don't have permission "chat.admin":
  274. cancel event
  275. send "{@messageoffplayer}"
  276. stop
  277. on chat:
  278. if {chat.%player%} is false:
  279. cancel event
  280. send "{@messagelockplayer}"
  281. stop
  282. on chat:
  283. if {slowmode} is true:
  284. if player don't have permission "chat.admin":
  285. if {spam.%player%} is true:
  286. cancel event
  287. send "&9Zaczekaj &7{@slowmodetime} &9 Za nim znow napiszesz wiadomosc"
  288. set {spam.%player%} to true
  289. wait {@slowmodetime} seconds
  290. set {spam.%player%} to false
  291. stop
  292. on chat:
  293. if {cenzura} is true:
  294. replace all {censor::*} with "{@cenzura}" in the message
  295. stop
  296. on chat:
  297. if {emotikony} is true:
  298. replace all ":)" and "(:" in message with "☺"
  299. replace all "):" and ":(" in message with "☹"
  300. replace all "-_*" in message with "ツ"
  301. replace all "<3" in message with "❤"
  302. replace all "*mail" in message with "✉"
  303. replace all "*music" in message with "♪♫♫♪"
  304. replace all "*sun" in message with "☼"
  305. replace all "*fm" in message with "♀"
  306. replace all "*m" in message with "♂"
  307. replace all "*3" in message with "ω"
  308. replace all "*airplane" in message with "✈"
  309. replace all "*phone" in message with "☎"
  310. replace all "*radioactive" in message with "☢"
  311. replace all "*bio" in message with "☣"
  312. replace all "*?" in message with "�"
  313. replace all "*scizz" in message with "✂"
  314. replace all "*arrow" in message with "➳"
  315. replace all "*8" in message with "☃"
  316. replace all "*flower" in message with "✿"
  317. replace all "*o" in message with "•"
  318. replace all "*hospital" and "*+" in message with "✚"
  319. replace all "*v" in message with "✔"
  320. replace all "*x" in message with "✘"
  321. replace all "*[]" in message with "☐"
  322. replace all "*[v]" and "[v]" in message with "☑"
  323. replace all "*[x]" and "[x]" in message with "☒"
  324. replace all "*c" in message with "©"
  325. replace all "*r" in message with "®"
  326. replace all "->" and "*->" in message with "→"
  327. replace all "<-" and "*<-" in message with "←"
  328. replace all "\/" and "*\/" in message with "↓"
  329. replace all "/\" and "*/\" in message with "↑"
  330. replace all ">>" and "*>>" in message with "»"
  331. replace all "<<" and "*<<" in message with "«"
  332. replace all "*<" in message with "◄"
  333. replace all "*>" in message with "►"
  334. replace all "[]" in message with "█"
  335. stop
  336. on chat:
  337. if {anticapslock} is true:
  338. if player don't have permission "chat.admin":
  339. replace all "A" with "a" in the message
  340. replace all "B" with "b" in the message
  341. replace all "C" with "c" in the message
  342. replace all "D" with "d" in the message
  343. replace all "E" with "e" in the message
  344. replace all "F" with "f" in the message
  345. replace all "G" with "g" in the message
  346. replace all "H" with "h" in the message
  347. replace all "I" with "i" in the message
  348. replace all "J" with "j" in the message
  349. replace all "K" with "k" in the message
  350. replace all "L" with "l" in the message
  351. replace all "M" with "m" in the message
  352. replace all "N" with "n" in the message
  353. replace all "O" with "o" in the message
  354. replace all "P" with "p" in the message
  355. replace all "R" with "r" in the message
  356. replace all "S" with "s" in the message
  357. replace all "T" with "t" in the message
  358. replace all "U" with "u" in the message
  359. replace all "W" with "w" in the message
  360. replace all "Y" with "y" in the message
  361. replace all "Z" with "z" in the message
  362. stop
  364. on join:
  365. {chatx::%player%} is not set:
  366. set {chatx::%player%} to 0
  367. {nickx.%player%} is not set:
  368. set {nickx.%player%} to uncolored display name of player
  370. on chat:
  371. if {slowmode} is false:
  372. if {chat.%player%} is true:
  373. if {chat} is true:
  374. add 1 to {chatx::%player%}
  375. stop
  377. command /top [<integer=1>]:
  378. trigger:
  380. set {_stronyx} to rounded up (size of {chatx::*} / 5)
  382. arg is between 1 and {_stronyx}:
  383. send "&6Ranking najwiekszych pisarzy:"
  385. loop {chatx::*}:
  386. set {_listax::%loop-index%} to loop-value
  387. set {_numx} to size of {_listax::*}
  389. set {_maxx} to arg * 5
  390. set {_minx} to {_maxx} - 4
  392. loop {_maxx} times:
  393. loop {_listax::*}:
  394. {_wartoscx.%loop-number%} is not set:
  395. set {_wartoscx.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  396. set {_nazwax.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  397. loop-value is more than {_wartoscx.%loop-number%}:
  398. set {_wartoscx.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  399. set {_nazwax.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  400. remove {_wartoscx.%loop-number%} from {_listax::*}
  401. loop {_maxx} times:
  402. loop-number is between {_minx} and {_maxx}
  403. loop-number <= {_numx}:
  404. send "&7%loop-number%. &9%{nickx.%{_nazwax.%loop-number%}%}% (&a%{_wartoscx.%loop-number%}%&9)"
  405. {_maxx} is more than {_numx}:
  406. set {_rx} to {_numx}
  407. loop {_maxx} - {_numx} times:
  408. add 1 to {_rx}
  409. send "&7%{_rx}%. &cbrak"
  410. send "&7Strona: &9%arg% &7z &9%{_stronyx}%"
  411. stop
  413. {_stronyx} is 1:
  414. send "&7Wyniki mieszcza sie na 1 stronie."
  415. stop
  416. send "&7Wyniki mieszcza sie na &9%{_stronyx}% &7stronach."
  417. stop
  418. on load:
  419. send "==============================" to console
  420. send "= Chat by FlotekPL. =" to console
  421. send "= Zostal poprawnie wlaczony! =" to console
  422. send "==============================" to console
  423. stop
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