
Shining Armor and Ms. Peachbottom

May 27th, 2013
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  1. >With Cadance snoring beside him, Shining Armor lay awake in the king-sized bed in the crystal castle
  2. >The image of those strong legs, the succulent plot of that mare that had hijacked the training running away was stuck in his mind.
  3. >At the time he hadn't thought about it, the way she tried to seduct him.
  4. >He was trying to be good with Twilight there, who had a reputation for telling on him ever since they were foals.
  5. >He had his chance, and he ruined it, had he destroyed the chance to take the country cougar.
  6. >Shining yearned to have more, to do more than look. Just to touch, to feel.
  7. >With maybe more than just his neck, maybe more than just his arms.
  8. >He was sure that the visitor with the floral suitcase was staying the night.
  9. >Assuring that his wife was fast asleep, he slid out of the bed and pulled the covers with magic back into their place.
  10. >Moving outside the bedroom door where his teleportation wouldn't be heard, he poised himself.
  11. >With a small but definitely audible pop, his horn glowed weakly and he was just outside.
  12. >Being the Crystal Prince by marriage, he was safe to be wandering about at night without the prying questions of the crystal guards' graveyard shift.
  13. >Knowing the kingdom well, he quickly found his way to the normal guest suites' hotel.
  14. >Entering quietly he smiled to the receptionist and her high-caffiene coffee, which seemed to be causing a lag.
  15. >"Ah, hello Prince. What brings you to the hotel?"
  16. >He thinks for a moment, trying to come up with an excuse.
  17. "Um, I just came out for a night stroll."
  18. >He responded with a wide smile to her inquisitive eyes.
  19. >In an attempt to change the subject, he spoke once again, shattering the eerie silence.
  20. "You look tired, ma'am, why don't I take over for a little bit while you go get some rest?
  21. >Forgetting her distrust, she nodded gratefully and briefly explained everything, stepping aside and shuffling tiredly to the elevator.
  22. >Once she was gone, he got behind the counter and searched for the guestbook.
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