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a guest
Jan 24th, 2025
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  1. type: vertical-stack
  2. cards:
  3. - type: conditional
  4. conditions:
  5. - condition: state
  6. entity: fan.p1s_<SERIAL>_aux_fan
  7. state_not: unavailable
  8. - condition: state
  9. entity: sensor.p1s_<SERIAL>_aux_fan
  10. state_not: unknown
  11. card:
  12. type: custom:mushroom-fan-card
  13. entity: fan.p1s_<SERIAL>_aux_fan
  14. name: Aux Fan
  15. icon_animation: true
  16. show_percentage_control: true
  17. fill_container: false
  18. layout: horizontal
  19. - type: conditional
  20. card:
  21. type: custom:mushroom-fan-card
  22. entity: fan.p1s_<SERIAL>_chamber_fan
  23. name: Chamber Fan
  24. icon_animation: true
  25. show_percentage_control: true
  26. fill_container: false
  27. layout: horizontal
  28. conditions:
  29. - condition: state
  30. entity: fan.p1s_<SERIAL>_chamber_fan
  31. state_not: unavailable
  32. - condition: state
  33. entity: sensor.p1s_<SERIAL>_chamber_fan
  34. state_not: unknown
  35. - type: conditional
  36. card:
  37. type: custom:mushroom-fan-card
  38. entity: fan.p1s_<SERIAL>_cooling_fan
  39. name: Part Cooling Fan
  40. icon_animation: true
  41. show_percentage_control: true
  42. fill_container: false
  43. layout: horizontal
  44. conditions:
  45. - condition: state
  46. entity: fan.p1s_<SERIAL>_cooling_fan
  47. state_not: unavailable
  48. - condition: state
  49. entity: sensor.p1s_<SERIAL>_cooling_fan
  50. state_not: unknown
  51. layout_options:
  52. grid_columns: 4
  53. grid_rows: 3
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