

Jan 20th, 2020
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  1. 21:58] Dillion Endore asks, "Sina, when will you be free?"
  2. [21:59] Sina says, "As soon as you need me."
  3. [21:59] Sina says, "Here, Jack. Take this."
  4. [21:59] Jack Grey asks, "Mmh?"
  5. [21:59] Jack Grey says, "Thank you."
  6. [22:00] Dillion Endore says, "I could use you now, but more so for questions, ans answers."
  7. [22:01] Sina asks, "Oh...?"
  8. [22:01] Sina says, "Ask away."
  9. [22:02] Dillion Endore says, "It's a lot."
  10. [22:02] Jack would take a puff of his crimson-reed blunt, he was really excited to learn of his potential with the stars, but he could wait.
  11. (Jack Grey)
  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. [22:02] Dillion Endore says, "I can do it right now if you rather float here."
  15. [22:02] Sina asks, "Is there somewhere you had in mind?"
  16. [22:03] Dillion Endore says, "It's about cosmic magic, and nothing basic what I ahve to ask you is quite complex."
  17. [22:03] Sina says, "Alright."
  18. [22:03] Sina says, "Follow along, Jack."
  19. [22:04] Dillion Endore says, "Alright."
  20. [22:09] Dillion looks over towards Sina, and decide to cut straight to the chase clearly needed all the answers he could get despite them having spoken a few years go.
  22. "Alright, I'll be frank with you, and during my time in war I've been having off, and on connections with my star. Sometimes I emit a faint blue glow, and other times I don't.
  24. I've come to realize that people pull their next level of comic power from each branch of the constellation that's why there is a red, blue, and yellow path.
  26. I've seen almost every different path, and yet I can't ascces the one I've been connected with for a while, why?
  28. I know it's a weird question to ask you, but so far you're the only real reason I seen access the blue path of the constellation. So, I feel you're the only one that can answer my question."
  30. Dillion tapped his fingers on the table waiting to hear what their response would be; hopefully, it would be something to help him.
  31. (Dillion Endore)
  32. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. [22:20] Jack would listen to Sina's explanation of Cosmic magics, mesmerized by the concept of having a star bestow it's power, upon some sort of connection. It was definitely interesting...However, was it a calling?
  35. He'd hit his blunt once more.
  37. (Jack Grey)
  38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. [22:22] "I see..."
  42. Dillion's inquiry was taken into a deep consideration as she pondered the reason that may be responsible. Her eyes glinted with the faintest traces of recollection.
  44. "You say you are connected with a star. Which? Are you absolutely certain it is that particular star and not one of a different branch? The path of blue requires a deep intellect of the world and its many complex constituents. It is an aura of wisdom.
  46. That is not to say you lack a basic depth of understanding, but... Perhaps it would be best to delve into introspection and reflect upon your innermost qualities.
  48. Sae could be a good fit for you..."
  49. (Sina)
  50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. [22:27] "I've been connected with Rhyt, and that's all I've been basing my choices around. I've been making many wise choices that keep me alive, and yet I feel that it's not enough even with the amount of study put into understanding Rhyt."
  54. Dillion paused he hasn't heard of any other star expect the old one, but he'd at least inquire about Sae, and what the meaning behind the star is.
  56. "What his the meaning behind Sae? I always thought myself to be a wise young man, but if what you're saying is true then maybe that's the reason I've yet to understand it's power fully.
  58. I spent almost six years studying it, and that's probably a bit lower I'm sure I've spent a lot longer trying to understand."
  60. Dillion wasn't sure were the link was broken, but he attempted to fix it.
  61. (Dillion Endore)
  62. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. [22:36]
  65. He'd think, to himself.
  66. Quickly, puffing the joint once more.
  67. It definitely wasn't his conversation but...if he could use the method of rekindling, to kindle some sort of bond.../maybe there was something that could be done/?
  68. Hopefully, there was some way to be a part of this conversation and ask a few questions, however this was exactly what he was looking for.
  69. (Jack Grey)
  70. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. [22:37] "Sae resides within the Yellow Branch, under the House of Speaking. It is responsible for imparting a deeper understanding about the world around you. Essentially, coherency, and being able to grasp onto concepts and utilize them."
  74. Wisdom was not a quality easily acquired, especially at a young age. She wondered if Dillion was truly ready.
  76. "Grella is your mentor, is she not? I would suggest you scout her out and draw more information from her regarding Sae. I am uncertain whether or not the Blue Branch is the one for you."
  79. (Sina)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [22:42] "Grella is no more, so I'm left on my own to figure this out. I don't think I can give up that easily on something because it didn't work out the first couple of times.
  84. Wisdom isn't something that comes at a young age, and it takes a few mistakes to learn how to make wise decisions, wouldn't you age?"
  86. Dillion stopped there, and in his life he's made a few wrong choices, but he's learned from them, and slowly understanding how things worked in this world.
  88. That didn't make him wise, but he felt it was a step in the right direction.
  90. "Also, would it be wise for me to throw away six plus years worth or research and life experiences because I'm sill a bit inexperienced? I want to know your opinion on that question no a factual answer."
  91. (Dillion Endore)
  92. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. [22:43] Jack Grey says, "...Well, if it's wisdom you seek. That always comes with time."
  95. [22:43] Jack Grey asks, "In /my/ youth I was a bit uh, what would you call it?"
  96. [22:43] Jack Grey says, "Rash."
  97. [22:44] Jack Grey says, "You can't pay for mental growth with coin..."
  98. [22:44] Jack Grey says, "it comes to you with time, the least bountiful source of payment you'll ever have."
  99. [22:44] Jack Grey says, "So, if I understand this system of magic enough, this is a question of how long do you want to clock ticking, before you are comfortable in the skin you shine..."
  100. [22:51] A finger idly tapped on her chin.
  102. "You don't have to give up, no... But I want you to know that whichever branch chooses you, chooses you. It's not necessarily a choice you can make on your own...
  104. You can research to your heart's content, but if your potential is tied to a particular branch, then that is simply how it is. You must trust the judgement of the heavens, for the primordials have existed much longer than yourself, and will persist long after you are gone.
  106. I apologize for not explaining more in-depth, but that is what I have to offer."
  107. (Sina)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [22:52] Jack Grey asks, "So, how many star-paths are there?"
  111. [23:03] Dillion slowly take his finger on the table, and he begin to understand something important that probably went over his head for quite a while.
  113. "Y'know I think I'm starting to understand something even if your explanation wasn't that detailed I think I get it. I've been trying to connect with Rhyt, and use the gift of wisdom without allowing it to come to me first."
  115. Dillion shook his head.
  117. "I won't look into a different path because I want to rush, and feel what it has to offer. I rather endue my hardships, and learn from my mistakes until I'm deemed worthy of such a gift.
  119. Wisdom isn't something you're born with, it's something earned, and gathered thought-out ones life. I might be off the mark, but that answer is enough for me, and puts my mind at rest."
  121. Dillion nods finally accepting that the gift will be granted when the time is right.
  123. "Thank you for yet another chat, and I feel I've gained a lot of knowledge, and learned a lot about myself."
  124. (Dillion Endore)
  125. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  127. [23:05] Jack Grey whispers something.
  128. [23:12] A brief nod is given to Dillion.
  130. "You are very welcome. I wish I could assist more, but... I am quite drained at the moment.
  132. Please, do try to contact other stars and explore the branches outside of the Blue. What you find may come as a surprise. However, if that is not something you want to do, no one is forcing you into that position.
  134. You must work harder to reach the fruitions of your aspirations. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors."
  135. (Sina)
  136. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  138. [23:17] Dillion had to accept the facts maybe Sina was right or maybe he needed to try a bit harder. From the moment he attempt to connect with Rhyt his life has been full of test, and trials.
  140. Was Dillion making the right choices? Was he learning from each trial to become a bit wiser each day? There seemed to be key components when it came to the blue path.
  142. "I understand, and this only pushes me to understand a bit more about the blue path. You're one of the only ones I see that seems to fully understand the path, but don't at the same time.
  144. This gives me room to work, and achieve my goals, but don't let me keep you. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening, and I hope we have a chance to speak again."
  145. (Dillion Endore)
  146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. [23:19] The conversation having come to an end, Sina rose from her seat and ushered Jack towards the door.
  150. "Farewell, Dillion. Work hard."
  151. (Sina)
  152. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. [23:19] Dillion Endore says, "Will do."
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