
nerzhule - chatlog

Feb 11th, 2020
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  1. [02:01] Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: I... I don't believe it! Frostmourne stands before us - unguarded - just as the gnome claimed. Come, heroes!
  2. [02:01] Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Standing this close to the blade that ended my life... The pain... It is renewed.
  3. [02:01] Mahbode has gone offline.
  4. [02:02] Donate and be rewarded with coins which can be spent on our website. Donations help cover Warmane's servers, services, staff salaries as well as maintenance, development and expansion.
  5. [02:02] The Lich King yells: So you wish to commune with the dead? You shall have your wish.
  6. [02:02] The Lich King yells: Falric. Marwyn. Bring their corpses to my chamber when you are through.
  7. [02:02] Marwyn yells: As you wish, my lord.
  8. [02:02] Falric yells: As you wish, my lord.
  9. [02:02] Falric yells: Soldiers of Lordaeron, rise to meet your master's call!
  10. [02:02] <Wave Timers> Wave incoming
  11. [02:02] Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: You will not escape me that easily, Arthas! I will have my vengeance!
  12. [02:02] The Lich King yells: I will not make the same mistake again, Sylvanas. This time there will be no escape. You will all serve me in death!
  13. [02:03] <Wave Timers> Wave incoming
  14. [02:04] <Wave Timers> Wave incoming
  15. [02:05] <Wave Timers> Wave incoming
  16. [02:05] <Wave Timers> Boss incoming
  17. [02:05] Falric yells: Men, women, and children... None were spared the master's wrath. Your death will be no different.
  18. [02:05] Falric yells: Despair... so delicious...
  19. [02:05] <Falric> Impending Despair on Hatafost
  20. [02:06] Falric yells: Despair... so delicious...
  21. [02:06] <Falric> Impending Despair on Cowdryus
  22. [02:06] <Falric> Quivering Strike on Flyttebilen
  23. [02:06] <Falric> Defiling Horror
  24. [02:06] Falric yells: Despair... so delicious...
  25. [02:06] <Falric> Quivering Strike on Flyttebilen
  26. [02:06] Falric yells: Despair... so delicious...
  27. [02:06] <Falric> Impending Despair on Orrahdek
  28. [02:06] <Falric> Quivering Strike on Flyttebilen
  29. [02:06] Falric yells: Marwyn, finish them...
  30. [02:06] You are now saved to this instance
  31. [02:07] <Wave Timers> New wave soon
  32. [02:07] <Wave Timers> Wave incoming
  33. [02:08] <Wave Timers> Wave incoming
  34. [02:09] <Wave Timers> Wave incoming
  35. [02:10] <Wave Timers> Wave incoming
  36. [02:10] <Wave Timers> Boss incoming
  37. [02:10] Marwyn yells: Death is all that you will find here!
  38. [02:10] <Deadly Boss Mods> Marwyn engaged. Good luck and have fun! :)
  39. [02:11] <Marwyn> Well of Corruption
  40. [02:11] Marwyn yells: Waste away into nothingness!
  41. [02:11] <Marwyn> Corrupted Flesh
  42. [02:11] <Marwyn> Well of Corruption
  43. [02:11] <Marwyn> Well of Corruption
  44. [02:11] Marwyn yells: Your flesh shall decay before your very eyes!
  45. [02:11] <Marwyn> Corrupted Flesh
  46. [02:11] Marwyn yells: Yes... Run... Run to meet your destiny... Its bitter, cold embrace, awaits you.
  47. [02:11] <Deadly Boss Mods> Marwyn down after 47 |4second:seconds;! Your last kill took 41 |4second:seconds; and your fastest kill took 41 |4second:seconds;.
  48. [02:12] [P] [Hatafost]: ;D
  49. [02:12] Players can now make use of an opt-in feature: Mercenary Mode that allows you to briefly forget your faction allegiance and fight for the enemy. This feature can be toggled within the account settings on the website.
  50. [02:12] Frostsworn General yells: You are not worthy to face the Lich King!
  51. [02:12] Frostsworn General yells: Master, I have failed...
  52. [02:13] The Lich King yells: I will not make the same mistake again, Sylvanas. This time there will be no escape. You will all serve me in death!
  53. [02:13] Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: He's... too powerful. Heroes, quickly... come to me! We must leave this place at once! I will do what I can to hold him in place while we flee.
  54. [02:14] <Lich King event> 6 Raging Ghoul, 1 Risen Witch Doctor incoming
  55. [02:14] The Lich King yells: There is no escape!
  56. [02:14] The Lich King yells: Death's cold embrace awaits.
  57. [02:14] The Lich King yells: Arise minions. Do not let them pass.
  58. [02:14] Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: No wall can hold the Banshee Queen. Keep the undead at bay, heroes. I will tear this barrier down!
  59. [02:14] <Lich King event> 6 Raging Ghoul, 2 Risen Witch Doctor, 1 Lumbering Abomination incoming
  60. [02:14] The Lich King yells: Succumb to the chill of the grave.
  61. [02:14] The Lich King yells: Arise minions. Do not let them pass.
  62. [02:14] [P] [Nerzhule]: fucking shit target for a realm
  63. [02:14] Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Another barrier? Stand strong, champions. I will bring the wall down.
  64. [02:15] The Lich King yells: Minions, sieze them. Bring their corpses back to me.
  65. [02:15] [P] [Hatafost]: ?!?
  66. [02:15] [P] [Flyttebilen]: huh?
  67. [02:15] [P] [Nerzhule]: surely u both new to warmane
  68. [02:15] [P] [Flyttebilen]: not even close
  69. [02:15] [P] [Hatafost]: u on crack?
  70. [02:15] <Lich King event> 6 Raging Ghoul, 2 Risen Witch Doctor, 2 Lumbering Abomination incoming
  71. [02:15] The Lich King yells: Another dead end.
  72. [02:16] Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: I grow tired of these games, Arthas! Your walls can't stop me!
  73. [02:16] The Lich King yells: Arise minions. Do not let them pass.
  74. [02:16] [P] [Nerzhule]: you shoud've known what iam talking about if u are not new :D
  75. [02:16] [P] [Nerzhule]: fucking donator
  76. [02:16] The Lich King yells: Minions, sieze them. Bring their corpses back to me.
  77. [02:16] The Lich King yells: Minions, sieze them. Bring their corpses back to me.
  78. [02:16] [P] [Hatafost]: haha thx
  79. [02:16] [P] [Orrahdek]: lul
  80. [02:16] Orrahdek has died.
  81. [02:16] [MP Reporter]: [Orrahdek] died. (Lumbering Abomination: [Cleave] - A: 2k / O: 1k)
  82. [02:16] RaidBuffStatus: Ranged DPS Orrahdek has died!
  83. [02:17] [P] [Nerzhule]: laugh more in combats druid :P
  84. [02:17] <Lich King event> 12 Raging Ghoul, 4 Risen Witch Doctor, 3 Lumbering Abomination incoming
  85. [02:17] The Lich King yells: How long can you fight it?
  86. [02:17] The Lich King yells: Arise minions. Do not let them pass.
  87. [02:17] [P] [Flyttebilen]: well.. i can vouch that he isnt a denator
  88. [02:17] The Lich King yells: Minions, sieze them. Bring their corpses back to me.
  89. [02:17] [P] [Flyttebilen]: donator
  90. [02:17] Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: You won't impede our escape, fiend! Keep the undead off me while I bring this barrier down.
  91. [02:17] [P] [Orrahdek]: me too
  92. [02:17] [P] [Nerzhule]: the warior is donator
  93. [02:17] [P] [Nerzhule]: dont at me
  94. [02:18] [P] [Hatafost]: sure :) lets say that
  95. [02:18] The Lich King yells: Minions, sieze them. Bring their corpses back to me.
  96. [02:18] [P] [Hatafost]: cba to discuss it
  97. [02:18] The Lich King yells: Minions, sieze them. Bring their corpses back to me.
  98. [02:18] The Lich King yells: Arise minions. Do not let them pass.
  99. [02:19] Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: There's an opening up ahead. GO NOW!
  100. [02:19] [P] [Flyttebilen]: he really isnt a donator :P
  101. [02:19] [P] [Orrahdek]: yeah
  102. [02:19] [P] [Nerzhule]: man he is
  103. [02:19] The Lich King yells: Nowhere to run... You're mine now!
  104. [02:19] Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: BLASTED DEAD END! So this is how it ends. Prepare yourselves, heroes, for today we make our final stand!
  105. [02:19] [P] [Nerzhule]: i can know by looking at it
  106. [02:19] [P] [Orrahdek]: nah
  107. [02:19] [P] [Orrahdek]: how
  108. [02:19] Sky-Reaver Korm Blackscar yells: FIRE! FIRE!
  109. [02:19] [P] [Nerzhule]: go learn some shit about the server
  110. [02:19] [P] [Flyttebilen]: haha
  111. [02:19] [P] [Nerzhule]: then come talk to me
  112. [02:19] [Orrahdek] has earned the achievement [The Halls of Reflection]!
  113. [02:19] [Orrahdek] has earned the achievement [Heroic: The Halls of Reflection]!
  114. [02:19] [Orrahdek] has earned the achievement [We're Not Retreating; We're Advancing in a Different Direction.]!
  115. [02:19] [Orrahdek] has earned the achievement [The Halls of Reflection]!
  116. [02:19] [Orrahdek] has earned the achievement [Heroic: The Halls of Reflection]!
  117. [02:19] [Orrahdek] has earned the achievement [We're Not Retreating; We're Advancing in a Different Direction.]!
  118. [02:19] [P] [Orrahdek]: dude
  119. [02:19] Sky-Reaver Korm Blackscar yells: Get on board, now! This whole mountainside could collapse at any moment.
  120. [02:19] [P] [Nerzhule]: played here for 3 years
  121. [02:19] Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: We are safe... for now. His strength has increased tenfold since our last battle. It will take a mighty army to destroy the Lich King. An army greater than even the Horde can rouse.
  122. [02:19] [P] [Orrahdek]: PFFFFFFFFf
  123. [02:19] [P] [Flyttebilen]: thats like saying that I can see on your gear that you´re a n00b and dont know howt o play DK
  124. [02:20] [P] [Orrahdek]: HES BEEN PLAYING LONGER THAN YOU
  125. [02:20] [P] [Nerzhule]: dont know how to play dk ? XD
  126. [02:20] [P] [Nerzhule]: HAHAHAAHA
  127. [02:20] [P] [Nerzhule]: go die now idiot
  128. [02:20] Nerzhule leaves the party.
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