

Jan 29th, 2020
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  1. SasoSenpai has joined the chat
  2. HeartfulDespairHeartfulDespair WhisperAdd Friend has joined the chat
  3. llMrMickeyllChiAmill has joined the chat
  4. ChaoticHope has joined the chat
  5. HeartfulDespair: Hello
  6. ChaoticHope: Hai pierce it’s been a while
  7. aCollie: Uh.
  8. aCollie: Hi
  9. HeartfulDespair: Lol what
  10. HeartfulDespair: How are you?
  11. aCollie: I'm well.
  12. aCollie: Trying to remember you
  13. ChaoticHope has left the chat
  14. aCollie: oh
  15. ChaoticHope has joined the chat
  16. HeartfulDespair: Lol
  17. llMrMickeyllChiAmill: wb
  18. SasoSenpai: hello
  19. ChaoticHope: Hey sorry, yeah remember? I met you in that furry room a few months ago
  20. aCollie: Uhhhnope
  21. ChaoticHope: You kissed me and I got really flustered, I called you mousy
  22. aCollie: ...I don't kiss anyone but my girlfriend
  23. ChaoticHope: This was before turning girlfriend
  24. ChaoticHope: This was like 9 months ago
  25. aCollie: ...I really don't remember
  26. SasoSenpai: wow
  27. ChaoticHope: I’m hurt :(
  28. SasoSenpai: that's kind of mean
  29. aCollie: No, I legitimately don't.
  30. aCollie: 9 Months, when would that have been
  31. llMrMickeyllChiAmill pets jun head
  32. llMrMickeyllChiAmill: its ok
  33. ChaoticHope: Man that’s sad, we were really good friends, it was in a weekend night, I was kinda tipsy, remember
  34. SasoSenpai: poor Jun
  35. ChaoticHope: This furry will help you remember
  36. SasoSenpai: shame on you
  37. aCollie: ...No. My girlfrinend and I were together in April.
  38. aCollie: Why did you call me mousy
  39. ChaoticHope: Cause you remind me of a cute little mouse
  40. aCollie: How so, though
  41. ChaoticHope: Cause you said you liked cheese :3
  42. aCollie: Not a single bell is ringing.
  43. ChaoticHope: Okay, what about this furry
  44. SasoSenpai: she told me about you
  45. aCollie: In April.
  46. aCollie: Sheltie and I were together.
  47. llMrMickeyllChiAmill: you alright there renn?
  48. SasoSenpai: she said she really wanted for us to meet you
  49. aCollie: I have no fucking idea who you are.
  50. aCollie: xD
  51. ChaoticHope: Nooo this was in March
  52. aCollie: I was with SHeltie.
  53. aCollie: I wouldn't have done that.
  54. ChaoticHope: I remember it clearly cause I really liked you
  55. aCollie: I don't.
  56. ChaoticHope: :(
  57. SasoSenpai: march is before april lol
  58. aCollie: Yeah, Sheltie and I were together. We're together right no.
  59. aCollie: now*
  60. SasoSenpai: we're not stopping you?
  61. ChaoticHope: I don’t care about right now, I’m just trying to get you to remember me
  62. aCollie: I'm justifying that I have no idea. xD
  63. HeartfulDespair: Yeah man, I introduced you two
  64. SasoSenpai: I thought you guys were gonna end up together
  65. SasoSenpai: that's sad
  66. aCollie: ...I have no fucking idea who any of you are. xDD
  67. HeartfulDespair: It was the cutest time
  68. callitkarma has joined the chat
  69. callitkarma has joined the chat
  70. HeartfulDespair: Brb
  71. HeartfulDespair has left the chat
  72. SasoSenpai: oh hey its been a while
  73. ChaoticHope: Heeey karma, my old friend
  74. callitkarma: Hoi . ^-^
  75. HeartfulDespair has joined the chat
  76. callitkarma: Wot
  77. SasoSenpai: we missed you
  78. port has joined the chat
  79. ChaoticHope: Yeah remember? From like 3 months ago, we all got the alone fur together
  80. port: Hello
  81. callitkarma: :open_mouth: wait that furry group?
  82. ChaoticHope: Yeah!
  83. callitkarma: I was wondering what happened to it, it was just gone lol
  84. aCollie: No bells have been rung, I'm sorry.
  85. callitkarma: I missed you all ! :o
  86. SasoSenpai: thats okay ya loser
  87. HeartfulDespair: We missed you too !
  88. ChaoticHope: We missed you too hun!
  89. SasoSenpai: maybe you shouldn't kiss and forget people
  90. aCollie: I wouldn't have done that.
  91. SasoSenpai: but you did
  92. ChaoticHope: You did.
  93. HeartfulDespair: What a day this has been, all the people we’ve lost, have all come back to us :’)
  94. aCollie: Then what was my user, then?
  95. callitkarma: o.o I kissed someone?
  96. aCollie: No, they're talking of me.
  97. port: How is everyone
  98. callitkarma: Oh I was spooked and felt so bad
  99. aCollie: Confused as fucking fuck
  100. callitkarma: lmfao
  101. ChaoticHope: I never changed my username
  102. SasoSenpai: if you want ;)))
  103. port: I mean same
  104. aCollie: No, what was MY user?
  105. SasoSenpai: tiddyscuker69
  106. ChaoticHope: Anyways how have you been karma?
  107. callitkarma: Lool
  108. HeartfulDespair: Scuker
  109. callitkarma: I’ve been good, how about you?
  110. aCollie: What the actual hell...
  111. SasoSenpai: exactly
  112. ChaoticHope: I’ve been missing you
  113. SasoSenpai: weiner
  114. HeartfulDespair: It’s okay man, I forget too sometimes
  115. SasoSenpai: fucking rude
  116. aCollie: No, I never did that.
  117. SasoSenpai: fucking rude
  118. aCollie: No, I never did that.
  119. callitkarma: Tiddies. :joy:
  120. callitkarma: What the fuck lmfao
  121. ChaoticHope: You did, just stop lying
  122. HeartfulDespair: It’s brooce
  123. callitkarma: Good insults better than mine >
  124. aCollie: Tell me, something. What was my user in March?
  125. HeartfulDespair: XD
  126. SasoSenpai: loserman12
  127. aCollie: I'm not talknig to you.
  128. SasoSenpai: don't sass me
  129. SasoSenpai: ever
  130. aCollie: Please, if you actualyl know that I did this, what was my user.
  131. SasoSenpai: idk she just called you mousy
  132. ChaoticHope: It was ChaoticHope
  133. aCollie: I'm talking of my user, not yours
  134. SasoSenpai: how should she remember\
  135. ChaoticHope: Idk I was in mobile
  136. SasoSenpai: you can't even remember kissing her
  137. aCollie: Because it never happened.
  138. SasoSenpai: i saw the pictures
  139. ChaoticHope: It did!
  140. aCollie: Prove it?
  141. ChaoticHope: You kissed me and I loved you!
  142. SasoSenpai: they're gone
  143. callitkarma: o.o
  144. aCollie: I don't know you.
  145. ChaoticHope: Bullshit you’re just embarrassed of me
  146. port: Okay to stop this my suggestion is people do stuff shit be in the past forget and move on no need for arguments or anything like that there is no proof and it was ages ago people kiss people and move on that what people do and he doesn’t know so I think it should just be moved on and that’s just a suggestion
  147. aCollie: You believe whatever you want to believe, but that never happened.
  148. ChaoticHope: I love karma now anyways
  149. SasoSenpai: go away
  150. SasoSenpai: crackhole
  151. aCollie: Jesus Christ...
  152. HeartfulDespair: Oh no
  153. aCollie: I came in thinking that I was in a new room to hang with new folks.
  154. port: So you love someone else so there’s no reason to bring up past stuff in all honesty that’s just my opinion
  155. ChaoticHope: YEAH YOU CALLED ME JESUS CHRIST LIKE 4 times!
  156. callitkarma: I
  157. callitkarma: AM
  158. aCollie: It never happened, that's the thing.
  159. callitkarma: JESUS
  160. callitkarma: xD
  161. SasoSenpai: man I like you
  162. ChaoticHope: I know I’m just yankin yer dick XD
  163. SasoSenpai: stop your opinion
  164. aCollie: Wait a second, you lied about it all.
  165. callitkarma: XD
  166. SasoSenpai: ;)
  167. ChaoticHope: Yeah XD
  168. aCollie: Fuck me, why would you do that?
  169. ChaoticHope: It’s funny
  170. aCollie: I was so confused
  171. SasoSenpai: lol
  172. HeartfulDespair: XD
  173. callitkarma: Fucking with people is fun cx
  174. llMrMickeyllChiAmill: because there bored and crazy
  175. SasoSenpai: yees
  176. aCollie: Gave me a goddamn heart attack.
  177. ChaoticHope: I like your Shane sweater karma :3
  178. llMrMickeyllChiAmill: your not the only one they have done it too
  179. SasoSenpai: man why didn't you just give in
  180. ChaoticHope: Is there a name you prefer better?
  181. HeartfulDespair: Hell yea Shane
  182. callitkarma: Thanks so much. :3
  183. callitkarma: Karma is fine
  184. aCollie: Because I know that I wouldn't have done that. xD
  185. ChaoticHope: Okay
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