
Anonymous equestrians part 15

Jun 22nd, 2012
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  1. >chrysalis pov
  2. >lets see if these things have any interesting memories
  3. >you stand over anon and your horn lights up
  4. >you touch it to his head
  5. >childhood
  6. >childhood
  7. >childhood
  8. >whats this?
  9. >applejack and anon
  10. >this just wont do
  11. >you erase the memories and move on to unknown
  12. >childhood
  13. >childhood
  14. >childhood
  15. >ohhhhh, it seems unknwon has been having some fun with princess luna
  16. >i guess i'll delete this too
  17. >you chuckle to yourself
  18. "guard, come here"
  19. >a guard runs to your side
  20. >"yes mam"
  21. "take these two things and drop them into the forest near ponyville. and make sure to untie them too. while they're distracted trying to figure out whats going on, we'll infiltrate ponyville"
  22. >
  23. >
  24. >
  25. >anonymous' pov
  26. >you open your eyes and see your in the middle of the forest the you and dash were in earlier
  27. >there was a throbbing pain from your head
  28. >you look around and see unknown unconscious on the ground
  29. >what the fuck happened last night?
  30. >there were changelings
  31. >the you got knocked out
  32. >why the fuck are we in the forest
  33. >you hear mumbling coming from off in the distance
  34. "oy, dipshit. wake up"
  35. >you nudge him with your foot
  36. >he rolls over onto his back
  37. >"where the hell are we?"
  38. "somewhere in the forest"
  39. >"no. fucking. shit."
  40. "if you already knew the answer, whyd you ask?"
  41. >"to annoy you"
  42. "dick weasel"
  43. >he gets onto his feet and dusts himself off
  44. >"so what now?"
  45. "i dont know, walk... that way"
  46. >you spin around and point in a random direction
  47. >"thats stupid"
  48. "you got any better ideas?"
  49. >"survival rule number question mark. if your lost somewhere, stay put"
  50. "now thats stupid, now come on, lets go"
  51. >"eh, fine whatever"
  52. >he shrugs and you both start walking through the forest
  53. >that rumbling you heard off in the distance in slowly fading
  54. >then growing closer
  55. >then fading
  56. >what the fuck is going on?
  57. "you hear that too, right?"
  58. >"yeah"
  59. >the noise turns into sounds of a jetstream as an orange stream goes across the sky
  60. >"OY, OVER HERE"
  61. >unknown is waving frantically at whatever flew overhead
  62. >so are you
  63. >orange:"hey guys, i think i found them"
  64. >she flys back over to you guys
  65. >she was a yellow pony with goggles on
  66. >she lands in front of you and unknown and moves her goggles onto the top of her head
  67. >how she did that without fingers you will never know
  68. >pony:"are you two the twins that were captured by the changelings?"
  69. >you both look at each other then look back at her and nod in sync
  70. >pony:"well im here to take you two back to ponyville. im spitfire by the way"
  71. "hi spitfire"
  72. >"yeah, thanks for saving us"
  73. >she turns back to you and walks past you
  74. >she looks back at you and gives you the signal to follow her
  75. >apparently you and unknown were headed in the wrong direction
  76. >he looks at you with the biggest shit eating grin he could make
  77. >he'd never let you live this down
  78. >overhead you see a rainbow streak
  79. >it was rainbow dash
  80. >she comes down and lands in between you and unknown
  81. >dash:"good job finding them spits"
  82. >dash rubs against you while your walking
  83. >you still couldnt get past what happened in the forest
  84. >even though it wasnt her it was still wierd
  85. >you place your hand on her mane
  86. >it felt like you were in a relationship, but you couldnt remember anypony that close to you
  87. >something was missing, but you couldnt figure out what
  88. >you were coming onto the edges of ponyville now
  89. >you see a couple of ponies standing around waiting for you at the edge of the forest
  90. >except for one orange pony who seemed oddly familiar
  91. >she came running towards the four of you
  92. >but she never took her eyes off you
  93. >she was still running at full speed when she came up to you, tackling you to the ground
  94. >you land with a loud thud and she places her lips onto yours
  95. >who is this and why is she makin out with you?
  96. >she releases herself from you and hugs you tightly
  97. >pony:"oh ah missed yah sugarcube"
  98. "um, who are you?"
  99. >she looks up at you with confusion
  100. >pony:"what'dya mean sugarcube? its me applejack, your marefriend"
  101. "i know i forget alot of stuff, but i wouldnt forget if i was in a relationship"
  102. >the confusion on her face faded into sadness
  103. >applejack:"ah dont see how yah could forget me sugarcube..."
  104. "i would really appreciate it if you could get off me applejack"
  105. >she looks at everyone else, who show nothing but confusion then she gets off you, allowing you to stand up
  106. >you dust yourself off
  107. >whoever she is, she clearly had something for you
  108. >note to self, avoid her
  109. >unknown walks up next to you with an even bigger grin on his face
  110. >"so it seems someone has a marefriend"
  111. "do you have any idea who she is?"
  112. >"nope, wish i had some crazy stalker to make out with me"
  113. >as soon as those words left his mouth a giant blue alicorn lands in front of him and kisses him on the cheek
  114. >thats when you lose it
  115. >you fall to the ground laughing and clutching your sides
  116. >he had a stalker too
  117. >blue pony:"and what are you laughing at anonymous?"
  118. >you continued laughin, unable to talk
  119. >she was clearly getting angry but you didnt care
  120. >you finally calm down and just lie on your back
  121. >when you finally get your breathing under control you stand up, "sorry, but if you'd heard what unknown had just said, you'd get the joke"
  122. >she looks at unknown with a cocked eyebrow then back at you, "no matter"
  123. >she turns back to unknown, "i hope to see you at the gala later on dear. but for now i must get back to canterlot and assist with the royal gaurds preparations"
  124. >she kisses him again on the cheek and then flies away
  125. >he looks back at you blushing
  126. >you look back at him
  127. finishhim.gif
  128. "so what're your plans for the gala unknown?"
  129. >he'll never live this down
  130. >everyone was looking you and unknown
  131. >especially applejack
  132. >you feel a little bad for her
  133. >twilight:"well since the two of you are back safely, we'd better get to the library and discuss the changeling problem"
  134. "well i guess the arent exactly a threat since they dropped us off semi-safely"
  135. >"yeah, i mean, if they wanted to hurt us they would've done so while they had us chained up"
  136. >they all look at each other and then back at you
  137. >rarity:"well if you say so darling. i guess we can continue on with our preparations for the gala"
  138. >oh shit that was tonight
  139. >no wait, it was in a month
  140. >wait what
  141. "how long have we been gone?"
  142. >twilight:"oh, you've been gone for a month. we were getting really worried about you"
  143. >pinkie:"yeahbutnoweverythingsbettersincewefoundyouandnowWECANGOTOTHEGALA!"
  144. >theres that ear rape you kinda missed
  145. "so whats the dress code for this gala?"
  146. >rarity:"oh dont worry darling, i've taken the liberty of making you two matching dress suits for this occasion"
  147. >she gives you and unknown the signal to follow you to go get your suits
  148. >
  149. >
  150. >
  151. >you were all on a train headed to canterlot
  152. >the sun was hanging low on the horizon
  153. >it looked kinda nice to see the sun setting
  154. >you and unknown were sitting in a private booth that was closed off from everyone else
  155. >but they didnt notice
  156. >they were all talking about how great the gala was gonna be
  157. >except applejack
  158. >she just sat in her seat, depressed
  159. >maybe you should talk to her
  160. >brain: dont do it bro
  161. >why not?
  162. >brain: remember when you tried to talk to rainbow
  163. >... point made dont try to talk out feelings to ANYONE
  164. >"hey bro, how do you think the parties gonna be?"
  165. "from what everyone else is saying, it sounds like a high class function. so... not alot is gonna go on"
  166. >"yeah, but rainbow came up to me earlier and said to meet up with her if you wanna have some fun"
  167. "sounds interesting"
  168. >"sloppy, drunken, fun"
  169. >he stretched out the word fun and a grin came across his face
  170. >you knew what he was implying, but you couldnt think about it right now
  171. >brain, what are my current objectives
  172. >brain: go to gala, dont get kidnapped, dont die
  173. >sounds good
  174. >you all get off the train and follow the girls to the royal castle
  175. >you vaguely remember your way around the castle and eventually make your way into to grand ballroom and see a bunch of high class ponies walking around enjoying themselves
  176. >unknown walks off somewhere and begins to socialize
  177. >rainbow walks up next to you and nuzzles your hand
  178. >she was adorable when she wasnt trying to rape you
  179. >dash:"hey anon, wanna go get hammered?"
  180. "did you even have to ask?"
  181. >you and rainbow walk over to the punch bowl and she produces a flask out from under her wing
  182. >you didnt want to know what was under the other wing
  183. >dash:"since i could smuggle in alot of it, i brought in the really strong stuff"
  184. "sounds alright"
  185. >you and dash drink the night away
  186. >whatever this stuff was, you knew you werent going to remember it tomorrow
  187. >
  188. >
  189. >
  190. >you wake up as comfortable as you've ever been
  191. >despite that diamond jackhammer going off in your skull, you were comfortable
  192. >the bed you were in was soft
  193. >it was nice and warm
  194. >the amount of sunlight was dimmed down in here
  195. >you almost didnt want to open your eyes from how comfortable you were
  196. >you adjust yourself slightly into a better position, but you werent able to move
  197. >you arms were pinned under something
  198. >it was warm and fuzzy
  199. >and what was that smell?
  200. >it smelled like...
  201. vanilla
  202. >it was nice
  203. >but that nice feeling was soon interrupted
  204. >you could feel something moving
  205. >and it wasnt you
  206. >"goodmorning hun"
  207. >you open your eyes and are greeted by white fur in your face
  208. >you look up and see celestia staring down at you
  209. >you were hugging her waist and her marehood was emitting an impressive amount of heat and wetness
  210. >celestia:"i trust that you slept well? i know i did"
  211. >not good
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