
MadLib command docs

Aug 11th, 2020 (edited)
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!madlib command


!madlib [-s#|-g#|-r#] <madlib text>

Example: !madlib The <n> <vi.past> over the <adj> <n>.

Adjusting case:

<adj> = Result returned as normal
<!adj> = lower case result
<~adj> = Title Case Result
<$adj> = rEsULt rEtUrNEd aS DeRp teXt

Indefinite articles

Prefixing any ref with "a_" will add the appropriate "a/an" article to the result

<a_n> = "a dog" or "an apple"
<a_adj> <n> = "a blue dog" or "an orange sunset"

Multiple options

Use | to include multiple options for a reference to select

<n|adj> = any adjective OR any noun, randomly

The a_ prefix is applied individually

<a_n|adj> = "a dog" or "blue"

Note that the a_ prefix does NOT need to be used with <>, as it already contains articles whenever they make sense.
Its sub-forms <>, <>, and <> do not contain articles.

The case-adjustment prefixes (!^~$) are applied to the whole ref

<^n|adj> = "DOG" or "BLUE"

As many | blocks can be included as you want, including duplicates (ex: <n|n|n|adj>)


Use <N> where N is any integer to backreference the Nth resolved reference in the madlib.

!madlib The <n> was <adj.positive>, but the <1> was also <adj.negative>.

This will re-use the original noun in the second half of the sentence.

Note that you can only use backreferences for references that come before the current reference. There is no lookahead.

Backreferences currently save the base form of the reference before applying any modifier prefixes such as a_, $, ^, etc.
This may be changed depending on feedback and usage.

Saving/loading madlibs

Users can save up to 5 madlibs which can be called and generated any time

5 is default, channel owner can adjust this value
Save some text like so:

!madlib -s1 The <n> <vt.past> the <adj> <n>

where the 1 can be any slot number 1 through 5
Load a saved madlib like so:

!madlib -g1
returns "The cow shot the blue pickle" or something like that

Recall the raw madlib text like so:

!madlib -r1
returns "The <n> <vt.past> the <adj> <n>"

Valid refs

<n> -- any noun. (ex: ornament, telescope, sword, field, record)
<n.animal> -- (ex: deer, yak, snake, cougar, spider)
<n.bodypart> -- (ex: nose, thyroid, eye, throat, knee)
<n.vehicle> -- (ex: wagon, plane, go-kart, truck, sailboat)
<n.profession> -- (ex: waiter, tailor, engineer, veterinarian, therapist)
<n.terrain> -- (ex: island, quicksand, river, hill, swamp)
<n.tool> -- (ex: lighter, cable, forceps, sandpaper, button)
<> -- (ex: attic, garage, dining room, bathroom, stairway)
<> -- (ex: tuxedo, shorts, helmet, belt, scarf)
<n.instrument> -- (ex: ocarina, snare drum, viola, organ, zither)
<n.misc> -- (ex: pier, nature, industry, renaissance, alphabet)
<> -- (ex: a glass of trail mix, Irish spiced beef, some garlic, a cream cheese pierogi, a pretzel)
<> -- countable foods. (ex: Mars Bar, potato, pepper, crab, ice cream sandwich)
<> -- non-countable foods. (ex: granola, English rhubarb crumble, wheat, shallot vinaigrette, ice cream)
<> -- (ex: shot, plate, box, case, hunk)

<np> -- plural forms of the above nouns. (ex: peacocks, puzzles, bees, ducks, bombs)

There are no plural forms of <> as those already contain forms adjusted for random plurality

<adj> -- any adjective. (ex: insidious, wild, comfortable, deadly, cosmic)
<adj.positive> -- (ex: ideal, brilliant, protective, merciful, cuddly)
<adj.neutral> -- (ex: lavender, intangible, modern, huge, conceivable)
<adj.negative> -- (ex: deceitful, lying, unsightly, wacky, strange)

<> -- comparative forms of the above adjectives. (ex: meeker, more stupid, blander, more jovial, more celestial)

<adj.est> -- superlative forms of the above adjectives. (ex: most cantankerous, most cheerful, palest, most melodic, nosiest)

<adv> -- adverb forms of the above adjectives. (ex: gently, mindlessly, shabbily, splendidly, famously)

These will sometimes produce incorrect or "nonexistent" adverbs such as "friendlily" from the word "friendly"

<v> -- any verb. (ex: bump, hide, drop, mock, punch)
<vt> -- transitive verbs (verbs that have a direct object). (ex: clean, tow, study, select, beat)
<vi> -- intransitive verbs (verbs without a direct object). (ex: laugh, sprint, sail, shake, vomit)
<> -- agentive noun forms of verbs (nouns that do X). (ex: linker, freezer, consumer, conquerer, excuser)
<v.ers> -- plural agentives
<v.perf> -- perfective verbs (actions in their completed state). (ex: sucked, delayed, paid, limited, pierced. This is different from past-tense. ("He has eaten." vs. "He ate."))
<> -- continuous/progressive verbs (actions in their ongoing state). (ex: sucking, threatening, freezing, hanging, brushing)
<v.past> -- past-tense verbs. (ex: happened, swam, rose, stood, drove)

All verb varieties also accept .1s .2s .3s .1p .2p .3p as endings to make them first-/second-/third-person singular/plural
The only exceptions are,, and, which don't accept conjugation endings.
<v.1s> -- ("I ___") (ex: invent, pass, marry, get, pause)
<v.1p> -- ("We ___") (ex: drive, check, grip, contradict, scream)
<v.2s> -- ("You ___") (ex: excuse, escort, insert, leap, thank)
<v.2p> -- ("All of you ___") (ex: collapse, poison, profit, hoist, destroy)
<v.3s> -- ("He ___") (ex: charges, leaves, splits, floats, removes)
<v.3p> -- ("They ___") (ex: win, fight, admit, melt, hear)

More variation is visible with some of the other verb forms.

<name> -- (ex: Johnny, Brian, Shaw, Faustine, Letta)
<name.f> -- (ex: Reta, Merrile, Carmella, Jeane, Magdalene)
<name.m> -- (ex: Domenic, Marten, Avraham, Gail, Dru

<prep> -- a preposition, mostly positional (ex: above, in, next to, behind)

<interj> -- an interjection (ex: cool, ouch, yikes, darn, ew, sweet, frick, gosh, cheers)

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