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I want to help.

a guest
Jun 15th, 2019
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  1. Hey InPvp! I'd just like to say that your server is wonderful! It has the perfect PVP mechanics that no other server could get right! Although, there is one flaw. The hacking community. I don't really know why but they seem to target your server more than any other. There were definitely less hackers back when you guys just first reached the featured servers list. Sadly, now you can almost guarantee that you will run into a hacker every single game! I have tried to report them to your discord server under the name Austin#3177 and I understand you guys are busy and all. But these guys are still going around and cheating while you guys are investigating other reports. That's why I think that you guys should open another moderator application form. Now, I'm not trying to go around and say that "Oh I want to be moderator because people will treat me better". I'm really not. I just want to apply because I want to help around on a community that was so fun to play back in the day. This server has brought me so many good memories with my friends and has even improved our relationships. So please InPvP, If you can open up a way for others that may feel the same as me to apply for a staff position then please do so. Sincerely, Austin.
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