

Jul 3rd, 2014
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  1. options:
  2. Animal-XP: 0.001
  3. Animal-XP-Display: 5
  4. Zombie-XP: 0.003
  5. Zombie-XP-Display: 15
  6. Creeper-XP: 0.0
  7. Creeper-XP-Display: 0
  8. Skeleton-XP: 0.006
  9. Skeleton-XP-Display: 30
  10. Slime-XP: 0.0
  11. Slime-XP-Display: 0
  12. Spider-XP: 0.004
  13. Spider-XP-Display: 20
  14. Cavespider-XP: 0.003
  15. Cavespider-XP-Display: 15
  16. Silverfish-XP: 0.004
  17. Silverfish-XP-Display: 20
  18. Bat-XP: 0.001
  19. Bat-XP-Display: 25
  20. Villager-XP: 0.005
  21. Villager-XP-Display: 25
  22. Enderman-XP: 0.0
  23. Enderman-XP-Display: 0
  24. Wolf-XP: 0.009
  25. Wolf-XP-Display: 45
  26. Witch-XP: 0.010
  27. Witch-XP-Display: 50
  28. Magma-XP: 0.0
  29. Magma-XP-Display: 0
  30. Blaze-XP: 0.0
  31. Blaze-XP-Display: 0
  32. Pigman-XP: 0.007
  33. Pigman-XP-Display: 35
  34. Ghast-XP: 0.0
  35. Ghast-XP-Display: 0
  36. Golem-XP: 0.008
  37. Golem-XP-Display: 40
  39. #Give XP for killing things
  40. on death:
  41. set {last-attacker.%victim%} to attacker
  42. attacker is not a player:
  43. {owner.%victim%} is a player:
  44. set {last-attacker.%victim%} to {owner.%victim%}
  45. victim is a pig or a cow or a sheep or a chicken or squid or mooshroom or ocelot or bat:
  46. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Animal-XP}
  47. message "&4[ &c{@Animal-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  48. stop
  49. victim is a zombie:
  50. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Zombie-XP}
  51. message "&4[ &c{@Zombie-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  52. stop
  53. victim is a creeper:
  54. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Creeper-XP}
  55. message "&4[ &c{@Creeper-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  56. stop
  57. victim is a spider:
  58. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Spider-XP}
  59. message "&4[ &c{@Spider-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  60. stop
  61. victim is a cave spider:
  62. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Cavespider-XP}
  63. message "&4[ &c{@Cavespider-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  64. stop
  65. victim is a silverfish:
  66. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Silverfish-XP}
  67. message "&4[ &c{@Silverfish-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  68. stop
  69. victim is a wither skeleton:
  70. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Bat-XP}
  71. message "&4[ &c{@Bat-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  72. stop
  73. victim is a skeleton:
  74. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Skeleton-XP}
  75. message "&4[ &c{@Skeleton-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  76. stop
  77. victim is a villager:
  78. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Villager-XP}
  79. message "&4[ &c{@Villager-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  80. stop
  81. victim is a enderman:
  82. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Enderman-XP}
  83. message "&4[ &c{@Enderman-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  84. stop
  85. victim is a wolf:
  86. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Wolf-XP}
  87. message "&4[ &c{@Wolf-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  88. stop
  89. victim is a witch:
  90. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Witch-XP}
  91. message "&4[ &c{@Witch-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  92. stop
  93. victim is a magma cube:
  94. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Magma-XP}
  95. message "&4[ &c{@Magma-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  96. stop
  97. victim is a slime:
  98. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Slime-XP}
  99. message " &4[ &c{@Slime-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  100. stop
  101. victim is a blaze:
  102. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Blaze-XP}
  103. message "&4[ &c{@Blaze-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  104. stop
  105. victim is a zombie pigman:
  106. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Pigman-XP}
  107. message "&4[ &c{@Pigman-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  108. stop
  109. victim is a ghast:
  110. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Ghast-XP}
  111. message "&4[ &c{@Ghast-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  112. stop
  113. victim is a iron golem:
  114. increase the level progress of {last-attacker.%victim%} by {@Golem-XP}
  115. message "&4[ &c{@Golem-XP-Display} XP &4]" to {last-attacker.%victim%}
  116. stop
  118. #Level up!
  119. on level:
  120. {ignore-level.%player%} is equal to false:
  121. message " &cLevel UP!" to player
  122. execute console command "/playsound fireworks.launch %name of player%"
  124. set {ignore-level.%player%} to false
  126. #Keep XP on death
  127. on death of player:
  128. set {level.%player%} to player's level
  129. set {level.%player%.progress} to level progress of the player
  130. set {ignore-level.%player%} to true
  131. on respawn:
  132. wait 1 second
  133. set player's level to {level.%player%}
  134. set {ignore-level.%player%} to true
  135. if {home.%player%} is set:
  136. teleport player to {home.%player%}
  138. #No experience orbs
  139. on xp spawn:
  140. cancel event
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