
Fall From Grace Script

Dec 14th, 2016
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  1. [F4M] Fall From Grace [Rape][Mindfuck][Revenge][Supernatural][Switch][Fdom][interrogation][edging]
  3. [door opening]
  4. Hello?
  6. What does the Exorcist’s Federation want here? We’re pretty far from the rift, a demon hasn’t made it this far in over ten years.
  8. Reports of demonic energy? I’m pretty sure you’ve got the wrong house. I try to stay away from all that mystical nonsense. You’d be wanting to check out the high school, down the road. Teenagers are all about that summoning bullshit.
  10. I don’t have much of a choice, do I? But for what it’s worth, yeah, you can look around. I’ve got nothing to hide. [door closing, thunk of a briefcase being dropped, coat removed] Make yourself at home, I guess. [removing thing from case] What’s that? A sensor? I didn’t think exorcists needed those things. Aren’t you supposed to just know?
  11. [switch on device, low humming noise]
  12. I don’t know why it’s higher than average. Maybe we’re on a ley line or something? Don’t they screw up readings sometimes? [clattering, slamming cupboards, pans] I think I’d know if my mugs were possessed.
  13. [slamming, rustling]
  14. I got a few new things lately, but nothing mysterious or sketchy. [Door opening] You think my bathroom’s haunted? Really? [Crinkle, things falling] Ugh, I just organized in here!
  15. [Door opening]
  16. Yep, this is my bedroom. Unless they filled my pillows with demons instead of cotton, I think you’re out of luck. [Clatter] Seriously?! I just bought that pallette. If you broke one of my eyeshadows, I’m filing a complaint.
  18. Of course the readings didn’t change! I already told you there’s nothing here! Are you done?
  19. [switch off scanner]
  20. Me? Do I look possessed to you? Didn’t think so. Now, if you’re finished- Hey! What the hell?! No! off!
  21. [Clatter, crash, improv struggle]
  22. Don’t touch me! I’m not possessed!
  23. [thud, struggle noises]
  24. Professional?! You think this is professional?! [grunt, effort, thud, knocked to the ground]
  25. [Gasp because suddenly penis] No! No! Get off me! Get off! [Slap, crying] Get away from me! Stop! [Clothing tearing noises, struggle] Please, please don’t [slap, whimpering] Don’t touch me! No! [struggle, slam wrists into ground, sobbing] Help! Help me, please!
  26. [Demon appears!]
  27. [Echo effect.] What, now you’re the one running away? [jump on him, giggle] Is that your cock? Did this make you hard? No wonder my little friend turned to me for help, getting pushed down and having this ground against her ass.
  28. What’s this? Calling for backup? [crunch, tisk noises] A little late for that. You thought one squishy human could overpower me? And a trainee too? Awww.
  29. [Cuff noises]
  30. Oh, but these cuffs are interesting…[sizzle] Holy water? [glass bottle shatters as it’s smacked away] Who do you think I am? [slap] Some low-tier grunt? [thud, pushed down onto bed, handcuff noises]
  31. Right, I guess you don’t know who I am. Haven’t gotten a peek at my seal yet? [chuckles] All in good time. Now, you must have something in here to take care of your legs.
  32. [digging through bag]
  33. Aha! Be a good boy and [thud, impact noise] Okay, fine! Don’t be good.[bed creaking, thrashing] this. Doesn’t change. A thing. There. All tied up and nowhere to go. [giggle]
  35. Oh, you’re not hard anymore. We can fix that though, can’t we.
  36. [clothing rustling]
  37. What am I doing? Unbuttoning this lovely little blouse. I thought you wanted me naked. Wanted enough to rip my friend’s favourite skirt. She made this herself, you know, gathered all this pretty patterned fabric by hand…
  38. [appreciative moan] I always though covering this body with clothing was a waste. I’m glad you agree. Or, well, your cock does.
  39. [bed creaking]
  40. Now? Now I’m just getting a closer look at you. You’ve nobody to blame but yourself, knocking my friend’s glasses away like that. Mmmm. You are lovely, but your soul [tisk noises] not what I was expecting from someone like you. No matter.
  41. [buttoned shirt ripping]
  42. Getting a closer look, I told you. You can’t expect me to be satisfied with all these clothes in the way. Oh my, you and my friend do have something in common after all. Clothes are such a waste on you. Your body is so sexy, looks so comfortable to...ride.
  44. Oh, don’t look at me like that. You and I know full well you’re protected. No possessing you.
  45. [belt noises]
  46. My my my, you sure have a lot of toys on this thing. Let’s see...oh, huh. This seems like just the right shape to go up your ass.
  47. [giggles]
  48. But I’m not going to use any of this on you for now. So, let’s just…
  49. [belt removal]
  50. Stop? Why should I? You didn’t stop, and aren’t you supposed to be better than we are? Now, let me see your big hard cock.
  51. [pants removal, rough?]
  52. Oh, that look on your face...mmm. You’ve finally realized who I am
  54. Yes, Vetis, tempter of the holy, at your...service. And I’m going to suck your cock until you’re begging to fall to me.
  55. [blowjob noises]
  56. Mmm, you taste wonderful….all pent up...frustrated...desperate...I know I’m good. Don’t try to put up a brave face. Your teaching at the academy didn’t prepare you for this, huh?
  57. Mmmm, tell me what they did prepare you for?
  59. Yes you will. You’re going to spill your secrets, and your seed.
  61. Hm, then I’ll just torture you until you do
  62. [blowjob noises]
  63. Ah, close already? Are you going to tell me yet? Aw, too bad. I’ll just slow down...and lick slowly up and down your shaft...You’re not cumming until you betray that little organization of yours. Tell me, how do you stop our possessions? We should be able to get to everyone, but…
  64. [giggles]
  65. Self help programs? Possession victim’s anonymous? I guess that’s one way to strengthen a soul…
  66. [blowjob intensify]
  67. No you haven’t. I asked about preventing possessions. How do you and yours stay safe? Mmmm, I’m so wet doing this to you. Do you want to fuck me yet? No?
  69. Why do you keep protecting them? What did they do for you, anyway? So eager to prove yourself...never as good as the don’t even have the gift….[chuckle] using that sensor because you can’t feel our energy...Pathetic
  71. Are you close again? Ready to sell out your brethren? Fine, I’ll just slow down again. You don’t cum until you give me what I want. I’ll just, liiiick….and liiiick….You know, I think you’re enjoying this...I think you love having my mouth on you...I think you’re trying to make this last as long as possible.
  72. [BJ noises resume]
  73. Maybe that’s why you’re wavering...that’s why your soul is so dark...because you’re a filthy slut who can’t get enough of my that why you’re still a trainee...always giving into lust? You filthy perverted whore.
  75. Close again? About ready to wrap this up? No? Still want my mouth on you slut? Oh, I’m wrong?
  77. If I’m wrong, then why haven’t you called for help? These walls aren’t soundproof. I’m sure if you yelled loud enough, somebody will hear...and they’ll call in the exorcists...the real exorcists..and you’ll be saved...You’re not calling out because you want this...even with my extra strength, do you really think I’d have been able to subdue you if you fought hard this body? You didn’t fight because you wanted didn’t fight for the same reason you’re not crying out right now….close again?
  78. [BJ stop}
  79. Or, maybe you’re not calling out because you know..deep down..that they won’t come and save you
  80. [lick lick]
  81. You know they don’t value you enough...sending you out on useless work harder than everyone else, and you’re still a trainee….so why are you protecting them?Just tell me. Give me what I want and I’ll make you cum..
  82. [chuckle]
  83. Protective tattoos, eh? [laugh] What a clever idea! Thank you so much for telling me, my little Judas
  84. [bed creaking, kissing]
  85. Is it this one here? You’ve done so well, so good for me. Let me just…[drawer sounds, permanent marker uncapping]...test this out, alright? Now, what should I write over it...I don’t really want you tattling to your exorcist friends...Aha!
  86. [Writing sounds]
  87. S..L..U..T.. There, all nicely labeled. Oh, I can feel your protection disappearing. Very, very well done my Cassius, you deserve a reward.
  88. [sink down on the D]
  89. Oh, yes. Fuck, you feel better than I thought you would. Mmm, yes, let me ride you.
  90. [movement, pussy slaps, moaning]
  91. So, so good. Your cock stretches me so, mmm...Very well done. Ah, if you want the gift, I can give it to you….I can, mmm, make you stronger than all of them….you can have revenge if you want it. They mistreated you...they deserve it...just like you deserve to cum for me. Yes, that’s it, cum for me like the good little slut you are...Cum with me! Yes! Fill my pussy up with your cum!
  92. [orgasm sounds, kissing]
  93. Ah, that was better than I imagined it would be. [satisfied hum] Alright. I’m going to uncuff you, then you are going to get dressed and go back to work like nothing’s happened. You will tell those fools in charge, that after a thorough search, the energy reading was caused by ley lines under the house. Can you do that for me, my Brutus?
  95. Good, then I can give you anything you want…
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