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- The Official Hellhound Playbook
- -Designed by Ren
- -Written by BITRATE/REN
- Hell hounds are all born/created with female appearance, but this can be changed with medication or surgery.
- They are also born with a predefined colour. This can be done by genes or through the soul sludge they all appear the
- same as a boarder collie. They are both genders. They can impregnate each other as they are hermaphrodites by nature.
- When hell hounds get impregnated the seed HAS to be accepted by the receiving end.
- A Hellhound's insides will rupture if they are not in a hospital to have the child removed from their insides
- bathing in soul sludge is the old way of doing it but very dangerous to the hell hound)
- Due to not having any intestines aside from the acid sack and etc, Most of their insides are replaced with the reproductive organ.
- They do breathe but it is not yet determined whether or not they actually have lungs. They do not eat, Their form of energy is soul sludge
- they have a stomach-like sack that produces acid to dissolve anything that would be devoured. The reproductive organ is a large tentacle that
- is prehensile and replaces many of the organs that normal anatomy would need. Hellhounds do not have a need for those organs/intestines due
- to the highly efficient acid sack, absorbing and dissolving most of what they /do/ eat. They excrete a highly acidic urine like substance from
- the acid sack from the tentacle opening or "Slit"
- A hell hound's horns are a very important part of self expression (such as hair) and can be modified or completely cut off and replaced with prosthetics.
- Hell hounds organs do not last forever in a sense, They do expire after some time, even more so if they are exiled to the overworld.
- They are able to get replacement parts at "GUTZ Inc."
- A hellhound's eyes are very sensitive to light, if one is to be exiled the light of the overworld will permanently damage their
- eyes, special glasses are available and somewhat required if on the surface level to protect against the lights. They appear as
- normal glasses for vision correction.
- Creatures created from the concentrated physical "soul sludge" of humans have established a society not dissimilar to our own, making good of all of our own damnable "sins"
- (as certain religions would have them). Hellhounds/hell creatures are born/created from something called soul sludge (Basically melted down bodies after they are buried)
- Whether or not soul sludge actually contains souls is 100% unknown.
- Hell as a real place located beneath the ocean floor somewhere between North America and Japan,
- in a mysteriously ice cold climate. As it stands, the world is vague.
- Having established a society not dissimilar to our own.
- It's a very corrupt and "bad" place as normal perspectives would see it. Very urban and grungy.
- There are no jobs, there is no currency, life standards are rather low.
- All "Jobs" are based on DIY skills and just essentially doing anything you can to get by.
- Some hell hounds get their money by selling their own soul sludge (killing themselves after time)
- //[REDACTED]//
- The overworld is the world as we'd know it. When a hellcreature is exiled/escapes/fights their way out, many things happen.
- A hellhound's life is drastically reduced and their bodies become very mortal and expire after some time. This is where gutz inc.
- comes in.
- GUTZ is a company that is owned (more so monitored) by UDECA (u-dek-ah), and ran by Judge. It exists on the overworld which traffics in replacement body parts of all kinds from hell.
- Their means are shady at best, and it s rumoured that they have a deal with a crime syndicate on the other side getting parts for them from other hellthings (creatures living in hell).
- In some cases, GUTZ also creates high-fashion prosthetic parts such as horns and body mods as aforementioned earlier. The "Guts" that they sell to hell hounds as replacements are actually
- made of soul sludge. They do not come with an instructions so they basically are on their own when it comes to installing them. It's a very shady and crooked company that is ran by Judge.
- Why are these parts needed on the overworld?
- When a hellthing leaves hell, they re either exiled or they leave on their own behalf. Many hellish attributes are stripped from them on exit, such as the general performance level of their
- bodies (they re significantly more mortal and short-lived), or their more far-out visual attributes, such as long horns, wings, hooves, claws, and other generally hellish imagery.
- They may also be tortured if exiled or have to fight their way out and lose limbs in the process. GUTZ: the only provider of replacement parts. Hellthings living on earth contact them,
- they deliver the goods. Most of A hellhound s cool looks aren t natural. The horns, the hooves, the claws, the fangs - all prosthetic or replacement, provided by GUTZ.
- [9/6/15]
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