
Guildsteady Brotius Intro

Jul 14th, 2014
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  1. [14:59] <!DM-sama> Your legs begin to grow tired as you sprint through the forest.
  2. [14:59] <!DM-sama> Honestly, the hounds are a bitch much aren't they?
  3. [15:00] <!DM-sama> What's the world coming to when slipping a woman sleeping drugs for perfectly innocent endeavors automatically labels you a potential rapist?
  4. [15:00] <!DM-sama> The guardsmen and their hounds have chased you several miles out of the village.
  5. [15:01] <!DM-sama> Perhaps targeting the Duke's daughter was a bit bold.
  6. [15:01] <!DM-sama> Regardless the pursuers seem to have finally lost your trail.
  7. [15:01] <!DM-sama> Unfortunately, while excellent at masking your scent the river mud makes for a less than comfortable insole in your boots.
  8. [15:02] <!DM-sama> The sound of running water lures you to a nearby lake, complete with a sizable waterfall.
  9. [15:02] <!DM-sama> How scenic...
  10. [15:03] <!DM-sama> Should you clean yourself up or what?
  11. [15:03] <Zenaros> Can I see any nearby villages by the lake?
  12. [15:03] <!DM-sama> No, it's a small lake, the forest surrounds it on all sides.
  13. [15:04] <Zenaros> Drat.
  14. [15:04] <!DM-sama> You recall that the nearest village aside from the one you were just run out of is called Azimburg and it's a major trade port.
  15. [15:05] <!DM-sama> It'll be another three day walk to the coast before you reach it.
  16. [15:05] <Zenaros> I'll wash my boots in the waterfall then, until I think of my next move.
  17. [15:05] <!DM-sama> You approach the waterfall, as you do you notice a battered suit of armor behind a rock.
  18. [15:06] <Zenaros> Does it look anything out of the ordinary? Other than being a suit of battered armor in the middle of nowhere?
  19. [15:06] <!DM-sama> No, in all likelyhood someone left it here to bathe, though you don't see anyone.
  20. [15:07] <Zenaros> I disregard the armor for now, back to bootwashing.
  21. [15:07] <!DM-sama> Alright.
  22. [15:08] <!DM-sama> You wash your boots in the falls, when a large mass of bubbles begin rising up from within the lake.
  23. [15:09] <Zenaros> Can I detect any sort of magic from that direction?
  24. [15:09] <!DM-sama> No, though your careful observation will lead to you discovering the source.
  25. [15:10] <!DM-sama> Mostly because a large reptilian creature breaches the surface flailing.
  26. [15:10] <!DM-sama> It's like an oversized monitor lizard with a sickly blue to it's scales.
  27. [15:10] <!DM-sama> It's lower jaw hangs from it's face as though it's been shattered.
  28. [15:11] <!DM-sama> The creature flails desperately as though it's tail is caught on something.
  29. [15:11] <!DM-sama> The term "large" here means about 20ft in length not counting it's tail.
  30. [15:11] <!DM-sama> Roughly speaking.
  31. [15:12] <!DM-sama> The lizard is pulled back into the water slowly.
  32. [15:12] <Zenaros> ... I'm not going near it, more than likely it just turned into something's lunch.
  33. [15:13] <!DM-sama> You don't have to.
  34. [15:13] <!DM-sama> Shortly after being dragged beneath the water the body of the lizard explodes out of the lake and begins hurtling in your general direction.
  35. [15:14] <!DM-sama> Reflex save to get the fuck out of the way.
  36. [15:14] <Zenaros> roll 1d20+8
  37. [15:14] <Taco_Hell> Zenaros rolled : 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{14}
  38. [15:14] <!DM-sama> You dive out of the way as the reptiles body slams into the shore of the lake.
  39. [15:14] <!DM-sama> It's dead.
  40. [15:15] <!DM-sama> It's wounds are all crushing and breaking.
  41. [15:15] <!DM-sama> It's neck is contorted and it's claws are shattered.
  42. [15:15] <!DM-sama> It has so lacerations to speak of so whatever it fought it didn't have claw.
  43. [15:15] <!DM-sama> claws*
  44. [15:16] <!DM-sama> The question now is, how curious are you?
  45. [15:17] <Zenaros> To go into the bottom of a lake and find some sort of horrific monster that may or may not turn me into its lunch?
  46. [15:17] <!DM-sama> I'm going to assume, not curious enough to go swimming in water populated by a giant lizard.
  47. [15:18] <!DM-sama> That being said you have two problems.
  48. [15:18] <!DM-sama> The first is that you don't have any means of food or transportation for three days, so it might be beneficial to find the owner of that armor in the hopes you could at the very least talk them into procuring you some supplies.
  49. [15:19] <!DM-sama> The second problem is that one of your boots was lost in your frantic dash to not be crushed and has likely sank to the bottom of the lake by now.
  50. [15:19] <Zenaros> ...
  51. [15:19] <Zenaros> I'm going to find that boot.
  52. [15:19] <!DM-sama> Make a peception check.
  53. [15:20] <Zenaros> roll 1d20+11
  54. [15:20] <Taco_Hell> Zenaros rolled : 1d20+11 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{21}
  55. [15:20] <!DM-sama> You notice that there's a cave on the other side of the waterfall.
  56. [15:21] <!DM-sama> You can't find your boot though.
  57. [15:21] <!DM-sama> Further increasing the odds you dropped it into the lake.
  58. [15:22] <Zenaros> Do I notice anything else in the cave, other than its lack of boots?
  59. [15:22] <!DM-sama> You haven't gone in the cave yet.
  60. [15:22] <!DM-sama> You just notice it's entrance.
  61. [15:23] <!DM-sama> Would you like to go in the cave?
  62. [15:23] <!DM-sama> Ignoring the fact that whatever killed the lake monster could be in there?
  63. [15:23] <Zenaros> How deep of a dive does it seem to be to the bottom of the lake? Whatever's at the bottom might use the cave.
  64. [15:24] <!DM-sama> You can't see the bottom, and the water is fairly clear.
  65. [15:24] <!DM-sama> So... probably deep.
  66. [15:24] <Zenaros> Into the cave, it is.
  67. [15:24] <!DM-sama> You enter the cave.
  68. [15:24] <!DM-sama> It's a cave.
  69. [15:24] <!DM-sama> But the deeper you go the more interesting you find it.
  70. [15:25] <!DM-sama> There are faintly glowing crystals that line the walls.
  71. [15:25] <!DM-sama> They seem to capture and amplify the light that reaches down this far.
  72. [15:25] <!DM-sama> After a bit of a walk you come to a large chamber, covered in these crystals.
  73. [15:26] <!DM-sama> In the middle of the chamber is a spring, the minerals in the water make it refract the light from the crystals as a glowing blue aura.
  74. [15:26] <!DM-sama> And bathing in the spring is a nude woman.
  75. [15:26] <Zenaros> Can I detect any sort of magic from the cha-
  76. [15:26] <!DM-sama> But the first thing you notice isn't her long red hair or her... ahem... figure.
  77. [15:26] <!DM-sama> It's her scars.
  78. [15:27] <!DM-sama> Not fresh ones either by the look of them.
  79. [15:28] <!DM-sama> A massive crooked x shaped gash across her back, discoloration on her right hip from some sort of severe burn, a visible chunk missing from her left shoulder... not to mention the numerous other all along ehr arms and legs that by comparison are insignificant, but on another person might be considered rather severe.
  80. [15:29] <!DM-sama> She turns towards you, her face and sapphire blue eyes are beautiful, as is her rather impressive figure in spite of the terrible wounds.
  81. [15:29] <!DM-sama> She makes no attempt to cover her large breasts as she turns to face you.
  82. [15:30] <!DM-sama> "Hey there..." She says with a blank stare.
  83. [15:30] <!DM-sama> "I wasn't expecting a voyeur." She says with a wide smile and a laugh.
  84. [15:31] <!DM-sama> The woman dives under the water.
  85. [15:31] <Zenaros> I don't suppose I spot my boot in here, by chance?
  86. [15:31] <!DM-sama> You don't, but a few seconds later the woman returns to the surface holding it over her head.
  87. [15:32] <!DM-sama> "Don't suppose this is yours? It conked me on the head right after I sent that Lake Lurker flying."
  88. [15:32] <!DM-sama> She smiles and tosses the boot to you before you answer.
  89. [15:33] <!DM-sama> "Your lack of a single boot might have been enough indicator for her that it is indeed yours.
  90. [15:34] <!DM-sama> She climbs out of the water and begins walking towards you, then past you and towards the entrance to the cave.
  91. [15:34] <Zenaros> "Don't suppose that armor by the lake was yours?"
  92. [15:35] <!DM-sama> "It is!" She says without turning as she continues to walk.
  93. [15:35] <!DM-sama> She is... extremely large for a woman.
  94. [15:35] <!DM-sama> Even for a man she'd be large.
  95. [15:36] <!DM-sama> Her body is muscular, but still has pleasing curves though you can't enjoy the sight for obvious reasons.
  96. [15:36] <Zenaros> "... wait, you mean that giant lizard was your doing?"
  97. [15:36] <!DM-sama> "Who else is here? It wasn't yours was it?"
  98. [15:37] <Zenaros> "I'm not the sort..."
  99. [15:37] <!DM-sama> "Really? You're welcome to take the credit if you like. I only killed it because it was in my way but it's very likely a real problem for the people around here."
  100. [15:38] <!DM-sama> "Maybe that's why there's only one town within three days of this lake."
  101. [15:38] <!DM-sama> She sighs as though she's been travelling for a while and is disappointed with the lack of civilization.
  102. [15:39] <Zenaros> "Tell me about it... wait, you were headed that way as well?"
  103. [15:40] <!DM-sama> "Not really, that would imply I ahve a destination."
  104. [15:40] <!DM-sama> "I'm just traveling for a bit, seeking people who strike my fancy for a certain job."
  105. [15:41] <!DM-sama> "Have you heard of Granda Lessil?"
  106. [15:41] <!DM-sama> Untrained knowledge check, add your class level.
  107. [15:41] <!DM-sama> You actually might have.
  108. [15:41] <!DM-sama> Bards OP
  109. [15:41] <Zenaros> roll 1d20+5
  110. [15:41] <Taco_Hell> Zenaros rolled : 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{22}
  111. [15:42] <!DM-sama> You have.
  112. [15:42] <Zenaros> welp
  113. [15:42] <!DM-sama> You know it's a vast unexplored continent discovered about 20 years ago.
  114. [15:42] <!DM-sama> Not much else.
  115. [15:43] <Zenaros> "It's a wilderness for the most part, from what I've heard."
  116. [15:44] <!DM-sama> "There are actually settlements being built, but the creatures there are primal and dangerous... everything from monsters to undead... even dragons." She pauses and runs her finger across the x shaped scar that apparently goes all the way through to her chest.
  117. [15:44] <!DM-sama> You thought they were two different scars... how did she survive being impaled like that?
  118. [15:45] <!DM-sama> "There are all these resources and all this land for civilization to expand into... but there needs to be someone to deal with the particularly troublesome monsters."
  119. [15:46] <!DM-sama> "So I've started a guild of monster hunters with some acquaintances of mine in order to make a business out of it."
  120. [15:46] <!DM-sama> "But we need more members... so I'm looking for more."
  121. [15:47] <!DM-sama> "I don't suppose you're looking for an excuse to run away and hide on a continent far out of the normal laws and regulations of the civilized world... are you?" She says as she looks back at you with a grin.
  122. [15:47] <!DM-sama> You get a chill down your spine.
  123. [15:47] <!DM-sama> Like she split you open and read you like a book.
  124. [15:48] <Zenaros> "L-lead the way."
  125. [15:48] <!DM-sama> You reach the end of the cave and the woman dons her armor.
  126. [15:48] <!DM-sama> When her scars are covered she's unearthly beautiful.
  127. [15:48] <!DM-sama> Though more terrifying to you now is the thought of something capable of scarring her.
  128. [15:50] <!DM-sama> "I'll buy you a horse and some supplies from the nearby town... if you're interested in taking me up on my offer take the ferry from Azimburg to the port city of Athes in Granda Lessil."
  129. [15:51] <!DM-sama> As she says that she walks off, towards the town you just fled from.
  130. [15:51] <!DM-sama> You wait for around two hours, sure enough a horse arrives with food for three days.
  131. [15:52] <!DM-sama> It walks up to you and lowers itself so you can mount it, as though following specific instructions.
  132. [15:52] <!DM-sama> If you didn't know better you'd say it was being magically compelled.
  133. [15:53] <Zenaros> I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth, onwards!
  134. [15:53] <!DM-sama> You mount the horse and quickly make your way to Azimburg... there are things you need to find answers to and it would seem that just maybe Granda Lessil hides a few secrets.
  135. [15:53] <!DM-sama> [End]
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