

Nov 12th, 2016
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  1. The shizophrenic nature of man
  2. first a few words about some general stuff. after this blog the debt will be repaid (if you don’t know what the debt is, dont worry about it, it’s a long story), so there will be no more blogs.
  4. But this won’t be the last thing you will read from me, dw. I was supposed to read a couple hundred books during the last few years but couldn’t due to long-winded health issues, but I will catch up on that (as well as my writing which is horrible obviously) now and you will stumble on my work if you are even a bit open-minded, you just won’t know it’s me. Dont ask too many questions. Just throwing in there that through some random circumstances that I can’t go into it, you will only ever see the worst of me, pre my Italy journey, pre hard work and dedication, which is still good enough ofc. :>
  6. Knowing my audience, many of you are young or in their early 20s. I’m certainly not writing this to fit your taste or needs, but I think it will be valuable to you. To all of you. You should read all of it at some point in your life, even if you think all of it is wrong and you have an entirely different perspective.
  8. So my plan was originally to, you know, have the idea bounce around in my head and write it when I’m ready but my schedule will begin to be somewhat tight so I just have to write it today with only 2 sentences of notes but it should be alright, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, arguably for 10 years.
  10. Let us begin.
  12. I intend to do sort of 2 parts, one in which I talk about life and the nature of being a human first, then throw in some future predictions and just the way I see things going for humanity. The second part being less valuable, because it’s just me doing thousands of hours of research and just giving my conclusion, which may be off (usually isn’t though fuck you), but I believe you will consider the 2nd part more entertaining. But let’s see.
  14. Part 1: The shizophrenic nature of being a human
  16. We truly are special. And we might not be at the same time. There is paradox all around us, given what we currently know. Given reality however, it may all be explained away.
  18. What am I referring to here? Our shockingly obvious lack of free will and agency for once. There seems to be zero free will in our actions. If you haven’t read Harris on this as an introduction, do it. If you are too lazy to read, check out his very entertaining 1hour talks on this subject, they cover most things. I won’t be doing it here, this will be too long without it, BELIEVE ME.
  20. You know, we have the power to reason. But even that often fails. Our brains are fundamentally broken and flawed, as neuroscience and experience shows. Every person that has ever lived experiences cognitive dissonance constantly, if I ask you whether a person that sees another person dying and doesn’t help is a bad person/should be punished SEVERELY with prison time, you would all say yes, probably.
  22. And yet you are that person. Most of you, unless you are unreasonably poor, could easily, EASILY donate a couple hundred bucks if you just worked harder or skipped some fucking bullshit and you could either save it to definitely save a life or just donate it to credible charities. We don’t do that. We walk past homeless people all the time. We don’t even consider using our free time for anything other than ourselves.
  24. We see someone tweet something incredibly unreasonable and instead of lifting them out of their ignorance and attempt a polite friendly conversation, we just shit on them when we are in a bad mood.
  26. We are on a diet, determined to lose some weight. We walk into a room and our favorite sweet or chocolate or w.e is on the table. Most people can’t resist. We struggle very deeply to control our urges/instincts/desires. I think I may have mentioned this in the Amsterdam blog but I fucked this prostitute all right and afterwards I was like, wow this is really boring, not boring but it’s just not fulfilling, this meaningless, superficial, shallow sex with no love. I’ll probably, no, definitely never do it again. So 1 or 2 days later I’m walking around and see this 10/10 chick HOLY MOLY and you can imagine what happened (was worth tho bad example jk, good example cause it was around 12am where men are horny af biologically).
  28. Here’s another weird anecdote, I was in 11th grade or so, telling a joke or story (I think it was a mix of both) to like 8 people, I had a wall behind me, 8 people in a half-circle in front of me, listening, and this fucking deranged midget (okay he wasn’t a midget but very short) who just liked confrontation and I genuinely believe liked getting bullied poured some fucking salt over my head which he had been carefully preparing for like 20 minutes (he bought 3 fucking bretzels and saved the salt in a small bag (what the fuck) and poured it over my head. I lost it. You know when people say they lost it. Yeah I genuinely can’t remember any conscious experience there for 2-3 seconds, I think I punched him in the stomach as hard as I could, he was fine obv he was fat it’s like having a fucking protective PILLOW SON (this was many years ago where I was a very very very good person, crucial point, I could have never seen myself doing smth like that, even felt bad killing a spider LOL). We are incredibly unreasonable, pretty much every day. Some people in almost every moment of every day. The fact that we have a society and civilization at all is profoundly … cool. How did we achieve this? Well that would need another 5k word text but to cut it short, science. What is science? The removal of all human flaws. Culture, religion, cognitive dissonance, bias, irrationality. The emphasis of all human strengths. Coorperation, creativity, mathematics, rationality, reason.
  30. But more about that later.
  32. Anyway in the midget punching example (trying to bring back the word midget) you can see social dynamics and whatever the fuck happened to my brain in that second that made me genuinely have like a blackout, I dont even remember what happened for 3 sec, only remember „waking up“ (everyone is capable of this experience pre >20 y.o and pre enlightened, that would not happen to me now, see that time where fucking beer dropped on my fucking clothes on the train on my way to a classical concert with no spare clothes, trained myself somehow to immediately catch myself; nowadays when I get even remotely angry I just breathe and let it go, VERY USEFUL TOOL here, a video).
  35. Anyway, read up on social dynamics of animals and humans, I recently recommended this to people with social anxiety (still struggling to symphatize with people who have that cause I think I have a condition called social I dont give a fuck..itis), which seems counter-intuitive cause you may think it might freak em out even more, but really it should bring them back to earth. Humility. Understanding that you are a hairy ape that’s afraid in the dark. Nothing can be more freeing than this.
  37. But what is my point in all of this? Well I’m trying to take a look at what we are. Isn’t it obvious that understanding what you are is incredibly important.. for everything.
  41. What exactly are we then? We are prisoners in our own mind, but let me try to explain why that is freeing. I enjoy this movie analogy. I tweeted this question a few times, what are you? Are you the observer of the movie? The writer? Or an actor? I submit that we are definitely not the writers. But in a sense we aren’t JUST actors either. I am aware of my lack of free will, and in fact I have become hyperaware of it, nearly every day I notice it, in many different situations. Surely that amounts to something. I think, I hope I’m at least an observer. A guy in the audience. That’s a great spot to be in honestly. I view life as a movie, at this point in time.
  43. I hope the vague notion of paradox is coming across here with all these weird tangents, there really is something weird going on, I think entirely explicable through science if we ever solve consciousness (I think machines will solve it for us, because we can’t). We rationally reason our way through scenarios, if person X was doing Y he must and will always do Z if he’s a rational actor. Then we are put in those scenarios (let’s say you walk into a burning building and see a crying, dying child, and a painting worth 10 million dollars, who do you save? Everyone would save the crying dying child or run away from the fire. Because the tears and vulnerability would trigger our empathy reactors in our brain, but rationality says we must save the 10 million dollar painting and save 1000s of lives with it. We are animals, that are barely alive. Barely conscious. We barely have any agency at all. If you do enough reading and boundary dissolution (specific drugs or other means), you may move from actor to observer but even that is not an optimal position. We want to be the authors. That’s what someone like Harris is trying to do. He is really trying to live a thoroughly ethically correct, utilitarian life. And even he, an absolute genius and ethically exceptional man, who meditated 18 hours a day for yearas and did specific boundary dissolving drugs is struggling very much. So what chance do you, a complete retard, have? Give up on that. More about that later.
  45. Are we bugs in a simulation? Are we an intended program of the simulation? Are we just suffering under an elaborate illusion/delusion of consciousness because of a random language mutation that one fucking monkey had half a million years ago and that spawned our capability to think deeply? Will we ever know the answers to these questions?
  47. But forgive me, I have given you a one-sided view here. Let’s go the other way.
  49. This paradox inside of us, it can also be positive. This infinite imagination and creativity, it gets out for brief moments that we perceive to be eternally meaningful, that we derive so much meaning out of. Higher states of consciousness, in dreams, drugs, in Bachs intro to his mass, or Mozarts kyrie, or Brahms or Dvoraks dies irae or sanctus or his confutatis or Tchaikovskys Valse… or some of Fakers best plays. There is something there. Something pure and beautiful, for one moment, everything makes sense. It’s pure success, all obstacles overcome instantly and yet it might be meaningless. It may even be incoherent. Is love made less valuable if we one day discover the chemical reactions in our brains that lead to it? You know the answer. By the way less than 5 years and we’ll discover that so honestly, get ready. It won’t be an easy day. Many years ago I read about these experiments… 1 where they looked at a specific species of ape that stays together in a ‚marriage‘ after producing a child, and another similar species that doesn’t. they figured out what is causing the difference in behaviour. A specific hormone. They injected the hormone into humans. The humans became more trusting and loving.
  51. When you lift a table up from below, so pulling it towards you/trying to you’ll be more trusting and loving and happier than when you push it down (push it away) from above. Because when you hug someone you push them towards you as well. It’s all in our genes. Don’t take these realizations lightly. They can be depressing. They can be very freeing. I will try to convince you that they are freeing in part 2.
  53. You heard the stories of self-sacrifice. In the military. Mothers dying to save their kids. We are a walking paradox. Illogical. Our wishes and ambitions often don’t match up with our actions.
  55. Anyway it might be the case that we work, say at 19% neurons firing in our brain at speed 100 and in those… genius, special moments we achieve 20% or 25% for a brief moment and it makes us feel … higher, better, like hit a higher level of consciousness. What does this mean though for our existence? Why do we chase these moments? Why do I spent countless hours on the internet looking for another brilliant moment in classical music history just so I can save it and carry it with me, on my tiny supercomputer that I have in my pocket?
  57. Because we are watching a fucking movie here. Make that movie as cool as possible. Enrich it with fun twists and surprises. Of course part of the reason I collect these experiences is again, as it is so often, a byproduct of evolution. But I don’t care. I’ll keep doing it. You see me writing all of this and a thought enters your brain: „so why don’t we just kill ourselves then?“.
  59. Part 2:
  61. Instructions to life.
  63. I know. The second most arrogant title of all time (what were you thinking Eminem, rap god?? really?? okay you are pretty sick I cant BM you), but it has to be this way.
  65. If you have read the first few blogs, you will vaguely know my thoughts about AI and SJWs and global warming (and why I, unfortunately, think Trump is accidentally saving western civilization by unintentionally increasing the death of sjwism by confronting them hard and giving anti-pcorrectness people a voice… trust me I hate having this opinion I try to beat it every day but I can’t find another angle), but I will briefly outline them here.
  67. Forget everything you have ever heard about CO2 emissions being reduced, that won’t help enough at all. It’s about 35 years too late for that (seriously), and it’s economically and politically not feasible AT ALL, not even 1%, not even if everyone elected the green party in their country. Seriously. It’s not happening. Global warming, and I include other environmental catastrophes here, is unstoppable in a sense. Meaning in about 30 years it’s going to cause mass disasters and migrations. We need a new society to deal with that. A new thinking.
  69. Artifical intelligence is getting more and more crazy. Technology in general, but let’s stick with artifical intelligence. (Watch Harris on that and read the books he recommends I’m not gonna go into it here)
  71. The MOST credible people on this, Musk and others who are leading in that area see it as the biggest problem facing us today. They are genuinely afraid it might kill us or lead to a world war. Both possible scenarios of the future. They are also saying in 5 years we’ll have AI as smart as humans (it’s terrifying isn’t it. if you don’t think this is terrifying watch this
  78. Now that doesn’t mean they are right. It may be 20 years. I hope to god it’s 20 years. I also think it will be about 20 years.
  80. Now where’s the issue here? What am I even talking about, the reader asks himself, as usual.
  82. Well we can’t solve global warming. AI is dangerous. Sjws are ruining intellectual progress. What is the connection here?
  84. Well, and you are unfortunately just gonna have to take my word for it, I am highly confident we will be able to control AI seeing recent progressions and seeing the way everything is playing out. We already have the solution, in a sense. We need a cultural revolution where people become much more intellectual and think based on evidence. We have the tools for that. The internet. We essentially have the solution as well in terms of making it solve itself, the first question we will of course ask is „how can we reliably control you and disarm you“. (this topic is 5 million times more complex than Im presenting it here just so you understand, but I would need 10k words on each individual topic and who has time for that, do your own research pls!). Once the truth is out there and discovered, it has a tendency to spread. It also has a tendency to win in the end. Before the internet, and before the new generation, that is changing their mind at lightspeed, comparatively, we lived in a different world. People were unfathomably religious (they still are of course but they are dying and converting), but atheism is now mainstream. 90% less edgy than it used to be. Gay marriage is legal (legal enough at least). Most of this was achieved without the internet. Now we have the internet.
  86. As long as the internet stays even vaguely the way it is, and it will, we have I think an over 80% chance to „make it“. As in to not kill our own civilization. Atheism is spreading like wildfire in the middle east, even if polls don’t show that. I honestly think Iran and nuclear bs is out of the picture.
  88. We just have to control AI. If we can only manage that, it’ll solve all our problems, including GWarming for us.
  90. What do we need in order for that to happen though? Well, we need sjwism, the manifestion of irrational, emotional, unscientific, anti-intellectual cancer to die.
  92. Today, the day you read this, is probably the day sjwism is at it’s absolute peak. It’s not going to get worse from here on out. People everywhere are waking up to its horrors and it’ll be a big big big win for science and intelligence in general. It’ll catapult us into an age where we have significantly more evidence-based thinking. McKenna always used to say giving birth is bloody and things will get worse before they get better. I believe he was right about that. Culture and tradition (which sjwism embodies profoundly) is really the enemy of progress. Progress we need it to survive. That’s why I’m so pleased to see that at the core of Internet culture lays a radical rejection of all authority and all boundaries. It’s not just about atheism spreading. It’s about reason spreading. I can talk endlessly about the flaws of young kids today but we never look at the upsides. How incredibly knowledgeable they are compared to a 17 yo pre internet. How much authority denial they are exposed to. How brave they are. They dont realize it but how outstandingly curious they are.
  94. Aw shit I wanted to keep it brief but whatever let’s get back to the real deal, what to do with life. You probably expected this but do whatever the fuck you want.(on a side note, if you don’t know what you want, do something. literally anything at all. it’ll point you towards the right direction. being lost is fine. everyone is lost. but you have to keep walking. you’ll end up somewhere. In Germany they say der weg ist das ziel, meaning the journey is the destination. The journey is the reward.)
  96. Let’s unpack this. Why can you do whatever you want? Why not? Can you name a single reason for not doing whatever you want? I dare say science and moral philosophy can’t name a single reason either. Ofc they can endlessly talk about it but the fundamental legitimacy of their claims just isn’t there, any deep examination of their claims shows this. Morality is a joke and an unscientific concept.
  98. Let’s take the metaphor of the ship and the harbor. The way I see it you have two choices. You choose the safe harbor, forever. Or you choose sailing out to the vast ocean, forever.
  100. Of course this is really a myth, the harbor isn’t safe. The harbor is not a valuable alternative. The harbor is death. The harbor is ideology. Religion for example. Choosing the harbor is not choosing safety, it’s choosing cowardice and death. Living a lie, and trust me some people absolutely live that lie, some people, probably even most people, deep down they know. They know it’s all for nothing but they deny that undeniable truth, they know it’s all bullshit, religion, racism, everything else, but they are weak. They are afraid to think for themselves. They are afraid of the truth. The truth that maybe there is nothing we can hold on to. That we are born into this world, flawed. Not sinful. Of course there are no sins. But flawed. With broken brains. Urges that we can barely control. (you dont know yourself. you have likely never almost starved too death, neither have I btw, but I have seen people who were and there is a monster within you that you dont even know about. maybe it’s better this way, maybe not. but know that you would eat your own family if you were starving to death. you are not what you think you are).
  102. Choosing the harbor is the equivalent of suicide. Why would anyone choose the harbor? By the way, you know what I’m like, if I thought suicide was the solution or reasonable, I would not hesitate to make the case for it. But given how incredibly exciting and crazy and surprising the future will be, we already have self-driving cars, we are already cybors, we have fucking robotic arms that we can control with our minds, we already went to another fucking planet, we have a robot sending us selfies from mars, appreciate this. Ponder. Anyway given how incredibly exciting everything is and WILL be, how could you ever decide to leave the only theatre in town? Dont you wanna see this movie? Everyone gets to play a small part in this movie. A big part if you try hard. Stay around for the movie. VR is gonna be fucking sick I read more about it than most people on this planet. It’s the real deal. Trust me. Robots are coming as well. We are gonna have no more wars soon. We’ll have wealth for everyone. Everything will solve itself.
  104. And if I’m wrong, well fuck it, how can you not hang around to see the end of the world, that’ll be a cool show.
  106. And I might be wrong. Everything I just said might be wrong. The only certainty is uncertainty. I am now realizing this quote isn’t as cool as I thought as it’s just paraphrasing Socrates „The only thing I know is that I know nothing“ quote. Whatever, keep it going.
  108. The only fear should be is this one, what if we colonize the entire universe and find nothing. Or what if the simulation creators, if they exist, pull the plug on us. But what kind of a fear is that? I’ll worry about that in 4 million years when it’s relevant.
  110. Here’s another fear actually, do I stay in the tank and live in VR forever and explore forever, and thus combine the harbor and the sailing on the ocean or do I… do whatever the alternative at that point will be, probably download my consciousness on a harddrive and fear that I won’t be the same.
  112. I’m absolutely convinced the utopia is coming. No one can stop this progress. Not Iran. Not Hitlery Clinton, not global warming. Not the people trying to ruin the internet. But if I’m wrong… if I’m wrong things will be very fun and life will force your hand and force you to act accordingly.
  114. Ultimately this blog is paradoxical, as everything involving humans is. I want you to profoundly understand and feel that there are no legitimate boundaries, and that everything is permissible, but at the same time, you have never made a free choice in your life and you have no agency.
  116. What an uplifting note to end on. The next thing you read from me will be a book on your iphone 11 probably and you won’t know it’s me.
  131. von cultureless11. September 20164,073 WordsHinterlasse einen Kommentar
  132. Movies, docs, podcasts
  133. I think after this one I’ll do something weird (monologue style maybe) about the universe, I have an idea in my head and it’s sorta growing but also isn’t… we’ll see what happens. It’ll definitely be a while until that shit comes out, cause I’ll start being quite busy soon.
  135. So where do I begin… I’m not an expert on movies. While there is tremendous depth possible in the medium, the medium itself, in my humble opinion, is more suited just for entertainment and really cool experiences. Why do I say that? Because for most people, you would need to fucking slow down the movie, freeze the fucking frame and look at the visuals, at the positioning of everything and most people can’t/don’t want to do that. And you don’t even get to do it at a cinema, obviously. So you just soak it all up, and consume it like food.
  137. This list will feature, probably, a few movies whose depth I genuinely enjoyed, but most will likely be just movies I enjoyed as a general experience. So simple movies will be included. In fact the list will be more about me recommeding movies that I think are worth watching instead of me telling you WHY they are worth watching, in many cases Im not qualified enough to do that and havent put in the effort into examining the movies in depth.
  139. edit: nope most movies here are fucking amazing and ur a bad person if u dont watch them
  141. Now the bad thing is, my memory is aids. So I won’t even remember half the fucking movies I’ve seen. Unlucky as FUCK. But let’s do it anyway.
  143. Let’s start with some good ones. By the way, some of these, and I’ll mention which ones, have been recommended to me by fairly credible people, and I havent seem em yet. So don’t spoil pls, although idc if you do. (edit2: just a few at the end)
  145. One thing by the way, I will sort of ruin movies for you now forever. A concept that has been used with movies, for the longest time, and still gets used is this one. You have a guy alright. And he’s a likeable guy. He’s either mysterious. Or funny. Or fucking cool as fuck. He’s usually the friend of the protagonist. The protagonist almost never dies, happy end and stuff. But people still want that rollercoaster emotional ride. So what do you do? You introduce the funny side kick and he ALWAYS dies in the end. Always. Once I noticed that, I couldn’t „unnotice“ it. It happened fucking every time. I’ll give u examples later.
  147. Another thing I wanna stress is, there’s, ironically, many all time great movies that I havent seen yet. so this whole blog is a scam. but you cant ask for your money back
  149. Number 1 (in no particular order but as I said Im starting with good ones. This movie might be my favorite ever tho coincidentally).
  151. The Prestige. A movie that you should watch 3 times. It’s fucking incredible. It’s exciting. It’s deep. It’s layered as FUCK. The movie plays a trick on you. The whole time it’s telling you everything. I have to be careful not to spoil anything here, but trust me on this one, it’s one of the best movies ever. Highly recommended.
  153. I found this picture. This is the artists dilemma. The movie is related to that. Save this picture.
  158. A clockwork orange. Features some really … tough scenes. Hard to watch in some ways. Very enlightening in others. A movie that brings up moral questions. A brutal movie.
  160. Highly recommended.
  162. The usual suspects.
  164. Highly recommended. Great performance from Kevin Spacey. No spoilers. Watch it. It’s actually on youtube lol (a bit old but very watchable).
  166. Se7en.
  168. Spacey, Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt (young). Need I say more? The ending is fantastic and brutal.
  170. Catch me if you can.
  172. Leonardo Di Caprio + Tom Hanks (young). Based on a real story. Fucking great movie, great acting. Oh my god but the story is really the coolest part. I still can’t believe this fucking story is real. Jesus christ. Absolute must watch.
  174. Schindlers List.
  176. No this isn’t some elaborate jew joke. It’s a really powerful movie. It’s brutal. It will make you feel empty for a few days. But you must watch it to understand war. And evil. You will cry at the end.
  178. 12 angry men. it will mesmerize you. it’s thrilling. it’s also from fucking 1957. but SERIOUSLY dont knock it off. it’s one of the most bizarre movies. it’s all in one room. it’s 12 .. uh angry men. let that title sink in. it has to be good right? it is. on youtube obviously.
  180. 300
  182. Im not saying it’s one of the greatest movies of all time but it’s so unique and fun you just have to watch it. I like the vibe. I like the … magic around it. The mythology. It’s enjoyable for sure.
  184. American History X
  186. oh my god. this fucking movie will fuck with you. you’ll watch it twice. the ending will make you really sad. the beginning will make you really sad. the middle part will make you not leave your seat. A movie about racism and nazis. and death.
  188. the matrix trilogy.
  190. fantastic trilogy. i dont care what people think about part 3, it’s a great trilogy. if you’ve never seen it (I don tknow how that would even be possible), better fucking watch that shit. some of the most amazing fighting scenes you’ll see. and cool ideas.
  192. those fucking startrek movies they made, startrek beyond and shit.
  194. they were actually pretty good, pretty enjoyable. i’ve never seen the old startrek series so… yeah those movies were good. definitely not comparable to the GOD TIER movies I just talked about but very enjoyable.
  196. 21. (movie is called „21“)
  198. kevin spacey was in it, if I remember correctly. Great fucking movie. I watched it twice. Enjoyable. not god tier probably but really cool. modern movie.
  200. shawshank redemption. Sick as fuck movie. all time great. no spoilerinos..
  202. gladiator. I love this movie and I cant really describe why. it just maxes out the basic categories, like the story is really cool. the atmosphere is cool. it seems real, it seems like you are somehow in it. I dont know. it’s good.
  204. shutter island.
  206. leonardo di caprio. this movie gets shit on a lot but it’s good. it’s a fucking good movie I dont know what is wrong with people. dont spoil yourself.
  208. actually let’s stick with leonardo di caprio, one of my favorite actors. (de niro is coming later stfu)
  210. the first one that comes to mind is
  212. the aviator. just watch that shit. holy FUCK what an amazing, outstanding performance. absolutely stunning. captivating. thrilling
  214. departed. matt damon. jack nickelson. dicaprio. (young) FANTASTIC story. must watch. crazy ending. fucked up shit.
  216. the great gatsby. good movie. new/modern. enjoyable as fuck.
  218. inception. dreams. a movie about dreams. another masterpiece by nolan that is absolutely underrated imo. movies are like dreams. a new scene starts, a new location appears from 1 second to the next. an artistic exploration of dreams.
  220. blood diamond. if you think diamonds aren’t worthless, watch this fucking movie.
  222. if you think diamonds ARE worthless, watch this movie. (wow that’s deep.)
  224. django unchained (is that how you spell it? who the fuck cares) man tarantino is so creative. another great performance from dicaprio. cuts his hands (breaks a glass i believe) in the middle of a scene and they just keep rolling. he doesnt stop. he doesnt give a fuck. blood everywhere.
  226. the revenant (great performance, classic revenge movie, amazing scenery. i believe he ate a raw fucking bloody liver in this movie… jesus… he didnt HAVE to he was just hungry).
  228. revolutionary road. last dicaprio movie for now. great one.
  230. all of these so far you will enjoy. snob or not.
  232. now it gets interesting. korean movies. If you’ve never seen a korean movie, you are lucky. I envy you. you get to see them for the first time.
  237. this list is pretty reliable. I’ve seen a few of these. (btw why the fuck are koreans better at everything? srsly some of these surpass all western movies.. wtf..)
  239. Let’s begin. ( HOLY SHIT I SHOULDA USED FUCKING 10/10 SYSTEM… kill me..)
  241. Oldboy. 10/10. no spoilers. no questions asked. most of my friends and people i know in esports have this as their favorite movie. strap in and enjoy the ride. a classic.
  243. The chaser. 9.9/10
  245. classic korean action movie. hype is unreal. action is fucking crazy. brutal movie. it’ll fuck with you. but really REALLY enjoyable.
  247. I saw the devil. I dont like horror or gore movies but this one was so cool. there’s some gore (not THAT much), but you should endure it.. it’s worth it. cause the story is just so fucking cool. read a few lines of it (but dont spoil yourself)
  249. sympathy for lady vengeance (I cant spell it) I believe it’s from the creator of oldboy, who made a trilogy on revenge. fantastic movie. dirty.
  251. sympathy for mr. vegeance is alright. watchable. not 10/10 tho.
  253. district 9. hm… I think my audience in particular wouldnt mind this movie. it’s something new. it’s a cool story. it’s kinda disgusting tho. I dunno check it out. not 10/10 but a good movie.
  255. okay every movie except district 9 (7/10-watchable as fuck) so far is a 10/10 (10/10 meaning WATCH IT RIGHT NOW). shutter island 7.5/10 (i edited this post a bit so some things outta order fuck you)
  257. king arthur (2004), personal taste: 8/10
  259. there is something magical about this movie. it’s very simple. it uses the basic concepts (no spoilerino but the concept I mentioned earlier about the .. cool guy dying.. hehe.. it would be a shame if.. okay I ruined the movie fuck all of you, watch it tho it’s so good and unpredictable I swear … .-. ) there’s just some cool scenes. the atmosphere is fucking cool as shit. i watched it 3 times actually. which is very rare for me. maybe it’s just me who likes it but I like the mythology and the vibe.
  261. sin city
  263. 8/10, just watch a trailer or a few minutes of it and you’ll see what I mean. the style is unique. that gives it a big bump.
  265. Heat – utterly fucking unreal movie, absolute classic. One of the most iconic scenes ever when pacino talks to de niro in that restaurant… holy shit. so good. just so good. deniros peak imo.. but Im a pleb I dunno.
  269. 8/10 imitation game
  271. enjoyable. new.
  273. john wick 8/10 (personal taste)
  275. great vibe. pure destruction.
  277. mad max fury road or w.e the fuck it’s called
  279. 9/10 just because it’s so fun. not very deep. some basic criticism of tribalism and religion… but genuinely barely remember it cause my memory is bad.
  281. I am legend – great movie 9/10, watch the alternative endings on youtube after you see it.
  283. enemy of the state 8.5/10 – good movie.
  285. the pursuit of happiness – 9/10, enjoyable as fuck. emotional.
  287. all quiet on the western front. great book. great movie. war is hell. watch it. 9/10, brutal.
  289. check out all the classics from nolan. all masterpieces… the dark knight (2nd part of the trilogy is a 10/10, dark knight rises pretty fucking good too)
  291. saving private ryan. 9.5/10, good.
  293. black hawk down. 9/10, good portrayal of the military (in a sense).
  295. men of honor. emotional. good. 9.2/10
  297. rules of engagement. samuel l jackson movie I believe, fantastic. 9.5/10
  299. the last castle + the spy (or just spy, w.e it was called), decent harrison ford movies.
  301. enemy at the gates 9.9/10 – russian sniper movie (that’s how I remember it, great tho)
  303. oh shit I forgot wolf of wall street HOLY MOLY THAT MOVIE IS FUNNY. 9.8/10. funny.
  305. good will hunting 9/10 (If I remember correctly the moral of the story is that if you are a genius and realize how meaningless everything is, you should still work hard and make money and be a drone, overrated pile of shit, jk it’s pretty fucking good for plebs. also pretty decent when it comes to the whole „reading isn’t enough“ shit. that’s actually true.)
  307. pulp fiction (anything from tarantino really)
  309. _____
  317. departures if that counts, its the travels of 2.5 Canadian friends and there travels around the world, its the only travel show I have ever enjoyed this much and it combines amazing cinematography along with great music and charecters
  319. the farm series (tales from the green valley Victorian farm, Edwardian farm, Victorian pharmacy, Wartime farm ), I dont even know what it is but damn farming through history is actually really fascinating, it features 3 historians as the live out 1 entire year on a farm in a set period, this is not just a shitty reality TV show, this is amazing. definitely one of my favorite documentaries
  321. walking the amazon, follows the trials and tribulations of 2 men that successfully become the first people to ever walk the length of the amazon rain forest
  323. What the ancients did for us, the different technologies of the ancient world
  325. Medieval Fight Book (REALLY REALLY GOOD, but hard to find so here is the first episode, great CGI, it looks at the mysterious tolhofer manuscript and its strange artwork and tries to recreate what they were, it provide great incite into the real world of medieval combat
  327. Leonardo da Vinci The Man Who Wanted to Know Everything, a biography of sorts on the famous Da Vinci but with the addition of testing out some of his technology and making it work
  329. Life in a day, A documentary of user submitted video from all over the world in one day but edited into one superb film. I saw live when it first came out can it was magical.
  331. The divine Michelangelo, similar to the davinci doc but about Michelangelo
  333. a history of Brittan (Missing part 1), straight forward, but great doc with a through look at Britans past
  335. Jesus camp, a rather extreme right group of campers, fascinating look at just a few people, you would think its really boring but its remarkably good
  337. The history of rome podcast (Yeah i know its not a documentary… big whoop wanna fight about it, but holy hell was it amazing to listen its so fucking intresting and long and detailed i am so sad i hav heard it all now😦 ),
  339. Crash course world history and us history, great short foreas into the different times of history, very good but I just wish it was longer,
  341. Canada a people history (insanely good but maybe less so if your not Canadian, it missing the last 2 episodes but i can upload them if anyone wants, I used to think that Canadian history was rather dull, but I am glad to know just how amazing it can be
  343. Filthy cities life during the industrial revolution
  345. Hot coffee, I couldnt find this one😦 but its about the famous case were the women burned herself on McDonalds coffee and sued them, but it shows how wrong most peoples views are. it also looks at tourte reform in general,
  347. BlackCoffee (History of Coffee, damn its good, I love the opening song as well
  349. Weapons that made Britain (I dont even remember if i have seen this…),
  351. ancient discoveries (REALLY GOOD, all about the technology of the ancient world with great cgi demonstrations and real ones),
  353. The universe (Very long series and i dont know about the later seasons but great CGI and info, fascinating),
  355. The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization, A very high quality look into greek hsitory
  357. The great food revolution, I dont entirely remember what this was about but it was fantastic and about food
  359. The adventure of English, nice and straight forward. I usually don’t care for older documentaries, but my god its just so damn intresting
  361. james Burkes: connections (Especially season 1), highly unique series that looks at several invetions throughout history and there importance then in the end explains the impact they have on the modern world
  363. The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance a great history of the Medici family of the renaissance
  365. Barbarians (Haven’t seen it in forever so it may not be good but its about the Barbarians of the ancient world
  367. Medieval Lives, the medieval world split up the diffrent aspects of society,
  369. The Last Stand of the 300 Spartans, the famous last stand, what they used, what happened
  371. The human body (The life/body parts of us :D),
  373. Journey to the edge of the universe (I was REALLY sick and high on medicine but one of the best docs i have ever seen ),
  375. Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial a great doc on the trial of a creationist theory that threatened to win out over evolution in a small town
  377. the human face John Cleese explores the human face/emotions and expressions
  379. The alien planet (ALL CGI ALL Awesome about a potential future… not even a documentary now that I think of it, but so good ),
  381. The Story of Science: Power, Proof and Passion a history of science
  383. [the cell]( a documentary with really good cgi about the cell
  385. the story of one, the history of the # 1 as told by john cleese
  387. The Elegant Universe ,
  389. Ants: Nature’s Secret Power, ANTS !
  391. Fractals: The Colors of Infinity, fractals and the math/theory behind it
  393. Chemistry a volatile history a history of chemistry and some cool experiments
  395. PARALLEL WORLDS, PARALLEL LIVES, remarkably good documentary in the purest form about the eels lead singer trying to come to terms with his distant scientifically famous father
  397. Empire of the Desert Ants (NEVER have i learned so much interesting stuff about ants, and it has a story too)
  399. After Life: The Science Of Decay A interesting experiment of the average home if it was just left to decay and what would happen, remarkably interesting for the subject
  401. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner the history of the meals
  403. Addicted to pleasure a look at different drugs from caffeine to opium
  405. how to grow a planet a look at how the earth became the green landscape it is today from nothing
  407. Madness in the Fast Lane one of the most bizarre stories I have ever heard, but I dont want to spoil it, just watch it
  409. Devil’s Bible damn good if i remember correctly, its about the history of some really odd and mysterious book
  411. Into the wind a documentary on Canadian hero and icon Terry fox, to be honest its the best one out their… so interesting.
  413. Inside natures giants join richard dawkin and several other interesting characters as they disect some of natures biggest creatures, its REALLY good
  415. inside natures giants already seen, great!
  417. __________________
  419. fight club. first movie on the list that I havent seen. people say it’s fucking amazing. Im sure it is. that’s all I have to say. I dont wanna watch it it’s not clicking with me.
  421. moon – people say it’s great (!). I’ll watch it.
  423. lawrence of arabia – Im told it’s fucking amazing. will watch.
  425. the godfather ones, will watch. never got to it.
  427. children of men, prisoners, nightcrawler, the grand budapest hotel, in bruges (will watch, supposedly fantastic)
  429. that fucking brazilian movie, city of god or whatever. still have to watch that.
  431. that one where they go „ass to ass“. the drug one. pretty good but I feel like it’s been decades since I’ve seen it. and Im dehydrated LOL Im getting dizzy…
  433. „die welle“ german movie. based on novel. rare good german movie. (seen it)
  435. there was this one german movie about internet bullying which was unusually good. brutal ending. dont remember the title. good one.
  437. I have a few westerns to catch up on but who really cares right. have the titles written somewhere but I wanna go sleep just google „top 5 westerns of all time“. WHY DID I EVEN WRITE THE LIST OH GOD
  439. man on fire is good (d. washington) 8.8/10 and that one movie where he’s like a cripple laying in bed. and that one where he is a cop and does hostage negotation (so pretty much all of his fucking movies)
  442. -Special movie. „Now you see me“ with Franco and Morgan Freeman.
  444. infinite/10.
  446. Why do I say that. Well this fucking movie. this movie. … oh god. it’s kinda cool at the beginning. it’s hip. it’s fun. some cool special effects. at one point there’s a cool scene where a guy (this movie is about all the classic magic tricks) is fucking throwing cards in a cool way in a 1v1 battle with a cop.. rofl.. it’s actually fun. but then. then it happens.
  448. the ending. the worst, most inane, most insane, most ridiculous, horrific, tragic, sad, happy ending I’ve ever seen. an ending that not only does it not make any sense, it’s utterly incoherent. it’s retarded. it’s so bad you almost HAVE to see it. you be the judge.
  452. podcasts: radiolab, bill burr, joe rogan, sam harris, duncan trussell, a few others but Im literally falling asleep afk.
  459. von cultureless28. August 20163,528 WordsHinterlasse einen Kommentar
  460. Music.
  461. I just wanted to spend a bit of time to talk about music and share/recommend some music that I liked, maybe you’ll like it too. This will feature a number of different styles. I am musically illiterate just to make that clear, I barely even know the fucking instruments when I listen to music, still I listen to music BASICALLY every day in the year and it pleases me more than anything really.
  463. Hm. Before I actually link some music I wanna get 2 points across. 1, and idc how annoying you find this, I urge you to at some point in your life go to a classical music concerto in a round-ish concert hall. An experience you will never forget, and it is very affordable. Just fucking do it. You’ll thank me forever. Anything is fine btw, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Tschaikowski (Im not looking up that spelling FUCK you), Bach, Schubert, they are all excellent. Definitely changed my life, considering that I’m healthy now (I think) I’ll always be fine but even if something ridiculous were to happen to me, all I would hypothetically need in this dystopia is a minimum wage job, a concert a month (the high lasts a fucking month can u believe that), a computer to listen to music + enjoy art and 1 room. I’ve tried a wide variety of (many illegal) experiences now in my life (after all aren’t we just experience machines, collecting cool moments and memories and experiences, instead of food and tools like we used to, but more about this in the next blog actually) and nothing beats concertos. I cant explain what the fuck is going on, maybe it’s cause I’ve only really listened to youtube quality (which is shit) music my whole life and hearing actual real sound is giving me some sort of high, I really have no idea, but it’s divine as fuck.
  465. The second point is even more vague, what the fuck is music. Are we discovering music or creating it? Why was I drawn to aggressive as fuck dubstep music while I was stressed out a few years ago? Why am I listening to almost entirely classical music now and having peak experiences like never before? Why can I listen to a song for 10 hours and enjoy it every time? Is the music, like language and communication attaching itself on the language „receptors“ in my brain, and my brain perceives it as relaxing or pleasant because the music is literally speaking to me and Im enjoying what it’s saying? Is it just reinforcing my emotional mood and amplifying it?
  467. Is my complete musical illiteracy (if I spelt that wrong it would be ironic) making it so I can ONLY connect to it via the emotions it conveys and I can only understand it in that paradigm? What in the fuck is music? My research on this has been very superficial, I almost dont want to know. I am enjoying this mystery. But I will share with you what I „know.“ I’ve never heard of a music center in the brain. I heard a ridiculous thought once that maybe the music we like is just that type of sound that tickles our TINY hair in our ears just enough (lol wouldnt that be something). The evolutionary theories on this are very .. shit and unlikely. I dont think we know. If you know the answer, dont tell me.
  469. Before I start linking some shit, let me quickly stress a point, for years I’ve on occassion checked out some classical music cause you see it have 20mil views on youtube and everyone talks it up, I’d just tune in for a few sec, with sound in the background going in, tune out. It didnt do shit for me. I understand 2 things now, you are supposed to fucking listen to it with headphones at the very least, no background noise, focusing on it and listen to it LOUDLY. this way you can get 5% of the experience you would have in a concerto.
  471. Also some of these won’t have a youtube link cause this god damn website sort of turns everything into an embedded video and I dont want it to crash everytime you visit it.
  473. (also the genius of this blog is that it’s in no particular order get rekt, atho the first few ones are def at the top, and if I write something under neath you’d have to be a, I wanna say jew to trigger you but Im German so let’s just go with aids monkey, anyway you would have to be an aids monkey to not check it out, also most of these are youtube titles so u can find it easier)
  475. Mozart Gran Misa en do m. 10 incarnatus est (bernstein) 8 minutes 40 sec.
  477. 3m-3m25 is certainly one of the best things I’ve ever heard and I would die to hear that live. It’s crazy. The part at the end there just stands for a peak experience for me.
  479. W.A. Mozart – Mass in C Minor; K 427; Kyrie
  481. There is absolutely nothing like this. I’ve been listening to it hundreds if not thousands of times. It’s fucking crazy. Im flying to Vienna to hear this live there. (if you have never googled vienna national opera pictures, now is the time). This shit is fucking bananas.
  483. Bach – Mass in B Minor BWV 232 Kyrie eleison (1) – John Eliot Gardiner
  485. The beginning to this is dirty.
  487. Elfen Lied – Lilium (Extended Version) (5m:36)
  489. Elfenlied soundtrack. Crazy. This shit is so good.
  491. Russian Church – Female choir (5m44s)
  493. Henry Purcell – When I am laid on earth (Dido’s lament)
  495. I have heard this live in 1st row and I almost cried. Hearing it now, it’s decent but hearing it live, I dont know what happens but it’s just so different. Magic Im telling you.
  497. Samuel Barber – Agnus dei
  499. GOOD SHIT.
  501. 8:41 Eric Whitacre conducts „Cloudburst“. REALLY good. this one is really enjoyable even if u dont see it live. listen to this one, it’s worth the time. they do some really cool shit. at the very least check out the first few minutes. no skipping ofc.
  503. Naruto Shipuuden – Girei (Pain’s theme song) 2:14
  505. This shit is pretty legit.
  507. Kyrie II – Nova Euphonia Live (2:16)
  509. Deathnote used this, famously. Check that shit out. Listen to it twice.
  511. Erik Satie – Gymnopedie No. 1 (3:39)
  513. Beautiful.
  515. Beastie Boys – Sabotage (star trek beyond trailer) holy MOLY.
  517. Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (best version ever) (9:20)
  519. This should really be at the top (so why dont u just put it at the top then you piece of shit, thought the reader), 0:50-0:55, 1:10 onwards, 1:33-1:36 absolute genius, peak move from Bach. He is in the fucking zone. 2:30-2:40 is dirty. then the best part at 2:40+
  521. this may be the best piece of music ever written, at least to my naive ears.
  523. (9:33) Death Note – solitude (extended)
  525. Solitude.
  527. Runescape – Harmony
  529. This brings back memories every fucking time. Every time. It’s what I listened to during some operations (where I had to be awake, UNLUCKY), and this one song.. it’s like it’s impervious to evil. To negativity. I listened to this in my most difficult times (in terms of health), and usually when u do that you condition yourself to NOT like the song and never listen to it again (I remember a specific green day song I listened to in the radio during the drive home from the doctor when I first got insanely bad news, to this day I get sick when I hear it), but with this song, something is just different. It’s just pure good vibes. I played runescape like a decade ago in my childhood I was never happier probably.
  531. Desimal – Afterlife
  533. This shit is legit. Holy fuck. (DnB.. I think)
  536. volor flex – elegiac
  538. [chill trap] clozee – get up now
  540. cool
  544. zedd – spectrum (dc breaks remix) (dnb)
  546. cowboy bebop ost 1- rush
  548. kenichiro nishihara – nebulosa remix
  550. i have a song here called „piano dank ass shit“ i dunno how I can possibly find the original source LMFAO sorry..
  552. BADBADNOTGOOD – confessions (ft. leland whitty)
  554. i presume this is jazz.
  556. really slow motion – star fusion (star trek beyond trailer)
  558. ____ here’s a little cut, after this there’s still some, what I perceive to be, great music, but I wouldnt die inside if you didnt check it out cause I linked it once already and I cant ask u to check all of it out surely. :>
  560. „state of mind do“ good shit (sunking, snakecharmer, flawless, flashpoint are the names of some of their songs, dnb)
  562. botnek & i see monstas – deeper love (xan griffin remix)
  564. Allegri – Misere Mei, Deus
  566. Everything from Eminem. One of the most if not the most impressive lyricist ever and he’s unbelievably self-reflective and honest in his work and you can see him grow during his career, highly fascinating. I relate to a lot of his struggles esp when it comes to being a hypocrite.
  568. JayZ, Nas, K. Lamar, Tupac (all the classics, I’m not a rap expert btw)
  570. Some of my favorites: Fine line verse 2, lose yourself, cold as the wind blows, till I collapse, rap god
  572. Desimal – Afterlife
  574. Feint – (almost everything from Feint), Time Bomb is great, we won’t be alone is good
  576. B-Complex – Beautiful Lies, Winter etc.
  578. Flux Pavilion – love this guy, international anthem, cracks, blue skies, Internet connection all great
  580. ZEDD – Shave it (501 remix)
  582. Beethoven – Moonlight sonata (absolutely incredible, if you dont wanna listen to the whole thing check the 5-10 min clips on youtube
  584. Mt Eden – Into the light etc.
  586. Tristam – Flight
  588. Kerli – Army of Love
  590. Adventure Club – Wait (killabits remix)
  592. RHYNO – Ambivalence (as far as I know it was made by a musical genius that was like 14 or something, you can see he has the talent but cant control it yet)
  594. Borgore – Sunsets
  596. Nero – In the past, promises, etc.
  598. Nujabes (everything.. he’s a god.., ‚beyond‘ is divine)
  600. Camo & Crooked – Far away, Camo & Crooked – Further away
  604. I’ll just stop it here, a lot of this is not necessarily very high quality or even SPECIAL music (esp the 2nd half) but I still enjoy it, or at least at some points in my life I enjoyed it.
  606. CYA
  607. von cultureless24. August 20161,757 WordsHinterlasse einen Kommentar
  608. Industrial Melanism, a funny example of evolution
  609. btw if you havent read the amsterdam bullshit it’s funny (the 2nd half especially).
  615. Genes randomly mutate. (more or less randomly)
  617. Natural selection is a process resulting in the survival of those individuals from a population of animals or plants that are best adapted to the prevailing environmental conditions. (copied that somewhere)
  619. That’s evolution. Still, people have trouble wrapping their head around it, because sometimes, like in the case of homo sapiens it can be very slow.
  621. Here’s a particularly cute example I remember from school, which imo really helps you grasp the concept entirely.
  623. There are this butterflies alright, let’s call em fucking … butterflies. I don’t know the name, it doesnt matter. Anyway they are white-winged butterflies and they are on trees with white bark. Their natural predators, birds, struggle to see them on the white trees. That’s how they survive, somewhat.
  625. Let us say there’s a population of 100 for demonstration purposes and naturally, 90 will be white and due to mutation, 3 will be black, 2 red, 1 yellow etc. random colors.
  627. As you can imagine, the whitewinged, due to their camouflage, have the highest chance of survival and thus creating whitewinged „babies“.
  629. 25 years later, now it looks like this: 90 black, 3 white, 1 red, 1 blue, 1 crippled, 1 autistic (not really but I enjoy this word too much). (random MUTATION)
  631. What the fuck happened here? Is it magic?
  633. No, industrialization happened. Over the course of just a few decades, the trees started turning black (the bark of the trees I mean).
  635. So how does that influence shit?
  637. Well, if the trees are black, who does now have the highest chance of survival? Ofc the black winged butterflies, because they are now camouflaged and cant get raped by the birds. (SELECTION)
  639. So over the years, the black ones are more likely to procreate, and they do, and the whitewinged ones slowly die out.
  641. What looks like magic is just the deterministic movie of the universe playing out and natural processes at work.
  643. That’s all. (I actually used this example hundreds of times talking to diff creationists on retarded forums, made a small difference! :> No but seriously, 99% of creationists would understand this in 2 minutes, they just dont know about it because they are fed bullshit information and dont leave their circle of dogma)
  645. edit: I actually found a link
  649. edit2: Here’s another one. Sabel tooth tigers. This is also called hyperevolution. The size of their teeth is good for hunting, establishing dominance and increasing their chances of procreation.
  651. So what happens? The ones with the biggest tooth procreate, cause even bigger teethed (?) children, it keeps going and going and going until they rapidly die off. Why? Because their teeth got so fucking big that they can’t open their mouths without hurting themselves anymore and they go extinct.
  655. Tfw you hyperevolution and die
  660. von cultureless20. August 2016485 WordsHinterlasse einen Kommentar
  661. Amsterdam adventures
  662. Okay.
  664. I’ll describe what the fuck I was doing from the evening of 15th to 18th although I will leave out spicy details like what my favorite sexual position is (I once saw this video actually.. okay this is already a bad start, fucking focus you dumbass).
  668. Alright, I arrive at the hotel (turns out I booked the fucking wrong hotel, unlucky as fuck), the location was fantastic, the banter was good, everything else was worse than a German can handle it, let’s put it like that.
  672. So I open the fucking door to the hotel and there’s just stairs there. Literally just TINY, COMICALLY SMALL STAIRS, tons of them, and on the left and right there’s just a fucking wall and it’s all super narrow and shit. So I walk up and some fucking 68yo guy (dont even ask how I know) is infront of me talking to the receptionist, which, it dawns on me now, is LITERALLY Varis from Game of Thrones (triggered by my use of literally?). And they talk and banter for, I shit you not, 30+ minutes. The receptionist, is bald, a tiny bit chubby like Varis, has the same humor, same accent almost which was creepy, same way of speaking, slightly less witty but pretty witty. And he’s a real beauty… oh god where do I start.
  674. So it’s finally my turn, still had to pay and shit, and these Italian girls, and I mean girls (one seemed like 17 at most, the other 2 like 10-12yo), wanted to check out and supposedly had this flight that they had to catch soon (we are literally 5-9min away from centraal station so what in gods name is wrong with them they were panicking, flight came in a few hours) and they were asking for some phone charger that they supposedly left in the reception area (I dont know why anyone would do such an incredibly stupid thing).
  676. So Varis, who is 60years old, is talking to me right and he keeps neglecting them hard cause what can I say Im good looking and he’s probably gay (I hope he is it would round it all up well) and he just keeps going „I have to talk to him (pointing at me) now. Wait.“
  678. Here’s the funny part, this guy is oldschool alright. He’s 60 years old. He’s MADDDDDD misogynistic. Just says, more or less to their fucking face, „typical women, when they dont get attention they turn into little children.“ Im like holy shit it’s HAPPENING.
  680. Then I go, oh shit they are italian, it’s happening. This is gonna be bad.
  682. So apparantly some technician took their fucking phone charger home, accidentally and these girls are screamin, cause they are italian alright, and they go „CALL HIM TELL HIM TO BRING IT HERE ASAP“. Varis, while still being a total cunt to them, which amused me, makes the call. Technician says he’ll be here in 10 minutes.
  684. 2 minutes later, the girls go fucking ape shit cause they keep being ignored by Varis. „CALL HIM AGAIN TELL HIM TO HURRY UP, WE HAVE TO CATCH OUR FLIGHT“, the old one says. The younger ones are just mad trolling/bitchy they just shout in shit like „let’s call the police“, which is of course something very helpful to shout in when tempers are high.
  686. So Varis just goes, write down your address here, I’ll send it to you, I promise. Turns out they are from argentina alright, I was wrong, what do you want, anyway they lose their fucking shit, 2 of them are crying right now, the BOSS of the „hotel“ comes in, calls the technician (they speak dutch I dunno), I imagine the boss told him to hurry up and the technician is just fucking screaming, Im not even next to the phone and I can just hear the technician going fucking completely ape shit screaming (at this point Im laughing and the black turban magician, more about him later, comes fucking in and me and him are like, connecting over the ridiculousness of this moment, cause we are the only 2 ones that arent REALLY involved).
  688. Anyway the girls and Varis keep going on forever, Im too tired for this shit, travelled all day, sweating it’s hot as fuck, I go up to my room.
  690. Now my room is the biggest pile of shit I have ever seen. First of all it’s incredibly tiny. Then, I closed the window cause my room was full of flies, and I fucking couldnt open it anymore. Which given the temperature, was a problem but whatever, free sauna right?
  692. So I go into the shower, and it’s actual aids. Nothing works, the shower itself just keeps leaking and in fact leaked all 3 days while I was there.
  694. Everything is all dusty. I take a towel to try to scare off a fly (giant fucking fly HOLY MOLY) and I hit the wall with the towel alright and I shit you not the roof/top wall w.e it’s called it like.. fucking stones as big as a key on a keyboard came down. The entire hotel seemed very… shaky. Unstable. Holy moly.
  696. So anyway I try to get rid of that giant fly for 40 minutes which just didnt work cause everytime I hit it with a towel/scared it it would fly towards the window, which it was already on, fucking stupid fly. but whatever
  698. So, a day later, I call up some guy right to take a look at the constantly leaking shower.
  700. He’s like 21 years old. I tell him to fix the fucking shower. He goes up there, turns on the on/off thing. Goes „yeah this is broken.“ and goes „haha, you know, this is Amsterdam, all the hotels are like this“, fucking banters with me for 3 minutes and just walks away.
  702. I stare ironically at a wall, condemened to live in eternal miser-, whatever who even cares let’s get to the good parts.
  704. Btw unrelated, I cant really write up but I was just mad bantering with this black turban, weed smelling ganja friend guy, holy fuck that guy was CHILL as hell.
  706. So I wanted to do part of this like a travel guide-ish thing, so let me talk about Amsterdam a bit.
  708. The city is incredibly beautiful. Nearly every building and street has something about it, maybe it’s the weed in the air I dont know but it’s truly one of the most beautiful if not the most beautiful city I’ve ever seen (Italy excluded here, which I’ll travel to one day, extensively). The people are incredibly chill and very free. I suspect there’s no city on earth where you’ll meet more people that have heard of mckenna/done shrooms etc. than this city.
  710. The people speak English usually, they are approachable and friendly, it’s just a nice atmosphere, it’s my kind of vibe honestly.
  712. Everything in many shops is sexualized. Even fucking pens. And rubbers (I’m not talking about condoms). If there was one criticism you can give it’s probably how superficial some things are, but whatever it didn’t really bother me.
  714. There’s coffee shops everywhere. I’ve only had good experiences and only have heard of good experiences, you go in, you ask what you want „I want space cakes (edibles), low dosis“ for example, they give it to you, it’s a tiny bit overpriced but who even cares, everything is overpriced in Amsterdam. U’ll pay 4 Euros for space cakes usually, sometimes more sometimes less. Be careful with those (u’ll see why in a minute.. jesus christ). You can get tons of other shit there as well but Im not experienced so just google it.
  716. The art scene is fucking incredible btw. As you expect from a place that legalized drugs to this extent, there’s a lot of free-thinkers, tons of art, it’s really nice. On a side note I have described the dutch as more chilled out germans, germany minus the guilt ayyy.
  718. As soon as it gets dark, you are gonna notice a lot of things changing . One of them is the illegal drug dealers (often black, but my experiences aren’t statistically significant) start showing up. You walk through the narrow streets, they are on the left and right just chilling in front of buildings. When you walk past they go ’shh‘, like one tenth of a whistle you know, just a small noise. You walk past them or you shake your head clearly or you just say no. Done.
  720. If you are some nerdy, skinny looking fucking retard with 900 dollar sunglasses and ur in some aids side passage, yeah you might get robbed but I’ve never seen it and sure as fuck wasn’t ever afraid of that happening. But in every big city this shit can happen. No reason to be afraid imo esp not if ur in a group. If it ever happens just scream POLICE the druggies will usually fuck off. (or use pocketsand why is that funny)
  722. Just use common sense u’ll be fine.
  724. Funny interaction, I put on my sunglasses even tho it was dark (just cause I was bored, had em on for a few secs) and I was in a white tshirt even tho everyone else had jackets and shit (it got cold but I got lost dont ask) and some drug dealer just went „Hey man I like your style, [pause], terminator!“. LOL. What a master of flattery. Those sunglasses were a sick investment tho, I got like 5+ compliments and tons of looks, as if my fucking ego needed a boost HELP ME JESUS.
  726. Anyway so yada yada – prostitutes, let’s get to that, then the fun part, then at the end I’ll talk about some museums and shit.
  728. So the red light district is just that, a district with red lights (at night it’s really quite an attraction, but you’ll find some during the morning and afternoon as well), a few streets and passages where women, in bikinis usually, will stand there behind big glass doors and offer to fuck you (literally and metaphorically cause those hoes AINT LOYAL SON).
  730. I’ve done like 3 prostitutes (2 of them cause I was bored in Amsterdam) or so in my whole life so Im not some fucking expert on this shit, but here’s what I’ve learned. „Sucknfuck“ is 50 Euros for 20 minutes with these hoes (I also hear it’s cheaper in Germany but I dont care), most of these women are at least 8/10, many are 9/10 and I’ve even see plenty of 10/10s, usually comically dolled up (lips, boobs, all post-surgery, which you wouldnt think ur into until you see them in that red light kappa) so they really are quite good looking.
  732. Key thing to note, before you go in, take your time, talk about what ur giving and what u expect to get back for ur money, these hoes will start blowing you and if you wanna go to fucking they’ll sometimes try to scam you while you are vulnerable and controlled by your god damn testosterone and go „50 more and u can do whatever u want to me“, all this, unfortunately very effective, shit.
  734. So make clear what the deal is before. I have done research on all of this shit but I dont remember half of it, but afaik they are very protected from the police, forced to have health check-ups all the time, they usually insist on condoms (and for gods sake so should you), they’ll use some disinfecting sort of paper on your dick before they put the condom on (I dunno who that’s supposed to help but okay). They have some tiny screening process, they’ll ask u some basic questions like where are you from etc. and they always seem pleased to her „Germany“ when I respond. I wonder what would be a bad country.
  736. „Iran.“ LOL. Btw def amusing as fuck to see middle eastern men just completely fucking CAPTURED by these hoes when they walk by.
  738. Anyway I enjoy these hoes (I like that word), I get along with them oddly well, we seem to click, dunno why. Probably cause as a prostitute, you have to undergo some boundary-dissolving shit to be where you are.
  740. The rumors about human trafficking are largely bullshit, I asked them, I read about it, largely perpetrated by these orgs that are, unfortunately profit-oriented. Im sure it exists, but keep in mind these women make retarded money, sometimes thousands of Euros in one night. Make of it what you will, I can tell and they told me themselves in quite a bunch of cases these are literally students wanting to bathe in skrill and they honestly do. Btw the third one I did I wasnt even horny I just wanted to see if I can last more than 11 min (my record with these hoes), and keep in mind that is an amazing number. These god damn hoes are SO GOOD it’s RIDICULOUS. They even taught ME some shit, I’m like „holy shit that hand movement, that tongue movement, truly spectacular this bitch is the Mozart of hoes“. No but seriously they are that good, you wont last long unless you really put effort into it (which I did the third time and I made 13 minutes or so which is fucking outstanding, they tell me the average is 4 minutes LOL, probably cause people are nervous and their heart is racing.).
  742. Another thing that’s worth mentioning is it’s interesting how powerful testosterone is. You’ll go in there thinking „you know what, fuck this, this is just meaningless, non-emotional sex, there’s no love involved, no making out (Im not paying extra are you KIDDING me, get those skank lips AWAY FROM ME), no real foreplay, all one sided“ yada yada and then you walk past by a 10/10 and she’s like „HEY WHATS UP“ with her face (rofl) and you just can’t walk past. Damn. Anyway Im definitely not doing one again.
  744. Unless she’s perfect.
  746. But definitely not okay.
  748. So let’s get to the trip, or how I like to call it the third most ridiculous day of my life.
  750. If I still felt shame I would be so embarassed right now.
  752. Okay.. oh god. It’s 2 pm alright. I have a beethoven/brahms concert that I desperately want to go to at 8pm. I have to be there at 8pm. MUCH earlier in fact, I wanted to start travelling at 6pm so I can get a ticket for sure and cheaper.. yeah that didnt um work out.
  754. So Im bored alright I just came outta a cinema or something and Im tired from walking, it’s hot outside, I’m carrying shit with me in the city. I wanna go back to my room. But I need to spend 3 hours or so alright.
  756. So naturally, cause I’m in Amsterdam, I fucking buy some spacecakes alright. A muffin to be precise. Now here’s the deal, I didnt know, and I found out DURING the trip, that trips last for 4-7 hours. total disaster. total..disaster..
  758. I went with 0,9 dosis (that is way too much in general AND for a fucking beginner like me, I have no tolerance and essentially no experience). It’s just a muffin alright. How bad can it be. (turns out a 0,35 will fuck your whole day up as a beginner, so I’ve made a mistake..).
  760. I go to my room. Its 2:30 pm. I eat 95% of the muffin, quickly. I wait. After only 25 minutes, I’ve lost it completely. But I do vaguely remember (I’m naked in bed now, don’t even ask I dont know what happened) what McKenna used to do and how he used to talk to „the drug“ in his trips.
  762. He goes „Show me true self.“ or „show me architecture“ and amazing shit would appear. He did his shit in the dark with eyes closed for maximum effect. I remembered all of that.
  764. I look into the mirror, my eyes are insanely red. Every sensation I have is amplified massively. I was A TINY BIT THIRSTY 1 MINUTE BEFORE THE TRIP REALLY STARTED, now that Im fucking tripping Im SO THIRSTY IM DYING. And there’s no water in my room. So I drink the, likely aids-including, tap water. Im still DYING OF THIRST.
  766. There’s a tiny fly, not even a fly it’s like 50 times smaller in my room that was there the WHOLE TIME yesterday and I didnt see or hear it, and it can’t have just come in now cause window was broken/closed, doors always closed. and this fly, I HEAR IT SO LOUDLY. OH GOD IT’S SO LOUD IT’S LIKE A FUCKING PLANE FLYING OVER MY HEAD.
  768. Paranoia kicks in, but I had it under control. I feel like eyes are watching me from the turned off TV, but I actually did have it perfectly under control. Apparantely when you take cannabis or w.e the paranoia part in your brain acts up, I knew that so I didnt panic or w.e
  770. I lost the ability to properly move my hands and I couldnt stand up either, it’s like I was just waking up after a surgery and was all drugged up. Like I had some cards in my hands (I bought one piece and death note cards, fuck all of you I’m posting a pic after this they are so cool) but I didnt know I had them so when I wanted to move my left hand (cards in it) to scratch my right arm, I just didnt know and they all fell down. And same thing happened with sunglasses and all sort of crazy shit.
  772. I showered at one point because again, all the sensations were amplified so much. I had a TINY TINY TINY bit of sweat at my forehead and it felt like I was POURING WATER. I felt like I had to shower. I showered. I did some weird shit.
  774. I keep looking at the clock („4pm now, surely by 6pm I’ll be fine. I’ll be fine for sure.“). I go „FUUUUUCK.“
  776. I close my eyes and do the mckenna tricks, „show me your true self“, I see something that is truly translingual, any attempt to articulate it would be ineffective, but I saw shapes and geometrical forms and lights and colors that I didnt know were possible. That was definitely cool.
  778. I also went „show me something funny“. (I could only whisper for some reason) and I was shown something funny. I was shown hundreds of tiny trump faces with his tongue out like
  783. like fucking spongebob except trump and they were like racing at me, flying towards me. Definitely priceless.
  785. So anyway…um. Here’s the more embarassing part. I was still very very very very high. I only remember flashes and pictures of the rest. I did not have it under control alright.
  787. It’s 7pm now. Concert starts at 8pm. You can’t just be late for it. When the doors are closed, they are fucking closed. No clapping no pics no nothing. It’s professional shit.
  789. I know I have to go out now. Alright? I have to go. I put on sunglasses so people dont see my RIDICULOUSLY RED EYES. I’m fucking 4 and a half hours into the trip now and it’s just beginning. Dunno why it lasted so long maybe my bad digestion? No clue.
  791. So even finding the energy to stand up was tough, I was completely fucked up. I go out alright. I take the… LOL Im laughing typing this, I take the tram to the „concertgebouwe“ or some shit, the concert hall. I go „hey are you going to this building, driver goes yes, I go can u pls tell me when we are there PLEASE.“
  793. He goes, yes.
  795. It’s not even 12 minutes with the tram to the concert building.
  797. I stare outside the window with sunglasses on the whole ride. I look at the clock. All I remember is that it was 8pm and I was still in the tram and I look outside and I see a sort of train station, I dont know where we are, almost out of Amsterdam, I ask the guy, sunglasses still on, „hey dude i told u to tell me when we arrive“ he goes „I told you MANY times.“
  799. I go „okay so uh where are we going next“, he goes „further and further away from the city.“
  801. LOL. I go outside. I somehow make it to the concert building, I’m WAY too late. At least 8:30 pm by now, it’s a disaster. It gets worse.
  803. I go in, I have a feeling everyone can tell Im high as fuck which I didnt realize at the time, I have to wait until the break at 8:45pm in the waiting area, everything is insanely classy. Red carpets everywhere, free champaigne, free wine, ORANGE JUICE BITCH, everything. Even the waitresses were dressed better than me. I see couples, who are also late, in literally 10k+ dollar suits.
  805. I ask some hoe to gimme some coke, she gives me the tiny coke bottle after she put a glass ABOVE IT, and I dont see that it’s opened so I spill tons of coke on myself and the fucking red carpet and they are like, comically friendly, (at this point it’s clear I have become the piece of shit stoner that everyone hates, dw Im never doing space cakes again, although Im still very open to shrooms and DMT esp since so many credible intellectuals speak of it so highly), they clean it up with a smile.
  807. There’s tons of doors and entrances to the actual concert hall, the building has a sort of round shape, so anyway I walked around it like 12 times and couldnt find the entrance even tho it’s very easy to find.
  809. Now, 7hours or so after consumption, it’s all starting to calm down. The concert starts.
  811. It is absolutely the peak experience of my life and keep in mind that same day I fucked a 10/10 prostitute from a fucking country that I didnt even know existed (where in gods name is LAO or LOO or whatever the fuck, is that next to vietnam, bitch stop teaching me geography), and I have to say I dont just throw around 10/10 like it’s nothing.
  813. But yeah, and it’s not just cause of the weed, I think that was only 5% of it at most, but that Brahm concert (4th symphony in E, op98, allegro non troppo, andante moderato, allegro giocoso, poco meno presto, and allegro energico e passionato – piu allegro) was without a doubt the peak experience of my life.
  815. 5 minutes into it and I almost cried. Everything that I went through was worth it, I understand in that moment. I’ll be visitting concerts like that for the rest of my life.
  817. It was really that good and that spectacular. I never knew about shit like it until I randomly discovered it in cologne, even tho I dislike Brahms style and there wasn’t even any singing, the .. I can’t even describe it, the sound and every performer being in absolute peak form, some having practised 50 years of violin just for this moment, I could feel it.
  819. The conductor was in the zone the whole time. It was utterly stunning. At the end there was standing ovations for over 35 minutes. There was this one Asian woman, seemed quite young, maybe 35 maybe 30, she was on a contrabass I think (I am musically illiterate, mighta been a cello FUCK ME) and what she did was fucking magic. There were multiple violin players that had grey hair/balding who were clearly 60+, they were fucking magnificent. And even, you know how everyone makes fun of the triangle, the instrument, there was even one guy playing that one and he did some shit to it that I can’t even conceive of, still. I felt the music and I never felt better. You owe it to yourself, if you learn anything from my incoherent ramblings over the years, you owe it to yourself to go to one, I recommend Mozart and if you can afford it the National Opera in Vienna, they have Mozart concerts every day of the year. It’s affordable. In Amsterdam for example you get a TOP TIER seat for 20 euros if you are below 30 year old, cause they want to young people to come. Or go to cologne or any other place. I’m sure there’s many.
  821. Not only is it cool that you get treated like a god and you get to see what these fucking rich cunts are up to at friday evenings (all dressed up like at a wedding), that’s only 1% of it, the music, even if you arent into classical music (as I never really was), you.. the sound is just 100 times more powerful and more real than anything you will ever experience afaik.
  823. Just go to one. If you dont like it, I’ll pay you back in money. Seriously. Im not a fan of fucking standing ovations but I stood there and clapped, it was fucking beautiful. They were clearly worldclass at their shit.
  825. Lastly, already mentioned this on twitter but the rijksmuseum (reichsmuseum, google it), is fucking fantastic. As a kid I was there but I was so retarded/with friends there, I was bored and didnt really get into it, now it’s everything to me. Isn’t that weird. Read the text next to the fucking paintings as obvious as it sounds. Then look closely. Look very closely. You’ll see things you didnt know existed. (went there before I did drugs crucical detail here), it was really great. I know fuck all about paintings and dislike most of them but it was spectacular honestly. Unfortunately all my pictures suck cause my phone is broken (yeah yeah Im getting a new one), so I cant share too much with you. But those paintings were insane, they have many of the great artists there and tons of crazy shit made out of gold.
  827. Anyway one thing I forgot to mention that was REALLY odd during the trip is I saw in 1 FPS, meaning you know how in games like you’ll have super low fps sometimes and u only see 1 picture, then another frame, then another. That’s how I saw in real life. It really sucked LOL. I could barely climb those tiny stairs in the hotel, holy shit that was a rough ride.
  831. TL;DR: I havent even experienced 50% of what there is to do in Amsterdam, and I will return. It’s a truly great, crazy, funny place, I left out a lot of shit. Go there. More importantly, go to a concert it will change you forever, it’s fucking INSANE how crazy it is. I dont know why. Maybe the structure of the room? They always have a special structure, for that type of music, I really dont know. I dont want to know. Dont even tell me. I want to keep experiencing this magic. I listen to those tracks on youtube now, it’s not even 1/100th as good.
  833. (also I was walking around high and some super fucking crazy homeless guy was infront of me walking out of nowhere turns around and JUMPS into my direction/towards me in an attack like move, and I walked away luckily he was holding a fucking fork not a knife – wtf.)
  835. edit: also this is weird as shit but
  836. I always had this thing where I can memorize music extremely well and just play it, radio-like, in the background of my head (Im sure many people can do this to varying success), but I listened to this piece, this wonderful piece while high and now I can do it 3 times as well with this piece only though. Interesting. I’m really glad about that. Btw dont listen to this shit on youtube and think „oh concerts are boring.“ or w.e the fuck. Trust me on this one. Just trust me. This shit is better than sex I dont even know why.
  843. von cultureless19. August 20164,686 WordsHinterlasse einen Kommentar
  844. Why Trump will win in a landslide, polls and memes.
  850. Click the video. Musicians play their instrument. Trump plays the orchestra.
  854. Watch 2 minutes of this.
  859. There is no doubt that Trumps manipulation of the media, and there is evidence to suggest he concocted this entirely himself (art of the deal, rumors, campaign staff), is utterly brilliant. He has spent nothing on ads, Clinton has spent tens of millions, I think approaching 100million or maybe she already passed it and they are basically even, although she’s ahead in the fake polls (explained soon), that’s utterly crazy. He’s purposefully baiting the media, constantly, (my favorite example is still the tweet after hillarys speech where he used the word shrill/scream and triggered the feminist, in the same tweet he mentioned some shit hillary did like Irak or the 33k emails, it’s just genius), in this case he keeps using the word founder, lays down the safety net by making it funny (IN SPORTS THEY HAVE MVP, OBAMA IS THEIR MVP bla bla) so he can dodge and he knows the media have to report on it because they are addicted to the ratings he’s giving them.
  861. And they also make themselves look dishonest (which they are) and are essentially always forced to be on the weaker side of the argument („but it’s a bad word“ or „what if he meant ASSASSINATION“), this further underlines him as an outsider, further ‚proves‘ the establishment + media is pro clinton etc. etc.
  863. He did more or less the same thing in the primaries, (muslim temporary ban, comments on mexico which were intentionally phrased confusingly) to draw attention to himself.
  865. He is getting billions of dollars in media coverage for free. And in all of those interviews, which he has TOTAL control over because EVERYONE wants him so badly (behind the scenes you obviously go „if you ask me nice questions I’ll do it again, we do 10 questions at most, you always let me finish my sentence“ etc.) he uses this control to draw attention to hillarys bad decisions and scandals in the past.
  868. Hillarys Emails.
  872. Hillary is trying to destroy the 2nd ammendment.
  876. You see where Im getting at. It’s all calculated. He is doing all of this planning in his private jet and just improvises and pulls this shit out in speeches, plays the crowd (crowd often shouts in stuff and he instantly makes something good out of it) and makes it look extremely natural and authentic.
  878. Let’s talk a bit about polls and his trump cards (haha trump cards haha
  882. kill me).
  884. Actually let’s just go through the trump cards first and why I think he’ll win in a landslide.
  886. Voter turn-out. He is getting millions and millions of people who never voted before and making them vote. Polls only test LIKELY VOTERS, defined as „people that voted in the last election“. Important point.
  888. Wikileaks. It’s coming. Assange has been preparing it with many many interviews (to guarantee the media must cover it), something big is coming. Btw Assange has also said, interestingly enough, that the media is unbelievably dishonest nowadays and not even a single newspaper/org can be trusted. Guardian, NYT, WAPO, LA, all shit. Take it for what it’s worth.
  890. CTR collapse. Every r/politics thread is falling apart nowadays, people have noticed the insane cancer from CTR. Emails have been leaked where they buy reddit accounts and shit. It’s spooky.
  892. Trust in the media is falling rapidly. Statistics show this. Good for trump as he has been anti-media from day 1 and subjugated them
  894. The post office. He’s a year and a half ahead of schedule and under budget, he’s saving this one for novemeber 1st probably. Or 2 days before the election. something like that. the opening that is, he’s saving that and frankly it’ll boost him a lot.
  896. FBI. The pressure has never been this big on the FBI and many people have been embarassed by Comeys actions and statements. The FBI wants to redeem itself and they are trying FAIRLY hard to fuck clintons shit up.
  898. More documentaries are coming out on the Foundation.
  900. The debates. Oh the debates. Oh how glorious those debates will be. Im genuinely considering setting up a viewing party. Good god they will be fucking priceless. He will hammer down points such as Irak, her emails, her corruption, people that have been avoiding that shit until now will hear about it which will massively swing polls.
  902. Trump will likely name secretary of defense and shit like that (there are some great people there as Hewitt mentions in that interview I linked) and it’ll make the „he’s crazy“ people swing.
  904. There’s a few more things such as you can’t dig up more on Trump than they already did
  906. and Hillarys health (she is absolutely collapsing under the pressure).
  908. Polls.
  910. Where do I even start. Scientists are people. They are greedy like everyone else is. They are also biased like everyone else (even more the case in America, sorry to burst a bubble here but having a degree from America doesn’t mean, in the academic world, what it used to mean) and they are corrupt like anyone else. It’s important to understand that.
  912. The Amazon dude owns the Washington Post. Given the utterly insane shit they write, I mean, you can’t even conceive of what they are writing, they are literally writing Trump is „afraid to debate“ hillary, „might not even show up“, would nuke the whole world bla bla. they do that on a daily basis, why would you ever trust a poll they post? Key point here is that Trump called out amazon for tax-dodging and shit like that. So you do the math.
  914. There is fuckery going on in the polls, and there is straight up lies/corruption. The latter is difficult to prove and I only have conversations with pollsters, so let’s talk about fuckery.
  916. Look at this.
  922. Millenials vote Hillary. No, Millenials would vote Hillary, if they went to vote.
  924. Which they are fucking not. There’s no scientific reason to ask for the youngest person of the house to be on the phone. You can guess why it’s done. The polls, using this method, create a false image of what will actually happen on Nov. 8.
  926. You know how these sjws are, they love to virtue signal „oh ofc Im voting for hillary“ and they wont end up coming anyway.
  928. If you look at the polls, there’s also serious problems with the methodology. There’s polls where they only ask 500-600 people for national polls. That’s utterly insane. That does absolutely not make any scientific and mathematical sense and you BET these fucking newspapers and orgs have TONS of polls submitted to them and just pick the one that fits their narrative.
  930. So many, not all, of the polls are bs and then you have polls of polls which multiplies (essentially) the margin of error and it’s all ridiculous.
  934. „Remain has lead in telephone audits“
  936. Ofc LEAVE won, as you know.
  938. Actually ignore everything Im writing and just read that article.
  940. Understand that TV companies, to assess ratings, use 5000 PERFECTLY REPRESENTATIVE like.. sets/individual things (I’m blanking on a word here), they check out what 5000 people are watching for 100 mil viewers. Polls are using 500-800 and non representative + fuckery going on. Forget about these polls.
  942. Lastly, this is unrelated but I just wanna throw in some gibberish cause I wont write until Im back from amsterdam (monday – wednesday I think)
  944. my top 3 r/the_donald memes.
  946. when the david duke thing was going on and trump didnt disavow fast enough (…Im tilted) and r/the don was discussing if they take in sanders supporters someone just wrote in caps „THEY MUST DISAVOW. THEY CAN COME IN BUT THEY MUST COME IN LEGALLY. I dont know why this shit is so funny. I dont know why they write things in caps either. There’s some magic going on there.
  947. When trump announced the AMA ALL the posts were funny, the best one was „OH MY GOD WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR“ lol
  948. another classic, before the AMA the worry was that it was gonna be brigaded (it was, I had trouble finding it even. insane) and talks of locking down the subreddit were had and people just went „People are POURING into our subreddit and we dont even know WHO THE HELL THEY ARE“ fuck me.
  949. Btw a weird thought I was having was this, as you probably noticed CTR is trying to label r/the_donald as a racist subreddit, even tho they are not (obviously that type of subreddit IS gonna attract a few racists/bigots, just the way it is, but they regularly get downvoted, almost never ever exceed 10 upvotes), I think most people there are not bigoted, nearly daily you’ll see frontpage posts of sikhs in turbans, gays, legal immigrants with extremely positive messages. It’s not perfect but the way ctr portrays it is just insane.
  951. Now the thought I was having was r/atheism used to go through the same thing. I wonder if that’s just circlejerk or if there was a CTR like thing going on vs r/atheism. Because it’s always been a friendly subreddit, the frontpage is always about emancipation of women, freedom of speech, nice things. But on reddit you’ll always see posts like „it’s the most vicious, evil place ever and they are all hateful and wanna kill religious people“.
  955. Anyway cya in a week.
  980. von cultureless12. August 20161,684 WordsHinterlasse einen Kommentar
  981. Why we can say „that faggot just got raped.“
  983. I saw this video on frontpage and thought I’d share my thoughts and try to give a linguistic perspective on words and if words can in fact mean different things.
  985. There’s a group of people, you can guess what kind of person it is, that gets particularly upset when someone says „fuck off you retard“ in a video game context.
  987. Should people be allowed to say things like that? „Holy shit you got raped“.
  989. The answer is of course yes, and I dont even need to use free speech to make that point.
  991. If there was a first rule of linguistics it would probably be „words have different meaning based on subculture.“
  993. We all know this to be true, we are all part of some subculture where words just mean different things because of a different context. Subcultures sometimes even have their own words (subreddit, downvote, frag, outlane) etc.
  995. Let’s touch on some tricky words, like rape.
  997. When gamers say „holy shit you got raped“ they mean you got heavily outplayed or smashed. There is always a special level of outrage when a gamer says that, or even tweets it. Famously there was this incident with the SC2 player who tweeted „I’m about to rape a girl tonight“, I think he wasn’t a native speaker and he was playing vs a girl and basically he tweeted that and I think he even got DQed. I dont remember the details but the outrage was quite big.
  999. Let’s examine that a bit. What did he mean? He obviously didn’t mean forced penetration he meant he’ll smash her in game. Why is that obvious? Because anyone that’s ever played a competitive online game, which is a high testosterone environment with many 16 year olds, knows in what way that word is used. It’s used after a sick outplay.
  1001. Look. Let me give you an example.
  1005. Oxford definition. Here’s some of the definitions (other than forced penetration)
  1006. -The wanton destruction or spoiling of a place: the rape of the countryside
  1008. Spoil or destroy (a place):
  1009. timber men doubt the government’s ability to ensure the forests are not raped
  1011. Is it insensititive anyway to say it? Maybe a tiny bit. We all know that people are fucking stupid and craving to be outraged like the disgusting mob that they are. Certainly it’s not a big deal that the guy tweeted that. You know what he meant. We are all gamers, we know what that word means in our culture.
  1013. What are some arguments you could make against my point of view? „But what if someone who got raped reads it and gets triggered?“ So what. Get therapy. Are we really gonna have to change our entire language and practice self-censorship and censor art as well just because you can’t function in the real world?
  1015. I experienced this myself. When I was struggling a lot, let’s say a year ago, because of the sleep deprivation that I went through, I listened to this Harris podcast and he mentioned sleep deprivation as a torture technique and how terrible it was I started crying. I don’t know why, maybe trauma, fuck knows, but it made me sick. You can say I literally got triggered but I would never in a million years BLAME him! Or ask for trigger warnings. If you have a problem like that you go to a therapist and they all recommend in many cases gradual exposure therapy and they have openly spoken out against trigger warnings but whatever.
  1017. The key point to understand here is this, if I know I’m playing a game and a girl or guy who got raped is on my team, I’m obviously not totally autistic so I’ll try my hardest to avoid it. I don’t wanna make someone uncomfortable. That’s courtesy and politeness. But the same politeness must be given by people like me who hear a word that triggers them (literally only happened once in my life and it doesnt happen anymore but I wanna speak from experience) and have a little breakdown. It happened to me in real life as well, I was having massages and this retarded woman just kept asking me about my illnesses etc. and I got fucking insanely tilted and just walked out. (I wanna stress this was a few months after I basically got completely fucked up and hit a point so low that it was just scary, dont ask) but it never occurred to me to BLAME her. If someone got beaten as a kid with a fucking broomstick, it’s not suddenly reasonable to demand that we stop using that word, again, unless we know that a person like that is right next to us.
  1019. On the internet, ‚autistic‘ has become associated with socially inept and unempathetic and I’ve used it in a similar manner in this text. People have heard that people that suffer from aspergers have some sort of problem with social situations/unawareness of awkwardness, among other things (some positive!) and they started using it like this. It may, MAY be the case that it „supports“ or „slightly encourages“ bigotry against those people, or discrimination rather but are we really gonna punish people for using these words? Communication is what makes us special and we should constantly encourage the invention of new words and meanings to expand our language. And it also offers more opportunities to educate people on the nature of autism, when someone feels „offended“ and ends up explaining why they think it’s wrong. Don’t pull any stasi shit, just fucking live and let live you cunt.
  1021. I think people that fail to understand that the meaning of words constantly changes (how? we just start using them a certain way, however the majority of the world uses a word, that’s the meaning of it, there are no real rules to this) should suggest alternatives when they protest. So instead of rape what should we say? „Holy shit that guy got KILLED“. Surely being killed is just as bad. „Holy fuck he got murdered“ „holy shit that was SICK“. Billions of people have been sick over the years and suffered a lot, stop triggering them.
  1023. Your actions are ultimately incoherent and pointless, when you punish people for using certain words appropiately in their subculture. Particularly non native speakers, we don’t perceive the words the same way you do. When I say raped I associate it much „weaker“ in terms of it being a „bad“ word, than native speakers probably.
  1027. Slurs.
  1032. „You are ditching on us and going with your girl? What a fag“, youtube comment. The way people use faggot these days doesn’t even make sense. I absolutely believe that it’s fine to use slurs in their alternative meanings (gay = feminine for example), it takes away power from actual bigots and you use their weapons against them.
  1034. Nigger. A word that I don’t like to say, just feel uncomfortable saying it. But I dont think it’s the end of the world if the intentions aren’t harmful. Black comedy, black movies, black music, black culture, they all say it. Sorry you brought this to yourself. And it’s a good thing, it shows we are moving on and that scars are healing. People who have encountered serious racial discrimination aren’t saying it, most of the time. Shows you many people are comfortable and have lead intolerance-free lives. (mostly). The intention is everything. If someone means to say it in a demeaning, degrading way, there is still power in these slurs, but it’s not the slur that is the thing that hurts you, it’s the fact that someone has so much hate in their heart for you. Does „you piece of shit nigger“ really hurt you more, as a black person, than „you disgusting subhuman“? In this day and age I’d argue it’s about equal, in many cases. The 2nd may even hurt more. Certainly I feel more uncomfortable typing the second.
  1036. There really isn’t much to say here, as usual sjws purposefully pretend to be stupid or are actually stupid to be offended, that’s their favorite hobby. Just entering a subculture, let’s say gamers and just demanding that they all change their lingo just for you. That is the epitome, the culmination of fucking self-centered bullshit. Fuck you.
  1038. In terms of art, everything should be permissible. Good luck arguing against that.
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