
Apr18TuShu interview question summary

Apr 18th, 2013
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  1. - Beginner’s Guide to Superman: powers, origin
  2. - Brief description of some experience? (I.E., giant robots, alien invasion, crazy superpowered freaks, kittens in trees…)
  3. - How long have you been thinking about making a group like this?
  4. - Aimed at primarily kids and teens, or metas in general?
  5. - Primary goal of the training: simple control or training for actual hero-work? (Obviously, he’ll do the second if asked, but the question is ‘is that the point of it.’)
  6. - What organizational structure, if any?
  7. - Office in the community center, separate location, walk-in hours, how would it work?
  8. - The big question is people’s concerns about it looking like an army. He has Justice League experience; how much is this intended to be something similar, a more loosely connected network, or just a way for people to know who to talk to if they need it?
  9. - There might be a few tags about her going ‘how is your plan different than a cohesive force,’ mostly because people will do that so she might as well do it herself.
  10. - Has there been any discussion with Eshai, and if so, what was her reaction?
  11. - Address concerns that this might spotlight metahumans in a bad way? Is it making them more of a target, and if so, why is it worth it anyway?
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