
The subtext is that Brad is a jerk

Dec 1st, 2017
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  1. Covet: Kelsey was sitting at the counter working on some research for a class paper with her computer in front of her. Connor wasn't with her, but was with Holly for the night because she was intending to get caught up for the second half of the semester.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Brad had stepped into the cafe after finishing up some work at the studio. He was looking to score a burger and fries after a long few hours mixing. Moving up to the front counter, he ordered his cheeseburger and fries with his diet soda before glancing over to Kelsey seated with her laptop. "Whatcha working on there?"-
  3. Smokeless: Dori pulled up to the cafe and slid out of her car. She tighten her bun on top of her head and closed the door. she pulled the door open of the cafe and walked in looking around. she saw kelsey and Brad and smiled to them."hey guys."
  4. Covet: She looked up and gave Brad a soft smile. "Studying.
  5. Covet: [DAMMIT!]
  6. Tsaaq: Ozzie came out of his blue truck with a bit of a groan. He was sore and stressed all over again between classes and football practice. He went to the door of the cafe behind Dori and cleared his throat as he waved at the group.
  7. Tsaaq: ((HA I MADE IT.))
  8. Covet: She looked up and gave Brad a soft smile, "Studying, well researching. Same thing." Kelsey added then looked over at Dori, giving her a wave. "Hello." Her attitude wasn't cold, but it was definitely reserved and not her normal warm bubbly self. She gave Ozzie a wave as he came in too.
  9. Alexithymiaa: (IS SHE STILL MAD AT HIM?)
  10. Alexithymiaa: -Brad nodded his head before moving away from the register, walking over to stand behind the stool that was next to Kelsey's little work area. "Hey." He spoke evenly to both Dori and Ozzie when they came in, resting his hands on the back of the stool. "What are you researching?"-
  11. Tsaaq has left the chat
  12. Covet: [She's a little mad yeah. She hasn't been avoiding him, persay, but she's been a little distant. XD]
  13. Alexithymiaa: (LMFAO. I can work with this)
  14. Smokeless: [im waiting for mani to come back before i post]
  15. Covet: [She's having an issue with her net, Go ahead and post for now. ]
  16. Smokeless: [ok]
  17. Smokeless: Dori's smile faded just a little bit and she wondered if she had done something to kelsey to upset her. Usually she was very cheerful. She jumped slightly hearing ozzie behind her clear herthroat."oh jesus.." she really hadnt heard him till then. she moved out of his way and went to the counter to sit down."how is everyone?"
  18. Covet: "Information for a paper, the prompt is ways that Technology has changed and how whether or not it's made a difference for man kind." Kelsey said to him softly. She watched as Ozzie made his way towards the bathroom hallway on the phone. "Pretty good, just buckling down for the last half of the semester. Excited for all the Christmas craziness." She said looking at Dori, with more of a response than she'd really given Brad.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, that's a good one." He spoke shortly, feeling her attitude coming through the small statement. He glanced over to Dori, giving her a shrug. "Just tired. Worked a lot today. What about you?"-
  20. Smokeless: Dori smiled and nodded her head."oh gosh I know how you feel. i am not going home for christmas this year but my mom is still expects me to write my whole family cards and I have a very big family." she turned her attention to Brad and shrugged back."Oh jsut school andwork is all really."
  21. Covet: "I was kind of wanting to do pictures to send out this year. But I'm not sure, and I'd have to pin down a photographer who isn't already bogged down." She gave smile then looked back at her computer. "I'm focusing on the music industry, do what you know best right? And there's been lots of tech advances in that field."
  22. Alexithymiaa: -Brad blinked as he listened to Kelsey go on about pictures, slowly lifting his hand into the air to wave it a bit awkwardly. "Uh.... hi... do we know each other? A photographer that isn't too bogged down?" He asked with a bit of an attitude, because now he was annoyed.-
  23. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head."I'm going to make my own cards. That way I can give everyone the same card with the same message and spend less money." she looked up at brad and then to kelsey"yeah but she probably wants you in the picture brad unless you have one of those timer cameras. What am I talking about you probably do."
  24. Covet: "We do, but I'd hate to make you feel like that's one of the only things you're good at, just because I can't do it." Kelsey said looking at him then turned back to Dori, "That's a cute idea. Easy way to save time and a little money." She smiled, "You could just do one image, then go make prints of it at walgreens too."
  25. Alexithymiaa: "That's ridiculous. I know I'm good at lots of things." He said evenly, because now he was picking up on her shit a bit more from their previous argument. "I don't need to be denied doing one thing I'm good at just because some people might think I'd get offended by doing it or something."-
  26. Smokeless: Dori smiled"oh that's a great idea." she looked up at Brad"would you mi-"she stopped and silenced herself hearing his voice a little and noticing that perhaps right now wasn't the best time to ask.-
  27. Covet: "I never said you weren't. I'd just hate for you to get the wrong idea, of me only wanting you around to do stuff for me." Kelsey said pursing her lips as she slowly scrolled not really even paying attention to what she was reading. She turned her head to look at Dori raising both her eyebrows, "Would I mind? Or Bradley?" She asked confused because she'd stopped asking her question midway thought.
  28. Covet: *through
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Why would I get the wrong idea? You're my girlfriend and of course i would want to help you and do things for you if it's what I'm good at and you're not. That's how this works." He said with edge to his force, turning his head to look at Dori and spoke in unison with Kelsey. "Would I mind?" He asked, glancing at Kelsey before shutting his mouth.-
  30. Smokeless: Dori looked at them both and blinked a little."I was just going to ask if Brad minded doing photos for me is all.." her voice trailed off a little and she looked around feeling rather uncomfortable at that moment because she could sense something was going on.
  31. Covet: "Oh... well, sorry for being mistaken. I didn't realize that's how things worked. I just figured that it would feel like I was taking advantage of you, and you probably deserve a little more appreciation than that." Kelsey said softly, then closed her laptop. She looked at the waitress, "Can I get a double slice of the caramel apple pie, whipped cream on it. Nothing sugar free on it." Kelsey added then looked at Dori, "He's really good at them, so provided he's not tired from work and school, I'm sure he'd love to."
  32. Alexithymiaa: (KELSEY YOU BITCH)
  33. Covet: [ahahahaha]
  34. Alexithymiaa: (That sugar free comment was such a slap in the face.)
  35. Covet: [I love when she actually has a bitch moment, because she's usually so nice all the time.]
  36. Alexithymiaa: (He'd eat it anyway. He'd just go into diabetic shock afterwards)
  37. Covet: [Ugh.. she'd feel so bad, but also.. idiot. was it worth it?!]
  38. Covet: [She even intentionally got 2 slices.. that she intends to eat for herself.]
  39. Covet: [Kelsey: I could share, but you can't have it. So sad.]
  40. Alexithymiaa: (He would say it was worth it.)
  41. Alexithymiaa: "Sure Dori, I'd be happy to take your pictures for you. Thank you for asking. I love photography and would be more than willing to do what I love for a friend." He spoke in that fucking obnoxious ass voice, kind of directing his words at Kelsey to be a dig before turning to her. "Why would asking me to do what I enjoy doing and I'm good at, be taking advantage of me? If anything it's a compliment that you like my work." He narrowed his eyes when Kelsey ordered the pie with all the sugar, hooking his fingers into the pockets of his jeans.-
  42. Smokeless: Dori looked between the two. She felt like she was in the middle of the cross fire here."Thank you...I guess I can just text you or message you on squawk.." she wanted to laugh a little because kelsey ordering that cake and brad's reaction was rather hilirous but she said nothign and didnt sure hell laugh.-
  43. Covet: "I guess it's different when it's something artistic, and personal, than when it's something that every person should at least know how to do a little bit." Kelsey said pursing her lips, not really surprised that Brad still wasn't getting the fucking hint. She was tapping her fingers on her laptop as she waited for her pie. When it arrived she took a bite of it and closed her eyes putting on the biggest smile, as she gave an almost intimate moan at how delicious it was. "Nothing like appreciating work done yourself."
  44. Smokeless: [ I cant im so done with these two i cant stop laughing]
  45. Covet: [They had a fight the other night.. It's clearly still on going]
  46. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, of course. And I'm sure you'll appreciate it just as much as if you took the pictures yourself. Probably more because you know that you couldn't have done it nearly as good yourself, right?" He asked Dori with a grin, trying to twist the knife at Kelsey because WAR. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.-
  47. Smokeless: Dori sat there and looked at Brad"uhhhhh...." she was stuck shit. God dermit brad. She shrugged some."Well I don't have the equipment and my mom is picky." she left it at that and jsut strummed her fingers on the counter and looked at the bathroom doors praying ozzie would come out and save her with conversation.-
  48. Covet: "Don't you dare drag some poor innocent person into this arguement, and expect her stand up for you." Kelsey said sharply. "That's pushing people doing things for you too far. It's one thing if they legitimately can't do it. To expect someone else to do it, because you don't want to. That's taking advantage of them." She said taking another couple of bites of her pie, trying to use it so not to let herself get choked up on top of being mad now.
  49. Alexithymiaa: "People do this all the time, Kelsey. This is how the world works. Don't want to wash your own car? Go to a carwash. Don't want to cook your own meals? Go to a restaurant. This is what our entire economy is built off of and there's nothing wrong with it."-
  50. Smokeless: Dori looked at the bathrooms again and she slowly slumped in her seat looking between the two. perhaps if she slid off the chair and crawled away she could escape. She was debating it in her mind.-
  51. Covet: Kelsey swallowed hard and got up, walking over to the trash can behind the counter, scraping the rest of the pie she wasn't going to eat off into the bag, then set the plate on the counter before walking back around to get her computer. "Well then maybe you can hire someone to love you then to. Someone who gets paid to be taken advantage of. " She had tears in her eyes as she looked at Dori, "It was great to talk to you, I really hope your Christmas cards turn out lovely." Swallowing hard she headed for the door.
  52. Alexithymiaa: "What the hell are you talking about?" He called after her, not flinching from his position by the stools as he looked at her. "How is that the same AT ALL?'-
  53. Smokeless: Dori frowned and she slid off her chair."excuse me.." she walked after Kelsey because she really looked like she needed a friend at the moment"kelsey..." she had short legs so she was more so jogging after her.
  54. Covet: "It's fine...I'm sorry you had to be in the middle of that." She said trying to wipe away the tears on her cheeks, smudging her make up in the process. "I'm fine. I just need to go get my son, and get some sleep." Kelsey said forcing a smile.
  55. Alexithymiaa: -Brad threw his hands up in frustration, refusing to apologize because he didnt think he was wrong despite all of the dick comments he made the other night that totally need to be apologized for. "This is stupid. You're being stupid." He shot back, getting all pissed and storming off into the bathroom. Angry peeing.-
  56. Smokeless: Dori smiled to kelsey and she gave her a hug."You don't look okay. It's okay. I don't mind I am here if you need someone to talk to though." she heard brad and sighed some. she just patted kelsey on the back a little trying to comfort her but it as hard when she was so tall.-
  57. Smokeless: [i got the image of a midget hispanic hugging taylor swift]
  58. Covet: [lol]
  59. Covet: "I will be okay. I appreciate the offer, thank you. I really should get going though. It's late, and I need to get Connor back to the dorms and in bed." She said swallowing hard as she cleared her throat, smiling at the pat on her back. "I'll see you around though. Get home safe." Kelsey walked off towards her car so she could drive to Holly's while singing Adele at the top of her lungs in the car. Cause that's what you do when you're upset.
  60. Alexithymiaa: (Thats definitely not what I do when Im upset.)
  61. Alexithymiaa: (Yesterday I was scream singing ATC and WATIC all the way home from work.)
  62. Covet: [XD Okay.. but this is Kelsey... I don't listen to Adele when I'm upset either.]
  63. Alexithymiaa: (I dont even like Adele.)
  64. Smokeless: dori smiled and nodded her head"okay kelsey see you around." she smiled and waved bye to her before going back into her seat and sighing some sitting there.-
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