

Jul 19th, 2017
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  1. on first join:
  2. set {level::%uuid of player%} to 0
  3. set {xp::%uuid of player%} to 0
  4. set {xpmax::%uuid of player%} to 50
  5. execute console command "/nte player %player% prefix &e%{level::%uuid of player%}% &7"
  7. command /tabfix [<player>]:
  8. aliases: core:tabfix
  9. trigger:
  10. if player does not have permission "&ccore.admin":
  11. message "&cYou must have permission rank admin or higher to use this command!"
  12. else:
  13. if arg 1 is not set:
  14. message "&cUsage: /tabfix <player>"
  15. else:
  16. execute console command "/nte player %player% prefix &e%{level::%uuid of player%}% &7"
  17. set {level::%uuid of player%} to 0
  18. set {xp::%uuid of player%} to 0
  19. set {xpmax::%uuid of player%} to 50
  21. command /shop [<text>]:
  22. aliases: core:shop, market, core:market
  23. trigger:
  24. if player does not have permission "":
  25. if arg 1 is not set:
  26. execute player command "/needrank"
  27. else:
  28. open chest with 5 rows named "Market" to player
  29. wait 0.6 ticks
  30. format slot 0 of player with nether star named "&6&lYour Balance" with lore "&fMoney &e%player's balance%" to be unstealable
  32. format slot 10 of player with 64 oak wood planks named "&6&lOak Wood Planks" with lore "&r ||&fAmount &e64||&fCost &a$500||&r ||&eClick to buy this item" to run [player command "/shop oakwood"]
  34. if arg 1 is "oakwood":
  35. if player's balance >= 500:
  36. remove 500 from player's balance
  37. give 64 oak wood planks to player
  38. message "&6&lMarket > &fYou purchased &e64 Oak Wood Planks &ffor &a$500"
  40. command /needrank:
  41. aliases: core:needrank
  42. trigger:
  43. message "&cYou must have permission rank vip or higher to use this command!"
  44. message "&cPurchase a rank by typing &b/buy &cin chat."
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