
Cosmic tome

Feb 2nd, 2020
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  1. [22:24] Andrew made his over towards Yiel with a smile appearing on his face. She'd noticed he was a little older, but not by that much. "Hello I'm doing alright, how are you doing?"
  2. (Andrew Mercia)
  4. [22:33] The cool, polite Priestess has her hands folded upon her lap as she listens, sienna eyes panning to Agrien. As always, more like to listen than speak, she hears such news of a monstrous Demon with a soft hum. There's no response, however - as she first, listens to what Andrew has to say first.
  6. Strict - though a touch strange - rules of etiquette followed, as always. Only then does her hands pan and sweep in those gentle motions!
  8. "It sounds as though in these dangerous times, we slowly move towards a repeat of the events of a thousand years ago. An increase in odd happenings that our fore-fathers of eld had to endure. Happenings that ended as the Witch Trials did, though it's most definite that none want a repeat of such a barbaric event."
  10. … But would it be necessary, regardless of one's wishes?
  12. Her attention turns back towards Andrew, however, speaking gently towards him;
  14. "I'm relieved to hear that youare well, however. I am similarly well. I had an odd incident at that Rhyonuran festival a few nights ago involving a man who very suspiciously wished to speak with me alone, giving neither a name, nor removing his mask. He fled, after a time. If you meet this man in ruddy robes and a mask - calling himself 'Sinner', please, do not be led off by him, and do not grant him any requests that seem even the slightest bit questionable."
  16. A nod follows gently, before she continues;
  18. "Though it may be the duty of the clergy to look after the people, we should maintain a level of carefulness when dealing with strangers - as all should."
  19. (Yiel)
  20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. 22:39] Andrew nods, but now was the time he should begin to pursue his path since the last time they had words. He'd smiled while looking over at the priest wondering if now was a good time to mention it to her.
  23. "Well, I'll be sure to keep a look out for them; however, I had something I wanted to ask you for a while now. I know you told me to come back later and I think now might be later.
  25. Would you still be willing to take me on as an Acolyte? Would you also be able to point me in the right direction when it comes to making a connection with my star?
  27. I've been hearing a lot about the stuff that's been happening so, I want to try and help out as much as I can."
  29. Andrew continued to smile at the woman.
  30. (Andrew Mercia)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. 22:52] A small nod follows Agrien's words. There's no response, just thoughtfulness as the Priestess falls quiet once more. Contemplative. Still, it's important for her to remain focused on her task and to look ahead to the future. Past the slings and arrows of fate.
  34. A breath is taken, before her attention turns over to Andrew, listening to his words. She speaks, after he does, a few small nods having been given.
  36. "Of course. Once you're sixteen I'd be more then happy to invite you on the path to being a member of the Clergy. May I ask if you've a branch that speaks to you the most - or perhaps even a single star? I can tell you about them, if you'd like."
  38. Her words given, that warm-voiced Priestess allows her hands to come fold upon her lap oncemore - after casting another grateful, gentle smile towards Agrien! Just thankful for her looking out for her, as before!
  39. (Yiel)
  40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. [22:59] Andrew slowly taps his taps his foot on the ground thinking about the star, but to pick one by name wasn't something he's been able to do by himself.
  43. "Like I said a while ago I feel more connected with the red path, but I haven't been able to pick one star just yet. I've tried in the past, but I haven't figured it out jsut yet thought I was hoping you could help me with it.
  45. I'll think about all the ones in the red path that I feel most fit me, but I'd really like your help with it if that's not much to asked."
  47. Andrew sighed a little bit.
  48. (Andrew Mercia)
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. [23:24] The blonde gives a gentle nod the way of the other's notion of the red path! She has a personal connection with all except Neoi, and she prays that in the future, she'd be able to form that connection with the The Swift Planet! Regardless, she listens patiently, before asking him gently;
  52. "Might I ask what you see yourself most drawn to doing in the future? As you know, the red branch is that of action, passion, and morale. Perhaps you wish to be a warrior, a speaker, or someone that works to pave a new future through faith or planning. If you'd like, I could go over each of the stars within the red branch."
  54. The sight of Persephonia hard at work has the blonde give a big, encouraging smile her way! Likewise, a gentle bow of her head finds Maria!
  56. "Greetings. May I ask your name? I'm Yiel, Priestess of the Faith. I've taken the name of the star I'm closest to. If you'd like to listen to or join in with our lesson, I'd be happy to have you."
  57. (Yiel)
  58. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. [23:31] Andrew knew the answer to that question or rather that statement give about the path. Andrew would find it easy to explain his goals to her and some of the things he's be able to achieve this far.
  61. "I choose the red path because of the magic I've become attuned with in the past year or so. I know I'm training to be a warrior and I feel that with the kind of magic I'm using I think action is better for me.
  63. I been training with one of the Knight because she said that there is something in me she likes, so I'm training to make a difference no matter how hard it might be.
  65. I have a lot of passion with everything I do and I feel the red path will go perfectly with that."
  67. Andrew nods while trying to explain everything to her.
  68. (Andrew Mercia)
  70. [23:58] The blonde gives a gentle nod towards Maria's words. She listens, however, to each present. Patient as always, a gentle nod finds Berend and Nikolaos in turn!
  72. Her response is given to Maria first!
  74. "I quite understand. One doesn't need to join the Clergy to look to the stars for guidance, of course... But I ask that you speak with my Acolytes, Berend and Nikolaos, for now, regarding the different stars. I can fill in any gaps that they're unable to give detail on."
  76. It's a fairly large task to just name and explain every star, after all!
  78. "Greetings, Berend and Nikolaos, as well! I hope you've both been faring well."
  80. Now! Her attention goes to Andrew;
  82. "I see! Might I ask which Knight, and if she elaborated specificly on what she sees within you? There is an important rank within the Church, as well. Based off of an Order of eld that fought for us - that of the Keeper. They function as our Knights, and protect the Faithful, Clergy, and Church. Their rank is similar to that of Priest or Knight of the First Light."
  84. Just letting him know such a path exists!
  85. (Yiel)
  86. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. [00:22] Listening to each in turn, that Priestess speaks once they finish! First, to the urgent asker!
  89. "Just to the right of us is two Knights! If you wish to tell me what it is you need to, I can likewise pass it along."
  91. Then, to Berend's words, an apologetic smile given to both him and Nikolaos!
  93. "I apologize for being too busy to conduct your rites just yet. You've both done exceedingly well, and I'll do them at my soonest convenience. As for your warning... I understand. I'll be staying in Agrien's hospital for now - and I urge you all to do the same."
  95. To Andrew, now, there's a nod!
  97. "There is such a rank. I've not met Mizuki, either. I'd very much like to - a Keeper, though, even that it's a sacred duty, their advancement within Church hierarchy is stopped until they let down the mantle, and resume being a Priest. Just something to bear in mind - the path up to Keeper follows Acolyte, then Deacon, and then Keeper, as well. You're doing quite well, so far. I'm proud you've narrowed your focus down to the red branch, as well. Acolyte is when I expect those I train to connect themselves with a single star."
  99. Persephonia is given a warm, gentle smile, briefly, until a grave nod comes at her concern.
  101. "May I have your report on what those three have told you? I'm quite proud that you've accomplished your goal, as well..."
  103. The explanation of that pyromancy accident has the blonde give a soft hum of consideration. She'll dismiss it as an anomaly, for now! That and talk to Caelus sometime soon.
  104. (Yiel)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  106. 00:32] While Andrew was sitting here speaking with Yiel he thought he should at least mention a Star that has come to mind a few times. He'd take a deep breath and faced the priestess with a smile on his face.
  108. "I feel like that's something I'd like to do if you seem me worthy of it, but we'll take more about that when the time comes. I think I know of what star I would like to pull from and I hope you can tell me more about it.
  110. I believe the Star name was Vorna from the red path and I'm hoping my passion matches that of this star."
  112. Andrew mind was all over the place after all the people in the area started talking to Yiel at once. He tried to stay on the subject at hand thought it seems like it was getting harder.
  113. (Andrew Mercia)
  115. [01:03] The blonde LOOKS TO ANDREW and responds gently;
  117. "Ah. Vrona is quite definitely an option. Each of its three rings represent a different element in relation to offense. An interpretation of Vrona relates to the balance of three strengths - strength of body, spirit, and mind. These three strengths work together to empower that offensive potential, with the eye and mind aiming the strike true, the spirit and will strengthens and fortifies the strength with conviction - and in the case of a mage, mana - and the body and weapon work to deliver that strike."
  119. A nod follows, before she continues;
  121. "As such, you'd note that this process is mixed between the spiritual and physical, as people are both worldly entities and entities so connected with the other realms. To fully develop this potential, one must foster each aspect of themselves."
  123. Explanation given, the blonde gives a gentle nod!
  124. (Yiel)
  125. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. [01:07] Andrew wasn't expecting that big looked, but while the boy chuckled he'd listen closely to what she was telling him.
  128. "I didn't know it was broke down into three different parts, but the more you explain it I can apply certain parts of my life to each one. While I won't know for sure jsut yet I'll continue learning more about Vrona.
  130. I want to make a connection with Vrona, and I'll continue to apply myself."
  132. He paused a bit..
  134. "Now there are Demons? I don't know what that even is, but I can feel things are about to change really fast. I'll try my best to prove myself to you and keep up.
  136. I'll keep up with my studies I promise."
  137. (Andrew Mercia)
  139. [01:20] As that blonde speaks, her hands gently move in deliberate, careful gestures. As usual - one of such hands bearing a mark in dark ink of two horizontal lines and a vertical!
  141. "Of course. There's plenty of interpretations of the different stars. Each is well studied by those within the Clergy, bearing quite a bit of different facets. Perhaps you'll each discover something new about your stars, hm?"
  143. After her explanation to Andrew, she smiles as she looks to each present! To Cezary, there's a soft, gentle smile!
  145. "Of course. I would be glad to lead you down the path to joining with the Clergy. However, I only allow Acolytes once they've reached the age of sixteen. It's a small rule of mine to ensure that those who wish to travel the path are fully ready for such. Still, if you don't meet that age, I would be happy to have you as one learning and preparing, as Andrew here is-"
  147. She pauses, motioning to herself and touching the silver star of Celestialism she wears proudly.
  149. "Ah, my name is just Yiel, as well. I've taken the name of the star I feel closest to."
  151. As for Persephonia's outburst, the Priestess raises a hand to her lips! Trying to hide a little smile and tiny chuckle at such. She'll still give that warm smile of hers and declare;
  153. "I quite understand - but the important thing for a member of the Clergy is to ensure you have those connections with all you meet. It's important we connect with the people, after all. As though people, the light of the stars above shine, and there's more then a single way to serve the stars above."
  154. (Yiel)
  155. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  156. [01:26] Maria Masters says, "Oh, more new arrivals."
  157. [01:27] Maria Masters says, "Do any of you know where Caelus and Mizuki live? I want to ask a request of the former."
  158. [01:27] Andrew nods he knew there were different ways a person could interpreted things. A Star was no different and other could be connected to the same Star and have a different meaning.
  160. "I understand and I'll continue working towards having a better understand and I'll be ready. I still think this was the right choice for me and I will keep proving myself.
  162. I'll have to have some mediation while trying to connect with Vorna. I got that idea from Persephonia so, I thank you for that."
  164. He said with a chuckle followed by a smile.
  165. (Andrew Mercia)
  166. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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