
>>> Lesta Nediam LNC2015-01-10 0015 +Dynahelium Typo

Jan 9th, 2016
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2015-01-10 0015 +Dynahelium Typo
  4. __
  7. +Dynahelium Typo __ *You wrote:* _"Good job, Lesta. Keep it up. Off-topic question: What can you say about the ISS in the sky seen by many?"_ <<< Thank you. Okay, so do you mean the bright flash that whizzes past in the sky according to a timetable available on the Internet that is consistently referred to as the "ISS" but which only liars and attention seekers ever seem able to photograph in such a way so as to also make out details?
  9. If this message does not display in full search for: +"Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-10 0015"
  11. If so, did you have a specific question about it? *I recently busted yet another liar who was claiming to have taken a photo of the "ISS".* Be sure you have watched my video titled: The "ISS" is BS - PROOF of a LIAR caught LYING about the "ISS"! (Lesta 2015-12-16) which you can find here: watch?v=a4898fr4XP4
  13. If the alleged "ISS" were a real and manned vehicle then why are so many people lying about it? These are just the people I have caught. Other people use more sophisticated ways to cover their tracks. Here's the key point: *If the alleged "ISS" is so easily seen then why do all of the officially acknowledged photos come from the same small handful of sources who happen to have the blessing of "NASA" and "astronomy magazines"?
  15. How can it be that there must be tens - _if not hundreds_ - of thousands of *genuine amateurs* who have *more than sufficient equipment* to spot, track and successfully photograph (with details) the alleged "ISS" but yet we do not see THEIR photos?
  17. How many observatories are there? They would be able to take some impressive photos yeah? Where are all of the photos from observatories? Where are all the photos from genuine amateurs? Name any celebrity, athlete, personality and you will find numerous genuine photos. Name any animal - even rare animals - and you will find many genuine photos. Name any plant or flower or rock - the more rare the better - and somewhere you will find genuine photos.
  19. At a casual glance it can seem like the "ISS" must be real. Because we can easily find many purported images of it! There are also entire websites dedicated to the tracking and spotting of the "ISS" - *surely that is not just a waste of their time? Surely the unintended side-effect of that isn't just to sow belief in something that isn't really real and manned?*
  21. But then again - aren't there entire websites dedicated to Big Foot sightings? Aren't there purported images of the mighty yeti? Aren't there as many differently configured "ISS" images as there are differently furred Sasquatch images?
  23. There are plenty of alleged "ISS" photos. Though they seem all to be taken by the same few people. We keep seeing the same names associated with each alleged "ISS" photo. Don't they ever get sick of photographing the "ISS"?! Don't they ever give room for any new budding astronomers to show off their skilled "ISS" catch?!
  25. They seem to all feature in the same "astronomy magazines". There are also plenty of alleged Big Foot sightings. There are dedicated "Sasquatch Spotters". Can they all be chasings ghosts? Can they all be fraudulent? *Can every person who has claimed to have spotted and photographed the Yeti (and made out details of the fur) really be making sh!t up for the attention, giggles, lolz and ca$h? Would Big Foot hunters lie? No way! Surely not!
  27. Out of thousands of Yeti sightings and photographs surely ONE of them is legitimate, yes? All we need is just ONE to be real and it means the Sasquatch is real!
  29. It must surely be paranoia and mental illness to think that thousands of people from around the world are all lying about having seen the mighty Big Foot?
  31. How can it be a conspiracy anyway? How would that even work?! Do these Yeti hunters gather in secret rooms to conspire about their sightings?! That's absurd! Either there is a huge global yeti conspiracy network (which is ridiculous) or there are yetis. Occam's Razor is our friend. Occam's Razor says that yetis are real because it's too complicated to think about a massive sasquatch cover up.
  33. If yetis were fake don't you think by now there would be a whistle-blower? Wouldn't someone who faked a Big Foot image come forward? Wouldn't "Edward Snowden" and/or "Julian Assange" have leaked a document to tell us that it's really a Sasquatch Scam? Occam's Razor says that we should always prefer the explanation with the fewest assumptions. That Yetis are real seems like an assumption with the fewest assumptions. SCIENCE FOR THE WINNARD! F_KC YEAH!?!?
  35. It must all be real. Conspiriturds are always yammering on about how Yetis don't exist or some sh!t but you should just ignore them. What do conspiriturds know? Many of them dropped out of high school and almost none of them went to university. Why would you listen to uneducated people when we have world class Yeti spotters?
  37. You have just got to ignore the conspiriturds - they will fill your head with all kinds of lunacy. They're ALWAYS denying reality. They would have us deny Yetis too! I don't know about you but I don't want to live in a world where there are no Yetis.
  39. Besides, I know a guy - and he's a good friend of mine - _very trustworthy_ - and he showed me a photo on his camera of a sasquatch. *I have no reason to doubt him.*
  41. So yeah anyway, about that bright flash consistently referred to as the alleged "ISS". If you believe the "ISS" is real and manned then you effectively believe in sasquatches but you just don't realise it.
  45. __________________________________________
  46. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  49. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  52. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  55. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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