
ACE3 A3Wasteland Server RPT

May 27th, 2015
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  1. =====================================================================
  2. == D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3server.exe
  3. == "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3server.exe" -port=2302 "-config=D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\TADST\ArmA3Wasteland\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\TADST\ArmA3Wasteland\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\TADST\ArmA3Wasteland" -name=ArmA3Wasteland -netlog -pid=pid.log -ranking=ranking.log
  5. Exe timestamp: 2014/01/21 14:57:18
  6. Current time: 2014/01/24 18:02:38
  8. Type: Public
  9. Branch: Stable
  10. Version: 1.10.114486
  12. Allocator: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll
  13. =====================================================================
  15. AppId parsing successful. Using appId=107410
  16. Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/PAPA_BEAR/
  17. Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/AirBase/
  18. Updating base class thingX->FloatingStructure_F, by a3\structures_f_epb\civ\camping\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Camping_Light_F/
  19. Updating base class ->VScrollbar, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/G_Expression/VScrollbar/
  20. Updating base class ->HScrollbar, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/G_Expression/HScrollbar/
  21. Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/TimeLines/
  22. Updating base class RscControlsGroup->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/ModIcons/
  23. Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/IconPicture/
  24. Updating base class RscListBox->RscCombo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCustomizeController/Steepness/
  25. Updating base class ->RscStandardDisplay, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/
  26. Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonCancel/
  27. Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonOK/
  28. Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFileSelectImage/controls/OverviewPicture/
  29. Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFieldManual/controls/ButtonCancel/
  30. Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMission/controls/ButtonCancel/
  31. Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonOK/
  32. Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonCancel/
  33. Updating base class ->RscSubmenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMainMenu/
  34. Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscCallSupport/Items/
  35. Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscRadio/Items/
  36. ragdollHitDmgLimit (0.000000) is lower than minimum (0.010000) and it was set to min.
  37. Initializing Steam Manager
  38. unable to load subscribed content list. list will be updated from steam
  39. unable to load published content list. list will be updated from steam
  40. unable to load cached items meta info. save and update functionality will be broken
  41. Steam Manager initialized.
  43. ==== Loaded addons ====
  45. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\dta\bin.pbo - unknown
  46. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\dta\core.pbo - 0
  47. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\dta\languagecore_f.pbo - 61416
  48. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\a3.pbo - unknown
  49. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\air_f.pbo - 60625
  50. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\air_f_beta.pbo - 60821
  51. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\air_f_epb.pbo - 61351
  52. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\air_f_gamma.pbo - 61708
  53. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\animals_f.pbo - 60167
  54. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\animals_f_beta.pbo - 60167
  55. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\anims_f.pbo - 61821
  56. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\anims_f_data.pbo - 60458
  57. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\anims_f_epa.pbo - 61726
  58. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\armor_f.pbo - 60571
  59. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\armor_f_beta.pbo - 60168
  60. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\armor_f_epb.pbo - 60938
  61. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\armor_f_gamma.pbo - 61715
  62. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\baseconfig_f.pbo - 43414
  63. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\boat_f.pbo - 60625
  64. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\boat_f_beta.pbo - 60977
  65. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\boat_f_gamma.pbo - 60672
  66. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\cargoposes_f.pbo - 61412
  67. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\characters_f.pbo - 61844
  68. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\characters_f_beta.pbo - 61780
  69. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\characters_f_epa.pbo - 61639
  70. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\characters_f_epb.pbo - 61492
  71. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\characters_f_gamma.pbo - 60849
  72. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\data_f.pbo - 61814
  73. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\drones_f.pbo - 60977
  74. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\dubbing_f.pbo - 55351
  75. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\dubbing_f_beta.pbo - 55170
  76. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\dubbing_f_epa.pbo - 58097
  77. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\dubbing_f_epb.pbo - 61787
  78. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\dubbing_f_gamma.pbo - 55217
  79. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\dubbing_radio_f.pbo - 61565
  80. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\dubbing_radio_f_data.pbo - 61565
  81. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\editor_f.pbo - 53723
  82. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\functions_f.pbo - 61754
  83. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\functions_f_epa.pbo - 61680
  84. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\languagemissions_f.pbo - 59304
  85. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\languagemissions_f_beta.pbo - 61268
  86. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\languagemissions_f_epa.pbo - 59304
  87. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\languagemissions_f_epb.pbo - 61844
  88. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\languagemissions_f_gamma.pbo - 61314
  89. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\language_f.pbo - 61194
  90. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\language_f_beta.pbo - 60441
  91. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\language_f_epa.pbo - 61251
  92. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\language_f_epb.pbo - 61841
  93. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\language_f_gamma.pbo - 61095
  94. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\map_altis.pbo - 61521
  95. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\map_altis_data.pbo - 56204
  96. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\map_altis_data_layers.pbo - 56661
  97. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_00.pbo - 56661
  98. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_01.pbo - 56661
  99. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_00.pbo - 56661
  100. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_01.pbo - 56661
  101. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\map_altis_scenes_f.pbo - 56247
  102. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\map_data.pbo - 58448
  103. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\map_stratis.pbo - 61521
  104. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\map_stratis_data.pbo - 60227
  105. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\map_stratis_data_layers.pbo - 60227
  106. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\map_stratis_scenes_f.pbo - 56247
  107. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\misc_f.pbo - 58745
  108. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f.pbo - 60168
  109. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f_beta.pbo - 61455
  110. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f_beta_data.pbo - 55296
  111. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f_beta_video.pbo - 49010
  112. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f_data.pbo - 57085
  113. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f_epa.pbo - 61830
  114. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f_epa_data.pbo - 60737
  115. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f_epa_video.pbo - 58252
  116. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f_epb.pbo - 61841
  117. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f_epb_data.pbo - 61759
  118. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f_epb_video.pbo - 61701
  119. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f_gamma.pbo - 60634
  120. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f_gamma_data.pbo - 55501
  121. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f_gamma_video.pbo - 52884
  122. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\missions_f_video.pbo - 52434
  123. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\modules_f.pbo - 60997
  124. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\modules_f_beta.pbo - 60170
  125. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\modules_f_beta_data.pbo - 56247
  126. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\modules_f_data.pbo - 59320
  127. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\modules_f_epb.pbo - 61523
  128. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\music_f.pbo - 60106
  129. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\music_f_epa.pbo - 56488
  130. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\music_f_epa_music.pbo - 56492
  131. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\music_f_epb.pbo - 61830
  132. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\music_f_epb_music.pbo - 61830
  133. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\music_f_music.pbo - 56442
  134. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\plants_f.pbo - 59944
  135. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\roads_f.pbo - 60121
  136. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\rocks_f.pbo - 58567
  137. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\signs_f.pbo - 60672
  138. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\soft_f.pbo - 61005
  139. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\soft_f_beta.pbo - 60537
  140. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\soft_f_gamma.pbo - 60670
  141. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\sounds_f.pbo - 60999
  142. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\sounds_f_epb.pbo - 60170
  143. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\sounds_f_vehicles.pbo - 59990
  144. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\sounds_f_weapons.pbo - 59990
  145. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\static_f.pbo - 61074
  146. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\static_f_beta.pbo - 61074
  147. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\static_f_gamma.pbo - 61074
  148. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\structures_f.pbo - 60807
  149. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\structures_f_data.pbo - 59943
  150. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\structures_f_epa.pbo - 60115
  151. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\structures_f_epb.pbo - 60848
  152. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\structures_f_households.pbo - 60807
  153. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\structures_f_ind.pbo - 60807
  154. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\structures_f_mil.pbo - 61521
  155. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\structures_f_wrecks.pbo - 60665
  156. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\uifonts_f.pbo - 56537
  157. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\uifonts_f_data.pbo - 56474
  158. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\ui_f.pbo - 61498
  159. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\ui_f_data.pbo - 61013
  160. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\weapons_f.pbo - 61780
  161. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\weapons_f_beta.pbo - 61639
  162. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\weapons_f_epa.pbo - 61252
  163. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\weapons_f_epb.pbo - 60597
  164. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\addons\weapons_f_gamma.pbo - 61004
  166. =======================
  168. PhysX3 SDK Init started ...
  169. PhysX3 SDK Init ended.
  170. 18:13:44 Mission A3Wasteland_v0.9f.Altis: Number of roles (113) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (108)
  171. 18:13:44 Server: SetServerState to ASSIGNING ROLES
  172. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  173. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  174. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  175. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  176. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  177. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  178. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  179. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  180. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  181. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  182. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  183. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  184. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  185. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  186. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  187. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  188. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  189. 18:13:45 Server error: Player without identity Death_Incarnated (id 1233093378)
  190. 18:14:12 Warn: 45.96 ms spent, NMT=139
  191. 18:14:12 NetworkCommand: 0
  192. 18:15:46 NAT Negotiation completed
  193. 18:24:16 Server: SetServerState to SENDING MISSION
  194. 18:24:16 Server: SetServerState to LOADING GAME
  195. 18:24:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list
  196. 18:24:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit
  197. 18:24:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit
  198. 18:24:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile
  199. 18:24:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal
  200. 18:24:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal
  201. 18:24:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow
  202. 18:24:24 config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AmovPknlMevaSrasWpstDr.InterpolateTo: Bad move AmovPknlMsprSlowWpstDf_AmovPpneMstpSrasWpstDnon
  203. 18:24:24 config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AmovPknlMevaSrasWpstDl.InterpolateTo: Bad move AmovPknlMsprSlowWpstDf_AmovPpneMstpSrasWpstDnon
  204. 18:24:24 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f\data\anim\sdr\idl\knl\stp\low\rfl\aidlpknlmstpslowwrfldnon_g01.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: aidlpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_g01
  205. 18:24:24 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f\data\anim\sdr\idl\knl\stp\low\rfl\aidlpknlmstpslowwrfldnon_g02.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: aidlpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_g02
  206. 18:24:27 Animation o:\arma3\a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\hubcleaned\wave\hubwave_move1.rtm not found or empty
  207. 18:24:27 Animation o:\arma3\a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\hubcleaned\wave\hubwave_move2.rtm not found or empty
  208. 18:24:27 No default vars in config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part1.variantsPlayer
  209. 18:24:27 No default vars in config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part2.variantsPlayer
  210. 18:24:27 Animation a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\custom\b_hub01\acts_welcomeonhub03_aiwalk.rtm not found or empty
  211. 18:24:27 Animation a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\custom\b_hub01\acts_welcomeonhub03_playerwalk.rtm not found or empty
  212. 18:24:27 Animation a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\custom\b_hub02\acts_welcomeonhub04_aiwalk.rtm not found or empty
  213. 18:24:27 Animation a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\custom\b_hub02\acts_welcomeonhub04_playerwalk.rtm not found or empty
  214. 18:24:27 Animation a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\custom\b_hub03\acts_welcomeonhub05_aiwalk.rtm not found or empty
  215. 18:24:27 Animation a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\custom\b_hub03\acts_welcomeonhub05_playerwalk.rtm not found or empty
  216. 18:24:27 Animation a3\air_f_delta\plane_fighter_01\data\anim\kia_plane_fighter_01_pilot.rtm not found or empty
  217. 18:24:27 Animation a3\air_f_delta\plane_fighter_01\data\anim\plane_fighter_01_pilot.rtm not found or empty
  218. 18:24:27 Animation a3\air_f_beta\heli_attack_01\data\anim\heli_attack_01_pilot_kia.rtm not found or empty
  219. 18:24:27 Animation a3\air_f_beta\heli_attack_01\data\anim\pilot_heli_light_02_kia.rtm not found or empty
  220. 18:24:27 Animation a3\air_f_beta\heli_attack_01\data\anim\copilot_heli_light_02_kia.rtm not found or empty
  221. 18:24:27 Animation a3\air_f_delta\plane_transport_01\data\anim\kia_plane_transport_01_pilot.rtm not found or empty
  222. 18:24:27 Animation a3\air_f_delta\plane_transport_01\data\anim\plane_transport_01_pilot.rtm not found or empty
  223. 18:24:27 Animation animpath\kia_mi17_cargo02.rtm not found or empty
  224. 18:24:27 Animation animpath\mi17_cargo02_v0.rtm not found or empty
  225. 18:24:27 Animation animpath\mi17_cargo02_v1.rtm not found or empty
  226. 18:24:27 Animation animpath\mi17_cargo02_v2.rtm not found or empty
  227. 18:24:27 Animation animpath\mi17_cargo02_v3.rtm not found or empty
  228. 18:24:27 Animation animpath\mi17_cargo02_v4.rtm not found or empty
  229. 18:24:27 Animation animpath\mi17_cargo02_v5.rtm not found or empty
  230. 18:24:27 Animation animpath\mi17_cargo02_v6.rtm not found or empty
  231. 18:24:27 No speaker given for Ryan Moore
  232. 18:24:27 No speaker given for Lu Il
  233. 18:24:27 No speaker given for Katungi Gowon
  234. 18:24:27 No speaker given for James Edwards
  235. 18:24:27 No speaker given for Liao Chen
  236. 18:24:27 No speaker given for Dylan Santorum
  237. 18:24:27 No speaker given for Dembe Ekwensi
  238. 18:24:27 No speaker given for Cheng Ng
  239. 18:24:27 No speaker given for Danny Wood
  240. 18:24:28 c:\w\c_branch\poseidon\futura_stable\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
  241. 18:24:28 Server: SetServerState to BRIEFING
  242. 18:24:28 "############################# A3Wasteland_v0.9f #############################"
  243. 18:24:28 "WASTELAND SERVER - Initializing Server"
  244. 18:24:28 "Applying U_I_CombatUniform_tshirt as uniform for GunStore3"
  245. 18:24:28 "Applying U_IG_Guerilla2_2 as uniform for GenStore1"
  246. 18:24:28 "Applying U_IG_Guerilla2_3 as uniform for GenStore2"
  247. 18:24:28 "Applying U_IG_Guerilla3_1 as uniform for GenStore3"
  248. 18:24:28 "Applying U_IG_Guerilla2_1 as uniform for GenStore4"
  249. 18:24:28 "Applying U_IG_Guerilla3_2 as uniform for GenStore5"
  250. 18:24:28 "Applying U_B_SpecopsUniform_sgg as uniform for GunStore1"
  251. 18:24:28 "Applying U_O_SpecopsUniform_blk as uniform for GunStore2"
  252. 18:24:28 "Applying U_IG_Guerilla1_1 as uniform for GunStore4"
  253. 18:24:28 "ANTI-HACK 0.8.0: Started."
  254. 18:24:28 Warning Message: Script A3Wasteland_settings\init.sqf not found
  255. 18:24:28 Warning Message: Script A3Wasteland_settings\admins.sqf not found
  256. 18:24:28 "WASTELAND SERVER - Initializing Server Vars"
  257. 18:24:28 "WASTELAND SERVER - Initializing Server Compile"
  258. 18:24:28 "WASTELAND SERVER - Initializing Server Relations"
  259. 18:24:28 Warning Message: Script A3Wasteland_settings\serverRules.sqf not found
  260. 18:24:28 "WASTELAND SERVER - Server Compile Finished"
  261. 18:24:28 Warning Message: Script A3Wasteland_settings\main_config.sqf not found
  262. 18:24:28 "[WARNING] A3W configuration file 'A3Wasteland_settings\main_config.sqf' was not found. Using default settings!"
  263. 18:24:28 "[WARNING] For more information go to"
  264. 18:24:28 "[INFO] A3W loot spawning is ENABLED"
  265. 18:24:28 "WASTELAND SERVER - Initializing Server Spawning"
  266. 18:24:28 O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F: lever_pilot - unknown animation source collectiveRTD
  267. 18:24:29 "WASTELAND SERVER - 16 Static helis Spawned"
  268. 18:25:47 NAT Negotiation completed
  269. 18:25:59 Warn: 32.26 ms spent, NMT=5
  270. 18:28:16 Server: SetServerState to PLAYING
  271. 18:28:20 Server: Object 3:13 not found (message 87)
  272. 18:28:29 Error: Object(5 : 5) not found
  273. 18:28:29 Error: Object(5 : 6) not found
  274. 18:28:29 Error: Object(5 : 5) not found
  275. 18:28:29 Error: Object(5 : 6) not found
  276. 18:28:34 Client: Remote object 2:253 not found
  277. 18:28:34 Client: Remote object 5:1 not found
  278. 18:28:34 Client: Remote object 5:2 not found
  279. 18:28:34 Server: Object info 2:250 not found.
  280. 18:28:34 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" started.
  281. 18:28:34 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" finished successfully.
  282. 18:28:39 Server: Object info 2:250 not found.
  283. 18:28:43 Server: Object info 2:250 not found.
  284. 18:28:48 Server: Object info 2:250 not found.
  285. 18:29:01 "WASTELAND - Vehicle spawning completed - 212 Vehicles Spawned on Altis"
  286. 18:29:02 "WASTELAND SERVER - 4 Planes Spawned"
  287. 18:29:04 "WASTELAND SERVER - 19 Boats Spawned"
  288. 18:29:11 "WASTELAND - Object spawning completed - 283 Objects Spawned on Altis"
  289. 18:29:11 "WASTELAND SERVER - 9 Ammo Caches Spawned"
  290. 18:29:11 "[INFO] A3W territory capturing is ENABLED"
  291. 18:29:11 "WASTELAND SERVER - Initializing Missions"
  292. 18:29:11 "WASTELAND SERVER - Started Side Mission State"
  293. 18:29:11 "WASTELAND SERVER - Execute New Side Mission: mission_SunkenSupplys"
  294. 18:29:11 "WASTELAND SERVER - Side Mission Started: Sunken Supplies"
  295. 18:29:11 "WASTELAND SERVER - Side Mission Waiting to run: Sunken Supplies"
  296. 18:29:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01111"
  297. 18:29:16 "WASTELAND SERVER - Started Main Mission State"
  298. 18:29:16 "WASTELAND SERVER - Execute New Main Mission: mission_LightArmVeh"
  299. 18:29:16 "WASTELAND SERVER - Main Mission Started: Light Armed Vehicle"
  300. 18:29:16 "WASTELAND SERVER - Main Mission Waiting to run: Light Armed Vehicle"
  301. 18:29:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00488"
  302. 18:29:21 "WASTELAND SERVER - Started Money Mission State"
  303. 18:29:21 "WASTELAND SERVER - Execute New Money Mission: mission_MoneyShipment"
  304. 18:29:21 "WASTELAND SERVER - Money Mission Started: Money Shipment"
  305. 18:29:21 "WASTELAND SERVER - Money Mission Waiting to run: Money Shipment"
  306. 18:29:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00208"
  307. 18:29:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01697"
  308. 18:29:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00403"
  309. 18:29:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  310. 18:29:46 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  311. 18:29:51 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00305"
  312. 18:29:56 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  313. 18:30:01 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00305"
  314. 18:30:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99805"
  315. 18:30:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  316. 18:30:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0011"
  317. 18:30:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  318. 18:30:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  319. 18:30:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00598"
  320. 18:30:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99902"
  321. 18:30:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  322. 18:30:46 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00208"
  323. 18:30:51 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99902"
  324. 18:30:56 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  325. 18:31:01 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00696"
  326. 18:31:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99805"
  327. 18:31:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99902"
  328. 18:31:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00793"
  329. 18:31:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  330. 18:31:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  331. 18:31:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00793"
  332. 18:31:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  333. 18:31:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.005"
  334. 18:31:44 Cannot load sound 'a3\sounds_f\vehicles\soft\van_01\van_01_door.wss'
  335. 18:31:44 Cannot load sound 'a3\sounds_f\vehicles\soft\van_01\van_01_door.wss'
  336. 18:31:46 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00305"
  337. 18:31:51 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00208"
  338. 18:31:56 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  339. 18:32:01 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00403"
  340. 18:32:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  341. 18:32:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01208"
  342. 18:32:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00793"
  343. 18:32:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01306"
  344. 18:32:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  345. 18:32:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.005"
  346. 18:32:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  347. 18:32:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00208"
  348. 18:32:46 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  349. 18:32:51 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  350. 18:32:56 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00403"
  351. 18:33:01 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  352. 18:33:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  353. 18:33:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00305"
  354. 18:33:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  355. 18:33:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  356. 18:33:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  357. 18:33:31 Cannot load sound 'a3\sounds_f\vehicles\soft\van_01\van_01_door.wss'
  358. 18:33:31 Cannot load sound 'a3\sounds_f\vehicles\soft\van_01\van_01_door.wss'
  359. 18:33:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.005"
  360. 18:33:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  361. 18:33:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00305"
  362. 18:33:42 Client: Object 3:31 (type Type_84) not found.
  363. 18:33:42 Client: Object 3:31 (type Type_85) not found.
  364. 18:33:43 Client: Object 3:38 (type Type_85) not found.
  365. 18:33:43 Client: Object 3:38 (type Type_84) not found.
  366. 18:33:46 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  367. 18:33:51 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  368. 18:33:56 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00403"
  369. 18:33:57 Server: Object 3:42 not found (message 110)
  370. 18:33:57 Server: Object 3:45 not found (message 110)
  371. 18:33:57 Server: Object 3:44 not found (message 85)
  372. 18:33:57 Error: Object(3 : 44) not found
  373. 18:34:01 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00305"
  374. 18:34:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  375. 18:34:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  376. 18:34:13 "WASTELAND SERVER - Side Mission Resumed: Sunken Supplies"
  377. 18:34:13 "WASTELAND SERVER - Side Mission Waiting to be Finished: Sunken Supplies"
  378. 18:34:13 No speaker given for Janos Dimitriadis
  379. 18:34:13 No speaker given for Janos Gikas
  380. 18:34:13 No speaker given for Kostakis Elias
  381. 18:34:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  382. 18:34:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01599"
  383. 18:34:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  384. 18:34:29 "SERVER CLEANUP: Deleted 0 bodies and removed 0 cluttered items"
  385. 18:34:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  386. 18:34:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  387. 18:34:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00403"
  388. 18:34:46 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  389. 18:34:51 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00305"
  390. 18:34:56 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  391. 18:35:01 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  392. 18:35:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  393. 18:35:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  394. 18:35:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  395. 18:35:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  396. 18:35:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.005"
  397. 18:35:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99902"
  398. 18:35:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00403"
  399. 18:35:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00305"
  400. 18:35:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01599"
  401. 18:35:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  402. 18:35:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00208"
  403. 18:36:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  404. 18:36:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99902"
  405. 18:36:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  406. 18:36:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  407. 18:36:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  408. 18:36:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99902"
  409. 18:36:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00208"
  410. 18:36:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  411. 18:36:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  412. 18:36:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00012"
  413. 18:36:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  414. 18:36:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  415. 18:37:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99902"
  416. 18:37:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  417. 18:37:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99902"
  418. 18:37:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01318"
  419. 18:37:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99902"
  420. 18:37:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  421. 18:37:28 Server: Object 5:43 not found (message 110)
  422. 18:37:28 Server: Object 5:42 not found (message 110)
  423. 18:37:28 Server: Object 5:44 not found (message 85)
  424. 18:37:28 Error: Object(5 : 44) not found
  425. 18:37:28 Error: Object(5 : 43) not found
  426. 18:37:28 Error: Object(5 : 42) not found
  427. 18:37:28 Error: Object(5 : 44) not found
  428. 18:37:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  429. 18:37:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  430. 18:37:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  431. 18:37:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  432. 18:37:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0022"
  433. 18:37:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  434. 18:38:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  435. 18:38:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  436. 18:38:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02393"
  437. 18:38:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00122"
  438. 18:38:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  439. 18:38:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  440. 18:38:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  441. 18:38:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  442. 18:38:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  443. 18:38:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  444. 18:38:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  445. 18:38:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  446. 18:38:58 Cannot load sound 'a3\sounds_f\vehicles\soft\van_01\van_01_door.wss'
  447. 18:38:58 Cannot load sound 'a3\sounds_f\vehicles\soft\van_01\van_01_door.wss'
  448. 18:39:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  449. 18:39:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00415"
  450. 18:39:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  451. 18:39:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.03296"
  452. 18:39:17 "WASTELAND SERVER - Main Mission Resumed: Light Armed Vehicle"
  453. 18:39:17 "WASTELAND SERVER - Main Mission Waiting to be Finished: Light Armed Vehicle"
  454. 18:39:17 No speaker given for Gerasimos Karapataki
  455. 18:39:17 No speaker given for Giourkas Costas
  456. 18:39:17 No speaker given for Janos Verga
  457. 18:39:17 No speaker given for Biton Dimitriadis
  458. 18:39:17 No speaker given for Dimitris Lara
  459. 18:39:17 No speaker given for Theofilos Lara
  460. 18:39:17 No speaker given for Kyriakos Nicolau
  461. 18:39:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.98901"
  462. 18:39:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00513"
  463. 18:39:29 Cannot load sound 'a3\sounds_f\vehicles\soft\van_01\van_01_door.wss'
  464. 18:39:29 Cannot load sound 'a3\sounds_f\vehicles\soft\van_01\van_01_door.wss'
  465. 18:39:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00781"
  466. 18:39:34 Client: Object 5:51 (type Type_84) not found.
  467. 18:39:34 Client: Object 5:51 (type Type_85) not found.
  468. 18:39:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 4a62f900# 1811971: addon_01_v1_ruins_f.p3d
  469. 18:39:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01318"
  470. 18:39:41 "SERVER CLEANUP: Deleted 0 bodies and removed 0 cluttered items"
  471. 18:39:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  472. 18:39:46 Server: Object 5:56 not found (message 110)
  473. 18:39:46 Server: Object 5:55 not found (message 110)
  474. 18:39:46 Server: Object 5:57 not found (message 85)
  475. 18:39:46 Error: Object(5 : 57) not found
  476. 18:39:46 Error: Object(5 : 57) not found
  477. 18:39:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0022"
  478. 18:39:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01685"
  479. 18:39:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  480. 18:40:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0061"
  481. 18:40:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  482. 18:40:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  483. 18:40:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  484. 18:40:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  485. 18:40:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  486. 18:40:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01904"
  487. 18:40:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  488. 18:40:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  489. 18:40:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  490. 18:40:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00513"
  491. 18:40:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  492. 18:41:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  493. 18:41:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  494. 18:41:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  495. 18:41:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  496. 18:41:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  497. 18:41:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  498. 18:41:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  499. 18:41:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00415"
  500. 18:41:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  501. 18:41:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  502. 18:41:50 Client: Object 5:50 (type Type_85) not found.
  503. 18:41:52 Client: Object 5:50 (type Type_85) not found.
  504. 18:41:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  505. 18:41:54 Client: Object 5:50 (type Type_84) not found.
  506. 18:41:54 Client: Object 5:50 (type Type_85) not found.
  507. 18:41:56 Client: Object 5:50 (type Type_85) not found.
  508. 18:41:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  509. 18:41:59 Client: Object 5:50 (type Type_85) not found.
  510. 18:42:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  511. 18:42:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  512. 18:42:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01685"
  513. 18:42:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  514. 18:42:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  515. 18:42:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  516. 18:42:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01392"
  517. 18:42:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  518. 18:42:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  519. 18:42:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00317"
  520. 18:42:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  521. 18:42:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  522. 18:43:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  523. 18:43:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  524. 18:43:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  525. 18:43:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  526. 18:43:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  527. 18:43:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  528. 18:43:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  529. 18:43:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0061"
  530. 18:43:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  531. 18:43:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  532. 18:43:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01782"
  533. 18:43:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  534. 18:44:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  535. 18:44:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  536. 18:44:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01685"
  537. 18:44:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  538. 18:44:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  539. 18:44:23 "WASTELAND SERVER - Money Mission Resumed: Money Shipment"
  540. 18:44:23 No speaker given for Giourkas Verga
  541. 18:44:23 No speaker given for Alexandros Karagianni
  542. 18:44:23 No speaker given for Panagiotis Papadopoulos
  543. 18:44:23 No speaker given for Kostakis Kammenou
  544. 18:44:23 No speaker given for Aris Papadopoulos
  545. 18:44:23 No speaker given for Lafteris Lara
  546. 18:44:23 No speaker given for Gregor Tavoularis
  547. 18:44:23 No speaker given for Alexandros Savalas
  548. 18:44:23 "WASTELAND SERVER - Money Mission Waiting to be Finished: Money Shipment"
  549. 18:44:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00513"
  550. 18:44:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  551. 18:44:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01685"
  552. 18:44:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  553. 18:44:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00415"
  554. 18:44:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  555. 18:44:55 "SERVER CLEANUP: Deleted 0 bodies and removed 0 cluttered items"
  556. 18:44:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  557. 18:45:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  558. 18:45:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01587"
  559. 18:45:12 Client: Remote object 4:27 not found
  560. 18:45:12 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  561. 18:45:12 Server: Object info 5:52 not found.
  562. 18:45:12 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  563. 18:45:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  564. 18:45:17 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  565. 18:45:17 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  566. 18:45:17 Server: Object info 5:52 not found.
  567. 18:45:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  568. 18:45:21 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  569. 18:45:21 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  570. 18:45:21 Server: Object info 5:52 not found.
  571. 18:45:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01392"
  572. 18:45:26 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  573. 18:45:26 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  574. 18:45:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0061"
  575. 18:45:31 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  576. 18:45:31 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  577. 18:45:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  578. 18:45:35 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  579. 18:45:35 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  580. 18:45:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01392"
  581. 18:45:40 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  582. 18:45:40 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  583. 18:45:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  584. 18:45:44 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  585. 18:45:45 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  586. 18:45:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0061"
  587. 18:45:49 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  588. 18:45:50 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  589. 18:45:53 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  590. 18:45:54 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  591. 18:45:54 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  592. 18:45:58 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  593. 18:45:58 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  594. 18:45:59 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  595. 18:46:03 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02197"
  596. 18:46:03 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  597. 18:46:03 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  598. 18:46:08 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  599. 18:46:08 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  600. 18:46:08 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  601. 18:46:12 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  602. 18:46:13 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  603. 18:46:13 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  604. 18:46:17 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  605. 18:46:18 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  606. 18:46:18 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  607. 18:46:22 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  608. 18:46:22 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  609. 18:46:23 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  610. 18:46:26 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  611. 18:46:27 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  612. 18:46:28 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  613. 18:46:31 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  614. 18:46:31 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  615. 18:46:33 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  616. 18:46:36 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  617. 18:46:36 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  618. 18:46:38 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  619. 18:46:40 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  620. 18:46:41 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  621. 18:46:43 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0061"
  622. 18:46:45 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  623. 18:46:45 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  624. 18:46:48 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01392"
  625. 18:46:50 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  626. 18:46:50 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  627. 18:46:53 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  628. 18:46:54 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  629. 18:46:54 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  630. 18:46:58 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  631. 18:46:59 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  632. 18:46:59 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  633. 18:47:03 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  634. 18:47:04 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  635. 18:47:04 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  636. 18:47:08 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  637. 18:47:08 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  638. 18:47:09 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  639. 18:47:13 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01782"
  640. 18:47:13 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  641. 18:47:13 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  642. 18:47:17 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  643. 18:47:18 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00513"
  644. 18:47:18 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  645. 18:47:22 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  646. 18:47:23 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  647. 18:47:23 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  648. 18:47:27 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  649. 18:47:27 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  650. 18:47:28 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  651. 18:47:31 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  652. 18:47:32 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  653. 18:47:33 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00415"
  654. 18:47:36 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  655. 18:47:37 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  656. 18:47:38 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  657. 18:47:40 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  658. 18:47:41 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  659. 18:47:43 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01587"
  660. 18:47:45 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  661. 18:47:46 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  662. 18:47:48 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01123"
  663. 18:47:50 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  664. 18:47:50 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  665. 18:47:53 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00879"
  666. 18:47:54 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  667. 18:47:55 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  668. 18:47:58 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  669. 18:47:59 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  670. 18:48:00 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  671. 18:48:03 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  672. 18:48:04 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  673. 18:48:04 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  674. 18:48:08 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00513"
  675. 18:48:08 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  676. 18:48:09 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  677. 18:48:13 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00488"
  678. 18:48:13 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  679. 18:48:14 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  680. 18:48:18 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01904"
  681. 18:48:18 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  682. 18:48:18 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  683. 18:48:22 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  684. 18:48:23 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  685. 18:48:23 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  686. 18:48:27 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  687. 18:48:28 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  688. 18:48:28 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  689. 18:48:32 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  690. 18:48:32 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  691. 18:48:33 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  692. 18:48:36 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  693. 18:48:37 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  694. 18:48:38 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  695. 18:48:41 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  696. 18:48:42 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  697. 18:48:43 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  698. 18:48:46 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  699. 18:48:46 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  700. 18:48:48 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  701. 18:48:50 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  702. 18:48:51 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  703. 18:48:53 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  704. 18:48:55 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  705. 18:48:56 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  706. 18:48:58 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  707. 18:48:59 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  708. 18:49:00 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  709. 18:49:03 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01392"
  710. 18:49:04 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  711. 18:49:05 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  712. 18:49:08 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  713. 18:49:09 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  714. 18:49:10 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  715. 18:49:13 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  716. 18:49:13 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  717. 18:49:14 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  718. 18:49:18 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.021"
  719. 18:49:18 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  720. 18:49:19 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  721. 18:49:23 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  722. 18:49:23 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  723. 18:49:24 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  724. 18:49:27 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  725. 18:49:28 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  726. 18:49:28 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  727. 18:49:32 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  728. 18:49:33 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  729. 18:49:33 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00488"
  730. 18:49:37 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  731. 18:49:38 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  732. 18:49:38 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  733. 18:49:41 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  734. 18:49:42 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  735. 18:49:43 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  736. 18:49:46 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  737. 18:49:47 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  738. 18:49:48 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  739. 18:49:51 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  740. 18:49:51 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  741. 18:49:53 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  742. 18:49:55 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  743. 18:49:56 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  744. 18:49:58 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01904"
  745. 18:49:59 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  746. 18:50:00 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  747. 18:50:01 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  748. 18:50:03 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  749. 18:50:05 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  750. 18:50:05 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  751. 18:50:08 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  752. 18:50:09 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  753. 18:50:10 "SERVER CLEANUP: Deleted 4 bodies and removed 0 cluttered items"
  754. 18:50:10 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  755. 18:50:13 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0022"
  756. 18:50:14 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  757. 18:50:14 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  758. 18:50:18 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00879"
  759. 18:50:19 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  760. 18:50:19 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  761. 18:50:23 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00122"
  762. 18:50:23 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  763. 18:50:24 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  764. 18:50:28 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  765. 18:50:28 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  766. 18:50:29 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  767. 18:50:32 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  768. 18:50:33 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  769. 18:50:33 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  770. 18:50:37 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  771. 18:50:38 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  772. 18:50:38 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01587"
  773. 18:50:42 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  774. 18:50:43 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  775. 18:50:43 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  776. 18:50:46 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  777. 18:50:47 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  778. 18:50:48 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  779. 18:50:51 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  780. 18:50:52 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  781. 18:50:53 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00415"
  782. 18:50:56 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  783. 18:50:56 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  784. 18:50:58 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  785. 18:51:00 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  786. 18:51:01 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  787. 18:51:03 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  788. 18:51:05 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  789. 18:51:06 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  790. 18:51:08 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  791. 18:51:10 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  792. 18:51:10 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  793. 18:51:13 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0061"
  794. 18:51:14 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  795. 18:51:15 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  796. 18:51:18 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  797. 18:51:19 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  798. 18:51:20 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  799. 18:51:23 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00781"
  800. 18:51:24 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  801. 18:51:25 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  802. 18:51:28 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  803. 18:51:28 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  804. 18:51:29 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  805. 18:51:33 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  806. 18:51:33 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01782"
  807. 18:51:34 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  808. 18:51:38 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  809. 18:51:38 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  810. 18:51:39 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  811. 18:51:42 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  812. 18:51:43 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  813. 18:51:43 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  814. 18:51:47 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  815. 18:51:48 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  816. 18:51:48 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  817. 18:51:52 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  818. 18:51:53 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  819. 18:51:53 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  820. 18:51:56 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  821. 18:51:57 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  822. 18:51:58 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00781"
  823. 18:52:01 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  824. 18:52:02 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  825. 18:52:03 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  826. 18:52:06 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  827. 18:52:06 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  828. 18:52:08 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  829. 18:52:10 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  830. 18:52:11 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  831. 18:52:13 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  832. 18:52:15 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  833. 18:52:16 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  834. 18:52:18 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  835. 18:52:19 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  836. 18:52:20 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  837. 18:52:23 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  838. 18:52:24 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  839. 18:52:25 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  840. 18:52:28 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  841. 18:52:29 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  842. 18:52:30 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  843. 18:52:33 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  844. 18:52:33 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  845. 18:52:34 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  846. 18:52:38 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  847. 18:52:38 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  848. 18:52:39 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  849. 18:52:42 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  850. 18:52:43 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  851. 18:52:43 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01221"
  852. 18:52:47 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  853. 18:52:48 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  854. 18:52:48 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01782"
  855. 18:52:52 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  856. 18:52:53 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  857. 18:52:53 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99902"
  858. 18:52:56 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  859. 18:52:58 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  860. 18:52:58 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  861. 18:53:01 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  862. 18:53:03 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  863. 18:53:03 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  864. 18:53:05 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  865. 18:53:07 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  866. 18:53:08 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  867. 18:53:10 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  868. 18:53:12 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  869. 18:53:13 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  870. 18:53:15 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  871. 18:53:16 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  872. 18:53:18 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  873. 18:53:19 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  874. 18:53:21 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  875. 18:53:23 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  876. 18:53:24 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  877. 18:53:25 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  878. 18:53:28 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  879. 18:53:29 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  880. 18:53:30 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  881. 18:53:33 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  882. 18:53:33 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99902"
  883. 18:53:35 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  884. 18:53:38 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  885. 18:53:38 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  886. 18:53:40 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  887. 18:53:42 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  888. 18:53:43 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  889. 18:53:44 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  890. 18:53:47 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  891. 18:53:49 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  892. 18:53:49 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  893. 18:53:52 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  894. 18:53:54 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  895. 18:53:54 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  896. 18:53:56 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  897. 18:53:59 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  898. 18:53:59 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  899. 18:54:01 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  900. 18:54:03 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  901. 18:54:04 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  902. 18:54:04 Client: Object 3:55 (type Type_85) not found.
  903. 18:54:04 Client: Object 3:55 (type Type_84) not found.
  904. 18:54:06 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  905. 18:54:08 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  906. 18:54:09 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  907. 18:54:10 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  908. 18:54:12 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  909. 18:54:14 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02417"
  910. 18:54:15 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  911. 18:54:17 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  912. 18:54:19 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  913. 18:54:20 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  914. 18:54:21 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  915. 18:54:24 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00488"
  916. 18:54:25 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  917. 18:54:26 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  918. 18:54:29 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  919. 18:54:29 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  920. 18:54:31 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  921. 18:54:34 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  922. 18:54:34 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  923. 18:54:35 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  924. 18:54:38 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  925. 18:54:39 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0188"
  926. 18:54:40 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  927. 18:54:43 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  928. 18:54:44 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01318"
  929. 18:54:45 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  930. 18:54:48 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  931. 18:54:49 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  932. 18:54:49 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  933. 18:54:51 Warning: Destruction of 4d1bb900# 456960: airport_center_f.p3d owned by a static object (4d1bb900# 456960: airport_center_f.p3d)
  934. 18:54:52 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  935. 18:54:54 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  936. 18:54:54 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  937. 18:54:55 Road not found
  938. 18:54:57 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  939. 18:54:59 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  940. 18:54:59 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  941. 18:55:02 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  942. 18:55:04 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  943. 18:55:04 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01978"
  944. 18:55:06 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  945. 18:55:08 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  946. 18:55:09 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00513"
  947. 18:55:11 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  948. 18:55:13 Server: Object info 4:24 not found.
  949. 18:55:14 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01587"
  950. 18:55:15 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  951. 18:55:19 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  952. 18:55:20 Server: Object info 5:39 not found.
  953. 18:55:24 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00488"
  954. 18:55:24 "SERVER CLEANUP: Deleted 8 bodies and removed 0 cluttered items"
  955. 18:55:27 Road not found
  956. 18:55:28 Road not found
  957. 18:55:29 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0061"
  958. 18:55:30 Road not found
  959. 18:55:33 Warning: Destruction of 4d9dcf00# 523860: radar_small_f.p3d owned by a static object (4d9dcf00# 523860: radar_small_f.p3d)
  960. 18:55:33 Ref to nonnetwork object 4e8add00# 1816101: radar_small_ruins_f.p3d
  961. 18:55:34 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01392"
  962. 18:55:39 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  963. 18:55:44 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01904"
  964. 18:55:49 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  965. 18:55:54 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  966. 18:55:59 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  967. 18:56:04 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00317"
  968. 18:56:09 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  969. 18:56:14 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00415"
  970. 18:56:19 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  971. 18:56:24 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  972. 18:56:29 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  973. 18:56:34 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99902"
  974. 18:56:39 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  975. 18:56:44 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01392"
  976. 18:56:49 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  977. 18:56:54 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  978. 18:56:57 Client: Object 3:64 (type Type_84) not found.
  979. 18:56:57 Client: Object 3:64 (type Type_85) not found.
  980. 18:56:59 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01318"
  981. 18:57:04 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  982. 18:57:07 Server: Object 3:69 not found (message 110)
  983. 18:57:07 Server: Object 3:71 not found (message 110)
  984. 18:57:07 Server: Object 3:72 not found (message 85)
  985. 18:57:07 Error: Object(3 : 72) not found
  986. 18:57:09 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00488"
  987. 18:57:14 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  988. 18:57:19 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  989. 18:57:24 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  990. 18:57:29 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.04395"
  991. 18:57:34 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  992. 18:57:39 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  993. 18:57:44 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  994. 18:57:49 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  995. 18:57:54 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01392"
  996. 18:57:59 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00513"
  997. 18:58:04 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  998. 18:58:09 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  999. 18:58:14 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  1000. 18:58:19 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01318"
  1001. 18:58:24 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01782"
  1002. 18:58:29 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  1003. 18:58:34 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  1004. 18:58:39 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00781"
  1005. 18:58:44 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  1006. 18:58:49 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  1007. 18:58:54 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  1008. 18:58:59 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  1009. 18:59:04 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  1010. 18:59:09 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99707"
  1011. 18:59:14 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  1012. 18:59:19 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  1013. 18:59:24 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1014. 18:59:29 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0061"
  1015. 18:59:34 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  1016. 18:59:39 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  1017. 18:59:44 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  1018. 18:59:49 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  1019. 18:59:54 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99707"
  1020. 18:59:59 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  1021. 19:00:04 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00317"
  1022. 19:00:09 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  1023. 19:00:14 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1024. 19:00:19 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  1025. 19:00:24 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  1026. 19:00:29 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1027. 19:00:34 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00415"
  1028. 19:00:39 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00781"
  1029. 19:00:41 "SERVER CLEANUP: Deleted 0 bodies and removed 0 cluttered items"
  1030. 19:00:44 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.03198"
  1031. 19:00:49 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  1032. 19:00:54 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1033. 19:00:59 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  1034. 19:01:04 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1035. 19:01:09 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1036. 19:01:14 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00488"
  1037. 19:01:19 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  1038. 19:01:24 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1039. 19:01:29 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  1040. 19:01:34 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  1041. 19:01:39 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  1042. 19:01:44 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  1043. 19:01:49 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00122"
  1044. 19:01:54 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  1045. 19:01:59 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  1046. 19:02:05 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  1047. 19:02:10 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  1048. 19:02:15 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01782"
  1049. 19:02:20 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  1050. 19:02:25 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01904"
  1051. 19:02:30 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  1052. 19:02:35 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01685"
  1053. 19:02:40 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  1054. 19:02:45 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  1055. 19:02:50 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00415"
  1056. 19:02:55 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  1057. 19:03:00 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99707"
  1058. 19:03:05 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  1059. 19:03:10 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  1060. 19:03:15 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1061. 19:03:20 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  1062. 19:03:25 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  1063. 19:03:30 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01685"
  1064. 19:03:35 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00513"
  1065. 19:03:40 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  1066. 19:03:45 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00488"
  1067. 19:03:50 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0061"
  1068. 19:03:55 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  1069. 19:04:00 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  1070. 19:04:05 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0188"
  1071. 19:04:10 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  1072. 19:04:15 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  1073. 19:04:20 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01489"
  1074. 19:04:25 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  1075. 19:04:30 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00513"
  1076. 19:04:35 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00488"
  1077. 19:04:40 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01318"
  1078. 19:04:45 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  1079. 19:04:50 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  1080. 19:04:55 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.03198"
  1081. 19:05:00 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  1082. 19:05:05 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  1083. 19:05:10 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  1084. 19:05:15 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  1085. 19:05:20 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1086. 19:05:25 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1087. 19:05:30 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01318"
  1088. 19:05:35 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  1089. 19:05:40 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1090. 19:05:45 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  1091. 19:05:50 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01685"
  1092. 19:05:55 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1093. 19:05:58 "SERVER CLEANUP: Deleted 0 bodies and removed 0 cluttered items"
  1094. 19:06:00 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02222"
  1095. 19:06:05 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1096. 19:06:10 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  1097. 19:06:15 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01782"
  1098. 19:06:20 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0022"
  1099. 19:06:25 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01392"
  1100. 19:06:30 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1101. 19:06:35 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  1102. 19:06:40 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01587"
  1103. 19:06:45 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01318"
  1104. 19:06:50 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  1105. 19:06:55 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  1106. 19:07:00 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00781"
  1107. 19:07:05 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0022"
  1108. 19:07:10 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  1109. 19:07:15 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01392"
  1110. 19:07:20 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1111. 19:07:25 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  1112. 19:07:30 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  1113. 19:07:35 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  1114. 19:07:40 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01001"
  1115. 19:07:45 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  1116. 19:07:50 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01196"
  1117. 19:07:55 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  1118. 19:08:00 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  1119. 19:08:05 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1120. 19:08:10 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01587"
  1121. 19:08:15 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01904"
  1122. 19:08:20 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1123. 19:08:25 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00903"
  1124. 19:08:30 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  1125. 19:08:35 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00317"
  1126. 19:08:40 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01392"
  1127. 19:08:45 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00488"
  1128. 19:08:50 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00708"
  1129. 19:08:55 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  1130. 19:09:00 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  1131. 19:09:05 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.021"
  1132. 19:09:10 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02197"
  1133. 19:09:15 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00488"
  1134. 19:09:20 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00317"
  1135. 19:09:25 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01685"
  1136. 19:09:30 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  1137. 19:09:35 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1138. 19:09:40 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  1139. 19:09:45 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  1140. 19:09:50 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0061"
  1141. 19:09:55 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  1142. 19:10:00 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00806"
  1143. 19:10:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01685"
  1144. 19:10:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0022"
  1145. 19:10:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01782"
  1146. 19:10:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00317"
  1147. 19:10:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02197"
  1148. 19:10:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00781"
  1149. 19:10:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  1150. 19:10:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01099"
  1151. 19:10:46 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0061"
  1152. 19:10:51 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01294"
  1153. 19:10:56 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  1154. 19:11:01 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  1155. 19:11:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01074"
  1156. 19:11:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  1157. 19:11:16 "SERVER CLEANUP: Deleted 0 bodies and removed 0 cluttered items"
  1158. 19:11:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00879"
  1159. 19:11:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1160. 19:11:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00732"
  1161. 19:11:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01172"
  1162. 19:11:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01221"
  1163. 19:11:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  1164. 19:11:46 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01172"
  1165. 19:11:51 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  1166. 19:11:56 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1167. 19:12:01 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  1168. 19:12:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1169. 19:12:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1170. 19:12:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  1171. 19:12:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01025"
  1172. 19:12:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  1173. 19:12:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01563"
  1174. 19:12:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00635"
  1175. 19:12:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01172"
  1176. 19:12:46 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  1177. 19:12:51 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1178. 19:12:56 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99805"
  1179. 19:13:01 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  1180. 19:13:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00781"
  1181. 19:13:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02197"
  1182. 19:13:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  1183. 19:13:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00732"
  1184. 19:13:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1185. 19:13:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  1186. 19:13:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  1187. 19:13:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00879"
  1188. 19:13:46 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  1189. 19:13:51 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01465"
  1190. 19:13:56 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00928"
  1191. 19:14:01 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99805"
  1192. 19:14:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1193. 19:14:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01318"
  1194. 19:14:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1195. 19:14:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  1196. 19:14:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00977"
  1197. 19:14:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99707"
  1198. 19:14:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01025"
  1199. 19:14:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  1200. 19:14:46 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  1201. 19:14:51 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  1202. 19:14:56 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1203. 19:15:01 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  1204. 19:15:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01563"
  1205. 19:15:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00732"
  1206. 19:15:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0127"
  1207. 19:15:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  1208. 19:15:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  1209. 19:15:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1210. 19:15:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01904"
  1211. 19:15:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  1212. 19:15:46 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  1213. 19:15:51 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1214. 19:15:56 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00928"
  1215. 19:16:01 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01904"
  1216. 19:16:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1217. 19:16:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  1218. 19:16:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  1219. 19:16:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00537"
  1220. 19:16:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  1221. 19:16:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1222. 19:16:33 "SERVER CLEANUP: Deleted 4 bodies and removed 0 cluttered items"
  1223. 19:16:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  1224. 19:16:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1225. 19:16:46 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1226. 19:16:51 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01904"
  1227. 19:16:56 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00488"
  1228. 19:17:01 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  1229. 19:17:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00879"
  1230. 19:17:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  1231. 19:17:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  1232. 19:17:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1233. 19:17:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  1234. 19:17:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  1235. 19:17:36 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00781"
  1236. 19:17:41 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  1237. 19:17:46 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1238. 19:17:51 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00781"
  1239. 19:17:56 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1240. 19:18:01 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00439"
  1241. 19:18:06 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  1242. 19:18:11 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01367"
  1243. 19:18:16 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1244. 19:18:21 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01123"
  1245. 19:18:26 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00781"
  1246. 19:18:31 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1247. 19:18:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01123"
  1248. 19:18:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01514"
  1249. 19:18:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1250. 19:18:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00977"
  1251. 19:18:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0083"
  1252. 19:19:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  1253. 19:19:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99902"
  1254. 19:19:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01904"
  1255. 19:19:12 "WASTELAND SERVER - Side Mission Failed: Sunken Supplies"
  1256. 19:19:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  1257. 19:19:17 "WASTELAND SERVER - Execute New Side Mission: mission_AirWreck"
  1258. 19:19:17 "WASTELAND SERVER - Side Mission Started: Aircraft Wreck"
  1259. 19:19:17 "WASTELAND SERVER - Side Mission Waiting to run: Aircraft Wreck"
  1260. 19:19:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  1261. 19:19:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01025"
  1262. 19:19:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  1263. 19:19:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1264. 19:19:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  1265. 19:19:45 Client: Remote object 2:53 not found
  1266. 19:19:45 Client: Remote object 2:54 not found
  1267. 19:19:45 Client: Remote object 2:56 not found
  1268. 19:19:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  1269. 19:19:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  1270. 19:19:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01465"
  1271. 19:20:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00635"
  1272. 19:20:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01465"
  1273. 19:20:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01563"
  1274. 19:20:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  1275. 19:20:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00928"
  1276. 19:20:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1277. 19:20:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  1278. 19:20:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  1279. 19:20:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1280. 19:20:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00879"
  1281. 19:20:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00928"
  1282. 19:20:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  1283. 19:21:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  1284. 19:21:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00879"
  1285. 19:21:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1286. 19:21:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  1287. 19:21:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00537"
  1288. 19:21:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  1289. 19:21:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  1290. 19:21:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01367"
  1291. 19:21:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00928"
  1292. 19:21:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00293"
  1293. 19:21:50 "SERVER CLEANUP: Deleted 1 bodies and removed 0 cluttered items"
  1294. 19:21:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01416"
  1295. 19:21:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01172"
  1296. 19:22:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1297. 19:22:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00537"
  1298. 19:22:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.021"
  1299. 19:22:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01074"
  1300. 19:22:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01904"
  1301. 19:22:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01318"
  1302. 19:22:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00488"
  1303. 19:22:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01123"
  1304. 19:22:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0127"
  1305. 19:22:44 Server: Object 3:88 not found (message 110)
  1306. 19:22:44 Server: Object 3:90 not found (message 110)
  1307. 19:22:44 Server: Object 3:91 not found (message 85)
  1308. 19:22:44 Server: Object 3:92 not found (message 85)
  1309. 19:22:44 Error: Object(3 : 91) not found
  1310. 19:22:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5"
  1311. 19:22:49 Client: Remote object 2:55 not found
  1312. 19:22:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1313. 19:22:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01221"
  1314. 19:23:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02393"
  1315. 19:23:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  1316. 19:23:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01025"
  1317. 19:23:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99902"
  1318. 19:23:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  1319. 19:23:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0127"
  1320. 19:23:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0083"
  1321. 19:23:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 4.99805"
  1322. 19:23:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  1323. 19:23:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01172"
  1324. 19:23:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01221"
  1325. 19:23:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00195"
  1326. 19:24:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  1327. 19:24:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01123"
  1328. 19:24:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  1329. 19:24:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.02002"
  1330. 19:24:18 "WASTELAND SERVER - Side Mission Resumed: Aircraft Wreck"
  1331. 19:24:18 "WASTELAND SERVER - Side Mission Waiting to be Finished: Aircraft Wreck"
  1332. 19:24:18 No speaker given for Janos Strambopoulos
  1333. 19:24:18 No speaker given for Evripidis Strambopoulos
  1334. 19:24:18 No speaker given for Arion Spiros
  1335. 19:24:18 No speaker given for Evangelos Karapataki
  1336. 19:24:18 No speaker given for Kostas Moraiti
  1337. 19:24:19 No speaker given for Dimitris Stanis
  1338. 19:24:19 No speaker given for Adam Bouras
  1339. 19:24:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1340. 19:24:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00928"
  1341. 19:24:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  1342. 19:24:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  1343. 19:24:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00391"
  1344. 19:24:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01709"
  1345. 19:24:50 "WASTELAND SERVER - Money Mission Failed: Money Shipment"
  1346. 19:24:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01807"
  1347. 19:24:56 "WASTELAND SERVER - Execute New Money Mission: mission_SunkenTreasure"
  1348. 19:24:56 "WASTELAND SERVER - Money Mission Started: Sunken Treasure"
  1349. 19:24:56 "WASTELAND SERVER - Money Mission Waiting to run: Sunken Treasure"
  1350. 19:24:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01563"
  1351. 19:25:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00928"
  1352. 19:25:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00488"
  1353. 19:25:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01318"
  1354. 19:25:17 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00098"
  1355. 19:25:22 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  1356. 19:25:27 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00586"
  1357. 19:25:32 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00732"
  1358. 19:25:37 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  1359. 19:25:42 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  1360. 19:25:47 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00732"
  1361. 19:25:52 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.01611"
  1362. 19:25:57 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00879"
  1363. 19:26:02 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00879"
  1364. 19:26:07 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.0083"
  1365. 19:26:12 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.00684"
  1366. 19:26:18 "TERRITORY SYSTEM: realLoopTime was 5.1499"
  1367. 19:26:20 Server: SetServerState to NONE
  1368. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1369. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1370. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1371. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1372. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1373. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1374. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1375. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1376. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1377. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1378. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1379. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1380. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1381. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1382. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1383. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1384. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_marksman_f.p3d]
  1385. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_sniper_f.p3d]
  1386. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1387. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1388. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1389. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1390. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1391. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1392. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1393. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1394. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1395. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1396. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1397. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1398. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1399. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1400. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_marksman_f.p3d]
  1401. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_sniper_f.p3d]
  1402. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1403. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1404. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1405. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1406. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1407. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1408. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1409. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1410. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1411. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1412. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1413. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1414. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1415. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1416. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1417. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1418. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1419. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1420. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1421. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
  1422. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_marksman_f.p3d]
  1423. 19:26:21 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_sniper_f.p3d]
  1424. 19:26:21 c:\w\c_branch\poseidon\futura_stable\lib\network\networkserver.cpp ClearNetServer:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
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