Guest User


a guest
Jul 17th, 2019
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  1. render() {
  2. const loadingProgress = 100/5 * (this.props.connected + this.props.loaded + (this.props.playersReady !== -1));
  3. let loadingCounter = this.props.loadingCounter || 1;
  4. if (loadingProgress < 100) {
  5. loadingCounter = (loadingCounter === 3 ? 1 : loadingCounter + 1);
  6. setTimeout(() => {
  7. this.props.dispatch({type: 'LOADING_STRING', loadingCounter});
  8. }, 1000);
  9. };
  11. const loadingString = (loadingProgress > 0 ? 'Loading' + '.'.repeat(loadingCounter) : 'Connecting' + '.'.repeat(loadingCounter));
  13. const mainMenu = (<div>
  14. <div className='startButtons'>
  15. <div className='flex'>
  16. <button className={`rpgui-button startButton ${(!this.props.ready ? 'growAnimation' : '')} ${(loadingProgress >= 100 ? '' : 'hidden')}`}
  17. onClick={this.toggleReady}>{(this.props.ready ? 'Unready' : 'Ready')}</button>
  18. <button style={{marginLeft: '5px'}} className={`rpgui-button ${(this.props.playersReady === this.props.connectedPlayers ? 'growAnimation' : '')}`}
  19. onClick={() => this.startGameEvent()}>
  20. {(loadingProgress >= 100 ? `Start Game (${this.props.playersReady}/${this.props.connectedPlayers})`
  21. : <div className='rpgui-progress rpgui-disabled red'><div className='text_shadow loadingBarContainer rpgui-progress-track'>
  22. {(loadingProgress > 0 ? <div className='rpgui-progress-fill green' style={{width: loadingProgress + '%'}}></div> : '')}
  23. <p className={`loadingBarText ${loadingProgress > 0 ? '' : 'loadingBarConnecting'}`}>
  24. {loadingString}
  25. </p>
  26. </div></div>)}
  27. </button>
  28. <button style={{marginLeft: '5px'}} className={`rpgui-button ${(this.props.playersReady >= 2 && this.props.playersReady !== this.props.connectedPlayers && this.props.ready ? '' : 'hidden')}`}
  29. onClick={() => this.startGameEvent(true)}>
  30. Force Start Game{(this.props.connected ? ` (${this.props.playersReady}/${this.props.connectedPlayers})` : ' Connecting ...')}
  31. </button>
  32. </div>
  33. </div>
  34. <div className='mainMenuNameChange'>
  35. <form onSubmit={this.handleNameChange}>
  36. <label className='text_shadow'>Name:</label>
  37. <label>
  38. <input maxLength='20' placeholder={this.props.playerName} className='textInputSmaller' type="text" value={this.state.nameChangeInput}
  39. onChange={(event) => this.setState({...this.state, nameChangeInput:})} />
  40. </label>
  41. <input className='rpgui-button golden' type="submit" value="Submit" />
  42. </form>
  43. </div>
  44. <div className='mainMenuSoundDiv marginTop5'>
  45. <div>
  46. <img className='musicImgMainMenu' src={(this.props.musicEnabled ? getImage('music') : getImage('musicMuted'))}
  47. alt={(this.props.musicEnabled ? 'Mute Music': 'Turn on Music')} onClick={() => this.props.dispatch({type: 'TOGGLE_MUSIC'})}/>
  48. </div>
  49. <div>
  50. <img className='soundImgMainMenu' src={(this.props.soundEnabled ? getImage('sound') : getImage('soundMuted'))}
  51. alt={(this.props.soundEnabled ? 'Mute Sound': 'Turn on Sound')} onClick={() => this.props.dispatch({type: 'TOGGLE_SOUND'})}/>
  52. </div>
  53. {(this.props.musicEnabled ? this.playMusic() : '')}
  54. </div>
  55. </div>);
  57. if (!this.props.gameIsLive) {
  58. return <div className="rpgui-content rpgui-cursor-default"><div id="container"><div class="inner rpgui-container framed">{mainMenu}</div></div></div>;
  59. }
  61. const topBar = <div className='flex topBarDiv'>
  62. <div className='flex topBarPlayerName'>
  63. <div className='marginTop5 biggerText text_shadow paddingLeft5'>
  64. {(this.props.visiting === this.props.index ? this.props.playerName :
  65. <span><span className='goldFont'>{'Visit: '}</span><span>{this.props.players[this.props.visiting].name}</span></span>)}
  66. </div>
  67. </div>
  68. <div className='marginTop5 biggerText text_shadow topBarRound'>
  69. {'Round: ' + this.props.round}
  70. </div>
  71. {this.getAmountOfUnitsOnBoard()}
  72. <div className='flex topBarPadding'>
  73. <img className='goldImage' src={getImage('goldCoin')} alt='goldCoin'/>
  74. <div className='marginTop5 biggerText'>
  75. <span className='text_shadow paddingLeft5'>{JSON.stringify(, null, 2)}</span>
  76. </div>
  77. </div>
  78. <div className='marginTop5 biggerText text_shadow topBarPadding'>
  79. {(this.props.onGoingBattle ? <div className='redFont'>
  80. {(this.props.enemyIndex ? <span className='nextUpText'>
  81. {(this.props.players[this.props.enemyIndex] && (this.props.roundType === 'pvp' || this.props.roundType === 'shop') ?
  82. this.props.players[this.props.enemyIndex].name : this.props.enemyIndex) }
  83. </span>: '')}
  84. {(this.props.roundType === 'gym' ? <img className='gymLeader' src={getGymImage(this.props.enemyIndex)} alt={this.props.enemyIndex}/> : '')}
  85. </div> : <div>
  86. {(this.props.enemyIndex !== -1 ? <span className='nextUpText'>{'Up next: ' + (this.props.enemyIndex !== '' ? '' :
  87. (this.props.roundType === 'npc' ? 'Npc Battle' : (this.props.roundType === 'pvp' ? 'PvP Battle' : '')))}
  88. </span>: '')}
  89. {(this.props.roundType === 'gym' ? <img className='gymLeader upNext' src={getGymImage(this.props.enemyIndex)} alt={this.props.enemyIndex}/>: '')}
  90. </div>)}
  91. </div>
  92. </div>;
  94. const leftBar = <div className='leftBar'>
  95. {this.props.gameIsLive ? <Timer startTime={this.props.timerDuration} key={this.props.round} startTimer={this.props.startTimer}
  96. storedState={this.props.storedState} dispatch={this.props.dispatch} gameEnded={this.props.gameEnded}></Timer> : ''}
  97. <div>
  98. {this.selectedUnitInformation()}
  99. {this.unitSound()}
  100. {this.soundEffects()}
  101. </div>
  102. <div className='boardBuffs text_shadow'>
  103. {(this.props.boardBuffs && this.props.boardBuffs.buffMap && Object.keys(this.props.boardBuffs.buffMap).length > 0 ?
  104. this.displayBuffs() : '')}
  105. </div>
  106. <div className='battleEnemyBuffs text_shadow'>
  107. {(this.props.onGoingBattle && !Number.isNaN(this.props.enemyIndex) ?
  108. this.displayEnemyBuffs() : '')}
  109. </div>
  110. <div className='flex musicDiv'>
  111. <div onClick={() => this.props.dispatch({type: 'TOGGLE_MUSIC'})}>
  112. <img className='musicImg' src={(this.props.musicEnabled ? getImage('music') : getImage('musicMuted'))} alt={(this.props.musicEnabled ? 'Mute Music': 'Turn on Music')}/>
  113. </div>
  114. <div onClick={() => this.props.dispatch({type: 'TOGGLE_SOUND'})}>
  115. <img className='soundImg' src={(this.props.soundEnabled ? getImage('sound') : getImage('soundMuted'))} alt={(this.props.soundEnabled ? 'Mute Sound': 'Turn on Sound')}/>
  116. </div>
  117. <img className='chatSoundImg' src={(this.props.chatSoundEnabled ? getImage('chatSound') : getImage('chatSoundMuted'))}
  118. onClick={() => this.props.dispatch({type: 'TOGGLE_CHAT_SOUND'})} alt='chatSoundToggle'/>
  119. {(this.props.musicEnabled && this.props.gameIsLive ? this.playMusic() : '')}
  120. </div>
  121. <div className='paddingLeft5 marginTop5 text_shadow'>
  122. <input
  123. type="range"
  124. className="volume-bar"
  125. value={this.props.volume * 100}
  126. min="0"
  127. max="100"
  128. step="0.01"
  129. onChange={this.handleVolumeChange}
  130. />
  131. </div>
  132. {<div>Selected Unit: {JSON.stringify(this.props.selectedUnit, null, 2)}</div>}
  133. </div>;
  135. const boardDiv = <div className={(!this.props.onGoingBattle ? 'boardDiv' : 'boardDivBattle')}>
  136. <div>
  137. <Board height={8} width={8} map={this.props.myBoard} isBoard={true} newProps={this.props}/>
  138. </div>
  139. <div className='levelDiv'>
  140. <div className={`levelBar overlap ${(this.props.exp === 0 ? 'hidden' : '')}`}
  141. style={{width: (this.props.expToReach !== 0 ? String(this.props.exp/this.props.expToReach * 100) : '100') + '%'}}/>
  142. <div className='biggerText centerWith50 overlap levelText'>
  143. <span className='text_shadow paddingLeft5 paddingRight5'>{'Level ' + JSON.stringify(this.props.level, null, 2)}</span>
  144. {<span className='text_shadow paddingLeft5 paddingRight5'>{'( ' + (this.props.expToReach === 'max' ? 'max' : this.props.exp + '/' + this.props.expToReach) + ' )'}</span>}
  145. </div>
  146. <div className='overlap text_shadow marginTop5 paddingLeft5 levelTextExp'>
  147. {'Exp: ' + this.props.exp + '/' + this.props.expToReach}
  148. </div>
  149. </div>
  150. <div className={`flex center ${(this.props.index === this.props.visiting ? 'handDiv' : 'handDivVisiting')}`}>
  151. <Board height={1} width={8} map={this.props.myHand} isBoard={false} newProps={this.props}/>
  152. </div>
  153. </div>;
  155. const rightSide = <div className='flex'>
  156. <div>
  157. <div>
  158. <div className='paddingLeft5'>
  159. <div>
  160. <div>
  161. <div className='flex'>
  162. <ShopPokemon shopPokemon={this.props.myShop[this.pos(0)]} index={0} newProps={this.props}/>
  163. <ShopPokemon shopPokemon={this.props.myShop[this.pos(1)]} index={1} newProps={this.props}/>
  164. <ShopPokemon shopPokemon={this.props.myShop[this.pos(2)]} index={2} newProps={this.props}/>
  165. </div>
  166. <div className='flex'>
  167. <div className='shopInteractDiv'>
  168. <div>
  169. <img className={`lockImage ${(this.props.lock ? 'shineLock' : '')}`} onClick={() => toggleLockEvent(this.props)}
  170. src={this.props.lock ? getImage('lockedLock') : getImage('openLock')} alt='lock'/>
  171. </div>
  172. <div className='refreshShopDiv'>
  173. <img className='refreshShopImage' onClick={() => refreshShopEvent(this.props)} src={getImage('refreshShop')} alt='refreshShop'/>
  174. </div>
  175. <div className='flex goldImageRefreshDiv'>
  176. <img className='goldImageSmall' src={getImage('goldCoin')} alt='goldCoin'/>
  177. <div className={`text_shadow goldImageTextSmall ${( < 2 ? 'redFont' : '')}`}>2</div>
  178. </div>
  179. </div>
  180. <ShopPokemon shopPokemon={this.props.myShop[this.pos(3)]} index={3} newProps={this.props} className='pokemonShopHalf'/>
  181. <ShopPokemon shopPokemon={this.props.myShop[this.pos(4)]} index={4} newProps={this.props} className='paddingLeft30'/>
  182. </div>
  183. </div>
  184. </div>
  185. </div>
  186. </div>
  187. <div className='marginTop5 paddingLeft5 belowShopDiv'>
  188. <div className='flex'>
  189. <div>
  190. <button style={{marginLeft: '5px'}} className='rpgui-button' onClick={() => buyExpEvent(this.props)}>Buy Exp</button>
  191. <div className='flex marginTop5 goldImageBuyExp'>
  192. <img className='goldImageSmall' src={getImage('goldCoin')} style={{marginLeft: '18px'}} alt='goldCoin'/>
  193. <div className={`text_shadow goldImageTextSmall ${( < 5 ? 'redFont' : '')}`}>5</div>
  194. </div>
  195. </div>
  196. <div className='toggleHelpDiv'>
  197. <img className='toggleHelpImg' src={( ? getImage('collapse') : getImage('collapseNot'))}
  198. onClick={() => this.props.dispatch({type: 'TOGGLE_HELP'})} alt='toggleHelp'/>
  199. </div>
  200. {(this.props.debugMode ? <div className='text_shadow hoveringDiv'>Hovering: {JSON.stringify(this.props.mouseOverId, null, 2)}</div> : '')}
  201. <div className={'text_shadow messageUpdate'} style={{padding: '5px'}} >
  202. <div className={`updateMessage ${(this.props.messageMode === 'big' ? 'goldFont' : (this.props.messageMode === 'error' ? 'redFont' : ''))}`}>
  203. {'Message: ' + this.props.message}
  204. </div>
  205. </div>
  206. {/*<div style={{marginLeft: '5px'}}>
  207. <button className='rpgui-button test_animation' onClick={() => battleReady(this.props.storedState)}>Battle ready</button>
  208. </div>*/}
  209. </div>
  210. </div>
  211. <div>
  212. {( ? <div className='text_shadow marginTop5'>
  213. <input className='check' type='radio' name='helpRadio' onChange={() => this.props.dispatch({type: 'SET_HELP_MODE', chatHelpMode: 'chat'})}/>
  214. <label className='labels'>Chat</label>
  215. <input className='check' type='radio' name='helpRadio' onChange={() => this.props.dispatch({type: 'SET_HELP_MODE', chatHelpMode: 'hotkeys'})}/>
  216. <label className='labels'>Hotkeys</label>
  217. <input className='check' type='radio' name='helpRadio' onChange={() => this.props.dispatch({type: 'SET_HELP_MODE', chatHelpMode: 'types'})}/>
  218. <label className='labels'>Types</label>
  219. <input className='check' type='radio' name='helpRadio' onChange={() => this.props.dispatch({type: 'SET_HELP_MODE', chatHelpMode: 'typeBonuses'})}/>
  220. <label className='labels'>Buffs</label>
  221. <input className='check' type='radio' name='helpRadio' onChange={() => this.props.dispatch({type: 'SET_HELP_MODE', chatHelpMode: 'damageBoard'})}/>
  222. <label className='labels'>Damage</label>
  223. </div>: '')}
  224. {(!this.props.onGoingBattle && this.props.dmgBoard && Object.keys(this.props.dmgBoard).length > 0 && (this.props.showDmgBoard
  225. || this.props.chatHelpMode === 'damageBoard') ? <div className='dmgBoardDiv helpText text_shadow'>
  226. <span className='bold'>Damage Dealt:</span>{this.getDmgBoard(this.props.dmgBoard)}
  227. </div> : (this.props.onGoingBattle && this.props.prevDmgBoard && Object.keys(this.props.prevDmgBoard).length > 0 && (this.props.showDmgBoard
  228. || this.props.chatHelpMode === 'damageBoard') ? <div className='dmgBoardDiv helpText text_shadow'>
  229. <span className='bold'>Damage Dealt Previous Round:</span>{this.getDmgBoard(this.props.prevDmgBoard)}
  230. </div> : ( ? this.buildHelp() : '')))}
  231. </div>
  232. </div>
  233. {this.playerStatsDiv()}
  234. </div>;
  236. return (<div className='gameDiv'>
  237. {topBar}
  238. <div className='flex wholeBody' onKeyDown={(event) => this.handleKeyPress(event)} tabIndex='0'>
  239. {leftBar}
  240. {boardDiv}
  241. {rightSide}
  242. </div>
  243. <input className='hidden' type='checkbox' checked={this.props.startBattle} onChange={(this.props.startBattle ? this.startBattleEvent.bind(this)() : () => '')}/>
  244. </div>);
  245. }
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