
Celestia and Anon: Sunshine

Apr 12th, 2012
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  1. >Celestia's visits have become no more frequent, but much more personal
  2. >The two of you spend evenings together, either cuddling or sitting next to each other on the bed
  3. >You talk and tell jokes and stories
  4. >You share her pain and stress, for she opens up to you like she can no other
  5. >You feel a little under qualified to be her pocket psychiatrist, and as if in response to that, she got a large amount of books related to Equestrian Psychology
  6. >Clever Princess
  7. >You were sure there were many more qualified, and eventually she relented and stopped pestering you about the books
  8. >But she did urge you to read something else
  9. >Social norms of the modern Canterlot society
  10. >She has dropped many hints about bringing you to the next Royal Brunch, and she is going to hold it at a new restaurant opening in Canterlot, The Gilded Leaf
  11. >Sounds pretty fancy
  12. >You mention you will need a special outfit for the event, and she says she has just the thing in mind
  14. >When the day of the brunch comes,you rise
  15. >You are only in a pair of cotton pants, which reveals your somewhat bony upper body and unshaven self
  16. >You've even gained a bit of a beard during your stay here
  17. >Most ponies didn't really seem to have a need to maintain facial hair, so unfortunately, you were stuck with it
  18. >Featherduster brings you your morning meal, but Celestia is in tow
  19. >The maid pony places the food upon the table, but it is in a covered dish this time.
  20. >Strange, weren't we going to eat at brunch?
  21. >Celestia takes her seat as usual, having a mischievous grin on her face, sticking her tongue out somewhat
  22. >You raise your eyebrow skeptically
  23. 'Breakfast for me? Don't you have to be in the palace?'
  24. >'Oh Anon, so thoughtful.' She says, somewhat sing-song. 'Luna agreed to hold court, as well as Blueblood. The two direly need some experience with holding court and Royal things. They understand I need today off, because of my Royal Brunch.'
  25. >Makes sense, you suppose
  26. >You head over to the table and pull up your chair, opening it to reveal. . .
  27. >Something that is not food at all
  28. >Instead, it is something that makes your eyes widen and a smile spread across your face
  30. >Clothes, glorious clothes.
  31. >The first was a set of large, folded robes, orange and white in color
  32. >Small suns were embroidered delicately around the edges, looking exactly like Celestia's mark
  33. >The sleeves were finely finished, with two layers of suns lining the cuff
  34. >Two long draw strings ran down from the neck and almost too the bottom of the robe, and were a soft red in color
  35. >On the back was Celestia's mark as well, but it was somewhat smaller and the rays of the sun pointed in the opposite direction
  36. >Also, there was a very large hat with the robe, and it looked much like a hat a magic user might use
  37. >It was incredibly broad brimmed, and had a white feather sticking out around a strap near the base of the cone shape
  38. >Just by wearing it, it seemed to block out most of your vision, but most ponies were only waist high anyway
  39. >Finally, a pair of sandals that were open toed, made entirely out of some kind of rope
  40. >While this may seem very unfancy, there was a metal cuff made of the same metal on Celestia's hooves what was meant to go around the ankle, which probably increased their value 1000 fold.
  41. >You look between the clothes and her, speechless
  43. >She giggles a bit at your reaction
  44. >'You always said you wanted to put on a sagely appearance. So I consulted the finest fashonistas in Canterlot and Ponyville to make you this. They didn't bat an eyebrow, of course.'
  45. 'Royalty sure does have perks. . .'
  46. >She nodded and streched her wings a bit, rolling her neck. 'Well, I'll leave you to get dressed, then. Once you are ready, I'll teleport us to the restaurant. We are a little bit early, but that should be just fine.'
  47. >You take this as your queue to head into the bathroom
  48. >You strip and enter the shower, turning on the water and beginning to bathe
  49. >A silly thought crosses your mind
  50. >You are pretty much the Equestrian version of Big Hat Logan with that get up, minus the crystal magic and stuff
  51. >Though you certainly have crystals on the brain
  52. >Or in your case, in the brain! Ha ha!
  53. >Your shower ends quickly, and you dry and brush your teeth and quickly slip on a towel
  56. >You exit and Celestia is there, glossing over a book on manners.'
  57. >'I hope you have been reading these.' She says, turning the cover of the book towards you
  58. 'I have. And if you were, you would know it's impolite to look at someone while they are changing.'
  59. >She giggles and buries her face as you take the robes and slip the on over a light t-shirt and pair of shorts
  60. >It's like being hugged by Celestia
  61. >The most warm and comfy thing you have EVER worn
  62. >It's somewhat awkward to finally put on footwear again, but the sandals are comfortable and accommodating
  63. >The hat doesn't block out nearly as much vision as you thought, but it casts a mysterious shadow over your face
  64. >You look at Celestia and beam, asking, 'How do I look?'
  65. >'Smarter than Star-Swirl, if I do say so myself.'
  66. >You walk over to her and lay a hand on the back of her neck, and her horn glows
  67. >And soon the two of you are outside The Gilded Leaf
  68. >You half recoil from the sudden change in scenery
  69. >Everything is so. . .bright and vivid and full of light
  70. >It's muted by your hat, thankfully, but it's still a bit of a shock.
  71. >You hold your head as the sensations rush over you, and Celestia looks at you with a concerned look
  72. 'I. . .I'm fine. To finally be outside again. . .it's just a bit of a jarring feeling. I'll be fine.'
  73. >She nods and the two of you walk to the door, where two unicorn Royal Guards are standing vigil
  74. >They don't flinch when seeing you, but you can tell their eyes hold curiosity
  75. >Celestia dismisses them and the two of you enter
  77. >Inside the restaurant is less colorful, but much more fancy
  78. >Red velvet is every where, and everything is gilded
  79. >Chairs, menus, tables, tablecloths, waiters outfits, the waiters hair and tail. . .
  80. >Sheesh, they really were rich or didn't want to get busted for false advertisement
  81. >The two of you walk to the pony at a guided podium, one of red mane and blue body
  82. >She looks at the two of you with shock, and clears her throat, gaining her composure
  83. >She speaks, in a somewhat French accent, and reminds you of. . .Sapphire Shores. It's the eyes.'Ahhh, yes, it is the Royal Brunch today, yes? Please come this way, Celestia and. . .?'
  84. >She looks at you, wanting a name
  85. >Going on your earlier tract of thought, you blurt out, 'Big Hat.'
  86. >She nods and directs you to your table, an incredibly long one with all sorts of food lined up like a buffet, two seats in the middle of it
  87. >'We are still setting up, but we should be ready soon. Please call on the waiters if you need anything, yes?'
  88. >Celestia nods and takes her seat, and so do you
  89. >She leans in, whispering a bit. 'These ponies are rather high strung and a bit snooty, don't you think?'
  90. 'Think they'll be annoyed with having to serve commoners?'
  91. >You are of course referring you her guests, and she shakes her head
  92. >'They need the publicity, you see. Besides, they might just loosen up a bit once they meet my dearest students friends.'
  93. >You nodded as she leaned back, and you looked at the food and the door somewhat expectantly
  94. >Soon, you would have your fill of food and friends
  95. >This was so exciting!
  96. >Celestia picked up on your joy, and smiled. She was happy that you were happy
  98. >The day dragged on as the two of you chatted, and guests started to arrive.
  99. >Ponies of all kind and color were there, all of them greeting Celestia with a sort of reverence and . . .fear?
  100. >Celestia returned their greetings with kindness, and you lead by example
  101. >While many ponies were afraid to approach you, the few that did you answered with a soft voice and a calm tone
  102. >They seemed to lighten up once they knew you were a kind being, but many were still on edge about what was essentially a mysterious talking pile of cloth
  103. >You sat back in your chair, your mind full of names of new ponies and your belly full of food, and still no main six.
  104. >You sighed, somewhat disappointed. Celestia took a sip of her tea, and then looked back at you.
  105. >She could sense your disappointment and smiled. 'Don't worry, my student and her friends know how to make quite an entrance.'
  106. >You were about to reply, but as if on queue, a massive explosion was heard as the door flew open
  107. >With it came a massive amount of confetti. . .and a giant cake
  108. >And said cake was heading right to your face
  109. >Just as it connected, you could hear that incredibly bubbly voice you know.
  110. >'SURPRISE!'
  111. >Pinkie Pie
  112. >The silence following this turn of events was filled with worried looks between the newcomers and Celestia
  114. >You wipe the mass of pastry off your face, and most of it lands on your plate with a 'shlup' noise, your face still covered in frosting and bits of the cake
  115. >'Pinkie Pie!' says an exasperated, bookish voice. Twilight's, of course. 'I told you not to bring that Party Cannon! You almost hit Celestia!'
  116. >'Aaaawww, but it was so fun! Everyone looks so surprised! And Rainbow Dash finally got a rise out of those guards like the always wanted! Where is she, anyway?'
  117. >'Pinkie, darling, you know that you shouldn't bring that thing to a formal event! Somep0ny's clothes could get ruined!' A melodramatic voice said. Rarity.
  118. >'Ah dun see why Celestia couldn'ta held this shindig down in Sugercube corner like she always does.' And there's Applejack.
  119. >'That's because this is the grand opening to a new restaurant!' The bookish voice said, and you heard the four. . .or was it five. . .? Enter
  120. >Fluttershy is quiet as usual
  121. >Twilight looks at the podium pony, who seems to be shooting them a look that could melt adamantine
  122. >'Eeerr. . .yes, hello. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I'm here for the brunch with my friends. We should be on the list. . .'
  123. >The pony huffs. 'After such a display, you should be locked up for trying to assassinate the Princess! I have never seen such brash manners in my life! Why I-'
  124. >You clear your throat as loud as you can, and all eyes are on you.
  127. >You take a napkin and wipe off the majority of the frosting, leaving a bit around your mouth.
  128. >You reach for your hat, which was blown off by the cake, and see the front end of it covered in frosting
  129. >Rarity appears like she's going to die
  130. >You lick your lips and remove the rest of the frosting, looking to Pinkie Pie.
  131. >'This is. . .buttercream frosting and chocolate cake?'
  132. >'Yupperoni Pupparoni!' She says, before being shushed by Twilight.
  133. 'I prefer vanilla. But this is still wonderful! Come, friends, let us eat!'
  134. >The jovial tone of voice and the joke seems to put everyone at ease, more so when Celestia giggles at your haminess
  135. >Pinkie seems to be beside herself, while the rest seem to hang their heads low and somewhat embarrassed
  136. >As the brunch goes on, things to be somewhat more normal, but the staff is silently livid at the pink pandemonium peddling party pony
  137. >Rainbow Dash eventually arrives on the scene as well, and the six of them take their seats on the long table across from you
  138. >They all have their expressions fitting to the situation; Curious, giddy, frightened, unimpressed, horrified, and misplaced
  139. >Celestia lifts the remaining cake detritus from your hat, and you smile
  140. 'Hello, Twilight and company. Celestia has told me much about you, but I assume she has told you little about me. I am Anonymous, but I also go by Big Hat. Maybe Big Hat Anon? Ha ha. Call me whatever you wish, and ask me whatever you desire. I shall answer them best I can.'
  142. >The rest of the day is a whirlwind - nay, a tempest- of activity
  143. >Twilight was a geyser of questions, to which you answered as best you could
  144. >It was like answering Celestia's questions all over again, but you gave the shorthand, Celestia saying she would give a further explanation on some topics that were too complex to answer in a short time
  145. >Rarity was gushing about how well you looked, and you figured she made it
  146. >In reality, it was a collaborative effort with a tailor in Canterlot named Needlework
  147. >You told her that she would collaborate more often, since this is the best clothes you've worn and seen
  148. >Pinkie Pie is full of her usual energy, and upon asking how you see in your giant hat, she was upside down and in your face
  149. >And somehow coming out of your hat
  150. >To this you responded, 'very carefully', which incited giggles all around
  151. >Rainbow Dash seemed unimpressed with you, just calling you a 'big stupid pile of cloth', which ticked off Rarity a bit, but you would impress her
  152. >You told her you knew the exact speed she was going when she preformed when preforming the Sonic Rainboom, both when she was a filly and during the flight competition, as well as the chemical composition and properties of liquid rainbow
  153. >A combination of meta and Equestrian knowledge left her aghast, the rest dumbfounded, and Twilight with the largest mareboner of her life
  154. >Poor girl looked like she was going to faint
  155. >Fluttershy and Applejack were somewhat quiet, but you listened to them when you could
  156. >The day was full of laughter, happiness and delicious food
  157. >You delighted in the company of others, and left a glowing impression on the main six and the other guests
  160. >The brunch concluded around 4 PM, but most of the guests had left
  161. >You, Celestia and the main six were the last ones left, and didn't notice until the staff urged you out, saying that they needed to prepare for an opening dinner
  162. >The eight of you stand and leave, and eventually you part ways
  163. >All the ponies would like to see you some time in Ponyville, and you say you'll have to ask really really nicely to Celestia and she might consider it
  164. >You ask Twilight to put in a good word for you, and she nod, while the rest of you laugh a bit
  165. >Celestia dismisses the guards, and they wearily teleport away
  166. >You wave one last time too the ponies, and soon you two are back in your chamber
  167. >You illicit an incredibly loud groan and flop onto the bed.
  168. 'Sweet blueberry FUCK I'm tried.'
  169. >Celestia gasps. 'Language, young man!'
  170. 'Yes, mother.' You say sarcastically. 'Argh, sorry. I don't know how you do it! I'm tired, bloated, and full of. . .pastry.'
  171. >She giggles and walks to the door. 'You learn to limit how much you eat at these events. I assume you don't want dinner?'
  172. >You confirm and she giggles, heading to the door and turning around, peaking her head in
  173. >'I might just have to look into getting you to visit Ponyville sometime.'
  174. >You don't really hear her, as your combined fatigue and the comfiness of the bed and the clothes lulls you into a deep slumber
  175. >You sleep with a smile on your face, and friendship in your heart
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