
Jgmenu for Polybar in i3 ArcoLinux | Rundown Building

Nov 15th, 2020
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  1. # verbosity = 0
  2. # stay_alive = 1
  3. # hide_on_startup = 0
  4. # csv_cmd = apps
  5. # tint2_look = 0
  6. # position_mode = fixed
  7. # edge_snap_x = 30
  8. terminal_exec = alacritty
  9. # terminal_args = -e
  10. monitor = 0
  11. hover_delay = 50
  12. # hide_back_items = 1
  13. columns = 1
  14. # tabs = 120
  15. menu_margin_x = 250
  16. menu_margin_y = 20
  17. menu_width = 200
  18. # menu_height_min = 0
  19. # menu_height_max = 0
  20. # menu_height_mode = static
  21. menu_padding_top = 5
  22. menu_padding_right = 5
  23. menu_padding_bottom = 5
  24. menu_padding_left = 5
  25. menu_radius = 5
  26. menu_border = 2
  27. # menu_halign = left
  28. # menu_valign = bottom
  29. # sub_spacing = 1
  30. # sub_padding_top = auto
  31. # sub_padding_right = auto
  32. # sub_padding_bottom = auto
  33. # sub_padding_left = auto
  34. # sub_hover_action = 1
  35. # item_margin_x = 3
  36. # item_margin_y = 3
  37. item_height = 25
  38. item_padding_x = 3
  39. item_radius = 7
  40. item_border = 4
  41. # item_halign = left
  42. # sep_height = 5
  43. # sep_halign = left
  44. # sep_markup =
  45. font = Bauhaus 12
  46. # font_fallback = xtg
  47. # icon_size = 22
  48. # icon_text_spacing = 10
  49. # icon_norm_alpha = 100
  50. # icon_sel_alpha = 100
  51. # icon_theme =
  52. icon_theme_fallback = xtg
  53. arrow_string = ▸
  54. arrow_width = 20
  55. color_menu_bg = #888884 50
  56. color_menu_border = #1e1613 80
  57. color_norm_bg = #ffe4b0 60
  58. color_norm_fg = #713b0c 90
  59. color_sel_bg = #455456 70
  60. color_sel_fg = #ffe4b0 100
  61. color_sel_border = #709ac3 50
  62. color_sep_fg = #ffffff 90
  63. color_scroll_ind = #4b0082 60
  64. color_title_fg = #4f433f 50
  65. color_title_bg = #000000 100
  66. color_title_border = #000000 0
  67. csv_name_format = %n (%g)
  68. # csv_single_window = 0
  69. # csv_no_dirs = 0
  70. # csv_i18n =
  71. # csv_no_duplicates = 0
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