
Bikini beaches - Greentext MLP

Feb 12th, 2014
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  1. >I wandered into Twilight's library, praying she wouldn't notice the colour change in my coat from where the bandages had been.
  2. >She was reading something, clearly trying to ignore Rainbow Dash talking to her. Well more at her to be specific.
  3. >Wait Rainbow Dash was here.
  4. >My mind flashed back to a few nights earlier where she had climbed into my hospital bed and fell asleep snuggled up against me.
  5. >She had just been as beaten up as I had. Of course we never found out who left the steam powered bear in the Everfree Forest.
  6. >But she had been terrified the first new nights in the hospital while we recuperated.
  7. >So had I.
  8. >"Uh Anon, do you need something?" Twilight asked me.
  9. "Hmm?"
  10. >I was snapped back into the present where Twilight was looking at me from over her book while Rainbow Dash pretended to be occupied.
  11. "Oh uh right. What was I going to ask?"
  12. >I swear this happened every time I ended up in the same room as RD.
  13. >For some reason my mind got all flustered. She was all I could think about.
  14. "Oh right! Umm so I just got here right?"
  15. >Twilight raised an eyebrow. "You've been here for almost two months now."
  16. "That doesn't count as just getting here?"
  17. >She shook her head and I sighed.
  18. "Anyways, I haven't seen much of the area around Ponyville and I heard there was a beach kind of nearby."
  19. >Twilight put the book away and laughed.
  20. "Anon, the beach is two hours away and that's if you take the train!"
  21. >Oh. Well that complicates things.
  22. "Ok well anyways. I was planning on checking it out."
  23. >Dash's ears perked up and she grabbed them.
  24. >"Oh well the beach is quite nice this time of year."
  26. "I've already got a swimsuit and everything."
  27. >"Then what do you need us for?"
  28. "I uh wanted to know if uh... Rainbow Dash wanted to come with me. The rest of you guys can come as well."
  29. >Rainbow Dash squeaked before covering her mouth with wide eyes.
  30. >"You okay there Dash?" Twilight called out. She nodded her head and mumbled something about stubbing her hoof. Twilight turned back to me, "Well Anon I can't come and I'm pretty sure the others are busy."
  31. "Oh then Dash are you interested?"
  32. >She mumbled something before suddenly bolting out of the library.
  33. >What did I do?
  34. >"Dash wait! Sorry about that Anon. She's been acting weird lately. Actually ever since she got out of the hospital. Did anything happen between you two there?" Twilight asked.
  35. >My face exploded in red as I tried to say no.
  36. "N-n... Nonothinghappened!"
  37. >"Don't worry, your secrets safe with me." Winked Twilight as she walked over to a bookshelf.
  38. >This is where I normally leave a conversation.
  39. >But this is Equestria.
  40. >So I left.
  41. "It's not what you think!" I yelled as I closed the door behind me.
  42. >"Sure it isn't!" Twilight yelled back.
  43. SLAM!
  44. >I blinked in the blinding light and sweltering heat of Ponyville.
  45. >It was easily hot enough to fry an egg, the chicken who laid it, and the guy who bought the chicken and decided to see if it could be fried.
  46. >(Ok time to find Rainbow Dash and see what that was all about.)
  47. >But first I had to head home and fix up that window I smashed earlier by accident.
  48. >I wandered down the worn dirt road leading to the outskirts of Ponyville where my house lay, desolate and lonely. No other houses to comfort it when it got sad.
  49. >Someon- er Somepony was sitting in front of it.
  50. >They had a Rainbow Mane.
  51. "Oh hey Dash!"
  52. >I waved my hoof, she looked up surprised, and then flew over, landing beside me gently.
  53. >"Uh hey Anon..." She looked flustered and was shuffling her hooves with each step. "About your question earlier... Uh I would like to actually go to the beach with you."
  55. "Really?"
  56. >"Yes. But umm is it ok if we go tomorrow? I'm a bit busy today."
  57. "Uh yeah sure no problem. Meet you at the train station early tomorrow?"
  58. >"Yeah! But you have to bring the picnic." She replied.
  59. >Picnic?
  60. >I can get behind that.
  61. "Deal"
  62. >"Alright thanks Anon!" She flew off, leaving me in front of my house.
  63. >Why did I head home again?
  64. >Oh right the window.
  66. >Rainbow Dash was anxious. She wanted to get a swimsuit for the beach tomorrow but she couldn't confess to her friends why.
  67. >Then again she couldn't confess to herself why she wanted to get the swimsuit.
  68. >She just felt things would go smoother if she had a swimsuit.
  69. >She thought about him standing there nervously, asking her if she was interested in coming to the beach with her and a smile broke out on her face.
  70. >Dammit.
  71. >She shook her head and dove towards Ponyville's downtown, coming to a rest in front of Rarity's Boutique.
  72. >She opened the door gently and winced when the bell rang.
  73. >"Coming coming, sorry I was head to toe in silk. Sweetie Belle where are you? You're supposed to be watching the door!" Rarity descended downstairs and looked at Rainbow Dash surprised.
  74. >"Oh Dash, I wasn't expecting to see you here. Come in darling!" She welcomed Dash inside.
  75. >Rainbow looked around apprehensively, she liked Rarity's place but it always reminded her of a circus tent.
  76. >"Is there something I can help you with?" Rarity questioned.
  77. "Oh uh right. I'm looking for a uh... swimsuit."
  78. >A coy smile appeared on Rarity's face and she dragged Rainbow deeper into the store, "This isn't about Anon is it?"
  79. "What no! I just wanted it for... uh! Never mind just show me what you have!"
  80. >Rarity pulled out a shelf covered in hundreds of different styles, shapes, and colours of swimsuits. Some were one piece, some were just bottoms, some were strange with built in sunhats and sunglasses. "Anything catch your interest?"
  81. >Rainbow Dash was stunned. How could she make up her mind with all these swimsuits?
  83. "Is there any you would suggest?"
  84. >Rarity scratched her chin thoughtfully before pulling out several different variants and putting them back. "Well what are you interested in? Something full body? Or something more revealing?"
  85. "What no! Not the second... what?! I'm not trying to seduce him!"
  86. >"Oh so you are meeting Anon. Also I never said you were trying to seduce him." Rarity smirked.
  87. "You implied it!"
  88. >"Did I? I simply suggested the more revealing swimsuit because they're far more comfortable. Especially if you're sitting close to somepony else." Rarity laughed at Rainbow Dash's rapidly reddening face. "Keep blushing like that Dash and you're gonna break a blood vessel."
  89. >Rainbow sighed.
  90. "So can you suggest a suit?"
  91. >"Well you never answered my question. Do you want something full body? Or something more revealing?" Asked Rarity.
  92. >She weighed her options. Which one would Anon like mo- No not that. Stop thinking like that.
  93. "Uh revealing. But just because you said it was more comfortable!"
  94. >"Right whatever you say darling." She held out a black and white swimsuit to Dash, "Try this one."
  95. >Dash tugged it on and pulled her tail through the hole, it was comfortable, there was no denial of that. But the colours felt weird. She couldn't quite put her hoof on it.
  96. "Do you have the same in a different colour?"
  97. >Rarity looked through the pile again before producing another one, it had a metal ring around the tailhole and was Rainbow coloured.
  98. >Dash pulled this one on and looked at it. The colours went well with her torso and tail, it also sat snugly around her hips, leaving just enough of her flank showing.
  99. "I guess I'll take this one then."
  100. >She pulled it back off and handed it to Rarity who packed it up with a bow. "20 bits." She said.
  101. >Rainbow handed her the money and took the package.
  102. "Thanks."
  103. >Rarity smiled, "Have fun with Anon tomorrow Dash!"
  104. >Dash blushed and ran off leaving a giggling Rarity in an empty store.
  106. Meanwhile:
  108. >I was nervous. I had to get something for a picnic!
  109. >What do ponies eat for a picnic at the beach?
  110. >Sandwiches?
  111. >Cereal?
  112. >(Let's go with sandwiches. Seems logical. Sandwiches and wine should work.)
  113. >(No not wine. Wine's too romantic.)
  114. >(Is it?)
  115. >I massaged my temples furiously while imagining a pros and cons list of bringing wine. The only cons were hangovers and it being possibly too romantic.
  116. >(Forget the wine. If there's a problem you can probably get something there)
  117. >I shook my head and walked back into my kitchen, laying out knives, bread, and a basket for tomorrow. The ingredients were kept in the fridge. Tomorrow morning I would assemble the sandwiches and meet Dash at the trainstation.
  118. >I then put away the 4 boxes of cereal I had taken out and headed to bed.
  120. >Lying down on my mattress, I poked at the thin parallel scars now lining my ribs from where the monster had attacked us. I remembered her screaming as it tore tree after tree down behind us, her look of shock after being grabbed and flung into the ground when she tried to fly away, the same look of shock when it broke two of my ribs.
  121. >We ended up wounding the creature but it was never found after what happened and a few weeks later, we were released from the hospital with fresh bandages.
  122. >That night I dreamed about how I first arrived in Equestria. When I was run over by the transport truck on the way to work. How the truck then backed over me again while the driver tried to figure out what he hit. I dreamed about waking up in Equestria with a Princess telling me that my soul had been grafted onto this new body.
  123. >I dreamed about being trained in magical combat by Twilight and physical combat by Rainbow Dash.
  124. >The first mainly involved me accidentally blowing myself up while the second involved her beating me up.
  125. >"Anon! Wake up!"
  126. >I sat up with a yell and looked around, standing in front of me was Rainbow Dash with a frantic look.
  127. "Dash? What's going on?"
  129. >She tugged me out of bed and ran to the front door. "Come on Anon! The train's about to leave!"
  130. >(Oh shit the sandwiches!)
  131. "Dash how much time do we have?"
  132. >"Uh if you need to back anything, you've got five minutes at the most." She called back.
  133. > I ran into the kitchen and began throwing lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, and mustard onto some bread slices and stuffing it all into the basket with a bottle of berry wine, two glasses, and a blanket. I also added some berries for added measure.
  134. >"You ready Anon?" Asked Dash from the entrance.
  135. "Uh yeah! Just let me grab my swimsuit."
  136. >I tossed the pair of pony shorts into a bag along with a towel and ran to the door.
  137. >She was waiting there with a similar bag and a pair of sunglasses resting on her forehead.
  138. >"Alright let's go we can't be late!" She ran out of the door with me in tow.
  139. >I could lock the do- ah whatever, there's nothing valuable inside.
  140. >"Anon hurry up!"
  141. "Im coming Dash!"
  142. >A few minutes later, I was sitting across from her as the doors to the train closed with a hiss.
  143. >She blinked sleepily and looked around, "What time is it?"
  144. >I checked my watch. I didn't have a watch. There was a clock in the train car though.
  145. "Uh just after 6am. Wow it's really early."
  146. >"Yeah no kidding." She lay back in her chair and rested her head on her shoulder, "You don't mind if I sleep do you?"
  147. "Nah I might get some shut eye myself."
  148. >I closed my eyes but was then interrupted by a rummaging sound. I looked down to see Dash going through my basket.
  149. "Hey what are you doing?"
  150. >"Checking to see what you brought." She muttered and lifted the bottle of wine.
  151. "Oh yeah. I figured we uh might want something... to drink."
  152. > She looked it over and grinned, "This is good wine. Nice idea Anon!"
  153. >Awesome.
  154. "So whatever happened to sleeping? I feel like we were just discussing that."
  155. >"Changed my mind. Wanna see what I brought?" She pulled her bag onto her lap and began to rummage through it, "I asked Pinkie for some ideas."
  157. >"Of course all she could think of was a beach ball and fireworks. I only brought the beach ball sorry." She chose not to tell him about the box of condoms Pinkie furiously tried to stuff in Dash's bag.
  158. "Huh awesome. We can play... whatever it is that ponies do with a beach ball."
  159. >What do ponies do with a beach ball?
  160. >"So like volleyball? Or just... I don't know. Throw it at other beachgoers?" She suggested.
  161. "Yes to the first... How about no to the second?"
  162. >Her shoulders drooped a bit but she brightened up before stretching her legs onto the seat beside her.
  163. >"Sooo. Why did you invite me to the beach?" She asked.
  164. >Dammit.
  165. >Of all the questions she could ask, why did she need to ask that one?
  166. "No rea-"
  167. >I caught her narrowed gaze and cleared my throat.
  168. "You seemed stressed after... what happened so I figured you might need something to brighten you up and what's brighter than a beach?"
  169. >"Oh... Well uh thanks." She said.
  171. We continued talking for the rest of the train ride. When the train came to a halt a few hours later, Dash was visibly excited to stretch her wings.
  172. >She jumped out of the train and immediately took off into the air with a whoop! Leaving me with the bags.
  173. "Dash you wanna ah never mind I've got it."
  174. >I dragged the bags off the train and after Dash who flew down towards the beach happily.
  175. >The beach was relatively empty save for various couples dotting it in the distance, leaving us with a mostly empty plot of sand and surf.
  176. >"Anon come on!" She called out and fell with a plop in the sand, rolling over and looking up at me excitedly.
  177. "Yeah yeah hold your horses. Heh."
  178. >I chuckled at my joke and slid down the hill towards her, she had put on her sunglasses and was now lying on her back.
  179. >"Jeez Anon could you go any slower?" She asked. I shrugged and dropped the bags beside her.
  180. "Move over I wanna put the blanket down."
  181. >She scootched to the side and I spread out the blanket.
  182. >"Hey Anon, did you get a umbrella?" She asked.
  183. >Crap.
  185. "Uh no. But how about I go looking for an umbrella and you find some changing stalls?"
  186. >She nodded and ran off, leaving a spray of sand.
  187. >(Alright time to find an umbrella. Maybe one of the boardwalk stands has one?)
  188. >I wandered up onto the boardwalk and headed to the first stall I saw. Behind it was a exhausted looking Earth Pony with a hat bearing the text "FunCo!"
  189. "Hey do you sell umbrellas?"
  190. >"Umbellers?" He asked thickly.
  191. "Yes."
  192. >"Nah. Check down the boardwalk and get outta my face." He muttered before throwing up a Closed sign.
  193. >The hell is with this boardwalk?
  194. >I walked farther down the path towards the next stall, this one containing a young unicorn with several piercings, including one through her horn!
  195. "Excuse me?"
  196. >She looked up and spat some gum on the ground. "Whaddya want?"
  197. "Do you sell umbrellas?"
  198. >She nodded and pulled one off the shelf. "5 bits."
  199. >I tossed her the coins and left, heading back to our beach spot where Rainbow Dash was back to sleeping.
  200. >"Didja find an umbrella?" She asked. I nodded. "What colour?"
  201. "Orange."
  202. >"Oh cool! I found a changeroom." She was wearing a towel over her lower half rested under the umbrella.
  203. "Really? So you got changed?"
  204. >She nodded and pointed farther down the beach where a few tents were standing. "Changing stalls over there."
  205. >I ran over ducked into one of the tents where I pulled on my shorts and walked back. She was still resting under the tower.
  206. "So why're you wearing the towel?"
  207. >She prodded at it and blushed. "My swimsuit is underneath and I-I'm a bit self conscious."
  208. >Suddenly there was a gust of wind and following it, a cloud of sand which blew in her faces! Rainbow Dash rolled over to avoid the sand but she caught her towel and pulled it off, revealing her bathing suit underneath!
  209. >Jesus that's adorable.
  210. >It should be illegal.
  211. >She let out a yelp and pulled the towel around her hips again. "Augh! You didn't see that did you?"
  212. "Sorry Dash but the damage has been done."
  214. >She sighed and let the towel fall from around her hips, her face turning a deep crimson and she shuffled her hooves.
  215. >"It is tmuh" She mumbled softly.
  216. "I'm sorry what was that?"
  217. >"It isn't too muh isn...?" She asked again.
  218. "Im sorry Dash but you're gonna have to speak up."
  219. >"I said uh... It isn't too much is it?" She covered her face and curled up.
  220. "No not at all. It's pretty cute actually."
  221. >Oh god what did I just say?
  222. >She smiled a bit and sat back up. "But I'm supposed to be the not.. cute one!"
  223. "Well I guess today, you're gonna have to break your rule."
  224. >She giggled a bit and stood up, grabbing the beach ball. "Come on, I'm playing you."
  225. >I followed her away from the towel, towards a much flatter part where she was waiting.
  226. "What happens if I win?"
  227. >She scoffed. "Like you could win against me. But let's say you do, I will do any one thing you say. Same applies to you if I win."
  228. >The gal drives a hard bargain.
  229. "Alright deal. Should we set up some ground rules for whoever wins? Like no suicide?"
  230. >She nodded. "No self mutilation, everything else is ok!"
  231. "Fine."
  232. >She tossed the ball into the air and smacked it at me with a loud slap! I tried to catch it with no avail and the ball thudded into the sand.
  233. "Alright your point."
  234. >I picked up the ball and flung it back at her where she caught it.
  235. "Hey I have a question. Why does a land where 90% of the population is nude have changing stalls?"
  236. >She flung the ball back where I caught it. "No idea. Equestria is pretty weird when you start to overthink things."
  237. >I threw the ball back to her and she caught it with her wings.
  238. "Weird. Hey how do we tell who wins? I mean this is just glorified catch."
  239. >She took off into the air and dove back down, choosing the throw the ball at the last second! The combination of trying to follow her and the ball causing me to fall over while she collided with the sand in a soft thump. "Ow!"
  240. >I got back to my feet where she was sitting up and prodding at her nose thoughtfully.
  242. "You alright Dash? How's the nose?"
  243. >She poked at it before sneezing a cloud of sand! "It's fine!"
  244. >There's no way she enjoyed that.
  245. "Back to the game?"
  246. >Yeah!" She called back and I tossed her the ball.
  248. >The game changed repeatedly after that, going from catch, to a swimming race, to a running race, to a splash fight, to a holding your breath contest, and finally a balancing the ball on your nose while the other pony splashes you with water contest.
  249. >Anyways long story short, she won and several hours after our contest had started, she stood over me triumphantly.
  250. >"So I won." She said with smirk.
  251. "Yes I suppose you have Dash. So what do you want me to do?"
  252. >She tapped her chin with a hoof, "Let's see. So many options. I could ask you to carry me for the whole day, or I could ask you to eat sand!"
  253. "You're sadistic you know that right?"
  254. >"I been called that before." She stretched her forelegs and rubbed her neck. "I want you... to uh give me a hoof massage!"
  255. >She wanted a what?
  256. >A hoof massage?
  257. >"I uh have sensitive hooves and the sand is starting to make them feel funny." She held one out at me.
  258. >They looked fine.
  259. "Y-you want me to massage your hooves?"
  260. >She nodded and walked over to the blanket, lying down and holding her left foreleg out in my direction. I grabbed the hoof and turned it over, it was a standard run of the mill pony hoof, felt like hard rubber and was covered in soft downy fur, thinner and shorter than the rest of her coat. I ran my hoof gently along hers and she shivered.
  261. >"Ooh that tickles." She mumbled softly. She was right about the sand though, there was a lot caught in the fur. I tried to brush most of it out but there were grains caught deep within. These would need to be worked out slowly and gently.
  262. >I massaged the fur and surface of her hoof as she cooed and stretched her rear legs out, getting more comfortable.
  264. >Her breathing began to speed up as I rubbed her hoof in small circles, her chest rising and falling, each time accompanied with a quiet squeak.
  265. >"Hah... hah.." Her sunglasses had fallen off of her face and she was now slowly moving the sand around with her hind legs.
  266. "Enjoying yourself there Dash?"
  267. >'Hah... Shu-shut up Anon." She groaned and massaged her belly softly, her eyes beginning to unfocus.She was really really getting into this.
  268. >I stopped my circular motions and started to rub my hoof up and down against the grain of her fur. Her eyes slammed shut as she squealed and fluttered her wings vigorously. "A-Anon!"
  269. >After about a minute of this I pulled my hooves away, causing her to let out a desperate whine as she looked at me pleadingly.
  270. "Come on, give me your other hoof."
  271. >She grinned and rolled over, holding her other foreleg out to me and closed her eyes with a deep breath.
  272. >Can a pony really be this sensitive? I mean I know wings are sensitive, but hooves as well?
  273. >She continued to pant, her other hoof slowly massaging all over her body, stopping occasionally to lightly tug at her tail, or pull the towel. "A-a... a- ah!"
  274. >Each caress of my hoof got her more worked up, her body beginning to rise off the tower as her breathing got heavier and heavier. Her other hoof now only tugging her tail between her legs, until suddenly she flashed her eyes open.
  275. >"A-a- Anon! Stop!" She cried out and sat up, looking flushed.
  277. >She panted heavily, her mane matted to her forehead from sweat, and let out a soft sigh. "Uh... You can stop now..."
  278. "Is everything ok? You got all serious all of a sudden. Did I hurt you or something?"
  279. >She crossed her legs and blushed furiously. "No it's nothing like that! You massaged my hooves and uh now my hooves are... massaged!"
  280. >She was still panting slightly, but she pushed her mane off her forehead and patted the towel down before examining her newly massaged hooves.
  281. >A few seconds later, she scootched over to the basket and began rummaging through it. "Let's have dinner and then we can uh... I don't know."
  282. "Are you sure you're ok Dash?"
  283. >She nodded and pulled out a sandwich. "Do you want this one?" She held it out to me. Her hoof was shaking slightly.
  284. "It's up to you."
  285. >"Ok." She took the sandwich and passed me the other one. I pulled out the wine and a pair of glasses, passing one to her and balancing the other one on the sand.
  286. >She began munching on her sandwich while I poured some wine for each of us, and took a sip. It tasted like... Wine. But with berries.
  287. >So basically wine.
  288. >"Anon I hate not having a coltfriend."
  289. "Hmm?"
  290. >I looked up at Rainbow Dash whos had drooped. She was shaking, possibly sobbing. "I said, I hate being single."
  291. "Uh... ummm..."
  292. >"I hate not being able to have a relationship with anypony. I always scare them off! I hate the fact that I've been single my entire life because they never call back after the first date!"
  293. "Dash I uh...
  294. >She held her hooves and began sobbing, "A-and then you invite me to this. Where it's romantic, and I'm trying desperately to not have feelings for you because I know I'll scare you off!"
  295. "Dash wait hold on!"
  296. >"But then you do stuff like bring wine, and I choose to get this swimsuit, and you give me a hoof massage, a-and everything!" She continued to bawl.
  297. >Crap.
  298. >Ok dude, just tell her.
  299. "Dash, I brought you here as a date."
  300. >She looked up, her cheeks streaked with tears, "I'm sorry?"
  302. "Dash, I asked you to come, because I hoped you would see this as a date."
  303. >Her eyes widened as it dawned on her. "Th-this is a date?" She sniffled and wiped her eyes.
  304. "Uh yeah if you want it to be."
  305. >She sat back, wide eyed. "But... I... Really?"
  306. "If you want it to be."
  307. >"Anon... I really like you but... uh let's say I want this to be a date, are you sure you'd be ok with that? Even after everything I just said?" She said nervously.
  308. >I nodded and she sniffled. "I really haven't scared you off?"
  309. "No Dash. It was nice seeing you open up for once."
  310. >She gave me a small smile, "I uh... thanks." A small bit of pink appeared on her cheeks before wiping her eyes again and picking up her wine glass. "Then it's a date!"
  311. >I held mine up and we clinked them together.
  313. About Half an Hour Later:
  315. >"Oh my god Anon!" She cried out, wriggling in excitement on the sand. She looked down between her legs where I was situated, working my hooves gently.
  316. "Alright want the other one now?"
  317. >She rolled over and extended her other hind leg in my direction, "Yes please. But watch out... I might kick you."
  318. >I caressed the hoof gently, making sure to brush as much sand out her fur before gently massaging the base. I slowly worked up her ankle, causing her to pant and chew on her mane. I waited as she looked at me pleadingly, her eyes wide and in want. I brushed my hoof gently against the end of her hoof, causing her to shiver and let out a soft whimper. "Anon..." She sighed.
  319. >I ground my hoof deep into hers, causing her to cry out and bury her head in the towel. She panted harder, a bead of sweat running down her back.
  320. >Why did they like these so much? I could barely feel anything!
  321. >I finished working her other hoof and blew the remaining sand grains off. She gave me a warm smile and rolled over, facing me. "Thanks..." She said and took another drink from her wine.
  322. "Hey anytime."
  323. >She smiled and rolled over onto her back again with a giggle.
  325. >"Aw crap Anon..." She stood up, "We still have to take the train back to Ponyville."
  326. >(Really? Damn she's right.)
  327. "How much wine is left?
  328. >"Uh... about half the bottle." She chuckled and bent over, reaching for her bag.
  329. >Don't look at her ass. Don't look at he- Whoah!
  330. >There was a clear dark stain on the crotch of her swimsuit.
  331. >(So that's why she likes getting her hooves massaged.)
  332. > I looked away and tried to focus the sand. However my eyes had a will of their own and I kept being drawn back to her rear.
  333. >How can a pony be that sensitive to simple hoof stimulation? Is it like that with all pegasi?
  334. >"Anon? Can you grab the basket and the towels?" She asked and handed me them.
  335. >Stop staring at her crotch. She's gonna notice.
  336. >Then things are gonna get a whooooole lot more awkward.
  337. >"Alright you ready to go?" She asked, her sunglasses resting back on her forehead.
  338. "Uh what? Yeah sure."
  339. >(Stop. Staring. At. Her. Crotch.)
  340. >"Whoops!" Her sunglasses fell off and she leaned down to pick them up, her tail swiping to the side.
  341. >Fuck.
  343. >"So Anon, what are we gonna do about the wine?" We were standing just outside of the station now, the half full bottle standing between us.
  344. "Uh... We could just leave it?"
  345. >"I was gonna suggest chugging it. Or maybe we could bring it back to ponyville and... uh finish it?"
  347. "Yeah sure lets do that."
  348. >"Awesome!" She hopped onto the train and held out a hoof. I took it and we walked to our seats.
  349. >She unlike the previous ride, she chose to sit beside me, leaning against my shoulder as the train chugged out of station.
  350. Chak Chak
  351. >Dash was now asleep, using my arm as a pillow, and letting out soft snores. Her sunglasses had fallen off her forehead and were now hanging off of her ear.
  352. >I smiled, watching her sleep. She was happy, snuggled up against my side.
  354. Chak Chak
  356. >She had moved in her sleep and was now resting on my lap.
  357. >I brushed her mane out of her face and she sighed, curling her forelegs on her chest.
  358. >"Hurmh... Murgh... Nn" She mumbled something and stirred, her brow furrowing slightly.
  362. >"Ghaah!" She sat up with a yell. "What happened?"
  363. "Just the train Dash."
  364. >"Oh ok..." She mumbled and lay back down on my lap. "Hey Anon?"
  365. "Yeah?"
  366. >She blushed, "Are you uh... busy tomorrow?"
  367. "Yeah I have work, but I can call in sick."
  368. >"It would be cool. If we could hang out again." She fell back asleep in my arms.
  369. >Not long after that, the train pulled into Ponyville Station with a puff of steam. The sky was an inky black and cloudy.
  370. >"Mmm... What time is it Anon?" Dash yawned as we stepped off the station.
  371. "About 1am. We probably should have left earlier."
  372. >"Yeah. So are we heading to your place?" She trotted up beside me.
  373. "Uh sure?"
  374. >"Well I figured we would be, seeing as how I'm carrying your wine." She smirked and shook the bag as we headed out of the station and back into Ponyville.
  375. >We were the only ponies out at this time. Although the fact that it was 1am was probably a contributing factor. We headed back out of town and towards my house, Rainbow Dash happily trotting beside me, until I felt something tugging at my tail!
  376. "What th... Dash?"
  377. >She had her tail entwined with mine, pulling me closer. "Isn't this what ponies do on a date? You said humans hold hands so isn't this kind of the same thing?"
  379. >Dash and I sat across from each other, the bottle now lying on the floor empty. We were both a bit on the tipsy side. Her being a tad drunker than I was. She let out a giggle and flopped onto the floor, playing with the bottle.
  380. >I stood up with a sway and grabbed the wall for balance.
  381. >Ok maybe I was a tad drunker than I thought.
  382. >"Ha! Can't hold your liquor eh Anon?" Dash burst out laughing and when back to spinning the bottle around.
  383. "Dash you've been playing with an empty bottle for five minutes."
  384. >"Doesn't mean I'm drunk, it just means I'm easily amused!" She replied in a mock british accent. She then burst out laughing again, "In all seriousness, I'm not that drunk. Have you seen Berry Punch? Now thats drunk."
  385. "No I haven't met Berry Punch sorry."
  386. >"Oh well ya gotta meet her! I've never seen her sober!" She stood up beside me and picked up the empty bottle with her teeth. "You cleanin' Uhap?"
  387. >I nodded and she trotted over into the kitchen with me, tossing the bottle into the recycling while I tossed the glasses in the sink. "What time is it?"
  388. "Uh almost 3am."
  389. >"Oh... I should probably... get going?" She clearly didn't want to leave. But she didn't want to overstay her welcome.
  390. >Just let this one play out Anon, don't get involved.
  391. >"Uh so... I guess I'll leave..." She turned towards the door and opened it slowly. "This was a fun night Anon."
  392. >Oknevermindthatwasaterribleidea!
  393. "Wait Dash!"
  394. >She turned around with a curious but hopeful smile. "Hmm?"
  395. "Uh would you like to... stay the night? It's pretty late and y'know."
  396. >She looked at me, then to the door, then back to me. "Umm Anon..."
  397. "Yeah?"
  398. >She ran at me head first and slammed her lips against mine!
  399. >Wasn't the most pleasant to be honest.
  400. >Kind of hurt.
  401. >Probably because she hit me, and may have possibly chewed on me as well.
  402. >She pulled back with watery eyes. "Oh no Anon, your lip. I'm so sorry!"
  403. >I pulled her in a tight hug.
  404. "It's ok."
  406. >We fell into my bedroom upstairs, kissing furiously, her still wearing the swimsuit before I slipped and we fell down with a thud.
  407. >I looked up to see Dash grinning at me, "Hi."
  408. "Hey."
  409. >She kissed me again before pulling a bag over to us. "Why is my bag up here?"
  410. >You rack your mind as to how it could have ended up there.
  411. "Uh I might have thrown it up here, thinking it was my bag."
  412. >She tossed the bag behind her and went back our furious kissing, my hooves found their way around her rear and beg-
  414. Clatter!
  416. >Behind her something had fallen out of the bag, a small cardboard box with a smiling... condom?
  417. "Dash are those condoms?"
  418. >She spun around on top of me with a panicked look. "Oh dammit Pinkie Pie snuck them in after all!
  419. >She reached over and grabbed the box. "Think we might need one tonight?"
  420. >I nodded and she fell on top of me with more kisses. After that, most of the night became a blur. It could have something to do with the second bottle of wine we found under my bed.
  422. >The next day I opened my eyes with a groan, the hangover wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but my head still hurt. At least Dash still seemed comfortable, nested in my arms with her head under my chin. Somepony was also knocking at the door.
  423. >(Sorry Dash.) I pushed her out of my arms and she protested sleepily, reaching for me even as I clambered out of the bed and stumbled downstairs.
  424. >I opened to door to see a very angry Twilight glaring at me.
  425. "Mmhn... What?"
  426. >"Where's Rainbow Dash!" She yelled and stormed into my house.
  427. "What?"
  428. >"I said where is Rainbow Dash? You left with her yesterday and we haven't seen her since!"
  429. "Oh she's upstairs..."
  430. >Twilight stormed up into my bedroom angrily.
  431. "Oh wait you might not wanna go in there!"
  432. >She raised an eyebrow before kicking the door in, showing the trashed state of my room and Rainbow Dash, lying spread eagle on my mattress. Well only for a second because she sat up with a yell and then held her head. "What th- Twilight?!"
  434. >Twilight began yelling, "What are you doing in Anon's bed!?" Then she stopped and looked around the room. "Oh."
  435. >At the foot of the bed was a pile of wet towels, with Rainbow Dash's swimsuit lying on top. Sheets were flung all over the room, one hanging from a chair, another stuffed under a desk, the third had been used as a rudimentary pillow by one of us. There was an empty wine bottle rolling on the floor, a open box of condoms with at least two wrappers sticking out from amongst the mess.
  436. >"You guys did it huh." She asked. Rainbow Dash let out and eep and hid under the blankets while I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.
  437. "Well uh.. yeah we did it umm-"
  438. >Dash poked her head out and looked off the side of the bed and under the blankets before mouthing "Three times?"
  439. "Yeah we uh... There was wine, and the box was in her bag..."
  440. >Dash hid under the blanket again...
  441. >Twilight shook her head, "Spare me the details. But it was about time."
  442. >Rainbow Dash sat back up, "What's that supposed to mean!?"
  443. >"It means for the last week, the sexual tension between the two of you has been so thick I was worried one of you might get crushed!"
  444. >Dash blushed furiously again and stammered, "W-what? There's been no sexual t-tension! You're crazy! Go away you're in my- Anon's room!"
  445. >Twilight smiled and opened the bedroom door. "Well anyways, you might want to clean up seeing as Applejack and Rarity are heading over to make sure you're ok."
  446. >And with that, she was gone. Rainbow Dash motioned for me to come back to bed, a sly smile on her face. "Comeon we got half an hour buddy."
  447. "Alright."
  448. >I never found out if Applejack or Rarity showed up. Either they were too embarrassed to admit they may have walked in on something, or we had fallen asleep together afterwards and missed them altogether. Either way, they were still happy to see us together. Just like we were.
  450. The End.
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