
TroyL: Greatest Grandfather?

Aug 10th, 2014
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  1. <djkaktus> I too am roget.
  2. <Riemann> And Troy is like, my grandfather
  3. <MisterFlames> cat
  4. <djkaktus> flames is cat
  5. <Zyn> this is the best.
  6. <Zyn> Someone draw a family tree.
  7. <Riemann> ahahaha
  8. <Zyn> flames is at the top
  9. <Riemann> That would be fun
  10. <Zyn> because cat
  11. <djkaktus> I count two rogets, riemann has two dads, one of whom is also his son,
  12. <djkaktus> there is a grandfather somewhere but we cant seem to find him
  13. <Riemann> Dude, Troy would be a great grandfather
  14. <Zyn> and the cat.
  15. <djkaktus> no, he'd be your grandfather.
  16. <djkaktus> Not your great grandfather
  17. <Zyn> Riemann: as in great grandfather, or great-grandfather?
  18. <Riemann> booo
  19. <djkaktus> *dadjokes*
  20. <Riemann> As in good at being a grandfather
  21. <Zyn> ahaha
  22. <Zyn> as opposed to an old one
  23. <Riemann> Yes
  25. <Zyn> He's a flying squirrel. He's effectively immortal.
  26. * MisterFlames wins, because cat.
  27. <Zyn> ^
  28. <Zyn> :(
  29. <djkaktus> TroyL would be the kind of grandfather that poops on the middle of thanksgiving dinner table and laughs while the inlaws try and clean it up.
  30. <Zyn> ...
  31. <Zyn> gros
  32. <Riemann> I think he's a little classier than that
  33. * MisterFlames loans Zyn cat.
  34. <djkaktus> Fiiiine
  35. * Zyn runs around with cat
  36. <djkaktus> poops /underneath/ the table.
  37. * Zyn weee
  38. <djkaktus> goodness.
  39. <Riemann> He would volunteer to do the sex talk with his grandson, then end it with "And I may be old fashioned, but 12 inches is enough for any woman."
  40. <Zyn> Ladies and gentlemen, staffchat. :|
  41. <djkaktus> Riemann that's much better than mine.
  42. <Riemann> Troy goes for the long con
  43. <Riemann> Feel free to quote it
  44. <djkaktus> He takes his grandson to go bowling and makes him use the heaviest ball
  45. <djkaktus> and tells him to sack up when he cant roll it.
  46. <djkaktus> "you dont got a war to toughen you up, boy"
  47. <djkaktus> "this here bowling ball should do the trick"
  48. <Wogglebug> Hahahahahahhaahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  49. <Riemann> "The sun is only the size of a quarter, kiddo."
  50. <Riemann> "Can't believe everything you read in books."
  51. <Zyn> ....
  52. <Zyn> TroyL as Calvin's dad.
  53. <djkaktus> "Rain? That's just god pissing on the earth. He's a real jokester"
  54. <Zyn> Man.
  55. <Riemann> Is
  56. <Riemann> Exactly that
  57. <Zyn> Alright boys I need to go eat dinner.
  58. <Vivax> Holy shit
  59. <Vivax> What is this
  60. <Zyn> Play nicely together until I get back.
  61. <Vivax> What is happening.
  62. <Zyn> Vivax: Welcome to hell.
  63. <Zyn> May we take your order.
  64. <Riemann> Troy as a grandfather, Vivax
  65. <djkaktus> Vivax come and join
  66. <Wogglebug> Vivax: Shhhhh
  67. <Vivax> XD
  68. <Vivax> I'd love grandpa troy
  69. <Zyn> Anyway yeah. BBL all.
  70. <djkaktus> TroyL walks naked around his house and waves at passing cars
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