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- ********* DO NOT BEGIN TWEETING UNTIL 5PM EST / 2PM PST *********
- #OpRohingya Twitterstorm Package!
- Objective:
- Raise Awareness in social media for the international panic required to save the Rohingya people.
- Date & Time: Sunday, March 24, 2013
- Instructions:
- Copy + Paste these tweets. Do not retweet, the hashtag will not trend.
- If you are writing your own tweets, make sure to include the #RohingyaNOW hashtag!
- You do not need to post more than once every five minutes, especially to avoid suspension of your account.
- Background & #OpRohingya Press Release:
- Official #OpRohingya Video:
- -------====== #RohingyaNow - Set 1 ======-------
- Tweets:
- Muslim kids from Meiktila. Last week they had a home. Now they begin a new life. Prisoners in a stadium. #RohingyaNOW
- Myanmar, Shining New Hope for Global Oil Giants Why the West stays silent. #RohingyaNOW
- #RohingyaNOW trying to escape GENOCIDE have been shot beaten tortured raped sold kidnaped imprisoned starved & drowned by Burma & neighbours
- Rohingya fleeing from ethnic cleansing are refused refugee status in many neighboring countries. #RohingyaNOW
- #EthnicCleansing of Muslim Minorities in Burma is imminent and requires international panic to intervene. Raise Awareness NOW #RohingyaNOW
- Western countries ignore the plight of these 800,000 people as they scramble to sign contracts with 'reformed' Myanmar. #OpRohingya
- URGENT Already the violence in Burma has spread beyond the Rohingya to include all Muslims and all non-Buddhists. #RohingyaNOW
- Premeditated attack on the #RohingyaNOW is currently ongoing. They have made hate speeches, distributed weapons and flyers to incite hatred.
- The impunity of the Myanmar government ends today. The eyes of the world are now on you Burma. #RohingyaNOW
- Ethnic Cleansing: More than 100,000 Muslim Rohingya were driven from their homes in 2012. Many were lost at sea. #RohingyaNOW
- "Buddhist Nationalism in Burma. Institutionalized racism... led to GENOCIDE in Burma." #RohingyaNOW
- It's called persecution and ethnic cleansing, not ethnic clashes. The #Rohingyas have no weapons. #RohingyaNOW
- We do not see ethnic violence 'flare up' in Myanmar, we see ethnic violence nurtured and sheltered by those in power. #RohingyaNOW
- Don't be fooled, the government is complicit in this. The army doesn't just look away, they rape, murder and abuse the #RohingyaNOW.
- In all of the reports the police watched as the angry mob burned their way through the city. State sponsored ethnic cleansing. #RohingyaNOW
- They try to call the massacres of #RohingyaNOW a conflict between people of Myanmar. It's not. The govt stoked the fire. Armed the people.
- Death toll beyond 100 forget 10 & there r no "clashes" @PressTV ‘Myanmar clashes death toll rises to 10’ #RohingyaNOW
- Footage of the #RohinyaNOW devastation. Burning & burned down houses & mosques this wk: MEIKTILA VIOLENCE MARCH 2013
- Muslims in Burma from Meiktila transported to the latest 'camp'. Organised GENOCIDE #RohyingyaNOW
- When your city goes up in flames.... This is not sectarian violence, but religious persecution. #RohingyaNOW
- -----====== #RohingyaNOW - Set 2 ======-------
- Tweets:
- #RohingyaNOW: I have been in complete shock ever since i learned about #OpRohingya & how NO mainstream media outlet is covering it. #Disgrace
- Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced out of their homes to face rape, torture, prison and death. #RohingyaNOW
- This is a planned attack. Same as last year and and world ignores because it is economically inconvenient to bother with it. #RohingyaNOW
- The #RohingyaNOW are Described by the @UN as being amongst the most persecuted people in the world Burma Myanmar
- In '11 @foreignoffice pledged to continue to support positive changes in Myanmar Was Will Hague asleep? #RohingyaNOW
- NaSaKa, the Myanmar police that is accomplice 2 genocide "has repression down to a fine art" acording to #RohingyaNOW
- Another @wikileaks cable: "Burma's military machine is top-down, xenophobic.. and crave respect" #RohingyaNOW
- The Myanmar military uses agent system, compromised of Buddhist Rakhines to monitor/extort the Rohingya #RohingyaNOW
- Western countries ignore the plight of these 800,000 people as they scramble to sign contracts with 'reformed' Myanmar. #RohingyaNOW
- There are 20,500 refugees in different locations in #Meiktila, where four days ago, 160 died, 13 mosques & 3 schools burnt down.
- Entire Ywar Tan village in Yamethin was burnt down to ash by Buddhists. 1,000 people marched to 2 other villages. Myanmar. #RohingyaNOW
- Tortured, burned bodies lie in town of Meikhtila #RohingyaNOW
- Want to risk another Rwanda? The plight of the Rohingya in Myanmar is widely ignored by MSM. Don't let it be too late, again. #RohingyaNOW
- Maybe if al Qaida showed up the West would notice? #RohingyaNOW
- What's going on in #Myanmar isn't ethnic clashes; it's straight up ethnic CLEANSING. #RohingyaNOW
- More than 1200 families - at least 6000 - were forced to leave their homes this week. #RohingyaNOW
- Dear @nytimes When will the "religious rioting" occuring in Myanmar be called what it is? GENOCIDE #RohingyaNOW
- Dear @UN & @StateDept, Silence is a War Crime. #RohingyaNOW
- A simple request from Muslim leaders in Burma: please protect us, our homes... #RohingyaNOW
- Exiled To Nowhere. Story of the #Rohingya people of Burma told in photos: #RohingyaNOW
- -----====== #RohingyaNow - Set 3 - Picture Tweets ======-------
- Picture Tweets: The following photos are from #Meikhtila where the attacks started. Some are very graphic. We need to stop this before it spreads more
- Muslims burned on side of the road by mob of Buddhists & monks while the police did nothing #Meikhtila #RohingyaNOW
- #Meikhtila Muslim family after fleeing for their lives, all they could do is look on as their city burns #RohingyaNOW
- Muslims escorted out of #Meikhtila w/ their hands above their heads. Victims treated like criminals #RohingyaNOW
- A mob was allowed to destroy loot burn & kill their way through #Meikhtila. & the police did nothing. #RohingyaNOW
- GRAPHIC In #genocide they don't just kill. they make victims suffer to the max! #Burma #Muslims #RohingyaNOW
- The police let the#969 neo-Nazi burn all the Muslim houses. #Meikhtila #RohingyaNOW
- Silence is betrayal. Men, women, and children are screaming for help. No nations will take them. #RohingyaNOW
- A Buddhist monk brings food to those locked away in the stadium. This here, is #Buddhism & #Islam. #RohingyaNOW
- She might've lost home or business & have nothing more than she could carry but they r lucky to be alive #RohingyaNOW
- Police & army arrive in numbers in #Meikhtila. Too late for the 1000s displaced & 100s of dead Muslims. #RohingyaNOW
- While these kids r lucky to not have been beaten&burned on their way from school, their fear is evident. #RohingyaNOW
- After all those years living in #Meikhtila this old lady is probably left wondering why this happened. #RohingyaNOW
- They didn't stop the massacre, but refreshing to see rare kindness from #Myanmar police towards Muslims. #RohingyaNOW
- Is their makeshift camp in the stadium a permanent fixture? "Locked away for their safety." #RohingyaNOW
- Letters from Arakan State. 120,000 #Rohingyas still in refugee camps after last year's massacre. #RohingyaNOW
- Please watch and share: Rohingya SOS: #RohingyaNOW The world's most persecuted people.
- [GRAPHIC] These poor babies burned & beaten to death by Buddhists mob & their leaders the #969 monks. #RohingyaNOW
- This all happened under the watchful eyes of the police. Where is law & order? Not in #Meikhtila #RohingyaNOW
- Tied up & then beat to death any Muslims they could find. #Meikhtila #RohingyaNOW
- They left dozens of burned bodies in their wake. #Meikhtila #RohingyaNOW
- These are the #969 monks responsible for the hate campaign, the destruction and deaths of 100's in #Meikhtila alone.
- The monks inciting hatred and fueling the mobs. #Meikhtila Massacre #RohingyaNOW
- Inciting hatred and fueling the mobs, the monks of #969 raged on. #Meikhtila #Massacre #RohingyaNOW
- The #969 monks colluding with police and army forces during the #Meikhtila #Massacre #RohingyaNOW
- PS. Message to Burma: We know. We are Legion. We do not forget. We do not forgive. Expect us. #OpRohingya
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