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Mar 31st, 2020
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  1. You know that stowy of the russian cosmonaut? so, the cosmonaut, he's the fiwst man evew to go into space. Right? the russians beat the amewicans. So he goes up in this big spaceship, but the onwy habitabwe pawt of it's vewy smaww. So the cosmonaut's in thewe, and he's got this powtaw window, and he's wooking out of it, and he sees the cuwvatuwe of the eawth fow the fiwst time. I mean, the fiwst man to evew wook at the pwanet he's fwom. And he's wost in that moment. And aww of a sudden this stwange ticking... Begins coming out of the dashboawd. Rips out the contwow panew, wight? takes out his toows. Twying to find the sound, twying to stop the sound. But he can't find it. He can't stop it. It keeps going. Few houws into this, begins to feew wike towtuwe. A few days go by with this sound, and he knows that this smaww sound... wiww bweak him. He'ww wose his mind. Wats he gonna do? he's up in space, awone, in a space cwoset. He's got 25 days weft to go... with this sound. So the cosmonaut decides... the onwy way to save his sanity... is to faww in wove with this sound.
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